Love begets hate

Lucius snickered a little nodding,"I do. Usually.But alas, it's been a long day."He said pouring them both drinks before walking across the room to hand her hers, before sitting back down stretching his legs out in front of him.For once slouching in his chair. Looking a good deal more relxed and less uptight then he usually was.
Bellatrix nodded, It had been a long day. Though she hadn't done much of anything, but spend the day with Rudulphus. Bellatrix heard him walk over to her, opening her eyes still insane and wild. Though her voice didn't match them, her voice was soft an slight smile came to her face., "Thank you.." She stated sitting up. Those were two more words she hardly uttered, at least together.
Lucius nodded slightly sighing as he slouched into his chair, smiling at her a little."You're welcome."He said quietly closing his eyes.Not sure... feeling awkward with her for the first time in years. It ws... weird to be with her, to know not a day ago she'd been sitting in his lap ,in this chair, but..."This is weird."He announced laughing a little.
It was very strange, it was harder even now to look at him. They had just held each other no more than 24 hours ago. Even when they had split, yes it was difficult to look at him, but she was able to look at him differently then, but know she couldn't bring herself to fully look upon him. "Yes...yes it is..." She stated with a slight chuckle still not looking at him. Though her eyes still looked as if she were still in Askaban, they were her only real protection, as if her guard waas up.
Lucius bit his lip, sipping his drink. Wincing at the fiery burn of whiskey pouring down his throat he swallowed hard."Maybe...Maybe it would be a good idea if me and narcissa went on vacation."He said slowly, thinking about it. They needed time....and he wouldn't make her leave, after all the manor was the only safe place for her. And he needed her tobe safe
Bella's heart froze as he said he and her sister should go on vacation. She did want him to go, she didn't want to go either. Bellatrix put her glass down, not even taking a sip of the drink. Bella stood up, her head down, no longer really wanting to sit and unable to look at him, "'s alright...Rudolphus said something about getting a house...I'll....we'll leave...I'll go pack what I have." Her voice was barely above whisper. Bellatrix started to walk to the door, her mind in thought, She couldn't have him leave his own house, because of her.
"Bellatrix.No."He snarled softly, shaking his head."I wont have you suffer from inferior wards just because...of this. You will stay here. And unless you want me to announce to Rudulphus why, you'll stay here."he said tssing back his drink, ngry that she wouldn't let him bow out peacefully. He NEEDED to protect her, even if he couldn't be with her, he needed to know know she had the best wards short of hogwarts around her.
Bella tensed hearing the snarl in his voice, freezing were she stood. "'s for the best you know it is...besides I can handle myself." She said still in her whispered tone. As soon as he finished speaking, she turned around quickly looking crazier than ever. "You wouldn't dare...How dare you hold that above my head...I'll... I'll tell Cissy and she'll throw me out." Her voice came back to her as she grew angry an upset, she didn't want to leave but she couldn't live that way, to be so close to the one she loved without being able to love him.
"No.She'll kick me out, and I'll still be going on vacation."he growled, getting upset. Not understanding why she wouldn't let him do this. He and narcissa'd go on vacation, letting bellatrix and rudulphus have the best protection they needed."Stay.You're not as steady as you once were. So.Do this for me.Stay."
"Fine, be that way...she'll end up kicking us both out, if one of us tells." Bellatrix barked. She couldn't grasp why he was being so difficult. If she and Rudolphus left him, Narcissa, and Draco there lives would almost be back to normal. As if Bellatrix never escaped Askaban besides the Dark Lord calling upon her. "How dare you...I'm as stable as I ever was, as long as I don't get caught and shipped off again...I can't Lucius... not this time." She was offended though she knew she wasn't to her full potential, or strength. Bellatrix went to turn to leave the room again.
"Which is why your staying here, and not in some hovel Rudulphus finds."Lucius said as he let her leave the room, heading upstairs. Knowing she wasn't what she once was. Sighing softly as he headed into his bedroom, he collasped onto the bed with a sigh as he laid down next to narcissa.
"How dare he...I am not required to stay here...I'm here on my own accord, I can leave if I want to...Who does he think he is." Bellatrix spoke aloud to herself as she made her way to the room she was staying in. Once she got there she looked about didn't see her husband. Tears of anger and sadness poured from her eyes. She stormed over to the bed throwing herself on it screaming into the pillows, like a teenager who just got grounded.
Lucius sighed softly pressing a kiss to narcissa's forehead."You're sister frustrates me."He muttered starting to undress to go to sleep.

Rudulphus paused in the doorway. well.That wasn't what he'd expected to come home to.Though, assuming lucius had something to do with her screaming, he braced himself for a argument. Long used to her taking out her anger at the eldest malfoy on him."Whatever happened now?You look about 13."He teased kicking off his boots.
"What happened Love, What else is new?" She asked concerned about what had happened the one time she leaves them alone something goes wrong.

She popped her head up looking at her Husband with hateful, angery, tear filled, crazy eyes. "Shut up!" She yelled. Then she hopped out of the bed starting to pace, "Thinks he can tell me what to do....thinks he can order me around...No,no,no..He can't...He can't control one can.....well besides the Dark Lord.....What did you need to see your brother about?" Bellatrix asked standing still looking at him turning things on him.
Lucius shrugged tugging his shirt in the hamper, looking at her."Oh she's decided she doesn't need to stay at the manor anymore. Thinks its safe enough to not stay."He scowled darkly at the window, wishing he could shake some sense into his sister in law.

Rudulphus looked startled, staring at her before smiling slightly."Rabastan wanted me to look at the house he wanted. Wanted to see how the neighborhood and things were."He shrugged a little before sighing, walking over wrapping his arms around her."Now. What happened?"
Narcissa looked confussed for a moment. "Oh, That's strange...then again my sister is hard headed, But she normally knows her our strength and she wouldn't last in her condition. Right now she's too frail." Narcissa stated sitting up in the bed, watching her husband.

"I see..." Was all she could say at the moment she was so upset and angry. Bellatrix's body tensed as his arms wrapped around her. "Rudolphus...Let go of me.."She stated in her sing song mock baby voice. Though she needed to be held at the moment. Bella barked, "We're leaving" then sighed, "I told him how we spoke about leaving the manor, and he practically forbid us to leave..."too dangerous," I want to leave....We can have our own house like you were talking about, life will be better..." Bellatrix stated slowly calming slightly in his arms.
Lucius sighed a little before nodding."She wont last."He sighed frustrated, rubbing a hand over his face as he sat down on the edge of the bed leaning forward, resting her elbws on his knees, looking at the floor. "Is it so wrong that I want to keep her here, where I know she'll be okay?"He asked, frustarted and angry at bellatrix's reaction.

Rudulphus siged a little pressing a kiss to her head refusing to move away. Knowing her well, knowing she needed to be held. "As much as I'd hate to agree with Lucius on anything, he's right about this. Love, we've spent nearly 20 years in azkaban, we're in no shape to stand up to aurors if they found us. And the manor's big enough its almost like a house within a house."He said soothingly.
"Neither of them would dear, they were in a cell for nearly what 19 20 years?" Narcissa stated. As soon as he sat on the edge of the bed she crawled over to him, rubbing his shoulders. "No your doing the right thing love, i hate to admit it but my poor sister wouldn't last, not until she's at her full strength anyway. " She replied she knew her ssister and her husband well.

Bellatrix looked at him confused.."Are you never agree with was 14 years, to be exact....This was your idea in the first place." She stated aggrivated. He was right as much as Bella didn't want to admit it, but they wouldn't last, they'd be right back in askaban probably recieving the dementors kiss. Bellatrix went numb and limb, defeated she couldn't/wouldn't/didn't stand on her own anymore.
Lucius sighed relaxing a little under her hands."I know. Which is why I told her she had to stay."He laughed humorlessly,"Of course, that went over so well we ended up yelling at each other."He said shifting, leaning back against her.

Rudulphus sighed a little picking her up,settlng them both into the bed, gently brushing a kiss over her hair."Love, you're the one who pointed this out to me last night remember?And no, I'm not sick. Just saying that once in 20 years Lucius Malfoy can be right about something."
"Well you did the right thing i would have done the same. You know Bella she's all hot air now a days." She stated hoping he'd understand, Bella had been away from everything for such a long time, the only one she'd really anwser to was the one who saved her from Hell.

Belltrix was silent, she did point it out, but she had changed her mind. "Bwat I wanna go we'd have our own pwace, like you said....I've changed my mind...pwease." She sounded pitiful, she wanted to stay but she wanted to go.
Lucius nodded smiling a little as he turned to look at her, gently kissing her."You always know how to make me feel better."He sighed running his fingers through his hair.

Rudulphus sighed softly, wrapping his arms tighter around her, holding her close as he pressed a kiss to her head. Knowing her better then she gave him credit for."Love, would you feel better if I demanded we stay instead of just giving you a choice?"
She smiled at him as he turned to kiss her. "I love you...Now come to bed all will be well in the morning." Cissa stated she figured her sister would yell at her husband awhile then go to sleep.

"No!" Bellatrix snapped looking at him sharply. She swatted at him with her hand. "Rudolphus do remember I can leave with or without you just cause we're married doesn't mean I anwser or listen to you!"
Lucius nodded smiling a little as he crawled in next to her, snuggling close and going to sleep.

Rudulphus tilted his head, rubbing his arm where she'd swatted him,"You could but you wont.If only because you and I know you can't stand Malfoy worrying about you, and he will,if you left alone."He sneered a little, getting angry himself. But under the anger was years worth of pain.Sighing a little sitting up."Nevermind.Do you want to go?"
Narcissa was gone soon after being extremely tired.

Bellatrix layed there still now,taken aback by his words. Bellatrix sighed then snuggled down into the bed and her husband. He was right the thought of Lucius worrying about her would drive her mad then she'd have to come crawling back. Bella heard but ignored his last question falling silent, and still.
Rudulphus sighed closing his eyes as settld back in the bed, kissing her head."just go to sleep bella.You'll feel better for it."He said stroking the other's hair, closing his eyes. Trying to relax.
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