Love begets hate

Draco looked amused, "Oh that was paybck for you showing pansy my baby pictures."He teased looking worried as he looked at his uncle and aunt, tilting his head before he studied his father, waiting to see what hed do.

Rudolphus growled softly moving to not get hit before laughing a little, shifting back to look at her."No."He said smirking a little as Lucius picked her up."We're going to bed.And getting you bundled up and warm."Lucius said as he shifted the woman in his arms, wincing at the slight chill of her skin heading back inside.
Narcissa giggled then became quiet as she saw her sister outside on the cold ground crying. Her heart sank she hadn't seen her sister like that in years. She looked at them then at Lucius.

Bella looked like she wanted to kill him for laughing at her, "NO! LUCIUS MALFOY PUT ME DOWN THIS INSANT!!!" She screamed as she kicked and flailed in his arms. She didn't care who it was who grabbed her, she wanted to be alone. "WE ARE NOT!! PUT ME BACK DOWN, WHERE I WAS!!!" She demaned, as Lucius carried her to the house.

Narcissa was worried and frightend for her sister.
"Fucking hells bells, knock it off Bellatrix."Lucius snarled wincing as his knees buckled a little as her foot found his groin. Shifting his hold on the woman he was carrying he sighed, biting his lip before apparating into their bedroom, sighing as he dropped her onto the plush mattress."Rest."He demanded staring at her hard.

Draco winced as his father disappeared, looking as his uncle ran up the stairs, heading for their bedroom. Looking over at his mother looking worried."Is there anything I could do to help?"
"NO!!!" she screamed she didn't mean to hit him in his groin she just wanted down. Bellatrix sighed as she was dropped onto the bed, She stared up at him menicingly, after a moment from his demained Bellatrix started to try and get up again.

Narciisa watched the sence with Draco, Bellatrix was now just being unreasonable. Narcissa looked at her son wrapping an arm around him. "Right now dear I don't think so, Listen to me I don't want you anywhere near your aunt at least until we're sure she is calm, We don't know what she'll do. Do you understand?" She asked she knew her sister and she was having a tanturm so it was best to let her be.
Lucius glared back at her, tilting his head, as if daring her to attack him. Mentally smirking because Rudolphus was staying back. Knowing he was about the only person who might be able to convince her to stay calm."Now calm down.You're not doing yourself any good."

Draco frowned a little, looking concerned before nodding sadly."I will. She'd feel worse if she hurt me when she was mad."he said wisely.
Bellatrixs breathing was heavy as she tried to calm herself in a way. She wanted to pounce and attack him, on top of knowing her magic, she was also vicious with hand to hand attacks though she was more like a cat in that sense. Bellatrix was shaking from an abundance of things, anger, fear, cold... to name a few. "Lucius you don't don't understand....nobody understands...." She stated trying not to cry but looking crazier than ever. She wanted to tell him the child was his, but she couldn't. She wanted to him what had happened in Azkaban but she couldn't she didn't want to hurt him. Her hands were tensed and looked like claws, she wasn't planning on attacking but would if she needed too.

"Yes, yes she would she adores you, she always has." Narcissa stated, foundly in a sense.
Lucius sighed softly glancing over his shoulder, before gently shoving rudolphus out of the door, and shutting it. Ignoring the others as he focused on the woman in front of him.Raising a eyebrow as he studied her."Bella, if attacking me will make you feel better, do it."He muttered studying her. Willing to take the brunt of her temper if it meant she'd calm down. Knowing that he needed to get her to relax. "Tell me so I can understand."He muttered looking concerned.
Bellatrix saw the movement and she tensed even more, as her husband was put out of the room, with the door shut. Bellatrix was about to attack him then stopped, inched from his face, she had the wild tendancy of an animal at the moment, then his words hit her. Her eyes softened, and her hand relaxed slowly pulling away from his face. Bella took a step back then fell to her knees, crying again. Words could no longer form, as shhe sat there and cried.
Lucius sighed softly, sitting down on the edge of the bed, shifting to lean back against the headboard before pulling her close, letting her rest on his chest as he pressed a kiss to her head, gently running his fingers through her hair."Shhh sweetheart. You didn't hurt me. I'm fine love."
She kneeded her claws on his chest gently, "I almost did..." she whispered. Finally giving in she couldn't hold it inside her anymore, "In Azkaban....when We went in...I was pregnant, they didn't care....a few months later one of the gurads thought it would be funny to preform the Cruiatis curse on me....he kept doing it intill there was blood...he ran off. Another guard came they tied me to a bed getting my to the "hospital" area....the baby...the baby died....My fault, I lost my child, if only I was stronger..." Bellatrix explained threw sobs, she couldn't tell him the other thing that he wouldn't understand, not yet.
Lucius' hands were gentle as he stroked the other's hair, even as rage made his grind his teeth together. wanting to hurt someone for causing her this pain."Love, not even the strongest person could have survived that whole.It is not your fault."He muttered brushing his lips over her forehead, strugglign to be calm, because she needed him to be.
She continued to cry into him, as she started to relax as he stroked her hair. "Now you see why...I'm so distraught, It was my fault I was in Azkaban in the first place. I don't...I'm too old to care for a child..." She stated nuzzling into Lucius..."I knew it would hurt you that's why I never wanted to tell you Cissy doesn't even know..."
Lucius sighed softly, holding her tighter, closing his eyes."I know she doesn't. Otherwise I would have heard about it before now."he looked sad before smiling sadly."You might be older,but we have draco. we'll let him be the babe's nursemaid.He'd enjoy fussing over someone."he said more trying to get her to laugh then any seriousness.
"That's why I never told her cause she would have told you..." She stated sad still crying. A light smile came to her lips,"You're going to let Draco care for my baby?...If it lives and I thought I was crazy?" Bella laughed softly, she wouldn't mind Draco helping out though.
Lucius laughed softly, nodding."I'd even make him hand change diapers. Can you imgine his face if he was fored to do it without magic or his mother's help?"He said amused, "And you're not as crazy as you'd like us to think you are"he said brushing his lips over her forehead.
"Oh that's cruel thats really cruel." She chuckled, thiinking of the boys face. "Yes I know, but *yawn* only my family knows that, everyone slse thinks I'm bonkers." Bellatrix said sleepily she became tired from fighting and crying.
Lucius smiled."Just sleep bella.I'll be here when you wake up."He muttered smiling as he watched her fall asleep, raising a eyebrow as Narcissa opened the door. Smiling slightly."Shhh she's quiet."he muttered looking over at his wife.
"But...You promise...?" She asked before she drifted off.

Narcissa walked in quietly looking at her now sleeping sister, Then she looked at her husband shocked, "It's about time, How'd you do it?" she asked in a whisper.
Lucius smiled slightly, shiftng his hold on Bellatrix,settling her closer to his side,"Threatened to let her hurt me."He shrugged smiling at his wife a little."Figured she'd bulk more at hurting me then anyone else."
"That was low, glad it figured right, but you were foolish with the way she was she could have torn you to bits." She stated, worriedly. "Come on, trade places with Rudolphus so he can "try" to care for her, he said you shoved him out of the room. plus he needs her right now too," She sugguested.
Lucius snickered a little."I did. Not my fault she was angry with her."He sighed a little biting his lip a little, frowning a little."I promised I'd be here when she got up."He said looking decidely uncomfortable,blushing ever so slightly at the admittance.
She giggled slightly, her sister was always mad at him. Her smile faded, "Ooo...yeah you promised her? Guess you cant leave she'll flip out...alright but just until shes awake, okay love?" Narcissa stated, slightly worried and jealous at the moment. "I keep an eye on Rudolphus then..." She stated walking out the door.
Lucius winced, knowing he'd upset his wife. Tilting his head as he watched her go."Narcissa, I do love you."He smiled closing his eyes as he rested his cheek against bellatrix's head, settling in to take a nap himself.

Rudolphus paused in his pacing turning to look at hte door as Narcissa came out, looking anxious at what was going on in the room now that he'd been kicked out.
"I love you too, Lucius." She turned and smiled at him before she walked out the door, closing it behind her. "Bellas knocked out,...I mean she fell asleep, crying herself that way, it's alot to handle in one sitting." Nacrissa tried to explain to Rudolphus. "Here lets go sit down a while, Lucius promised her he'd be there when she awoke."
Rudolphus looked startled before sighing softly. Nodding. Just glad that she'd calmed down. Even if it was lucius who got to take care of her. Siling as he ran his fingers through his hair he followed her into the sitting room, pouring them both drinks, handing her a glass."Well. At least we're here instead of azkaban."He said slightly amused but mostly bitter.
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