Love begets hate

"Yes this is true...Alright let's go then, as you said they'll be fine, right? What could possible go wrong?" She asked, when her meal was sat down in front of her she smiled then started to eat.
Later that evening Lucius smiled slightly as he stepped into the bedroom, tilting his head as he watched Bellatrix stroke draco's hair as he dozed beside her."ou know you could have sent him to bed."
Bellatrix was smiling as Draaco dozed by her petting his hair, She looked over to Lucius as he walked, "I know...I tired...He wouldn't leave me.." She stated not that she had minded, it was like he was keeping Rudolphus away for she hadn't seen him since he had hit her. "SO how was supper?" She assked curiously.
Lucius smiled sitting on the edge of the bed."Dinner was fine.WE've decided we're ging to take a long weekend and go on a small vacation."
"Well that's good," She stated smiling, shee wished she was still able to go out, but the moment she'd show herself in public she'd be captured. Her smile faulterd a little then went back up, as if nothing was wrong. " two need a break..." She stated knowing that they were always busy, between her and Draco plus work.
Lucius nodded smiling at her."And dracos staying here. With you and rudolphus, so if you do need help, we're just a fire call away."He said tucking her hair behind her ear, looking worried stilll.
Bellatrix smiled lightly at him, at least she had Draco. Bella nodded, she couldn't think anything could go wrong, but one never really knows. Though Bellatrix looked healthier now she still looked sick. Her smile widens as he brushed her hair out of the way.
Lucius smiled down at her."How are you feeling?Has rudolphus been in yet?"He asked, wondering if the man had forgiven himself yet.
"I'm back's a little sore though."She stated assuring him that she was well. "I haven't seen 'im, just been me and Draco. Unless he popped in after I had fallen asleep." Bella said not having seen him since he hit her.
"ah."Luciusfrowneda little, before smiling."Wake draco up, I'll take him to bed and you can get some sleep."He said sitting on the edge of the bed, laughing a little as his son snuggled closer.
"Lucius...I'm not tired, I'm okay. I think he knows you're trying to remove him..." Bellatrix smiled. She pet his hair again, sighing lightly, "Sweetie, time to get up..." Bella cooed as she lightly shook Draco.
"No."Draco whined hugging his aunt tighter, much to his father's amusement."Come on love, time to get up."He said gently untangling his arms, grinning as his son clung to him like a two year old.Having a feeling Rudolphus hadnt shown up because draco was here. so he was goign to give the man a chance to talk to his wife
Bellatrix giggled, Draco was so clingy, and over protective of her. "Good luck removing him," She stated with a smile once Draco was where he clung it was difficult to remove him. "Well good night then." she stated smiling and frowning, she didn't want him to leave not while she was pregnant with his twins. Bellatrix settled in a bit, getting more comfortable.
"I'll see you in the mornng."He grinned leaving, heading for his bedroom, pouting a little as he walked in."I think our son's reverted in age.He's gone back to being two."

Rudolphus swallowed hard, hovering in the doorway as he looked at his wife,"Bella?"he muttered, not sure if she'd want him wiht her.His heart breaking at the idea of not being with her...and yet, it didn't hurt as much as it once would have.
Bellatrix nodded as she whatched them go.

Narcissa looked confused as to why he was holding Draco, then she smiled as she realized that he probably fell asleep on Bella's bed. Cissa giggled, "Oh I see...I don't think I can deal with the terrible two's again...."

Bellatrix took a deep breath relaxing in her bed rubbing her belly. She turned her head toward the door gearing her name. "Come in..." She stated then looked at her stomach again.
Lucius pouted as he laid down next to her, wrinkling his nose a little. "I dont think he ever left them.Cissy, he wont let me go!"He whined.

Rudolphus smiled slightly moving over to the sitting down next to her, smilling at her."Cissy said you were oka.y..."
Narcissa couldn't help but giggle as her husband whined. "Well then you have a slight problem, then...well first thing is he sleeping in here or in his bed?"She asked needing to know how she needed to remove Draco from his father.

Bellatrix nodded, "Yes, yes I'm fine...better actually...I was out of it for a while do to shock, but other then that...When Cissy checked us over, she discovered three heartbeats.....I'm having twins..." She explained with a slight smile.
Lucius sighed,"Might as well let him stay.Bella said he's gotten worse since he found out about everything.Maybe he'll relax when he realizes I'm not going anywhere."He said kissing her lightly.

Rudolphus smiled relaxing as he hugged her, kissing her lightly."Oh...oh thats wonderful.This is going to be great!"He said with a bright smile, so excited at the idea of twins.Not realizing they werent his.
"Alright, he doesn't look like he wants to go anywhere. Why would he.....Oh I see...Well let's hope so. How's he going to take vacation?" Narcissa responded. Narcissa kissed her husband just as lightly and gently.

Seeing Rudolphus so happy broke her heart, he didn't know the two she carried weren't his. 'Great? Yeah up all night with them, diapiers, work...' Bella started dreading the idea. But it was okay because they were hers and Lucius she jumped slightly as he hugged her at.
Lucius sighed, loking slightly concerned, before closing his eyes."We'll tell him whats going on.If he really freaks out, we'll just...I dont know. Do a day vactaion."

Rudolphus wined feeling her jump before pulling away, settling down on his side of the bed."Ah well, it'd be worth it."
"Well, that's not much of a vacation now, is it?" Narcissa asked, concerned They both needed rest and a day wouldn't be able to cover it. "He may nor mind it too much...after all he'd have Bellatrix to himself...well besides Rudy." Narcissa stated though she clearly knew that Bella would choose Draco over her husband any day.

Bellatrix felt bad that she jumped when he hugged her. It had been a bit since they embraced and such. Bell toiled at him "Rodulfus...hold me...please?" she stared she wasnt. But she needed to be help like a child. O
"True."Luius laughed a little, kissing Dracos' head as he closed his eyes."I'll talk to him in the morning."

rudolphus smiled slightly as he shifted,wrapping his arms around her,laying on his side as he closed his eyes.Wanting nothiing more then to go to sleep holding her."of course I will."
Cissa laughed with him, "Alright love," she stated then Narcissa turned out the light closing her eyes.

Bellatrix smiled, because even as a child she was a cuddler though she never showed it. Bella nuzzled into him, a tear fell from her eyes. She has never been fair to him, since she was "forced" to marry him. He was a wonderful man, but she has never been able to actually love him. Bellatrix closed her eyes laying settling into bed.
in the morning Draco sighed as he sank into the seat next to his mother, studying her.Biting his lip."You'll come back?"He said studying her, not so worried about his mother returning, but he was afraid his father..yes even with reassurance that his father didnt regret his existance, he was anxious about it.
Narcissa looked at Draco studying him for a moment, "Of course we'll come back, we'll only be gone a few days." She stated sweetly. Cissa could tell her son was worried, he indeed had an issue with be abandon. "Don't worry so much love, everything will be alright, until we return, aunt Bella, and uncle Rudy will take care of you." Narcissa tried to calm him to reassure him that he wouldn't be alone, and that they wouldn't just leave him. She also knew that he'd probably spend most of the time with Bellatrix. Narcissa was starting to have second thoughts about going, worrying about her son, and Bella... If something bad was to happen and she needed medical help, her Cissy wouldn't be there. On top of that she hoped the Rudolphus would get to spend so time with his wife.
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