Love begets hate

"Yes you did."he smiled shifting sighing a little as he pressed a kiss to her head."we should be getting up."He said sighing. Disliking the idea of facing the problems waiting them.
She smiled, "Yes, I'm glad you did too." Cissa sighed softly not wanting to get up, wishing that everything that had happened was a dream. Unfortunately that would be too easy. "Do we have to?" She asked not wanting to deal with everything, no problems for once she wanted to be the child and Bellatrix to be the adult. Bellatrix was at once mature, and in charge of everything, but her mind was partually melted from Azkaban making her like a child.
Rudolphus snorted laughing."If we don't, no one will.With our luck, our spouses would leave it to draco to sort things out.He said laughing at the idea shaing his head/
Narcissa sighed, "Good point, Oh goodness that would be a mess, you're right..I guess we have too then." She sighed again streching, then sitting up. "How should we do this?" She questioned.
"think Bella'd be off put if I shoved Lucius out the window?"He asked amused as he got up, stretching as he headed for the door.
"Yes, She would but she can't do anything let alone move right now, she's weak and sore. Plus I had to take her wand away, I'd be sad if you pushed him out the window, it's not all his fault, push Bella with him!" She stated then stood following after him.

Bellatrix was still asleep in bed being over exhusted from the miricle of birth, she felt miserable though she should be happy. But after hurting the other two so badly, there was no way for her to fix it.
Rudolphus laughed a little walking in the room, pain flickering over his face as he studied the two curled up together.

"morning..."Lucius yawned raising a eyebrow as he looked at the two, laying close but not to close. As if he couldn't decide if he was angry with bellatrix or not
Narcissa followed him inside of the room where her husband and her viper sister lay. Narcissa was pain in both looks and heart, she had never thought it would come to something like this. Over the years she grew fondly of her husband, thay had a son, they shared practically everything. Her life was great but now she was torn, knowing slightly what her sister had felt like 20 years ago. She couldn't bare to look at Lucius at the moment, too much pain, she didn't really mind so much before when he rested with Bella in order to help her but now it was too much. "Morning...." she stated softly.

Bellatrix shifted but didn't wake, still seized over with sleep.
Lucius bit his lip as he moved away sitting up slowly as he looked at his wife, swallowing hard as he stood. Walking over to her he sighed softly looking dodwn at her."Cissy...we need to talk.WE cant live like this...its not fair to either."He said, sadness pain and love in that look.He'd grown to love his wife, but not with that all consuming passion he had for belllatrix.
Narcissa closed her eyes tightly, tears escaping them. "I know...Lucius I know. No it's not fair," Cissy stated pained, she looked up at him, seeing his pain, then looking down at her ring. She should have known he wasn't her's, he was never her's, he belonged with Bellatrix which was well proven. "I love you...but you're not mine..." Narcissa slid off her wedding ring, "I...release you Lucius, you are no longer bound to me..." She stated, saddened, pain, and love behind her words.

Bellatrix stirred again, hearing something going on. Her eyes opened slowly, looking around, she saw the three of them by the door. 'What's going on?' she thought, her head was pounding. Then she heard light sobbing, "Cissy?....Are you okay...?" she asked half concerned and half asleep.
Rudy swallowed hard,giving the other two a light shove out the door."Go. I need to talk to her."He muttered getting them out of the room as he shut the door, walking over to the bed and sitting down on the edge of the bed."Shhh it's okay."

Lucius stared at her holding the ring, sadness and pain in his grey eyes before he wrapped her in a hug, holding her tightly. Shuddering a little. Happy but heartbroken to. having come to love her more then he thought he would, but far less then what she deserved."I'll always love you.And we have draco."He muttered kissing her head, holding her tightly.
Narcissa nodded walking out of the door with Lucius. As he hugged her close she wrapped her arms tightly around him, feeling him shudder. Tears fell from her eyes, "And I will always love you too Lucius, yes we have Draco..." She stated then as she realizied she took a deep breath. "Draco what's he to think?" She whispered airily nuzzling into him.

Bellatrix watched them closely through half open eyes, once the door was shut her eye's followed Rudolphus till he sat down on the edge of the bed. Bellatrix closed her eye's a moment, then opened them again. Bella nodded slightly, stopping to swallow.. "I'm...I'm soo sorry...I should've said something..." Bellatrix stated weakly and sincerely, she did feel awful that she hadn't bore Rudolphus a child, she had tried but it wasn't to be. Bellatrix was his wife she felt bad, though she had gotten her wish to have Lucius's children. Bellatrix had never treated her husband fairly, always giving him the raw deal.
Lucius laughed painfully, amused a little."I think he will eb relieved to be no longer keeping anyone's secrets."He sighed, "And happy to know he wont be abandoned."he sighed, worried to, about his son."We should talk to him soon."

Rudolphus shrugged a little staring at the floor, quiet for a few long moments."...I want a divorce."He said quietly, shuddering a little with the pain of letting go, and guilt for having fallen for narcissa.
"Yes that might be a plus for him, no more secrets. No, No one is leaving him...he knows thats." She started brightly then dulled no longer sure, after all he was afraid to be abandoned, not knowing how deep this fear was. "That would be a good idea." she stated not wanting to keep this from him, trying to figure how all of this was to work out.

Bellatrix had laid her head back down onto the pillow, as they were quiet. Until hearing what Rudolphus had said, she slowly sat up right one hand holding her head while the other held her stomach. She blinked as what he said sunk in, looking down unable to look at his face, "....Alright..." She stated weakly and actually sadly. Maybe she had like Rudolphus more than she thought she did. "I'm sorry I wasn't a 'good' wife..." she stated swallowing. Though she was actually quite thrilled that he was devorcing her, then she was saddened though he was devorcing her, Lucius would still be with Narcissa, not knowing that they split up as well, she couldn't be "alone" with twins, not knowing how to care for them, on top of that she remembered that The Dark Lord Had sort of adopted her children and now that they were Lucius's what would he think... Her mind was going haywire, shuting down, the crazy glint in her eyes appeared and disappeared, her breathing started to increase.
Lucius nodded, pulling away from her, wrapping a arm around her waist, heading for the boy's bedroom, knocking on the door lightly. Smiling a little at the sleepy come in they got in return. smiling as they walked inside."Draco?"he said smiling a little at his sleepy son who looked at them curiously.

Rudolphus shuddered a little not looking at his wife, his heart hurting at the idea of letting her go."I'll...I'll still help you with them.And you wont be alone. Lucius is getting divorced to."He said, his voice bitter on the last words before he sighed,tilting his head."I'm sorry I wasn't him...and that I wasn't enough."He said moving to get up.
Narcissa put a warm smile on trying to think how they were going to tell their son, "Wake up Love," she stated softly. Pain still present in her eyes. "We need a word with you....Draco...Your father and I love you very dearly...but we are no longer...." Narcissa statred but couldn't finish telling their son that they we're no longer married. She seemed to have lost the words.

Bella nodded her head slightly when he said he would still help her, relieving part of her mind. Bellatrix tilted her head at his statement, Then a great joy and pain filled her. Lucius and her "perfect" little sister were getting a divorce as well.Bell jumped slightly as his voice became bitter. That last line, broke her heart before Azkaban she tried, she really tried to love him...but she couldn't she couldn't give up the pain of losing her love. She was going to have his child maybe if the child had lived and they never went to Azkaban things could have been different. She bit her lip as tears started to fall,looking at him then her hand, she removed his ring slowly placing it on the table.
Draco jerked up, panic filling those malfoy eyes, so grey and wide as he startled awake."No longer what?living here?You're leaving!you can't do that."He babbled, wincing as his ather sat on the edge of the bed, gently touching his hair."Shhh Draco. We're not going anywhere."Lucius muttered trying to sooth his son.

Rudolphus swllowed hard looking at their rings sitting on the table, pain in his voice as he sighed."They're talking to Draco now I assume.Do you want me to send either of them here after?"He asked finally looking at her, biting his lip a little.
"Calm yourself love, no ones leaving...let me finish...your father and I are...spitting up..." She stated finally she didn't mean to worry Draco. "We're no longer happy....and neither is uncle Rudy and auntie Bella." She stated, they hadn't been happy since the start well Rudolphus was for a little while.

Bellatrix stared at her lap as he walked away, "It doesn't matter..." Pain was in her voice, Bella had her own abandonment issuses, first when her and Lucius split, then the defeat of Voldemort, then 14 years alone in Azkaban, and now this. She looked up at him, her body shook slightly.
"I know."Draco said biting his lip studyin his parents, still looking anxious."You'll be happier apart?" Lucius nodded a little."We should have years ago Draco.but none of us will leave you.I promise."

Rudy swallowed hard, hearing the pain in her voice moving back to sit next to her, gently stroking her hair, avoiding her eyes."i wish I could make this easier for you Bella."He muttered
Narcissa looked down at her hands, as she wrung them. "Yes thats a fact, no one will leave you, We all love you very much." She stated sincerely.

Bellatrix watched through her hair as he came back to her, She looked at him as he stroked her hair. "There's nothing that could be done Rudolphus...I'm too far gone everybody knows that..." She stated though partically how she was when she was younger the years in Azkaban made her childlike, and mentally destroyed her sense.
Draco looked relieved, smiling a little as he shifted, cuddling into his mother's arms."Oh....good."He muttered hugging her tightly, starting to fall back asleep with the assurance everything would be okay.

"Lucius makes it better.You're easier with him."He said with a smile, leaning over kissing her head."I'll stay until Draco comes looking for you."He said shifting, laying down next to her.Looking at peace with everything.
Narcissa held onto him rocking him back and forth gently, petting his hair. She wouldn't be leaving for awhile now that Draco had hold of her. She looked at Lucius, "You can go to her if you like, I've got him." she smiled at him knowing he was probably worried about her.

Bellatrix was so confused with how to feel, it didn't make sense anymore. She blinked then nodded her head, laying back down. Closing her eyes her hand closed around his.
Lucius bit his lip, standing leaning down to kiss her forehead."I'll be back to chekc on you later."he muttered before walking out, tilting his head as he walked into bella's bedroom, smiling slightly at her."Bella?"He said softly, worried she was sleeping
"Okay, Thank you love..." She stated smiling softly at him still pained, but she'd be alright. Narcissa then looked down at her sleeping son. 'How does Bella deal with this?' She thought, He hadn't been this cuddly in awhile, but since he's been hanging about Bella different setups had accured. Cissa smiled down at him, petting his blonde hair.

When she heard her name, she smiled lightly. Opening her eyes letting go of Rudolphus's hand, "Hm?" She mustered sitting up gently.
Rudolphus smiled a little as he vaated the bed, "Goodbye."He muttered pressing a kiss to bella's head as he left the two alone.

Lucius smiled sitting on the bed next to her, smiling as he looked at the woman."How are you feeling?"
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