Love begets hate

"Ow..Ow...Draco could you lay me back please?" She said solftly with slight pain, the way she was sitting felt like her stomach as compressed, and was uncomfortable, for her back and sides. Bellatrix's breath stopped she knew she had to tell him, but she couldn't bring herself to do it. Expescally now, she hardly saw him and when she did they almost always fought. "Draco I can't...I've tried to, but I can't and the Dark Lord went to see him, I don't know what it's about." she stated really should have said something before, everything was getting harder.
draco winced, "Sorr."He muttered laying her back,pressing a kiss to her head as he studied his aunt. Before smiling slightly."Oh.Our lord is seeing him about how fast the ministry will fall.Father's been pressing them harder these days."He said, amused slightly because he knew his father was going out of his way to spend more time at work because Bellatrix pregnant with what he thought was rudolphus's child was driving him insane.
"Oh don't worry about it Sweetie...I'm not used to limitations on what my body can and cannot handle, either. Bellatrix smiled slightly, "Well that will be good then, The quicker they fall the better...Tell him not to over do it though, he'll run himself down. He's not as young as he was." Bella stated concerned for Lucius's health. Bellatrix felt a little better that she wasn't the only one who knew her dark secret. "Alright Draco....I've done too much today, I've tired myself out I need to rest, we'll talk later okay?" She asked looking at taking one of his hands lightly.
Draco smiled slightly, squeezing her hand a little, pressing a kiss to her cheek."I will let you tell him yourself. After all, you and mother are the only ones he'd listen to if they told him to take it easy.."He said smiling a little, even though he was worried about his father to.Getting up he smiled at her,"Rest. I'll see you when you get up again."
"Alright dear...If I see if and we're not trying to kill each other I'll tell him." She smiled lightly, she was trying to joke about it, but it was true she wasn't sure how long the other was to last and vise versa. "I'll see you later," She said her voice was barely a whisper, Bellatrix felt so weak with the baby and it was only three months in. she couldn't remember this happening the first time. Bella settled into the bed, "Hey Draco don't go causing mischief while I'm asleep," Bella smiled playfully at him.
Draco smiled back just as playfully."I would NEVER cause trouble."He grinned as he left, going in search of his father.Amused as he started plotting.

About a hour later Lucius smiled slightly as he stepped into the bedroom, looking around to make sure no one was there to see him go in, before moving to the edge of the bed,smiling down slightly at the sleeping woman. gently stroking Bellatrix's hair, he looked concerned and worried about her, and worn out himself.
"I mean it now..." she laughed lightly watching him leave, before falling asleep. She was slightly content for that moment.

Bellatrix had been sleeping for about an hour when she felt somebody stroking her hair. Figuring it was Draco checking in on her, for he was always looking in on her, she smiled lightly. "Sweetie...I haven't been asleep that long...I'm still alive. " She stated then her eyes slowly opened to see Lucius. Bellatrix gasped not expecting him to be there, "Lucius....?" Bella whispered still sleepily but she could see he was worn and he looked worried. Bellatrix slowly started to sit up, she winced in pain a few times, not used to laying still making her stiff.
Lucius winced a little when she did, gently helpign her sit up more."Be careful."He said worrying before smiling slightly."I see Draco's been keeping up on checking on you."he said blushing ever so slightly, having not thought she'd wake up.After all, he'd been doing it for a few weeks and she'd never waken up.Of course, he blamed his son for this obsession he had with making sure she was fine.only draco could make him worry this much as to drop in several times a night to check on her.....okay, so he was lying to himself about it, but it felt better to blame draco then accept he couldnt let bella go.
"Thank you....You worry too much...Don't worry about me...I'll be fine." She stated with a slight smile , knowing he couldn't stop worrying about her. "Oh yes...Yes he has, he's good company, you know?" Bella said She liked being with Draco, the son she never had. "While it seems like he's not the only one who's coming to check on me." She stated softly. "Lucius...." She started she had to tell him before it was too late..."Did the Dark Lord tell you, that...that he's adopting, the baby?" She asked him, of course not the one she needed to talk to him about.
Lucius's smile was fast and pain filled before he nodded."yes.he feels the need to pass along everything he's learned."He sighed softly shifting a little, blushing as he looked at the floor. Not about to admit he'd been visiting her."Yes, Draco is good company.And.... Voldemort has decided that even after the babe is born,you will all be remaining here.You will not lose either of them."He said, amused. worried she thought that Voldemort would make her choose between her blood son and the son of her heart.
Bellatrix saw his smile, it pained her as well, but she was unable to tell him that she didn't want the Dark Lord to adopt the child. "Well I hope that will benifit the baby, the knownlage he has..." She stated smiling a bit, "Yes, yes he is....Lucius I'll have to speak with the Dark Lord then, I can't put Rudolphus through that, as it is he puts up with me and you know how challenging and tedious that is....Plus I can't do that to you...." Bellatrix stated still unable to him the baby was his, but knowing he'd be sad about having the child and her there and "not" be his. Bellatrix was quiet a moment. "Lucius give me your hand." She smiled reaching for it.
Lucius shrugged a little."Rudolphus agrued. I knew better. voldemort wants the babe staying here for the near future."He said looking startled at her request before hesitanting, then holding out a hand towards her, his brows pulled together in confusion.Wondering what she wanted.
"Well if the Dark Lord says it, it shall be..." She stated smiling, having a feeling Rudolphus would have argued against it. She'd probably hear it from him later. Bellatrix watched him he looked scared, she smiled a sweet caring smile at him as she took his hand, lifting her shirt slightly to expose her stomach. Bellatrix gentely placed his hand on her belly, with her hand on top of his.
That soft half smile that was hers appeared as he smiled, looking down at her stomach,even as pain lanced his heart. But, he was happy for her. And that was enough. To be content and happy with the woman, in her life however they could be."You'll be a good're so good with draco."
Bellatrix was trying in a sense, without words, to tell him that the baby was his, she knew it probably wouldn't work. Her smile faded softly at his words, her lip quivered a bit. "You really think so? Yeah but that's Draco...he was clingy when he was a baby too...I don't know what it is with you Malfoy men." Bella tried to turn it into a joke. Bellatrix wanted to kiss him, as he was there, her love was there infront of her touching the stomach which carried there child, but with her luck Draco or more so Rudolphus would probably walk in.
Lucius snorted, laughing softly as he raised a eyebrow looking at her."I am not clingly."He stated raising a eyebrow."you'll be fine."He said shifting wrapping his arms around her, "Rudulphus, and everyone is here to help you should you need us. All you have to do is ask."he said slightly amused, and totally missing what she was tring to tell him.
Bellatrix giggled, "No not like you once were." She stated she could remember times when Lucius wouldn't let her go out of his sight, and they were always together. "I know but...I still have my doubts...I'm not mentally stable remember?" Bellatrix stated as she was held in his loving arms, she knew he didn't pick up on her hint, but she couldn't flat out tell him.
Lucius smiled a little."Well, neither is Rudolphus."He smiled kissing her head."And that's why you have Narcissa.She's been wanting a babe around. At least now she'll not pester Draco into having kids to soon."He sid looking amused before nodding."You'll do fine, I promise."
"True too true..." She stated then smiled at him."Yes Cissy's younger she can probably out run me now....Oh has she?" Bellatrix asked she didn't Narcissa either wanted another child or to have Draco rush into things. "Oh that's lovely she better not rush Draco into such, He already has a tempermental toddler to deal with, he doesn't need another one at least his own..." Bella stated referencing her to act like a 4 year old at times. Bellatrix's smile faded as quickly as it formed, "....The last time you promised me something it didn't work out....I don't know if I can trust you..." she stated.
Lucius's smile fded, his face becoming the cool mask that he'd worn so many times with her. standing he titled his head slightly."I should let you sleep. You need it."He said heading for the door, hiding the stinging pain that made his shoulders hunch a little.
Bellatrix noticed his face had changed, which was nothing knew. Bella unable to always watch her mouth said the wrong thing. Her face become cold saddened as he stood. "So do you..Lucius!!" She stated as he walked away Bellatrix attempted to stand up, succeeding she stood to her feet holding on to the bed post. "You are worn...and working to need to take it easy!" Bellatrix called to him.
Lucius paused at the door, not looking back even though he stopped."Lay down Bellatrix.Dont stress yourself worrying over me."He said tilting his head, shuddering a little." you want me to go find draco or rudolphus to lay with you?"He asked biting his lip.It hurt, it hurt so much to be with her like this.Knowing he needed to work, to focus on something besides her and the baby
"I will not Lay down Lucius...That's all I've been doing. and it's not just me who's worried about you, working yourself to death you know...I know Narcissa doesn't like that you've been over working, and Draco's concerned as well." Bellatrix brought up his family needed him, she needed him. "No I told you I'm not getting back in that bed....You can't ignore me Lucius, you never could and now that I'm growing to be the size of a small house you won't be able to see threw me."
Lucius sighed frustarted turning to face her, "no,I can't ignore you. But they don't worry as much as you think they do."he said shrugging a little. Really believing it. aving withdrawn so much from them to deal with the pain of her having a baby, that he couldn't see just how much he was worrying everyone.
"Lucius...Open your damn eyes!! They are worried sick about you! I sit around with them when they don't confine me to this room, they are exteremely worried about you as am I..." Bellatrix was acting like a worried spastic house wife, Bella left the safety of the bed post and walked over to him. "I can see in your eyes your tired, you should lay down." She said walking behind him gently rubbing his shoulders.
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