Love begets hate

Lucius sighed softly, closing his eyes in pleasure as he lened back against her hands,"That feels so good bell."He muttered shifting a little before moving back to the bed. So out of it, he didn't even consider going back to his bedroom, settling down on her bed, laying on his stomach as he closed his eyes.
Bellatrix smiled, she knew he wouldn't be able to resist. Bella followed him as he walked back to the bed rubbing his shoulders, until he lay on his stomach. As he laid there she rubbed his shoulders and his back trying to work out some of the knots, she didn't care that she was pregnant, she wanted him to relax some at least.
Lucius smiled a little, closing his eyes,sighing in pleasure."You shouldnt be doing this...should rest..."He muttered shivering slightly. Yawning as he started to fall asleep under her hands as pleasure and contentment loosened his muscles
Bellatrix smiled as as he was finally relaxing, she then smirked, "I know...but you need it" Bella cooed. One hand stayed on his back while the other one gently rubbed his ears. She couldn't help it, Bellatrix was happy that he was settling in.
Lucius whined softly starting to fall asleep."Not...fair."He muttered whining as he drifted to sleep.

Draco snickered softly from the doorway, leaning his shoulder against the frame."I was coming to make sure you were okay,but I guess you are."He teased.
"You know I never play fair....Would you like some cheese with that whine?"She whispered, playfully so she would not wake him as he drifted. Once he was under she kissed the top of his head.

Bellatix turned around when she heard the snicker behind her, It was only Draco. "You little sneak you was spying..." She accused quietly. "It's not what it looks like. Your father had woken me up, I thought it was you...then sleepy head became upset starting a fight, but I won." She stated, Bella was shocked he wasn't hounding her to get back into bed.
"Well good.He needs the sleep.And so do you."He said smiling slightly as he watched her. "Now get some sleep aunt Bella."he said smilling a little."Father wont mind if you snuggle up to him."
"Yes he does..." Bellatrix agreed, then pursing her lips into a pout. She was tired, smiling slightly she nodded her head, no need to argue with her loving nephew. Bellatrix walked over to Draco, wrapping him into a hug, whispering, "It's not him I worry about."
Draco smiled a little hugging her, pressing a kiss to her head as he held her."And no need to worry about yourself or uncle rudy.I'll take care of everyone."
"But surely you can't take care of all of us...I know dear, I know you'll take care of me..." She stated smiling at him, She kissed his head lightly. "Good night Sweetie," Bellatrix stated letting go of her nephew, heading over to the bed where Lucius laid. Bellatix started to carefully settle in.
"Goodnight."Draco said smiling as he watched his father cuddle into his aunt.Looking amused as he left.

A few hours later Rudolphus sighed, rubbing his eyes as he sank into his seat, rubbing his eyes as he sipped the whiskey in his hand.He didn't know what the problem was, between nightmares and the two in his bed, he was feeling battered and out of sorts.Barely looking up when he heard someone coming in.
Narcissa had heard something downstairs, and realizing her husband wasn't in their bed she ventured downstairs. Narcissa didn't mind so much that Lucius wasn't in the bed, she figured he had gone to see her sister, everyone was fussing over her. Cissa took out her wand for just in case it was late she figured everyone was fast asleep. Cissa rounded the corner, pausing putting her wand away. "Rudolphus...?" She asked curiously, walking in further. "What's the matter?"
Rudolphus smiled lazily, a slight sheen to his eyes, just starting to get drunk."Your husbands sleeping in my bed."He snickered a little."I assume Bellatrix finally beat him up for not taking care of himself, so...yea. He's sleeping."He said with a sigh,rubbing his eyes.
"I figured as much since he's not in mine...Well I'm glad she got to him he needs the rest. Bellatrix shouldn't be beating anyone up in her condition." Narcissa stated sitting in a chair across from him. "Yes but why aren't you sleeping?" Narcissa asked slightly concerned.
Rudolphus smiled slightly, "Couldn't.He's sleeping where I usually do and the library couches arent that comfortable."he said slightly amused, even though he couldnt admit to just how badly his dreams had frightened him. Frightened him to the point of staying awake
"Hmmm right, I know, I'll have Draco go into my bed and you can use his tonight." Narcissa stated, he hadn't looked as if he had gotten enough sleep probably from worrying abot Bellatrix."Is that all that's wrong? she asked trying to keep conversation.
Rudolphus smiled a little at her."I dream."He sighed softly,"Narcissa, you worry to much. Leave him be.I'll go to sleep when your husbnd vacates my bed in the morning."He said wrinkling his nose a little.
"Dreams don't normally keep people up...unless they're bad...I'm sorry." Narcissa sighed, "Unlike Bella it's in my nature to worry. You need rest, and you know that in the morning you wont get much sleep because Bella will be awake and Draco and Lucius will be checking in on her and douting on her..." Narcissa explained. "Rudolphus then take my bed, you need rest and I'm awake, it's fine."
Rudolphus sighed a little, getting up,wrapping a arm around her waist, pressing a kiss to her head."Lay down with me then.I...I've gotten used to sleeping next to someone.And you can wake me up if I start dreaming gain."
Narcissa thought about it for a moment, "Alright Rudolphus, come on let's get up to bed." She stated She didn't have a problem sleeping next to him, it was like a sleep over, and they were technically family, at least he would rest easier.
Rudolphus smiled walking with her, sighing when they got to the room. Crawling under the covers with a tired sigh."Thnk you narcissa."He smiled up at her as he settled back in the plush bed.
"Don't worry about it, just get some rest." Cissa stated with a smile, as she settled herself into bed. It was rather strange sharing the bed with her brother-in-law but she couldn't have him not sleep or sleep in the lounge chairs.
Rudolphus smiled, sweetly, falling asleep.

IN the morning Rudolphus sighed softly, shifting closer to the woman in his arms, gently pressing a kiss to her shoulder sleepily."Morning."He uttered hugging her closer.
Narcissa wasn't far behind him, Lucius had either been working late or was doing lord knows what, so it was nice to have someone in the bed with her becoming acostumed to sleeping in someones arms.
Narcissa awoke after hearing him sigh and shift, "Hm...Morning." She stated still sleepily as he hugged her close.
Rudolphus smiled, shifting, nuzzling her neck."Sleep well?"He muttered tugging her clsoer, not even registering really who was in bed with him.
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