Love begets hate

Bellatrix pet her stomach lightly, tracing it with her fingers. Bellatrix looked up at him when he entered. "Yes...yes alittle sore but fine...come sit with me?"

Narcissa felt bad for him, she was sure he didn't mean to hit her, it was an accident. "Yes indeed."
Lucius smiled at her nodding,"Oh course I would."He said sitting down next to her, leaning back against the headboard, looking amused.

Rudolphus sighed, looking over at her, frowning slightly."She told you what I did?I didn't mean to hit her!I didn't...I only didnt want to have her touch me..."
Bellatrix smiled at him as he sat down with her. "I'm guessing you were told about what happened earlier?" She asked beating around the bush a bit.

"Yes she did...I know you didn't mean it...things happen. I wouldn't want her to touch me either after what she had told you. Bella really needs to stop playing these games." she stated
Lucius nodded looking worried,"Draco told me."He said studying her."Are you really okay?"He said knowing she would have lied to not worry draco to much.

"Sometimes I think it'd be better to just walk away and yet..."He shrugged."Loving her,and her baby, well I can't."He smiled slouching in his seat,closing his eyes.
Bellatrix nodded, "Yes I'm okay, we're all okay...he slapped me accidentally across the face and I fell backwards. But the three of us are fine..." She said smiling taking hold of his hand.

"Yes, Bella has that effect on people who love her, and with the...child on the way, it's hard. If Lucius never found it in his heart to love me I'd have gone insane..."
"Three?Rudolphus fell to?"He asked looking cutely confused as he scrunched up his nose, smiling at her.Glad that she was okay.

"You're lucky.And you have draco."he sighed feeling the press of tears, but striving to not to do so."With the babe,maybe it will be easier to do without."
"You're so cute when you're confused," she cooed softly. "I went to see Cissy after the fall...she told me I had three hearts beating...Lucius...I'm having twins" She stated smiling at him, though she felt horrible becuase he couldn't be as happy as she was..

"Thanks, yes my wonderful son, I love them both to death.. Let's hope..." Narcissa replied
Lucius looked startled, before smiling, though it was pained.Kissing her cheek."that's good for you.Rudolphus will be happy."He said smiling as he hugged her.Happy despite how hurt he was.This should be his life, nt this.

"We will."He sighed a little yawning."It will bebetter."
Bellatrix's smile faded a bit as she saw the look in his eyes, she smiled again hiding her own pain. "Thank you, Dear. Yeah I guess he will...." She stateed then nuzzled into his embrace. This was how their life should have been nearly 20 years ago.

"Rudolphus you should go up to bed you seem tired." Narcissa pointed out worriedly.
Lucius smiled pressing a kiss to her head,hugging her tigher."Rest.You'll feel better for it."

Rudolphus shook his head looking amused."cant.Saw lucius going in there on my way down."
"But I don't want to rest Lucius...I'm not tired..." She played around, that's all she did now adays was rest. She was sick of resting. She wanted to go on missions and do things.

"You can take my bed or you could ask Draco to use his..." She stated, he needed sleep and she could be just as stubborn as her sister.
Lucius snickered a little."I know.But you're carrying twins.And you just fell."He said amused as he looked at her.

"OKay."He sighed, knowing when to give in,getting up before looking at her."Thank oyu narcissa."he said smiling slightly
She giggled, "What's your point? Are you calling me fat?" she laughed a bit joking around.

Narcissa smiled she had won, "you're welcome Rudolphus. Just get some rest okay."
"yes.You are."She said amused."Love, you're pregnant.Of course your fat."he teased.

Rudolphus nodded kissing her head."I will.You always take care of me."He said bemused, wondering how she took better care of him then bellatrix.Amused as he headed to bed.
"I don't like being fat, my belly gets in my way, I wont be able to see my feet soon..."She stated laughing.

"It's my kind heart dear room enough in it for almost all Gods creatures." She stated smiling,it was strange that she looked out for him more then his own wife did.
Lucius laughed, kissing her head."Ahh that's when we make rudolphus put on your shoes, so you can walk around."He said amused, "It'll eb over in a few months."
"If I get much bigger I'm not sure I'll be able to move," She teased."Yes this is true I have about what another six months."She stated sighing a bit.
"Just under."He said smiling as he wrapped his arms around her,settling down to take a nap,figuring she'd rest if he did."Well then,at least it'll be easy to make you relax."
Bellatrix cuddled into him as he wrapped his arms around her, "Hey that's not nice...I'd rather be able to move..." she stated wating at one of his hands playfully.
Lucius laughed avoiding the blow, "Ah love, but it's easier on the rest of us if you're not."He said pressing a kiss to her cheek
"Yes...but who said I wanted it to be easy on you?"she chuckled wickiedly, stopping when he kissed her cheek. "Oh.."
"What?"He asked leaning back to look at her, looking concerned. Not sure what was wrong now.But that noise signaled nothing good
"Nothing Love, I'm fine." She stated smiling at him. She sighed lightly,"I'm having a little back pain is all nothing to worry about..."
Lucius didnt look convinced but let it go, smiling slighty."Now.Do you need anything?I was supposed to go to dinner with cissy, but if you want me to stay..."
She frowned slightly, "No I don't think so...No you go ahead and have dinner withh Cissy, I'm be okay, the mother hen will come back to check on me eventually...I'd love for you to stay...but Cissy needs you more right now..." a smile returned
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