Love begets hate

Rudolphus nodded amused as he pressed a kiss to Draco's head, walking through the halls of the manor."You would. You would think he'd been deprieved of love with this clinging, and yet you know well Narcissa spoils her brat."He said amused as they walked into their room.
Bellatrix walked along with him trying to loosen her mucsles. "No he just....he's afriad that someone's it going to leave him." She stated she never did tell her husband that she told Draco about what happened. "and He is Not a brat." she stated defensive over Draco who was sleeping.
Rudolphus snorted looking slightly amused as he settled onto the bed with draco cuddled close to him, refusing to let him go."He's a spoiled brat, and you know it."He said amused."He's a good kid despite it. And why ever would he be afraid of someone leavng?"He asked raising a eyebrow. Looking concerned as he stroked the blond's hair.
"Yes he is, he's a good boy.... Well that happened on my part, well not just mine...Lucius too. Draco was asking questions and Lucius had me tell Draco what happened 20 years ago, Draco thought Lucius regreted everything including his birth I assured him not, and he's more clingy than he was, he doesn't want his father to regret or run off."Bellatrix explained with a sigh as she got ready for bed.
Rudolphus smiled sadly shaking his head as he watched her pain flinting through his eyes before he looked down. "Lucius might regret the events that brought it about, but he would never regret his son."He sighed a little, wishing he had something in this marriage he didn't regret. Prayign that the child she carried binded them closer, and even if she didn't love him, that she'd be able to tolerate him
"That's what I told him, but he still had his doubts." Bellatrix stated, smiling lightly. "What me to take him back?" She asked Rudolphus who Draco was now clinging to. Bellatrix sat down on the bed, she felt horrible for Rudolphus she was never able to give her heart an now he thought she was carring his child.
Rudolphus smiled peacefully, shaking his head as he settled back,closing his eyes."Nah, he's fine. He'll probably attack you sometime anyways."He said amused, glancing at her, tilting his head a little."Whats wrong?"He asked, looking concerned, sensing something was wrong but not able to figure out what it was.
"Alright, true" she stated laying down in the bed. "Hmm...nothing wrongI just have a pain in my side from laying the way I was." She said smiling at him. Hoping that he'd believe her.
Rudolphus smiled a little."Be careful then."He muttered already drifting asleep. Thinking everything was perfect in his world.Even if his wife didn't love him, they were having a child, someone no one would blame him for loving wholeheartedly and wanting to protect.
"Good night dear." She stated leaning over kissing his cheek then curled up on her side of the bed. Bellatrix brought her hands and traced her belly, knowing a life is there with in her.
3 months later Voldemort smiled slightly as he sat down across the table from Rudolphus and Bellatrix, tilting his head slightly as he studied the two. "You asked to see us my lord?"TRudolphus asked, studying him. Voldemort nodded, "I would like to speak to you of the child."he said,for once taking his time getting to what he wanted to speak of.
Bellatrix would have gotten up to bow but it was starting to get a little difficult to do certian things. Bellatrix was slightly worried and nervious she was so preoccupied she hadn't had much time to speak,visit, or go on missions, to/for the Dark Lord. Bella bowed her head when he sat though. Bellatrix's eyes shifted to look at Rudolphus, quick. Her hand went to her stomach,"What about the child My Lord?" Bellatrix asked, affriad he would tell her to get rid of it.
Voldemort smiled shaking his head. Knowing her fear he raised a hand to wave it away."do not worry so Bellatrix, it is nothing bad.As you know, I am not able to have heirs of my own." Rudolphus nodded slightly studying him."Yes my lord." Voldemort smiled slightly as he watched the lestrange consider the situtation."I would like to adopt your child, as my heir."
Bellatrix swallowed and relaxed some hoping he wasn't just being cruel, she didn't think he would at least not to her. Bella nodded her head slightly, looking couriously at the Dark Lord, Bellatrix gasped and her eyes grew wide, She was speachless. Unsure of what to say, what made it worse is the child was only half hers and the other half wasn't in the room with her. "What...would that intail My Lord?" She asked, she wouldn't be able to give up her only child, after carrying it for nine months. She wanted to be able to care for it and such.
Voldemort smiled at her, "I would not deprieve you of the child you''ve wanted so long."He said tilting his head, "I would like a chance to teach her or him. To teach, and show the ways of the world, and let them have the things that I can provide that you cannot."He smiled a little."I would reward you for being loyal and true Bellatrix." Rudolphus bit his lip a little studying the man, a small frown on his face as he reached for Bellatrix's hand, gently squeezing as he looked at her."Bella?"
Bellatrix looked at her husband not that he could really help her, then back to the Dark Lord. Bellatrix closed her eyes, biting the inside of her mouth as she thought. In her mind there were two options, Say No, and she and the baby would die, or the baby would die which Bella couldn't live with. And Two say Yes, Be able to live and raise her baby, and be rewarded. Bellatrix opened her eyes again as Rudolphus grabbed her hand. Her heart was twisting in her chest, She made sure her tears didn't even reach her eyes. "Yes...My Lord I would be honored if you adopted my child, As long as I can still care and raise my babe, You may adopt it." She stated, taking a deep breath, not looking at her husband.
Voldemort nodded,"I shall see that things are settled aright.Then I will have the adoption papers for you."He said as he stood, "I must speak to lucius.Excuse me."He said before leaving the room.

Rudolphus looked concerned, looking at his wife, gently squeezing her hand,gently stroking her hair."Bellatrix?Are you okay?"He muttered shifting to wrap his arms around the woman.
Bellatrix nodded , "Yes, My Lord..." she stated 'Speak to Lucius? Why does he need to do that?' she thought.

Bellatrix breathing was heavy watching making sure the Dark Lord was gone. Bellatrix jumped when he was squeezing her hand and his hand petting her hair, She looked at him slightly crazed. As soon as she was in his embrace she broke down becoming hystrical tears flowing like a stream. She clung to him.
Rudolphus sighed softly as he held her,trying to calm her.shifting his hold slightly,picking her up as he carried her upstairs."Do you want me to go find draco?"he asked, knowing she liked spending time wiht draco when she was upset.Probably more then she cared to spend with him,but alas he tried to do what she needed, no matter how much it hurt.
This was the first time she wanted to betray the Dark Lord, she was happy an honored, she felt like she was doing the noble thing for pure blood sake, but after loading the first one by going to prison she couldn't bare to give this one away. Only if Lucius knew and he was there to help her, the child was also his, though he did not know. Bella held on to Rudolphus as he carried her, shocked that he still could. Bellatrix sobbed softly into his shoulder, her mind was so burdened. Bella nodded her head gently as he offered to find her nephew. She needed Draco now more than ever.
"I'll be right back with him love."He said pressing a kiss to Bellatrix's hair, gently stroking her hair before freeing himself and going to go find Draco.

Draco ducked in the room, looking concerned as he climbed in bed with her, cuddling against her."Aunt Bellatrix?What's wrong?Did you fight with father again?"He asked anxious to make her feel better.
Bella nodded her head as she lay in the bed, still crying waiting for her nephew that her husband went to find. "Draco...Sweetie come here." She stated with open arms as he cuddled into her. "No dear, well not today...not yet."She stated they seemed to fight with eachother more now then they had before putting more stress on Bella. "...But it is your father we need to talk about...well nnot just him..." She stated not sure were to start, this was alot to tell an 18 year old. "I just spoke with the Dark Lord...He...he wants to adopt the baby, I had to agree, I couldn't say no afraid of what he could do... I had lost a child before and I can't bare it to happen again or for me to die as well, and you know how loyal I am so...." She stated as more tears filled her eyes she tried to wipe them away. Bellatrix took a deep breath, "Now this part...well this is were everything is a mess, Your father...and I slept together, when you and your mother were out and lord knows were Rudolphus was an accident and he started it...I have never been truely able to resist him. It was wonderful...and horrible I felt so bad and rotten afterward, I laid with my husband...As you know I'm pregnant...My problem is that it's not Rudolphus's It's your father's...I checked... You're going to have a half brother or sister. Nobody besides you and I know...and I had to make a choice and I can't tell Lucius..." Bellatrix ranted on crying until the end, being pregnant made her more emotional. She was afraid of Draco's reaction now and what he would do and whether he'd hate her for cheating with his father behind Cissa and Rudolphus.
Draco looked shocked, swallowing hard. There was..he had nothing to say. Swallowing hard again as he wrapped his arms around the other tightly, holding her close as he pressed a kiss to his aunt's head, stroking her hair as he calmed."Shhh love, shhh.Its okay."He said softly, not sure what he was feeling about this, but he wanted to comfort her. And plan on how to get this mess straightened out. Because he knew the man, he knew his father would be devastated later if he found out.
Bellatrix couldn't look at Draco she was embarrassed, shamed, lost, she was much worse than a child would be. While tring to fix something it just seemed to get worst. She heard Draco swallow hard several times, that was it...he hated her, he was going to leave her as well. At least that's what she felt and how it seemed. Bellatrix was shocked as he grabbed hold of her, the way he half her and spoke to her was just how his father used to so many years ago. It also reminded her of a parent cradling a child, she had held Draco like this before. Bellatrix held onto Draco lightly as she cried into him, she felt bad that he was the only real person she could talk too.
Draco smiled sadly pressing a kiss ot her head, knowing there was no words to make this easier. Or better. Wishing that he could. shifting his hold to get more comfortable he sighed softly,"You have to talk to father."he muttered, even if he knew she wouldn't. After all, if she was going to tell him,she would have already done it.
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