Love begets hate

"Well I am his mother, after all, so technically he sounds like me." she laughed a little herself. "Aww, you're still tired... Didn't you sleep well?" She asked knowing her rotten sister made him sleep. "Really, he did talk to you for days and yet he still spoke to her? That's a little strange..." she stated.
"I slept fine.Its just being a exhausting morning."He said laughing a little before shrugging."Draco's always been moody, I guess he didn't like me keeping things from him more then he didnt like her keeping them from him."
"Yes, yes it has love." She smiled lightly her tears had finally ceased. "Is that normal, for a boy his age to have mood swings like that?" She asked as she began to wash herself. "Hmm...I guess that's right. You are his father so he looks up to you more, unless he intends to go crazy and live here with death eaters for the rest of his life..."
Lucis snickered a little."I remember being that moody at his age."He said amused before shaking his head."I highly doubt Draco has any intention of staying here.As much as he loves us,I doubt he wants to stay."He said almost sadly, though he was happy his son could function well enough to live on his own
"I don't remember that..." She stated then she remembered she wasn't with him at that age to remember. What she was worried with all the time he spends with Bellatrix she'd make him insane. "No he's got a bright future ahead of him." Narcissa concured, though she would love for her son to stay forever but he needed to move on with his life.
Lucius smiled t her, pressing a kiss to her forehead."NOw, come on love.I'll get the elves to bring us breakfast in bed,then I think I'm going to take a day off."He said with a amused smile. Knowing he'd worried her with working so much, and now this.This would be the perfect relaxing mment to tke off
Narcissa just finished washing up when Lucius, suggested breakfast in bed. Cissa stood reeaching for a towel to dry herself off. She smiled brightly when he said that he'd take the day off, she needed him home and he needed rest. Once she was dry she wrapped the towel around her. "Great idea, love."
Lucius smiled, stealing a kiss as he headed out of the bathroom, grinning when she came in, settling a tray of food on the bed, filled with their favorites.A tender loving smile on his lips."My lady, I give you a feast."
"My dear Sir, you are too kind, but I doubt we can eat it all." She giggled a bit walking over to him stealing a kiss back.
"But that's not healthy good sir." She stated smiling as she sat on the bed, starting to eat the food.
"Ah well, we'll just have to enjoy ourselves."He said smiling.

A few weeks later Draco yawned a little as he wrapped a arm around his mother's waist as they walked into garden, kissing her cheek.Having already worked on splitting everyone up, he was wondering how to make it come apart."How are you mother?"
"Yes I guess we will." she stated smiling.

Narcissa smiled at her son as they walked into the garden, "I'm fine dear, how are you?" She asked him the warm sun shining down on them, it was going to be a good day.

Bellatrix was bored out of her mind, as she walked around the manor there was nothing for her to do, deciding she'd just go read in the library.
"good."Draco smiled at her."How are you and aunt bella donig?"He asked, fretting a little because he knew aunt bellatrix still hadn't told rudolphus, and narcissa had been pressuring her to do so.

Lucius smiled as he leaned against the doorframe, smiling at her."How are you feeling?ITs nice out.Cissy and Draco went out for a walk."
"That's good dear...It's like talking to a brick wall...she is such a child. I wish she'd grow up soon. but I don't want to worry you dear, just sibling rivalry." Narcissa stated though it was much more then that, but she wasn't about to tell her son figuring he didn't know half of what was going on.

Bellatrix sighed softly, I'm fine, just carrying around a little monkey. Is it, maybe I'll go out? Oh, that's good, I think I'll stay inside then." She smiled she was annoyed with her sister and slightly upset with Lucius for telling her, what they did.
Draco smiled sighing as he looked at his mother."i wasn't worried.Father is though."He said amused, having watched the man try to be kind without being overly kind to both women all week.

Lucius sighed rolling his eyes."Bella, yo know she's right.The only ones who dont know is draco and rudolphus, and rudy wont thank you for not telling him whats going on."
"Oh is he now? Well he doesn't have to worry about Bellatrix knows what she has to do it's just getting her to do it." She stated.

"Yes, Lucius I do know she's right but I can't bring myself to tell him..." Bellatrix wasn't about to mention that Rudolphus was the only one who didn't know, she had told Draco. "I know but...I don't want to hurt him anymore than he is, his still broken after sleeping with Cissa." That was part of it but she didn't want to tell him for just in case he discovered the baby wasn't his so quick.
Draco sighed a little tilting his head."He is.I think he's gone to argue with her about it actually."

Lucius sighed looking at her."Bell, it'll hurt him worse the longer you put it off.Espicially if its after the baby's here and he's short of sleep with a newborn."He pointed out
"Really that's a little shocking, well maybe he'll get threw to her." She stated because all of her attempts were useless.

"Yes, yes Lucius you're right I'll talk to him later tonight...This is not going to be good..." She stated nearly affraid to tell her husband she had been unloyal to him.
Draco nodded laughing a little."is it really that shocking?He does enjoy talking to her.And you haven't been able to get through to her."

Lucius sighed sitting down next to her."Bell,you know he loves you. IT wont eb pretty, but he wont totally freak out. He's to...grounded for that>"
"No not really but able something like this it is a little odd." She stated laughing a bit.

"Yes I know he does which is whst makes matters worse, No he loves me too much for a complete freak out."She stated
"Maybe."Draco said amused.

Lucius sighed getting up, rubbing his eyes,kissing her head."Do you want me to go get him?"
Narcissa nodded her head as she looked at Draco walking about the garden.

Bellatrix sighed as he stood she didn't want him to leave her to find her husband, "Please." She tried to smile slightly.
Lucius nodded leaving. within minutes rudolphus grinned a little hesitating as he walked into the library, smiling as he sat down next to her, pressing a kiss to her head."Lucius said you wanted to talk to me."
Bellatrix took a deep breath breath, She smiled lightly as he kissed her head. "Yes dear I do....I have something very imporant to tell you that I've put off for far too long..." She stated trying to figure out how to say it. Rudolphus, I'm sorry...Remember when you had told me that you cheated on me with Cissy? Well I couldn't be mad at you because I had cheated on you with Lucius, before that..." She stated biting at her lip watching his reaction.
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