Love begets hate

Bellatrix smiled opening the door she entered. Walking over to the desk he was sitting at, Bellatrix bowed her head and managed a slight curtsied. Instead of her normally low bow unable to bend that far, in fear of hurting the children. Bellatrix was strange in a sense, she indeed loves Voldemort, but not as much as she loves Lucius. "My Lord, I have wonderful news...I'm having twins..." She stated smiling. 
Voldemort looked startled before smiling wrapping his arms around the very pregnant woman, kissing her head."Oh Bellatrix that is wonderful news.I am sure rudolphus and you must be truly happy about it."He smiled leaning back to look at her. Happy for her.
Bellatrix smiled as he wrapped his arms around her, wrapping her own arms around him. "I knew you'd like to hear it. Yes, we are quite happy, My Lord." Bellatrix stated happily and smiling, but her heart was both happy and in pain, knowing she'd have to tell Rudolphus about it sooner or later, which was going to break his heart, and she wasn't sure how Lucius and Narcissa would take it..."Oh.." her face scrunched lightly, and herhand went to her stomach quickly as the baby gave her a swift kick. "One of them kicked me....Would you like to feel...My Lord?" Bellatrix asked then smiled again.
Voldemort looked startled at being asked, before nodding slowly. Lowering his hand to rest on the curve of her stomach, slight shock and amazement showing on his face.For all that he had did, the wonder of life still elluded him.
Bellatrix's smile widend happy that he wanted to feel the children through her skin. Bella lightly and gentle brought her hand to rest upon his. As the baby kicked again Bella jumped a bit as it was fairly hard. "They like beating me up...they don't play fare, I can't do anything about it.." She joked.
Voldemort laughed shaking his head as he kissed her forehead."Ah bell, I'm sure they'd listen if you told them to stop."She teased.
Bellatrix giggled slightly, "They don't, I've tried...They don't like me." She pouted playfully. Bella knew they couldn't help it, they were sharing a small space and needed room to move. Bellatrix grasped her stomach again, Needing to sit or lay down. Bella bowed her head, her breathing increased slightly, "My Lord,...I need to rest." She stated turning to leave slowly closing the door behind her. She rested against the wall for a moment, taking a few deep breaths, before deciding where she was about to go. Bella figured bed would be best, She she headed toward the stairs.
Voldemort smiled tepping back."Not true."He said before looking up startled as Rudolphus came in without knocking.

"oh.Good.You're in here."Rudy said relaxing totally as he looked at his wif.
Bellatrix smiled, she liked how supportive he was being of her pregnancy. Bellatrix jumped as her husband barged into the room not expecting it. Bellatrix looked at him confused, "Where else would I be?" She asked slightly annoyed and confused as she held her stomach.
Rudy stopped, sighing softly as she sounded annoyed."Draco said you were sleeping...and you weren't in I was worried..."He said biting his lip a little.
Bellatrix sighed lightly, "It's not like I can go too far, expecially like this." She stated anyone who'd see her would fight her she was too vunerable in this state. "I needed to speak to the Dark Lord, and it's not like I'm supposed to be bound to the bed, you try laying down day after day after day....OW!" Bellatrix stated then as both children kicked both sides of her she screamed clutching her belly.
Both the dark lord and rudy caught her arms, making sure she wouldn't fall."Bella, do you want me to firecall Narcissa?"rudolphus said looking at her worriedly, gently lowering her into Voldemort's seat, fro the moment forgetting she'd been yelling at him
Bella's breathing was heavy, she let them lead her to the seat, sitting down she felt slightly better. "'m fine, They to kick..." She stated relaxing in the chair still holding her stomach.
Rudolphus smied slightly as vldemort quietly left them alone, gently stroking his wife's hair."Good.I have a feeling lucius would throw a fit about ocming back."he said laughing a little.
Bella smiled lightly, "They just left, niether would be happy to return so soon." She stated. Bellatrix held out her arms, and did a grbbing motion with her hands, she wanted him to hold her, not pick her up but to just hold her. She was flying through a variety of emotions.
Rudy laughed a little shifting, picking her up so he could set her in his lap, wrapping his arms around her, holding her close." no they wouldn't."He said sighing softly."Though I think draco's dealing better then we thought he would."
Bellatrix cuddled into him, trying to hide a few tears from the babies kicking. She shook her head knowing the other two needed a break. "Is he? How is he doing I havent seen him."
He smiled a little, pressing a kiss to her head, gently rubbing her stomach."He was contenting himself with hiding in the library reading instead of pacing around.I think he was okay."
"I see...He does what I do but I also hide in the garden." She stated. She smiled as he rubbed her large belly. "I hope he's okay if there was something troubling him he'd come to me...right?"
Rudy nodded a little."I'm sure he would.Though if you want, I could walk with you to see how he is."he said tilting his head slightly.
"Yes....Yes,...please..walk with me." Bella stated nodding she was lost, she hadn't made it this far before she wasn't sure what was happening or of what to do.
Rudy smiled helping her up,before getting up, wraping his arms around her as they headed to the library.

"Aunt bella?"Draco looked startled when he saw his aunt and uncle.
Bellatrix smiled as he helped her up, She waited for him then walked when he wrapped his arm around her.

Belllatrix smiled at him, "Hello Sweetie..." Then noticing the look on his face, "Sweet heart what's the matter?"
"Well...I thought you were resting."He said studying her, smiling a little as he moved to give her enough room on the couch.
"I was....then I needed to speak with the Dark Lord...I'm up now..." She stated smiling holding onto her stomach and Rudolphus. Bellatrix moved toward the couch a bit.
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