Love begets hate

Rudolphus was quiet, frowning as he pushed away from her,getting up to pace, tears filling his eyes even if they didnt fall."Bellatrix!I TOLD you!I told you within hours of sleeping with her!What?You couldn't have the courtesy to tell me I wasn't the only one!?You had to let me believe I was horrible because I did this, despite loving you?"
Bellatrix looked down as he pushed away from her, then back up as he paced, and started to yell. Bellatrix jumped slightly not expecting him to yell at her. "I know...I know dear....NO! That's not it at all....I didn't want to hurt you. You never were technically the only one, you knew and know I still love him, and he had me many times before you....besides he started it....You didn't have to feel horrible I had forgiven you, even if I hadn't with him I would have still forgiven you...." She explained telling him the truth. Bellatrix stood up walking over to him reaching out to hold him, placing her hands on his shoulder,"Come here, dear...It will be alright." she stated softly. 
"Dont touch me!"He growled raising his hand to smack her hands away, hands going wide as he overreacted, his hand smacking against her cheek."Bella?I-I'm sorry."He shuddered stumbling back a step, looking so hurt and so confused.
Bellatrix out of shock from being struck, though by accident in the face, fell backwards. She didn't fall hard, but as she sat there clutching her belly her free hand rested on her face caressing where she was hit. Bellatrix looked at him unblinking for a moment not paying attention to detail. "You bastard..." she replied out of shock, and disbelief. Her voice was soft as she had said it. A few tears stained her face, from anger, shock, and fear.
Rudolphus cringed, shuddering a little as he avoided her eyes. His shoulders slouching a little, his face crumbling as he swallowed."I-I'm sorry. sorry."He stuttered as he stumbled away from her, nearly running by the time he hit the door, heading outside, just needing to get away.
Bellatrix watched as he crumpled, then apologize, before running out the door. Bellatrix remained on the floor, her breathing slightly heavy, Bellatrix's body shook as she began to cry, curling her knees to cradle her stomach. Her head was in her hands as she sat there alone rocking back and forth.
"bell?"draco asked as he stepped into the door, crouching down in front of her,concern on his face."I saw uncle leave.Are you okay?Bella?"He asked pulling her into a hug. So afrid of wht had upset her so
Bellatrix flinched as she was being pulled into an embrace, she hadn't realized who was there talking to her figuring Rudolphus had come back. Her body tense,"Don't touch me..!" she screamed then saw who it was, "Draco...?" she whispered softly. Her body shook as she let her nephew take her into his embraced. " mother and your father kept fussing for me to tell him, I tried to comfort him...and he struck me...and I fell. I think the baby is okay though. That's all I care about." she explained what had happened.
Draco winced a little."I'm sure he hadn't meant to hurt you.Come on, we'll go see the doctor, make sure everythings okay."He said helping her up, holding her close as he picked her up, wincing at the added weight. Truly, she was getting to big to pick up, not that he'd tell her that.
"Doctor? What doctor? You mean your mother? Draco I can walk..."she stated as he picked her up.
"Yes mother, or if you want, we cant."He sighed frustrated. Belatedly realizing he couldn't take her to st. mungo's. Setting her on her feet, he watched her, wrinkling his nose a little."ARe you sure you're okay?"
"I was just making sure that you ment her knowing you can't take me to a real doctor without being captured." She stated smiling wearily. "Yes...ow..Yes I'm fine. A little sore, but I'll live...let's go find your mother." She stated starting to walk on, stumbling a little but kept going.
Draco frowned hovering as much as a worried mother hen with a chick, headign to the dining room where he'd left his mother. Looking relieved to find her still there."Aunt Bella fell mother."He said looking slightly anxious.
Narcissa looked up instantly, "Oh my God...Bella are you alright?" SHe asked worriedly. She couldn't believe it, "How'd you fall?" She questioned her sister. "Sit down Bellatrix get off you" Cissa stated.

Bellatrix sat down at the table, "Well you see, what happened was two people pestered me to tell My darling husband some information, he got upset, I went to comfort him, He swung to get me away, hitting me in the face making me fly backwards..." Bellatrix explained, to her sister, who looked horrified.

Narcissa blinked a few times sinking in what she was just told, "I'm sorry Bella, Are you alright? You know he needed to be let me check to make sure the baby is fine." Narcissa stated then saying a spell to check the child. Narcissa looked shocked..." have three heart beats....The children are fine..." She stated then smiled brightly.

Bellatrix looked at her confused for a minute," What do you mean I have three heart beats?...Children?....I'm having twins?" Bellatrix's eyes popped and her jaw dropped slightly, she looked over at Draco who knew her little secret.
Draco's mouth fell open a little, before he hid the reaction behind the malfoy mask that made him look like his father. Tilting his head he tried to figure out his scrambled thoughts, "Well.At least you'll have some news to tell rudolphus when he calms down."He said sounding slightly strangled, because there was nothing else he could say.
"Cissy please let me tell Lucius, and the other one who I don't wish to see at the moment." She stated knowing her sister could blab about it. But they being Lucius's she wanted to tell him herself, though only her and Draco knew.

Narcissa smiled this was indeed wonderful news and if that's what her sister wants she'd let her have it. "Alright Bella I won't say a word until after you've told them."

"Thank you, Draco can you to my room, I can walk but just for support then you could help me find your father." She stated as she stood up.
"I will help you walk, to bed."Drao said taking her arm, helping her out of the room, looking slightly amused."Then I will go find father."He said looking thoughtful. Not sure if he liked the idea of having so many siblings. He'd gotten used to being a only child
"Thank you, Sweetie..." She stated smiling, Bellatrix smile faded a bit one child was easy now two...lord....She didn't speak until they were in the room. "Twins? can you believe this? How do I explain two....?" She asked sighing.
Draco smiled a little."He's a father, he SHOULD know how twins happen."He said looking slightly disgusted. He didn't want to consider how his father had gained the knowledge.He prefered thinking his parents never had sex, even if it wasn't true
Bellatrix rolled her eyes, "I know that Draco....I'm looking at the big picture here," she stated slightly annoyed. "Ones going to be depressed while the other is going to be overly happy...Then I have to explain them later and...The Dark Lord may want both of them....." Bellatrix's mind was racing
Draco nodded looking slightly worried sighing a little."You're going to break father's heart."he muttered a pained look on his face. Knowing this was going to kill his father.And his uncle when he found out it was Lucius's twins, instead of his own.
"I know that's why I really don't want to tell them...but If I don't Cissy will...To break there hearts is the last thing I want to do." She sighed tears weld in her eyes but didn't fall she was happy and miserable.
Draco sighed a little wrapping his arms around her, pressing a kiss to her head."Let me get father.Even if you don't tell him,and you wil hurt him, you'll feel better seeing him."

Rudolphus bit his lip looking absolutely miserable as he walked into the room, "Cissy?Is bella okay?"He asked frantic to know she was fine.
Bellatrix held onto him for a minute, She nodded in agreement. "Yes go find him. I know I will but I can't not tell him."

Narcissa turned her head to look at a Rudolphus in a wreck. "Yes Bella is just fine, they both are."
Draco smiled as he left.Going to find the eldest malfoy.A few minutes later a worried looking lucius walked in, looking worried for her."Are you okay?"

Rudolphus sighed relieved, sitting down in a chair,hanging his head a little."Thank god."He muttered running his fingers through his hair.
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