Love begets hate

Lucius nodded a little getting up,pressing a kiss to her head."Oh, don't let draco hear you call him that.I told him he was like a mother hen with a chick.I couldnt sit down for a day."He said amused s he headed for the door
"Oh I know, but he wont hurt me he'll just get mad," She stated laughing a bit at his statement. "Have fun with Cissy, Love." She stated as he left her.
Lucius smiled as he walked into his bedroom,kissing Narcissa's cheek as he did."Rudy sleeping?"He asked, knowing the lestrange had went to her for information,and that she would have bullied him into bed.
"Hello Love, Yes he is... How's Bella?" She asked know she had probably spoken with him about the babes.
"She's worried about the twins."He said frowning a little.As much as he disliked her being married, he was slightly surprised she hadn't asked after rudolphus."And tired of resting."
"I figured as much, what is she so worried about though?" She asked curiously it was like she was hiding something else from everyone. "Yes well she won't be able to move around as much as shed like soon.
"I dont know.She shooed me out, and told me to get some rest, let the mother hen take care of her."He said frowning slightly,getting the feeling bellatrix was keeping something else from all of them.
Narcissa was confused for a minute, then her serious face lightened as she began to laugh a bit, realizing the mother hen was her son. "Wow Bella, shooed you out, that's odd."
"It is."Lucius said looking concerned, laughing a little as he loked at narcissa, kissing her gently."Though she's still letting draco visit, so I assume all is well."
Narcissa smiled as he kissed her so gentle, and so soft. "Well that's good, I'm not sure about that though. Do you think she's letting him? Or that she really doesn't have a choice?" She asked laughing slightly knowing how her som was.
Lucius snickered."probably doesn't have a choice.After all,he'd be liable to pout and whine, and she so does love it when he acts like a two year old."
"No I didn't think so..." She giggled, "Yes well she acts like a 4 year old so it works out." She explained they had there child tendencies.
Lucius nodded, siling as he slid his hand into hers."REady to go?Or did you want to cancel dinner?"He asked, looking slightly concerned. Despite worrying over bellatrix, he was looking forward to a quiet evening with his wife.
Narcissa smiled at him, "Of course I'm ready I've been waiting for you...No why would I cancel? It will be great, quiet." She stated she hadn't been spending much time with her Husband, mainly becuase of her sister.
"because your as bad as draco,and she fell."He teased apparating them to the resturant smiling as they made their way to the table sitting down with a grin.She looked so beautiful in candlelight, and his heart ached that he couldnt love her like she deserved
"Yes, but...We haven't spent much time together, Draco can handle Bella for a night." She stated smiling. She felt bad her sister had fallen, but she needed time wir her husband.
Lucius nodded looking sorry for it as he ordered his food, looking over at her."I'm sorry love.I'll see about not having to work so much.Surely our lord does not require it so much."
Narcissa had ordered her meal after his, and once he was gone she resumed talking with her husband. "It's alright my love work is work, If he asks of it don't deny it do as he says." She stated worriedly for if he became mad there could be dire consiquences
Lucius nodded looking tired,"I will.but it would be nice being home, and relaxing.Beyond worrying about bella.I would...I'd like to be able to just relax."He said laughing a little
"I know love any that's exactly what you need to do is to take some time and rest. I'd like you to be home more but with working for the minestry, and our's hard." She smiled warmly, sad by how tired he looked.
Lucius smiled slightly, "I know.It's hard relaxing, but I plan on relaxing. I need it.We probably all do just need a few days not to think about anything truly important."
"Yes, yes you do need it,Yes dear that would be nice not to worry about anything." She sighed, she was always worrying about everyone, and everything.
Lucius smiled at her a little."Cissy we should go away for a few days.draco is old enough to not need us,and him and rudolphus can take care of bella.It'd be nice to be away and relax."He said laughing
Narcissa looked at him confused, they hadn't gone away in a long time. Then she looked concerned, "Yeah it would be nice, but do you think they'd be okay?"
Lucius nodded smiling slowly."I do.And we would just be a fire call away, or Draco could apparate to get us.They would be fine."He said smiling as he took his food from the waiter, starting to eat
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