Love begets hate

Narcissa took a seat as he poured them drinks, "I can't image why Bellatrix flipped out like that she was fine whenI left her to come get you." She stated taking a sip. "Yes thank God and the Dark Lord you are both safe here." She smiled slightly, happy they weren't in that hell hole. "What's a matter? Well besides what just happened." she asked concerned.
Rudolphus sighed smiling slightly as he sat down in the chair across from him, sipping his wine, feeling the alcohol burn on the way down before smiling sadly."Bellatrix was pregnant when they sent us to azkaban. Through...some less then gentle dealings with the guards, she miscarried. I assume she flipped out for reasons connected to that."
"Oh no...Rudolphus I'm so sorry, That's why Bella's flipping out, it's got to be. She did always want a child I imagine that's why she takes so kindly to Draco." Narcissa said sadly. Her poor sister had been through literal hell and back. A few tears fell from her eyes just the thought of losing a child, and thinking of what had happened to both Bella and Rudolphus.
Rudolphus nodded slightly smiling a little as he got up to pull her into a hug, resting his cheek on the shorter woman's hair."Don't cry Narcissa. It is the past, and for all that it is hard to be here, I am glad we're here this time around."
"Rudolphus I'm alright, you've both been threw so much. I'm sorry...." She stated holding onto him as he held her. "I bet it is hard, I'm glad you're here and not rotting in those cells"
Rudolphus nodded snickering a little."Me to.Even if I do have to put up with Lucius."He smirked before pressing a kiss to her head, leaning back to look down at her."And you worry so much about everyone else, and who worries about you?"He teased
Narcissa chuckled a bit, "Yeah I guess that's the one bad thing huh." she stated she knew him and lucius didn't get along with one another, mainly because of bellatrix. She giggled at his statement she did worry about everyone, "Well....Lucius of course...though I know he still loves Bella and if given the chance he'd go to her...but I ..I still have Draco..." she replied with a smile really trying to thinking about it.
Rudolphus smiled a little."And draco loves you.As does lucius."He smiled a little, his heart twisting at the idea of giving bellatrix up. Knowing he probably should,but despite everything he loved her. It wasn't in him to let her go without a fight, even if it was for the best."And I'll take care of you to."
"Yes, Lucius is a wonderful man, and I couldn't ask for a better son.." She smiled she loved them both dearly. "Aww thank you Rudolphus, that's very sweet of you." She stated looking up at him with a smile.
Rudolphus smiled at her, pressing a kiss ot her forehead before moving back."Now.Let us sit relax, and wait to see how well my wife is feeling when she wakes up."he said amused.
"Alright relaxation will do you some good, you should take a nap you really need some rest." She stated he looked so tired. "Yes though we may have a long wait she did just go to sleep about a half an hour ago.

Bellatrix strirred in ger sleep cuddling even closer to Lucius for protection, comfort, and warmth, for she was still freezing fro, ouut side.
Rudoplus smiled tiredly, nodding as he settled down into the chair to sleep.

Lucius smiled slightly in his sleep,cuddling against her,curling around her smaller body as he tried to warm her coldness. Hours later blinking sleepily in the twilight, nuzzling bellatrix's warm neck sighing softly."Love...time to get up."He muttered, knowing she had to get up, and at least try to sleep before settling down to sleep all night.
Narcissa sipped at her drink as she watched him settle in.

Bellatrix was in a sound sleep, for how long she didn't know, a smile came to her lips with a small sigh as he nuzzled into her neck. "Why are you waking me up, it's time for bed anyway...Love I hadd such a strange dream...I was married to Rudolphus, and was pregnant and...and....and it wasn't a dream....Forget I said that! What are you doing in my bed anyway, not that I'm complaining." She stated as she started to wake up and become aware of her surrondings. Shee had blanked out, unable to remember what happened a few hours before.
Lucius smiled as he moved away a little, sitting up, running his fingers through sleep tangled blond hair."You made me promise not to go anywhere till you woke up.And you were so upset I wasn't about to undo all the work I'd done to calm you down by leaving."He said with a slight smile looking at her, gently brushing her hair out of her face.
Bella proped herself up a bit. "Did I? Thank you...for staying with me..Where's Cissy and *yawn* Rudolphus...and Draco" She asked curiously, having been sleeping. Bellatrix smiled at him as he brushed her hair out of her face. They were alone, no one to over hear them, she could tell him the truth, "Hey Lucius....nevermind." She started then changed her mind she couldn't do it, she nuzzled back into him.
Lucius frowned slightly looking at her, sighing softly as he kissed her head."Narcissa went out to fret about rudolphus not sleeping, and draco's, doing draco things, and has been told not to bother you until you said it was okay."He smiled slightly as he moved away, getting up."But I must be going.Narcissa will liable be angry if I stay overlong."
Seeing him frown made her smile fade, "That sounds like Cissy, and Draco. Draco can come see me, he's always welcome to see me." She stated smiling slightly. As he moved away her smile left and she reached out to grab him, but stopped before she could. "Yes we don't need Cissy mad." Bella agreed.

Narcissa stayed in the same spot a Rudolphus slept, she was reading a book.
Lucius nodded a little, leaning over to kiss her cheek."Rest.I'll send Rudolphus up with food."He said before walking out, pausing downstairs when he reached the door, smiling slightly at the sight of his wife. "Wore him out did you?"He teased looking at his brother in law curled up awkwardly on teh couch, his lanky frame barely fitting.
Bellatrix looked saddend that he was leaving her in there. She nodded her head, not that she really wanted any food but needed it to start to feed the child.

"Good evening sleepy head." Narcissa smiled at him. She giggled a bit, "I told him to get some rest, he's been so worried about Bella he hasn't been sleeping. Speaking of Bella how is she?" She asked him curiously hoping sleep made her feel better.
"Awake and calm.I told her I'd send rudolphus up with food."He said smiling slightly as he straightened his tangled hair, walking over and throwing a pillow at the lestrange. Not about to touch him to wake him up. He knew the other woke up angry if touched. Rudolphus blinked sleepily, staring up at him, tilting his head."What?" "Bella's awake, and needing food."Lucius answered, smirking a little as the man scampered off to take care of his wife.
Nacrissa sighed, "Thank God. I'm glad she's feeling better now." She stated then watched as Lucius threw a pillow at the sleeping man, watching as he scampered off to care for Bellatrix. Narcissa stood up and walked over to her husband wrapping her arms around him. "Did you know that Bella miscarried?" Cissy asked unsure if he had known and kept it a secret. "Now who's going to be the one to tell the Dark Lord that Bellatrix can't go on missions? How are we going to keep Bellatrix from going?"

Bellatrix just layed there in bed staring up at the ceiling, waiting for Rudolphus to bring her food, since Lucius said he would.
Lucius winced noding a little."She told me after I got her calm."He said sadly, wrapping hsi arms around her, resting his head on her shoulder."And I will.And....well I'll tie her to the bed if I have to.I'll make draco sit and talk to her until she;s so big she wont want to do anything."

Rudolphus smiled a little as he carried the tray of food in, walking over as he sat on the edge of the bed, smiling down at her."How are you feeling?"
Narcissa felt her husband wince, "I feel so bad for them, they've had it so rough, and besides there family nobody understands them." Narcissa stated holding onto him. "Alright but be careful dear....Alright, that may work...She does love Draco so she'll probably stay with him." She smiled a bit.

Bellatrix looked at him half smiling, "I'm feeling much better, still not hungry though." Bella stated sitting up.
"I'll talk to him later.IT is late, and you know our lord dislikes having his evenings disturbed."Lucius said sighing a little as he kissed her head."I love you."He muttered holding her tightly, feeling guilty and lost. As if he wasn't sure what to do, only knowing that either way, it was going to hurt.

Rudolphus sighed a little."You still need to eat though."He said amused a little as he shifted the tray into her lap, settling on the bed next to her.
"Yes..yes it is...Oh yes I know this is why I never bother him at night, I hardly bother him at all.." Narcissa stated smiling as he kissed her head, "I love you too," She said tilting her head up to kiss him.

"I know, I just don't want to...remember this happened last time too..." Bella said as a tear fell from her eyes, as she took the tray in her lap, and started picking threw it.
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