Love begets hate

Narcissa smiled and blushed slightly, " called me love..." she was a little shocked that he fat out said it. Her smile faded a bit, jumping slightly not realizing that they were coming back up so soon. "As did I.."

Bellatrix was smiling lightly, "We were..." She stated meakly, then as he looked into the crib so did she. Bella continued to play with his esrs, looking at her sleeping children, she wasn't sure how long Lucius would be able to hold out for.
rudolphus looked startled, having not realized he said it ,blushing ever so slightly as he looked at the other two in the room.Wrinkling his nose a little."Bella, leave the poor man alone."

Lucius scowled slightyl, annoyed with bella for teasing him, espicially in front of the others
Bella's smile faded completely, her face becoming cold, as she stopped teasing Lucius putting her hands back onto his shoulders, holding onto him as he held her. Bellatrix was annoyed because her game had been interupted, and now who was he to tell her what to do anyway, not like he's her husband anymore, not that she really listened to him when he was. "Never thought I'd hear that from your mouth." Bellatrix snapped, knowing that he normally found pleasure in her games as long as they bothered Lucius. When Bella heard him scowl, she looked at him then looked down, she should have known better then to tease him expescially infront of the other two.

Narcissa looked at the two there it hurt her slightly to see Bella playing about and teasing her ex-husband, but she didn't show it. "Are you two staying in or are you going someplace else?" she asked unsure if she was still needed to baby sit.
"staying in."Lucius said, still scowling before sighing. Leaning over and pressing a kiss to Narcissa's cheek before moving away."Thank you for offering anyway."He sid smiling slightly, his heart hurting a little at the look on both their ex's faces.

Rudolphus sighed softly, "Fine. Play games.I dont care."Rudolphis said shaking his head as he headed for the door. Annoyed and hurt.
Bellatrix looked at Lucius as he kissed Narcissa's cheek, knowing that it would take time for the feelings to die. Bella seemed to take things way too far now, ever since her release from Azkaban. She watched Rudolphus confused for a moment, unable to comprehend why he seemed so angered and annoyed. Then she realised anything she did to, or with Lucius made him hurt, she was his wife, she was the wife who couldn't love her husband though he tried to give her everything that the world had to offer. Bellatrix looked like she was about to speak, but then her body went limp, one arm still around him while the other fell and hung there still in Lucius's arms, her head fell back, she had fainted.

Narcissa smiled meakly at him, "You're welcome." As Rudolphus spoke, Cissa watched him. She knew he was hurt and upset by his ex-wife. Why couldn't her sister understand that it was easy to hurt people, to hurt Rudolphus, to hurt her. Not a moment after He started to walk off, her sister had a strange look upon her face. Narcissa looked at her curiously, until she fell limp, then her eyes grew wide. "Lucius get Bella to the bed quickly!" she stated softly with ergency.
lucius yelped, startled as he nearly dropped the woman in his arms, having not expected her to faint. Swallowing hard as he laid bella on the bed, looking at narcissa with slight panic in his eyes, trying to figure out what was wrong. Surely it was fixable.

Rudolphus froze when he heard the woman's voice, panicking a little s he turned, walking back into the room, hovering nervously as he looked at the two."What's wrong?"
Narcissa took a deep breath, not sure as to what happened exactly, but knowing that if she wasn't calm she wouldn't be able to find out what was wrong, and there was no chance of calling a healer. As soon as Lucius laid her on the bed, she met his eyes seeing the panic within them. Hearing foot steps she knew Rudolphus had turned back. Looking up at him, her heart pounding within her chest, "I...I.. I don't know...I'm not a healer..." She stated shakily and worriedly. "The only things I can think is through giving birth she lost more blood than she should have, it was a difficult pregnancy...or on the latter she just overr exhuasted herself...had she been eating or drinking?" Narcissa explained then asked Bella needs to keep up with herself. Cissy started counting out Bella's heart beat and pulse, checking her breathing. Bellatrix's clothing for once was extremely loose so it wasn't a matter of her air way. "Somebody prop her head up."
Lucius didnt even bother being annoyed as Rudolphus helped him prop up bella, frowning slightly."She drank some, but I dont think she has eaten yet."He said frowning slightly, trying to remember, the task of trying to remember keeping him from panicking.
"Lucius think harder...I need to know, I need to be able to find out what's wrong and if it's just from hunger then there's nothing to worry about. Rudolphus get to a house elf and have them make a some sort of broth, so when she comes to she can eat." Narcissa stated worriedly unsure of what was going on with her. Cissa took another deep breath to calm herself. Once she could think clearly, she started to recite a spell attempting to find the problem. "Bella hasn't eaten enough if she has, and according to my reading her blood count is low." Narcissa stated, hoping that was all, that was wrong two problems that could be fixed.
Lucius gave a sigh of relief as rudolphus came back with the soup, biting his lip a little as he complated on how to get the past out woman awake enough to eat."Bella...come on bella..."He said quietly gently stroking her hair needing her to wake up.
"Set it down, we can't do anything until she wakes up. Thank you Rudy." Narcissa stated then sitting back watching her sister.

Bellatrix stirred slightly as Lucius stroked her hair. Her eyes flickered then slowly opened. Seeing Lucius looking down at her worriedly. She looked about the room seeing frightened faces. "W..what..happen...what's wrong?" She whispered dazed and confused.
Lucius sighed relieved, sighing softly."You past out love. You haven't been eating enough. You need to eat some."he said reaching over and taking the bowl from rudolphus as the man helped bella sit up looking worried.
"I did?...That explains why everything went black." Bella stated smiling weakly, breathing heavily. She sighed softly as she was helped to sit up. Bella shook her head slightly, "I don't want it...I'm not hungry...I can't eat when I'm not hungry..." She stated weakly, looking at Lucius once she was settled again.

Narcissa looked between the three. Cissa's breathing was harsh and sharp, a look of pain and worry upon her face, "Bellatrix," she snapped.."Listen to me! I don't care weather you feel hungry or not, you are going to eat... all of it. Do you understand? Even if it has to be forced down your throat you will eat. I will be back and if it is not gone, I will force it down your throat myself. Eat so this doesn't happen again!" Narcissa ranted worry, fear, anger, and authority behind her voice, knowing depending who it came from, was how she reacted, with that Narcissa left the room not wanting to watch or deal with her sister any longer.
Lucius laughed quietly, having been on the recieving end of cissa's demanding, he knew what his...lover? was going to be sufferng if she ame back."Come on love, time to eat."he said smiling sweetly as he listened to rudolphus following narcissa out. Rubbing his eyes as he held the spoon out towards her.
Bellatrix watched her sister rant and rave, if she hadn't just awoken from fainting Bella would have hopped out of bed and fought back, but that wasn't likely. Bellatrix had only had to deal with Cissa like that one other time, unable to fully remember it just knowing it had happend. Bellatrix looked at Lucius for understanding, "Why's Cissy yelling at me? I've been bed ridden I haven't Bern able to get up, or my wand. It's not entirely my fault that I haven't eaten." she stated not getting her sister's wrath. Just as she was opening her mouth movement caught her eye, she turned her head and watched as Rudolphus left. Turning back toward Lucius, she smiled gently at him then opened her mouth it wasn't a time to be difficult, plus when her sister is like that she's slightly afraid of what she would do.

Narcissa went straight down to the library knowing it would be quiet and she'd be away from the two lovebirds she sat on the couch with her arm proped onto the arm of the couch with her head resting in her hand.
Lucius smiled as she helped his lover eat, tiltign his head slightly."You know how she is bell, she's worried about you."He said feeding her with a little amusement in his eyes. Glad for once that he didn't have to face down narcissa when she was worried.

Rudolphus sighed rubbing his eyes as he followed narcissa into the library, "Do you need food to?"He asked sitting down next to her, looking worried about her.
Bella was silent she knew her sister worried about her, but she didn't have to yell at her, did she? Bellatrix looked into his eyes seeing a winkle of something in them, as she continued to eat the soup that her love was giving, she was perplexed trying to figure out what he was thinking. Bellatrix smiled, "This reminds me...when we were school, whenever I was sick but not sick enough to be in the hospital wing, you'd take me to the room of requirement, where it would be quiet and you nursed me until I was well. Remember?" Bellatrix couldn't remember everything a lot of her happy memories were taken by the dementors but somethings were triggered. "What are you thinking about?" she asked curiously.

Narcissa raised her head a moment before putting it back down, "I don't even know Rudolphus I've been so stressed and worried about her to pay attention long enough to weather I need anything. " Cissa picked her head up and looked at him, seeing his worry. Cissy shifted herself laying her head on his lap curling her small body into a ball similar to that of a cat. "Yes I think I might."
Lucius laughed nodding. It hurt to think about those times, when nothing would be better then to be with her, and none of the world had come crashing down around them."I do.And I was thinkng I was glad for once not to be the one she's yelling at."he said amused.

rudolphus smiled brushing his fingers through her hair, summoning a elf before looking down at her."What do you want to eat Cissa?"
Bellatrix smiled it was nice to hear him laugh. Though the memories were painful it was the only thing she was able to hold on to in the dark for so long. "Yeah I doubt she'll yell at you much anymore...." Bellatrix stated her smile became slightly pained. Rethinking what she said for once, she felt bad. "...I'm sorry"

Cissy thought about what she was in the mood for then had a craving for,"Chicken cordon Blau." she stated with a light smile as Rudy played with her hair.
He laughed softly."Don't be. But I think she'll continue yelling at me if she thinks I'm being stupid even if we're not married."He said amused though it hurt.

Rudy smiled as he waved the elf off to go get the food, loking down at her."hmm perfect. Now you're just going to have to keep eating. No passing out."
Bellatrix's smile returned a bit. "Okay....Yeah but that's just Cissy if she thinks something is dumb she'll call it out." Bella rolled her eyes giggling slightly.

Cissy laughed softly, "Don't worry I'm not my sister, I pay attention to my Heath." She stated smiling up at him.
"Oh yea."Lucius smiled setting the empty bowl to the side, looking at her."Feel better?"

"Good. We don't need the boh of you in bed sick."Rudolphus said smiling at her.
"Better...I can't believe I fainted....Lucius come closer, please. " She stated smiling. "Oh and thank you for helping me... With my luck I would have split it all over me." Bellatrix said waiting to see if he'd come closer to her.

"That's all we'd need for me to get sick the house would be in shambles by the time I was well" Narcissa said with a sigh. Then a thought came to her mind. "Has anyone informed the dark lord that the babies were born?" she asked.
"Probably."Lucius said smiling wider as he shifted, laying down next to her, pressing a kiss to her head as he wrapped his arms around her.

Rudolphus laughed softly, before growing serious, looking puzzled."You know, I do not think so. He's been so busy with trying to figure out what the potter boy has been up to for the last few months."
Bellatrix giggled slightly as he agreed, after just fainting her meal would have made it as far as burning all over her lap. She smiled at him as he kissed her head, as he wrapped his arms around her she cuddled and nuzzled into him. Despite how she was in battle she was quite affectionate. Bellatrix couldn't believe this was real, he was her's again, and she was his nothing could break her now.

Narcissa sighed slightly sitting up,"Well then I'll be right back, I'd rather Bellatrix tell him but she's too weak to even climb the stairs, but if nobody tells him he'll be furious." She stated then stood up taking a deep breath, as she left Rudolphus there, heading to where she figured Voldemort was. Narcissa swallowed approached the door and knocked lightly.
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