Love begets hate

Bellatrix was still upset and was quite awake from being in bed practically all day. "I'm not tired..." She stated flatly, as she remained still while her husband stroked her hair. As much as she wanted to be Lucius's she wasn't, giving him no true authority over her. "Thinks he knows what's best I can care for myself I don't need no body to care for me..." Bella started to mumble.
Ruulphus sighed shifting, rolling on his stomach as he closed his eyes."You need someone. Otherwise you do reckless things.Like killing sirius.The brat's going to kill you for that."He whined a little sighing softly."Lucius cares.As much as I despise that he does, he does.Let us take care of you."
Bellatrix cackled insanely, as Rudolphus said that Harry was going to kill her. "Ha, that filthy half blood brat can't kill me, he's too weak." She stated then her smile faded, remembering that she killed the last of the Black lines. "Filthy blood traitor....he had it coming...I was doing what I was told pruning my family tree...Now I just need to eliminate my sister who's dead to us, my 'darling' niece Nymphadora, and her werewolf husband. Plus If you recall Lucius was there, but he couldn't have done anything about it." Bellatrix stated, her bloodlines were tainted and needed to be fixed, back when they were younger it didn't matter her cousin and her sisters were close together then everything changed. 
Bellatrix kne Lucius cared they had just shared his bed and in his eyes she knew. 'Both of you? Caring for me?' Bella thought. "So, now you want to share me...with Lucius of all people?" She asked curiously. 
Rudulphus snorted, "NO I don't,but I know you.You'll let him take care of you before you'll let me."He said scowling as he buried his face against his pillow, curling his arms around it as he laid on his stomach."I've given up fighting him over it. It's easier to just go along with what he comes up with.Espicially since he's letting me stay here."He said, knowing the malfoy, and knowing lucius had wanted to kick him out and lock bella behind the wards to keep them apart. And admired the restraint it had probably taken to not do it.
Bellatrix went cold, it was true though, she'd let Lucius care for her before she'd let her own husband. Bella looked over at him shifting the way she was laying. She brought her hand and layed it on his back slowly, and gently rubbing his back, trying to comfort him. It was difficult being married to the one and in love with the other. Bellatrix had calmed herself at least enough to relax.
Ruulphus tensed a little under her hand before sighing, realizing she wasnt angry at him for pointing out the truth.Sighing he smiled slightly."So does this mean we're staying?"He asked slightly amused, and glad the woman had relaxed enough to not be yelling anymore, or ranting about lucius.
She felt him tense but ignored it continuing to stroke his back. Bellatrix thought for a minute, "I....We have no we're staying." She stated deaftedly, with or without Lucius she'd go mad.
Rudulphus smiled, "good."he said relaxing even more as she didn't argue more. Just glad that he wouldn't have to continue thinking about lucius.

A few days later rudulphus sighed tiredly, smiling as he looked at bellatrix, a tray of food sitting across his legs as he looked at her."Come on sweetheart, you haven't been eating enough these few days. Come on, you'll feel better when you do."He said putting off the inventiable. Trying not to think about how he needed to just tell lucius she wasn't eating. Knowing she'd let Lucius feed her.But dammit, he wanted to take care of her.
Bellatrix smiled to herself when he relaxed more so. She then cuddled herself down, holding onto him as she slowly drifted off.

Bellatrix sat up in bed feeling lazy not wanting to do anything, resting against the back board with her eyes closed. When she heard him speak, her eyes opened and looked at him, return a slight smile. She then looked at the tray of food he had, it looked delicious but she wasn't hungry. In fact she had hardly been eating anything. Bellatrix shook her head lightly, "Thanks...It looks really good, but No thanks dear, I'm not hungry." She stated, the ironic thing was she had gained a few pounds from not eating something was strange.
Rudulphus sighed softly looking at her, looking worried."You have to eat something Bell.You'll make yourself sick if you don't."He said studying her. Wondering if Lucius had already left for work.If not maybe he could get the man to make her eat before he did. Mentally snarling at the idea of having to let someone else take care of his wife."You'll feel better if you eat something.Even if you're not hungry."
"Rudolphus, you know....I can't eat much unless I'm hungry. If I do I'll get sick, I can't win." Bellatrix informed him gently. She had tried to eat a full dinner the other night, and instead of getting some sleep, she ended up in the bathroom on her knees. Bellatrix could tell he was worried about her, in his eyes and the tone of his voice, truth was she was worried, more so scared though she didn't show it. This had happened before, she couldn't eat, she lost her appetite, besides in Azkaban where the guards would taunt her, and "forget" to feed her. Bella knew it had happened before going to Azkaban, but couldn't remember why at the moment. Bellatrix sighed solftly, "Alright....I don't want to argue...give me the slice of toast..." she said giving in softly. Bella was sick with something, but didn't know what. She also wanted to see Lucius and her sister and of course Draco, she hadn't seen them in days and she lived with them, but Bella has rarely been out of the bed.
Rudulpus sighed softly as he handed her the tost, pressing a kiss to her head before getting up."I'll go see what draco's doing."He said before ducking out of the room, going in search of lucius.Sighing relieved when he found him and narcissa enjoying a quiet breakfast. "Lucius. Bell's sick, and would like to see you."He said turning his head away, watching out of the corner of his eye to watch Lucius leave the room before crossing over to take Lucius's vacated seat, sighing heavily as he looked at Narcissa before away. Because there was no words for how awkward this was.

Lucius gently knocked on the door, smiling slightly."Bellatrix?"He said opening the door a fraction of a inch, waiting for permission to go inside.
"Thanks dear.... Alright I'll see you when you return." Bellatrix stated then took a bite of the toast. She remained in the bed something was wrong with her, it was probably the start of a cold. Bellatrix gently relaxed into the bed, she was kinda tired, the food that was sitting on the table was making her feel nausious.

Narcissa looked at Rudophus, "She'll be alright....What's wrong with her any way? Coughing? Sneezing?" Narcissa asked curiously, knowing her sister she was most liking fine or depressed.

Bellatrix sat back up hearing the knock, unsure of who it was untill she heard her name. 'Lucius? What is he doing here? Rudolphus....' She thought slightly aggitated but glad she hadn't seen Lucius in the past few days. "Come in.." She stated smiling softly watching the door. "What brings you here?" Bella questioned curiously though she already knew th answer.
"No, she just wont eat.And the thought of food was making her nasuous."He sighed tiredly rubbing his eyes, resting his head back against the chair."She argued with me on eating something.Figured she'd take it better if Lucius was caring for her."He shrugged a little.

Lucius sighed a little as he walked in, moving to sit on the edge of the bed, looking worried."Rudolphus said you were sick.And since I hadn't seen you in a few days,I thought I'd come and see what was wrong."
"Oh her 'not' eating that's strange, she at least eats something. You're trying at least but you know Bella she's stubborn as a mule." She stated trying to console him. Her sister hardly gave him the time of day. "Don't let yourself get too down, about it." She said softly.

Bellatrix moved her legs over a bit giving Lucius room to sit, she saw his worry and it cut into her heart. Bellatrix rolled her eyes as he mentioned Rudolphus's name, she knew he went to find Lucius not Draco. "I'm fine just a little under the weather is all...He really needs to not worry about me....Just because I have no apitite and haven't been really eating...much...I'm not hungry, I'm fine. He knows I can't eat when i'm not hungry...." Bellatrix was explaining, she didn't mean to say she hadn't been eating knowing he'd be upset or angry with her.
Rudolphus gave her a lk, "How can I not?"He asked closnig his eyes."She'll let him take care of her, and I don't get a chance.I'd leave if I thought I'd survive not being able to try and take care of her."He sighed tiredly.

Lucius smiled a little sitting on the edge of the bed as he looked at her."You know he can't help but worry."He said amused before looking at the food, picking up a piece of toast and nibbling on it."Ill eat some, nd he'll stop fretting so much."
"I know I worry about Lucius as well the only difference is that he let's me worry, unlike Bella. It's got to be hard. Plus it's still dangerious to really go anywhere you're safest here." She attempted to simpithize with him though she didn't know exactly what he was going through. "Rudophus, have you been getting enough sleep? You should go lie down for a while.." Narcissa stated concerned for his well being, she was corncerned for her family even if by marrage to her sister.

Bellatrix looked at him seeing him smile made her smile, "I know but...really I'm fine." Bellatrix stated then giggled at the fact that Lucius was eating part of her breakfast. "Thank you..."She stated then her smile faded, she felt funny. Sliding her legs off the bed, getting up, "Excuse me..." She stated quietly, Bellatrix then ran to the bathroom connected to there room, hovering over the toilet on her knees.
Rudolphus looked startled at her concern, smiling slightly."I..."He stopped. Frowned. Tried to remember the last time he slept."I...I haven't."He sighed a little amused looking at her."I guess I've been so worried about bella, I haven't been taking care of myself."He said amused, and pained. Because of everyone in the home, it had been Narcissa, not bellatrix to realize something was wrong. Shaking his head a little he grinned."Between worrying about bella, and nightmares, I guess I never sleep well."He shrugged, as if it wasnt any big deal.

Lucius frowned watching her for a minute, frowning as he sighed."Bellatrix?"He asked worried when she didn't return, walking in and crouching down next to her, gently rubbing her back."Do you want me to get Narcissa?She knows more healing and medical spells then I do..."
Narcissa looked at him quizzically, watching him waiting for an answer. When he said that he hadn’t been getting sleep, Narcissa frowned a bit. Forcing a slight smile to appear on her face, “You really need to start caring for yourself too, you know. I know you’re worried about my dear sister Bellatrix, I worry about her too. Bella is also a grown woman, no she doesn’t always make the right choices, but just give her a little more time, she’ll come around.” Cissa explained hoping to ease his burden at least for a short period of time. Narcissa though not always showing it cared for everyone within the house and her family, no matter how extended. “Nightmares? You’ve been having nightmares?” She asked concerned. “From Azkaban? Or are they different?” Cissa asked him curiously.

Bellatrix heard him call her name but could not answer him. Her back tensed as she felt his hand rub her back. When Lucius mentioned leaving her hand which was clutching the toilet, grabbed onto him trying to keep him there with her. Bella thought for a moment though, releasing him she nodded her head lightly holding onto the toilet again, She didn’t know what was wrong with her she was just so sick.
Rudulphus sighed a little pressing the heels of his hands against his eyes, trying to ease the headache he was feeling. Smiling slightly as he looked at the woman."Both."He shrugged as if it wasn't any big deal, smiling slightly when Lucius came in.

Lucius sighed, walking ver, pressing a kiss to the top of Narcissa's hair, smiling a little."You need to take a look at your sister. She's ill, and I'd feel better if you did.That...and I'm sure rudulphus will feel better to."He said looking at the other man worriedly. Despite being the man was his rival, he didn't want him to suffer.
Narcissa smiled alittle, then sighed. "I'm sorry Rudolphus, if there's something I can do to help let me know, okay? Nightmares can drive you insane so please be careful." She informed. Narcissa then saw Lucius return, "Everything alright?" Cissa asked smiling at the gentle kiss he gave. Cissa looked at Lucius curiously, 'Bella must be in bad shape if he's asking me to handle it.' She thought. "That bad?" She asked heading out the door to locate her sister. Narcissa walked in on Bellatrix clutching the toilet again.

Bellatrix held onto the toilet for dear life afraid to move away from it, not even hearing her sister enter.
"Oh Bella!" Narcissa stated concerned she hadn't seen her sister like this in a very long time. She bent down next to her sister rubbing her back pulling her long black curly locks out of the way, as Bellatrix took another dive into the can. Once Bella stopped she wiped her mouth and aafter a few stable moments clung to her sister. Narcissa held onto Bella tightly, "Shh...It's okay Bella, Tell Cissy everything that's bothering you." She stated rocking Bella gently, stroking her hair.
Bellatrix looked up at her sister, "Cissy, I feel yucky, I'm not hungry, I can't eat, I keep getting random pains,I'm gaining weight without doing anything to get it, plus I'm yaking every couple of minutes recently. What's wrong with me?" Bellatrix told Cissy what was wrong, needing to know what was wrong with her. Narcissa looked at Bellatrix in deep thought, "I don't know, yet Bella lets go get you into bed so I can have a better look." she stated starting to help her sister up, Bellatrix tried and stumbled a bit, but made it up back into bed. Narcissa then summoned a house elf, "Fetch me a bucket quickly." She stated the elf was gone then back again with a bucket. She wanted it for bella so she wouldn't need to get back up again. Narcissa ran several tests but couldn't discover the problem, Bella seemed nearly heathly for her. Narcissa then thought,'I've tried everything....hmmm..maybe..just maybe this might be it.' Narcissa cast a spell and her face lit up, brighter than a Christmas tree. Bellatrix looked at her confused, "What? What is it?" She asked her sister. "'re not sick...not at all...You''re..going to have a baby." She stated calmly but still excited she was so so happy for her sister. Bellatrix's eyes nearly poped out of her head, "What?" was all she could manage. "Bella congratulations, in about 9 months you're going to be a mother." Narcissa stated hugging her sister, "I'm going to go tell the guys, I'll be right back." Narcissa said leaving her sister in the bed. As soon as she was gone Bellatrix jumped out of bed and quickly and quietly slipped out the back door runing to the garden, She needed peace to think.
Narcissa returned to the guy's her face calm, "There's nothing wrong with Bella, she just needs to take it easy for a while. Condratulations, Rudolphus, you're going to be a father." She stated smiling at him waiting for a reaction.
Rudolphus gaped looking to shocked to say anything as both malfoy men stared before grinning. "Well.I think this calls for drinks."Draco grinned leaning over to hug his uncle scrambling out of his seat to pour his father and uncle a glass of firewhiskey before grinning at his mother. Lucius swallowed hard as e tossed the drink down his throat, hiding the look on his face behind that cool but happy malfoy mask. Nto about to let his wife see his reactino to finding this out.Swallowing the alohol he smiled,"Well.Let's all go see the mother to be."Lucius smiled barely beating rudolphus out the door as they headed to go see Bella.
Narcissa was happy to see that Rudolphus had cheered right up. She was shocked even Lucius seemed happy.' When did Draco sneak in?' Cissa thought she hadn't even seen him. Narcissa was so happy for her sister she nodded her head toward Draco as he grinned. "Alright let's go...but remember to try and stay calmish it's still Bella, she's a little shocked right now. 

When Bellatrix felt she was a safe distance into the garden she stopped.  She slowly sunk to her knees crying, rocking back and forth. 'No...not again...I can't handle it again...' she screamed in her head as to not give away her location. The wounds in her heart had re-opened, she had lost her 1st child in that horrible place, and after vowing to never try again at 47 years old she was to have another child. Her hand moved down to trace her stomach gently. Her body shook vigorously as she knelt on the cold ground. What was Rudolphus to think...even worse what was Lucius to think? Her husband vs the love of her life. Bellatrix's eyes grew wide, she realized that she had laid with both men in a give or take a 24 hour time period. Despritly she pulled her wand out, saying a quiet spell hoping it would tell her who the true father is. She waited then her wand pushed itself and her hand toward the ground, the wand began to write the name in the soil. Bellatrix didn't look until her arm stopped moving. The name in the soil was...."Lucius." Bellatrix gasped in both shock and joy. For years even before Azkaban, she had dreamed of having his child, her dream was finally becoming a reality. But wait what about poor Rudolphus? He had also lost his child that Bella carried so long ago. He would be heart broken to find that the new child wasn't his. Bellatrix put her wand away then quickly wiped away his name, falling back onto her knee's her face was in her hands as she continued to cry. 
"Anyone would be shocked.She's old."Draco stated laughing as he wrapped a arm around his mother's waist, kissing her cheek before wincing at his father's look."Oh.No.Not you mother.You're not old."He said correcting, because after all, if bellatrix was old, so was narcissa.

Lucius smirked, laughing a little as he shook his head, amused at his son's antics, even if his heart was in tormoil. He knew bellatrix had probably slept with rudolphus, they did after all share a bed and a marriage. And he felt guilty as he sort of hoped that the child was his. Feeling selfish and annoyed with himself for the thought.

Rudulphus frowned a little as he walked into the courtyard,tilting his head at the sight of his wife, pain flairing in his eyes at the sight. Heart breaking because she wasn't happy about this. He wanted a baby, even if it was hard.Even this late in life, he wanted someone to cuddle like his wife never let him.Crouching down in front of her he looked at her concerned, ignoring the three malfoy's who'd come in with him."Love, come on. You don't need to be laying on the cold ground."
Narcissa's face became slightly cold, at Draco's words, if her sister is old that makes her old being only a few years behind her. "Thanks love< I'll remember that." She joked she knew what he ment. It was cute in a sence though.

Bellatrix hadn't even realized he was there, off in her own little world. Bellatrix always wanted a child but after losing the first one, her heart couldn't bare if she lost the other one too. She jumped when he spoke fear in her eyes. Swating at him though not hitting him, "Leave me be, Rudolphus Leave me alone...."
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