Love begets hate

Lucius smiled kissing her back,sighing softly as he raised his head, looking down at her, gently tucking her hair behind her ears."If I could not love her, I would you for you, my love."He muttered kissing her again trying to ease the pain that twisted his heart.

Rudolphu nodded,"I know.And we are here and not there.Narcissa and lucius will take care of you.And even draco, though he might be worse about fretting."He teased a little gently wiping her tears away.
Narcissa looked at him smiling as he moved her hair behind her ears, she sighed at his words. "I know, dear I know..." she replied as a tear fell from her eyes. She knew he was pained, and hated seeing him like this. "Let's go grab something for dinner, okay?" She asked they hadn't eaten since that morning.

"I know...I can't help it I was alone with that for 14 years it's still painful. Yes he might which kinda worries me. " She stated starting to giggle, a bit. She started to actually eat.
Lucius laughed softly as his stomach chose that moment to gurgle, amused that his body agreed that he needed to eat."Dinner sounds amazing."He said laughing a little, pressing a kiss to her forehead before heading for the dining room.

"Might?Draco's going to dote on you and you know it."He teased snickering a little, amused as she started to eat."He's liable to follow you around with a tray of food and a pregnancy book in hand."
Narcissa chuckled, "I see you're stomach agree's with me. Alright what would you like?" She asked as the walked to the dinning room with him.

"Yes...Well now that I think about it, Yeah Draco's going to be there the whole way." She giggled knowing how he is. "Please don't give him that idea...That's what's going to worry me."
Lucius laughed softly, tilting his head."Ah well, we can have whatever draco's having."He said amused to see his son sitting in his normal seat, hand hovering over a plate of eggs before he took a bite. Draco smiled a little at his parents, swallowing the food in his mouth."I'm having breakfast."He said proudly, amused at the idea of tripping his father up. Knowing the elder malfoy disliked having foods out of order during the day.

Rudolphus snickered looking at her, glad she was so distracted she was eating more then she had had in days."I wont tell him. He'll think of it on his own.probably. Betwene him and narcissa, one of them will."
"Very well." She agreed seeing Draco in his place. Narcissa laughed as she saw that Draco was eating eggs, and he was very proud of them. "You still want what Draco's having, Dear?" She asked giggling at him. Narcissa didn't mind having eggs, so it was fine by her.

"Keep the two away from each other quick, with my luck they'll have me floating so I won't have to walk anywhere." Bellatrix stated, she knew them all too well. She hadn't even realized that she had nearly finished her plate, "I guess the sea monkey was hungry.." She joked, her subconsious kept her eating.
Lucius' eye twitched a little as he sat down at the tble, before making a plate f eggs for himself. Not about to be so anal that he couldn't have eggs."Eggs are perfectly fine."He said starting to eat. Draco snorted laughing a little looking at his father, amused."You can have something else you know."

Rudolphus grinned at her, "Nah, that would be lucius. Draco and Narcissa will just pester you into staying in bed all day."He teased amused that she'd eaten everything."Wanting anything else?"he said stealing a bite of the food.
Narcissa watched Lucius, as she made her own plate. Cissa laughed a bit at this it was cute. Then she started to eat her eggs.

Bellatrix laughed, "too true too true, that would be him. They are more naggy aren't they? What will you do?" She asked him they were saying that everyone but him would care for her. "Would you mind getting me something to drink?"
Lucius gave her a look eating."Its not nice laughing at me." Draco snickered a little watching the two, already plotting on how to get them apart."Oh, stop pouting father."

Rudolphus smiled summoning a elf to get her something to drink before looking at her,biting his lip a little."Well...I'll do what you want me to."He said a slight worried look on his face.
Narcissa pursed her lips, smiling a little then she saw the look and her smile faded. "Sorry Dear it was just a little laugh." she stated continuing to eat.

Bellatrix saw his look giving him a smile, "Okay...that works, I don't want you too worry so much okay? We're save this time." Bella stated knowing he was going to worry about her constantly.
Draco snickered as he ate, amused because lucius malfoy of all people, was pouting because he was eating eggs. It was surreal. Smiling he looked at his mother,"How's aunt bella doing?" "Well enough. She said you can visit when you want."Lucius answered as he finished his eggs.

Rudolphus rollled his eyes a little at the order settling back in bed, cuddling close as he started to fall asleep."I'm going to worry. I just do."He said yawning.
Narcissa ate her eggs in silence listening to them talk, Lucius was making a big deal over eggs it was funny in a sense. "I haven't checked on her but as your father says she'll be happy to see you." Narcissa stated smiling at Draco.

"I know but I'll be fine get some sleep dear..." She stated, knowing she wasn't going to have a moments peace. Bellatrix waited until Rudolphus had fallen asleep before she got up and walked to the library, looking at pregnacy books and baby names.
Draco grinned as he finished his food getting up and heading out of the room,grinning wider at the sight of his aunt going into the library. Following her inside he watched her for a few minutes before speaking."Care for some company?"
Bellatrix was so ingrossed in one of the books she hadn't heard him come in. She jumped in her seat when he spoke turning to see who it was, who had disturbed her reading. Realizing it was Draco she relaxed, "You gave me a fight, come on in Sweetie." she stated giving him a light smile, scooting over on the couch to let him sit. It reminded her of Hogwarts when Lucius would find her in the library.
Draco smiled a little moving to sit next to her, curling his legs up under him, "I didn't mean to."He said smiling that half smile that belonged wholly to lucius. So like lucius when he was young, untouched by the pain that had twisted lucius into being what he was.
Bellatrix watched as Draco as he walked over sitting down next to her. "I know you didn't, it's just one of those days. Bella was shocked by how much he looked like Lucius, when he was younger there was now doubt about it, before the pain and suffering. Shaking her head lightly, "Did you need to see me about something, dear?" she asked curiously.
Draco shook his head smiling a little."No. but mother told me to stay away until you were feeling better. And Father said you were feeling better, so I came to see how you were."He said smiling as he shifted, resting his head on his aunt's shoulder.
"Oh Well that sounds like Cissy, afraid I'd hurt my only nephew." She stated though she had another one but that side of the family was dead to her. "Yes I'm feeling much better, I had a little spell I'm fine, figured I'd look some things up. At least this time I'm in a safe, well safer enviroment. Thanks for checking on my Sweetie." She smiled at him, then tilting her head to the side a bit. Bellatrix kissed the top of Draco's head as he rested on her shoulder.
Draco smiled a little, nodding."We'll take care of you.I promise."He smiled sleepily, shifting, snuggling against her. For all the world looking like he was getting ready to go to sleep on her. And he was. Emotionally and physically exhausted the malfoy heir was settling down to sleep.
Bellatrix wrapped her arm around her nephew, holding him gently but close. Bella smiled, "I know you will Sweetie, we'll talk tomorrow...Okay?" She stated she was sure he was tired, while she was awake do to her nap. Bellatrix bit her lip as he snuggled into her. "Draco let's say your mother was pregnant what would you think of having a little brother or sister running around?" She asked feeling had already begun to eat away at her.
"Little sister?Sister would be fun."He muttered sleepily, sounding amused. Not knowing what he was saying, but truthful nonetheless. "I'd have cuddles and hugs for her.Or boys. I don't want dad having another boy.I like being his only son. A sister. I want a sister."
"Yes, are you sure, take it from me sisters aren't always easy," she joked. She was glad that he was have dazed with sleep aready, she wasn't really sure if she was ready to talk about him having a half sybling yet. Bellatrix giggled lightly, Draco was so cute even at 18 when he was tired. "Yeah the only boy is pretty speacial," She cooed slightly.
Drco smiled cutely. Not that he'd ever say that, or do any of this if he was awake. After all, he refused to do anything adorable or cute when he was fully awake. "I know. I am special."He said laughing a little, nuzzling his aunt's shoulder."I'd take care of her.She'd be the bestest sister in the world"
Bellatrix put her book to the side, craddling Draco in her arms petting his head lightly. He was adorable when tired, too bad he wasn't like that all the time. She smiled as he knew he was special, "Yes and you'd be the bestest brother wouldn't you?" Bella whispered to him.
Draco nodded smiling as he snuggled against her."I would be. Bestest ever." He smiled sleepily.

Lucius laughed softly from the doorway, a arm around narcissa's waist as he studied the two."Now, I havent seen him that tired in years.I forgot how adorable he could be."He said amused.
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