Love begets hate

She giggled slightly as he nuzzled her neck, quite different from Bellatrix who squeaks. "Yes, Thank you...Did you?" She asked as she was pulled in closer. "Somebody's cuddly this morning." Narcissa smiled, Lucius had beenn so destracted lately it was a nice change, forgetting that it was Rudolphus who was in her bed while her husband was with her sister.
Rudolphus laughed softly."Well you smell good.Want cuddles."He smiled shifting out of it enough, and lonely enough that he pressed a kiss to narcissa's neck."And yes, I did sleep well."
"Why, Thank you." Cissy giggled smiling. Narcissa turned her head slightly as he kissed her neck giving him access to her neck. "That's good I'm glad."
Rudolphus laughed lightly, raising his head enough to kiss her gently, shifting tugging her closer, sighing softly as her thin frame settled against his well muscled one.
Narcissa kissed him back just as gentle, as she was pulled into him. She was smiling, Cissa had been feeling neglected lately, she was happy for her sister but both her husband was doing so much working and checking on Bella and her son was always with Bellatrix, she was lonely. Narcissa cuddled into him as they kissed.
Rudolphus sighed softly in pleasure, closing his eyes as he gently cupped her head in his hand, kissing her slowly and deeply. He'd been so lonely, for so long. It felt good to reconnect with someone. Moaning softly curious hands wandered over her back
Narcissa let him, her eyes were shut, as they kissed he was being so gentle with her. Narcissa opened her eyes realizing she was kissing her brother-in-law, but didn't stop. She didn't stop him from kissing her ,or as his hands climbed on her back. Narcissa just closed her eyes again.
Rudolphus smiled a little, knowing he should stop,but it felt so nice to be wanted, even if she was pretending. Raising his head he smiled down at her,gently stroking her hair."I want you..."He muttered fingers gently tugging at her shirt,giving her time to pull away.
Narcissa knew she shouldn't, that she should just pull away and stop, but with the way it looked Lucius would be so busy with Bellatrix and work, that he wouldn't have time for her. She was being both jealous and selfish. Narcissa couldn't say anythingshe was dumbfounded in a sense, but his inviting smile was too tempting, she didn't pull away from him.
Rudolphus's smile widened when she didn't pull away, some of the heartache of knowing if wife didn't want him leaving that look as he tugged off her clothes, lips trailing over bare skin as he set out to take care of her.
Once Narcissa's clothes were removed she laid back on the bed as he kissed her body softly. Cissa sighed lightly as he kissed her sweetly. She knew her heart would be burdend later.
Rudolphus smiled back at her as he undressed himsef, knowing he'd feel horrible about this later.But dammit he was lonely and pained, and even if Narcissa didn't love him she worried about him more then bellatrix did. Smiling slightly as he moved to lay on her, sighing softly as he slid into her. Kissing her slowly.
Narcissa met his smile, with her own soft smile. This was an altimate betrayal, but what no one knew was she was lonely as well. Besides that there is a house full of family member's but Narcissa felt neglected by Lucius since he was douting on her sister. Cissa gasped as he entered her he felt different than her husband, she disliked how Bellatrix treated her husband, she didn't have to love him but at least care about him.
Rudolphus sighed in pleasure as he kissed her back,gently thrusting into her as he took his time making love to the woman under him. He wanted to make sure she knew she was cared for, even if he wasn't the one who should be taking the most care for her.
Narcissa moved her hips to match him as they kissed each other. Narcissa wanted to feel cared for and loved, but the truth was everyone seemed to love her sister more than her, sure Cissy is the youngest but still. Making love to Rudolphus waas pleasurable, so sweet and caring.
Rudolphus moaned softly smling at her, eyes going wide slightly as he came,holding her closer as he kissed her again. holding her close, shuddering in pleasure because it was so nice to be with someone who really wanted him.Even if it was just for a moment.
Narcissa was smiling though her eyes were closed, feeling him cum had made her cum as well. Her breathing was heavy from having sex with him. As she was held close to him she kissed him back.
Rudolphus sighed softly as he pulled out of her, shifting to lay down next to her, pressing a kiss to her head as he sighed, nuzzling her neck."You are amazing."he muttered
Cissy gasped softly as he pulled out of her. Narcissa giggled slightly as he nuzzled her neck. "Thank are you." she stated a slight smile upon her lips.
Rudolphus smiled yawning a little. Before conscious thought came back, really realizing what he'd done."Narcissa..."He muttered raising his head to look at her looking pained and slightly horror struck
Narcissa turned her head to look at him, her smile had faded as she fully realized the coniquence of their actions. "Yes...Rudolphus..." They both had just cheated on their spouses with each other.
"Fuck...."Rudolphus cursed quietly, collapsing back onto the bed,closing his eyes."We were so worried about lucius and bella...We have to tell him."He said sadly, rubbing his eyes.hating the idea, but hating more to hide something from her.
"Yes I suppose we must let them know...God," Narcissa agreed they were fucked, she wasn't sure how she was to manage telling him, after all he was faithful to her even though he loved Bellatrix and just because of a small weakness she went and slept with Bella's husband.

Bellatrix was still asleep downstairs, stirring slightly in Lucius's arms.
Rudolphus sighed a little." going to be bad."he sighed as he sat up, searching for his clothes as he started to get dressed. Sighing softly as he leaned over to kiss her."I am sorry Cissy..."He muttered.

Lucius whined a little as she pulled away, blinking slowly."Bella?"He muttered sounding confused on how he'd ended up here.
Narcissa sighed and had a worried look to her face,she didn't know what to do. She kissed him back. "As am I am I." Narcissa whispered unable to find her voice,Covering herself with the blanket.

Bella turned her head torward him, "Hmm...Morning." She said with a smile on fer face. "You were tired..."
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