Love begets hate

Draco smiled at the reassurance, relaxing slowly."I'll take care of bella. Rudolphus will be here. It wont be bad."He said more reassuring himself then anything else. After all, he was adult. He was perfectly capable of taking care of himself.
"Alright dear, if you need help ask Rudolphus, or call your father and I through fire. Everything will be fine."She stated hoping to help him and herselfknow if anything happens he'll call them.
Draco's smile widened,"Of course I'll call."He said amused standing up, running his fingers through his hair."Make dad rest for a few days."
Narcissa smiled at him, "Okay...You know I will he needs the rest, more than anything." She stated, Cissy felt so bad for Lucius she knew he was working too much and that he was worried about Bellatrix.
draco nodded standing, gently kissing her cheek,"Come on then.Father was finishing packing when I came down.He's probably ready to leave."
Narcissa stood wrapping her son in her arms,"Knowing him yes, he'll be ready," She stated as she let him go and started to head toward her husband.
Lucius smiled slightly as he closed the last trunk, tilting his head a little as he looked at her."How'd he take it?"He asked looking haggard,but still worried.He really did just need a few days to himself.Well and himself and cissy.
Narcissa smiled at him, "Well he was afraid of us not returning....but he's alright now, he can't wait to babysit Bella. I almost didn't want to leave him...with how worried and upset he was...But everything is fine we need the break." She stated walking over to her husband wrapping her arms around him.
Lucius nodded smiling a little, leaning down to kiss her gently, wrapping his arms around her."Good.Cause we do need to go."He said as he looked down at her, smiling."So. Where ever are we going?"He asked curious, she'd been refusing to tell him where they were going to go hide out for afew days.
Narcissa smiled at him sharing a light kiss. "Yes we do. Well if I told you it wouldn't be a surprise now would it?" She teased, nuzzling into him.
Lucius pouted looking down at the woman in his arms, whining softly."You know I dont usually enjoy surprises."He whined, though the idea of a surprise vacation was startling amusing.
Narcissa mimiced him, pouting up at him, whining, "Yes, but I don't do it often...and you'll like this one."She stated whining then smiled again.
Lucius laughed softly pulling away from her, laughing as he looked at her."Fine fine, lets go then."He said kissing her forehead before picking up their things
"Alright love," she smiled at him figuring the best way to go and get there quick was by apperating. As he grabbed their things, she grabbed him and they were off. Once they arrived Narcissa checked into the house she rented while they were there so they could be alone and undisturbed. "Well here we are."
Lucius grinned as he looked around the house, looking younger then he had in years. Dropping their things onto the couch he smiled widely, wrapping his arms around her."you brught me somewhere WARM!"He grinned it was so nice to be out of dreary england.
Narcissa watched him intently, hoping he'd be happy. She smiled at him."Yes, yes I did, it's a nice change isn't it? It's not just warm...we're in Rome, my love.." She stated smiling up at him no longer able to keep it a secret.
Lucius looked shocked before grinning."That is great."He said walking over, hugging her."Thank you.This is the perfect trip."
Narcissa smiled at him, "Oh I knew you'd like it, see wasn't that a wonderful surprise?" She asked cuddling into him, stealing a kiss.
he smiled nodding as he kissed her."for once, the surprise was very good."He said stepping back,"Lets go.We'll go sight see."
Narcissa smiled she knew his dislike of surprises, and glad that he indeed liked this one. Shock crossed her face for a moment, "Alright I figured you'd want to relax...but alright let's get going."
He smiled grinning for a minute."Going out will be relaxing. It wont be stressful, and I want to make sure you have fun while we're here."he said wrapping a arm around his waist
Narcissa smiled "Oh, Lucius, just seeing you happy is all I really need." She stated then thought "Hmm...where should we go? The colosseum? The Leaning Tower of Piazza? Take a trip to the Vatican City" She asked not sure of what he was in the mood for.
Lucius grinned a little kissing her head."Hmmm Vatican city sounds good."He said running his fingers through his hair.
Narcissa smiled brightly up at him. "Vatican City it is then." she stated sweetly. "We should get going then love."

Meanwhile, back at the Manor, Bellatrix laying in bed staring at the ceiling. He left her...he left her alone with his son, her husband, and the Dark Lord. She was bored there was nothing to do, more so she was afraid to do alot of things. Bellatrix wouldn't be able to live with herself if something happened to the babies. Bella looked upon her sleeping husband, then she remembered no one had told the Dark Lord the news. She slowly and gently stood up quietly leaving the bedroom to the dark lords chamber. Bellatrix knocked three times. "My Lord...?"
Voldemort smiled slightly as he looked up from his paperwork, having taken over lucius's things while the man was away, he tilted his head slightly."Come in bellatrix."He said waiting for her to walk in. It was always good to see the woman, espicially the more pregnant she became.
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