Handyman (Razgriz x poisonedxkisses)

Nick caught up with Dawn after bading Jenny farewell; she took off so fast he didn't even see her leave. "Someone's excited" he commented with a grin; it was good to see enthusiasm like that. "So, we're headed to the lakes right? I'll need you to lead the way, for I am like a broken compass. Not sure which way is up, hehehe." As they traveled on the road, NIck figured he'd try to learn more about this beautiful woman he was traveling with. It was so weird; this was barely the start of their second day together and he felt like he'd been with her his whole life. However, there was something that was bothering, and he figured he'd better ask.

"So, Dawn, when you decided to travel with me, I noticed a bit of apprehension and sadness in Ash's tone. Were you two, you know.....close?" he then spoke; he didn't want to cause trouble for Dawn or himself. He didn't know what Ash was like, so he was trying to cover all his bases.
"Yeah, I guess I am a little excited." she said and laughed. She led the way towards the lake to the North of Celestial City. She smiled at him as he asked about Ash and laughed. "Me and Ash?! No, never. But now that you mention it, maybe he has had a crush on me, but we never did anything together..." she blushed a bit, ashamed at how she had been oblivious to Ash's apprehension. "I guess I just didn't notice it before." she said. Soon they found themselves in front of the entrance to the lake and she smiled. "Ready?" she asked him.
"I see" Nick replied simply when Dawn explained the nature of her relationship with Ash. "Well, I can't imagine anyone not having a crush on you. You are a very attractive woman." he then said; he didn't know why he said that, but he felt like maybe Dawn wasn't sure of how he saw her. She was a very attractive girl, and any man would have to be a fool to pass up being with her for any length of time.

"Yeah, I'm ready though. I wonder what we'll find." he then said, eager to see how this would develop.
Dawn smiled and blushed a bit. "Thank you Nick. I'm glad you think that." she said. She gave him and quick kiss and smiled. "For good luck." she said before entering the clearing leading to the lake. She had moved slowly and quietly through the clearing and looked around, noticing a few people dressed in black, gray, and white uniforms. "Do you think that's Team Galactic?" she whispered to Nick, lookng back over her shoulder at him. It seemed as if they were setting up large water pumps or something, as if they were trying to drain the lake. "If so, what are they doing?" she asked curiously.
(I hear the Captain Planet theme playing in my head for some reason now, lol)

Nick blushed when Dawn kissed him on the cheek. When she walked away, Nick rubbed his cheek; he really was new to women. Pyra gave her three short snorts to indicate a snicker. "What? I'm not used to a woman being like this with me."

Nick followed Dawn until they reached the lake; he then replied "I have no idea. I've never even heard of this Team Galactic until today. Wonder if they're anything like Team Rocket." Nick wasn't sure what they were up to; though those devices didn't look like anything good. But then again, Nick wasn't all that great with machines. "Well, whatever they're doing, obviously people don't know about it. That to me is a red flag right there."
Dawn moved a little closer, trying to make out what they were doing when she stepped on a branch. Snap she stopped dead in her tracks, as she was in plain view. "Well, well, looks like we have a visitor." a male voice said and moved towards her, grabbing her as the other looked on. "What should we do with her?" another voice said. She struggled against the man holding her and kicked his shin. "Ow! You bitch!" he said and let her go. She grabbed a pokeball and sent out her Togekiss. "Go Pepinot!" she called out and the pokemon came out in a flash of red light. "Stay away from me!" she said. She hoped Nick would come to help out because she didn't know a lot about battling because Ash usually kept her away from them. "Pepinot, use Aura Sphere!" as one of the men came closer to her again.
Pyra and Nick would indeed come to her aid; two more grunts came out and tried to trap him, but Nick would prove too fast for them to handle. Ducking under them, he sunk an elbow into one's gut, causing him to lurch over in pain before a fist cracked him in the jaw. "You little shit...." his partner growled before Nick planted a hard foot in his face. Pyra meanwhile utilized her pyrokinetic capability to create a veritable wall of fire between Dawn and the man. The man jumped back just in time to avoid getting burned; the fire was oriented so that it didn't come too close to Dawn.

"I do believe it's impolite to lay a malicious hand on a lady. Now how about you guys explain what you're doing here before I force it out of you." Nick said as he stared down the uniformed people. Pyra and him stood next to Dawn as she released her Togekiss. The other grunts then released their own Pokemon; a Houndoom, a Golem, and a Vaporeon. Then, before their attacks could even be initiated, Togekiss' Aura Sphere slammed into the group, knocking them away from each other but not knocking them out. " Nice one, Dawn! Let's go Pyra!" Nick called out as he charged the group of wrongdoers; however, the Houndoom stopped him from progressing any further.

"Houndoom, roast him using Flamethrower!" the man called out; a column of fire left the flame-hound's jaws and went straight for Nick. Pyra countered with her own flamethrower and easily overpowered it, slamming the firebeam into the Houndoom itself and knocking it back. "Whew, thanks, Pyra." Nick said before he heard a loud thundering getting louder. He turned and saw the Golem rolling his massive bulk toward him. "Ah, crap! Pyra, stay with Dawn! I got this!" Nick shouted as he ran away, the giant stone Pokemon rolling after him. Pyra whinnied and took position next to dawn, ready to fight.
Dawn watched as Nick jumped in, ready to fight. She gasped as on of the grunts' pokemon attacked him, but Pyra was able to stop it from hurting him. She then sent out Napoleon. "Napoleon use Hydro Pump!" she said and Napoleon aimed it at the Golem that was hurtling towards Nick. As soon as the blast of water hit the Golem it spun out of control and bashed into a group of grunts standing to the side. "Strike!" she said and pumped her arm. She turned back to the Vaporeon and sent out her Pachirisu. "Paco, use Discharge on that Vaporeon." she said and the Pachirisu nodded and sent out a large wave of lightning towards the Vaporeon. She ran after Nick and looked at him. "Are you alright?" she asked him.
Nick had a plan: jump on the Golem while it was spinning and use it as a rolling bulldozer to run these guys out of here. But it quickly went to shit when he realized he couldn't outrun a Golem at full forward momentum; very few things could stand up to it. He was about to be overtaken when a powerful jet of water slammed into the living boulder and sent into a group of grunts. Nick looked back and saw that it was lil' Napoleon who saved his butt. He collapsed on his knees, exhausted from the short yet intense run he had to do.

As Dawn and Pyra finished off the grunts and sent them into retreat, the former then came over to check on him. A light sheen of sweat covered his face. The scars on his face stung slightly as the salty fluid dripped down on them; the bad thing about these scars was that they were sensitive to a few things, like salt water. And whenever they were stimulated, they either itched or stung. He winced slightly as each drop of sweat sent a barely noticeable shock throughout his body.

"Yeah.....yeah, I'm alright. You and Pyra really saved my bacon there, Dawn. Guess I'm not as fast as I thought, hehe." he then said with a slight grin. He knew that this would not be the last they saw of these grunts, whoever they belonged to. "I know we just fought, but I didn't get a good look at their uniforms. Did you happen to catch any insignia on their clothes?"

As that happened, Pyra bumped Nick hard three times with her snout, obviously displeased. "Ow, ow, Pyra! What was that for?" Pyra then bared her teeth at Nick, which was returned with a sigh, "Yeah, well, I didn't ask to have a Golem come barreling full speed at me."
Dawn moved to her knees and helped him up a bit. "Whew, I'm glad you're alright. I was worried there." she said and smiled. She nodded and helped him to his feet. "Yeah, I caught a glimpse of it." she said. "It was like some weird letter G or something." she said. She laughed a bit as Pyra scolded him and touched her head. "Relax Pyra, he's alright now." She noticed him wince and tilted her head. "What's wrong Nick?" she asked him, worry etching her voice. "Did you get hurt?" She moved to her bag and grabbed a bottle of water and some bandages, in case he needed them. "What's bothering you?"
Nick lifted his shirt, momentarily revealing his toned stomach as he wiped the sweat from his face. He winced more as the sensitive nerve endings were stimulated. Eventually, though the itching and stinging dulled to a more tolerable level and Nick put his shirt back down. "A weird-looking G, huh? Might be that Team Galactic you were talking about."

"Oh, don't worry about it, Dawn. These darn scars just sting sometimes when sweat gets on them. It doesn't really hurt, it's more of an annoyance. A very persistent annoyance." Pyra then gave a grunt and a snort; Nick sighed, "Pyra, I had a plan, it just didn't go the way I wanted. Luckily for me I had you and Dawn watching my back." He then smiled at Dawn and said, "Thanks, I really owe you one."
She dabbed some water on the scars and wiped some of the sweat away. "I'm sorry to hear that." she said. She smiled and nodded when he thanked her. "No problem." she said and smiled. "I would've blamed myself if you got hurt." she said and smiled.

"Yeah it probably was, but how do you propose we stop them to get the tourist business started again?" she asked him. "I mean we got them to leave here, but does that mean that business will go back to normal?" She said not really sure what would happen now.
Nick felt the cool water run over his scars; he smiled and said, "Don't worry. These were my own fault. I gotta live with 'em now. But thanks, it really does help them feel better."

As for whether or not things would go back to normal, Nick was not entirely sure. He pondered Dawn's question; he had several ideas, but he was no military strategist. Nor was he a Pokemon trainer; Pyra was self-sufficient, and only stuck with Nick because of their bonds of family ties. "Well, we could try to see where their base is, and pass it along to Jenny. Or we could to take them on ourselves amd bring them down. Or if you have any ideas, I'd be glad to hear them."
Dawn shook her head biting her lip. "How did you get those scars anyway?" She,asked him curiously. She watched him smile as they started to feel better, fighting the urge to kiss him right now. "Well, there are two other lakes that house Uxie, and Mesprit..." She said. "Maybe we should go there and take down the other members then we can try to find the base. The most important thimg right now is to protect the pokemon in the lakes. After we protect them we can get the tourism back to normal." She said, shrugging.
Nick hesitated when Dawn asked how he got the scars on his face; Pyra nudged him gently. She was trying to get him to open up to people, reminding him that he didn't have to seclude himself. "Back in Kanto, a friend of mine was trying to do what your friend Ash was doing. Become a Pokemon master. He was searching through some bushes for Pokemon to catch; he eventually found a Weavile sitting in the grass. I know that's not a species native to the Kanto region, so I still don't know what it was doing there. But anyway, he tried to catch it; the Weavile was fast and knocked it away. It got pissed and then charged; it was going to slash my friend. Since I was with him and wanted to make sure he was alright, I shoved him out of the way. The scars are the result of what happened; I had to go to the hospital and get a bunch of stitches. So, that's it."

He then nodded at Dawn's suggestion; it seemed a reasonable path to take. "Alright then, whenever you're ready, lead the way." Nick had no idea where he was going; he'd need Dawn to be his guide throughout these parts. If Dawn wanted a chance to show her strength, this was it.
Dawn listened to his story and frowned a bit. "Oh, that's awful. I've never heard of anything lile that happening before." She said. "I wonder what caused him to act so violently... That was an extremly brave thing for you to do. You really are a great guy." She smiled and nodded. " But let's get going. She called back her pokemon and walked back towards the clearing they entered through. She walked with him towards the west side of town for another 20 minutes and they arrived at another lake. "Are you ready Nick?" She asked him.
Nick flushed when Dawn said he was brave and a great guy; people often told him he was too modest for his own good. He just never saw the point in boasting; "actions speak louder than words" was another of his granddad's infamous quips of wisdom. He then followed Dawn to another lake; there were more of the strange uniformed goons there, with a similar machine. "Hey, Dawn, I think I know what these guys are doing. You said they guarded the lakes, right? Well, maybe they're not draining the lakes for the water, but they're trying to coax out the guardians and capture them for whatever purpose they may have in mind. Assuming that they're this Team Galactic you told me about."
Dawn watched as the grunts worked the machine and nodded. "You know what? You might be right." She said and looked around. This time, furthest from them she saw a woman standing close to them. She was wearing a black and grey dress and had bright red hair. "Who do you think that is?" she asked, curiously. "She looks pretty high up on the food chain." she stated and watched intently. She thought for a second and inched forward. "Should we take them on? Or do you want to make a plan?" she asked, knowing how the last battle almost turned out.
Nick looked at the woman Dawn mentioned; he cocked his head slightly before responding "Yeah, she might be pretty high up there if she's dressed all nicely like that. Who she is exactly, I ain't got a clue." Pyra leaned down and rubbed her snout against Nick's cheek; this evoked another quiet sigh and a slightly muted response "I will be careful, Pyra." He then looked at Dawn when she mentioned planning and nodded, "Yeah, that would be a good idea. No need to almost get flattened again, hehe."

"Hmmmm, we might be able to ambush them one at a time if we can lure them out. The only question is, what to use as bait. And I'm pretty sure they all come running once one of them gets distracted. Too bad we can't fashion a web to snare them all in one go. Then one of us could lead them into the web and bam, we caught them. Jenny could then have her team come up here and arrest the lot of them."
Dawn bit her lip and thought about what he said. "I can't make a web... but I think I have another idea." she said. She quietly sneaked into a position that was on the main path, but still hidden enough that no one could see her. "Go, Mammoth..." she whispered, her Mamoswine appearing in a beam of red light. "Mammoth, use dig." she said and her Mamoswine nodded grunting a bit as he dug a deep hole in the path. After he dug the hole and came back up she called him back. She then mved back to Nick. "All we have to do is lure them over here and my Quilava can use smokescreen so they don't see the hole." she said. "Then they'll be trapped down there and one of us can go back to town to get Officer Jenny." she whispered. "We just got to figure out how to lure them over here." she said.
Nick chuckled as Dawn made the hole, "You're something else Dawn, you know that?" He then grinned confidently, "I know how we can get them over here. You just be ready to spring the trap. Pyra, stay here and help Dawn with the smokescreen. I'll be right back." Pyra snorted and took position on one side of the hole, ready for Nick to come charging past. Without giving anyone a chance to convince him otherwise, he revealed himself from cover to do his part.

Nick meandered out into the middle of the area where the grunts could see him; though they were still a good ways. "Well, well, do we have going on here? Seems like you lot are having a lot of fun." One of the grunts looked up and shouted, "Hey, what's this spoiled brat doing here?" Another turned to the woman and said, "I thought we wouldn't be having snot-nosed visitors." Nick chuckled, "Really? Those are best names you can call me? That's pretty pathetic, coming from a group of supposedly evil and nefarious supervillians. And here I thought you actually something." He knew identity was one thing that Team Rocket took great pride in, so he hoped that striking there would get these Team Galactic people aggravated enough to blindly follow him.
Dawn smiled and shrugged. "I'm pretty innovative given the chance." she said and smiled. She called out her Quilava and waited for the moment to use smokescreen. She watched as he approached the Team Galactic members and taunted them. Before long they started to give chase, save for the woman with the red hair and she comanded her Quilava to use Smokescreen over the hole. "Woah? What what's going on here?" came a cacophony of voices, and screams as they fell into the hole. Dawn walked towards the hole and looked at the woman who came towards her and Nick.

"Well played darling." she said clapping lightly. "Who are you?" Dawn asked, glaring at her. ""I'm one of Team Galactic's three Commanders. My name is Mars. We've been trying to create a new world that's better than this one... But people have shown little understanding about what we do. You don't understand either, do you? It's a little saddening... So, let's have a battle to decide what we should do next. If I win, you leave. If you win, we, Team Galactic, will leave!"

Dawn nodded and grabbed a pokeball. She looked at Nick as if to say go get Jenny now. "Go Pepinot!" she said, sending out her Togekiss. Mars nodded and Sent out her Purugly. "Pepinot, use Air Slash!" Dawn said. The Purugly stumbled back as the attack made contact. The two of them continued battling and Dawn wondered when Nick would get back.
(I'm not sure if there are other police officers besides, but I imagine there would be, so I'm invoking artistic license and making some random officers. I also looked up Purugly and all I could think was "Cheese and crackers, what a fatass!" lol)
"A commander? Weird, usually higher-ups don't come out on the battlefield directly. She must be pretty confident to be out here." Nick thought to himself. Still, her demeanor was nothing like Jessie's from Team Rocket; she wasn't too bad-looking either to boot. He was about to ask what exactly was their plan of 'making the world better' when the fighting started almost immediately.

Nick nodded as Dawn basically told him to get Jenny. "Be careful." he said as he mounted Pyra and made full speed for the town, reaching it in what seemed like no time at all. Once there, he explained to Officer Jenny everything that happened and how Dawn was battling a Commander of Team Galactic. Jenny told him that she'd take one of the transports with her fellow elite officers and meet him down there; Nick then rode back to Dawn and saw she was still fighting. "Dawn!" Nick cried out as he dismounted; Pyra immediately charged in and used a Fire Blast to help push the battle in Dawn's favor in case she needed help.
((Alright, and they may be fat, but they are actually pretty good pokemon if you train them well enough. lol. Really high speed and pretty high defense.))

Before long the Purugly was fainted and Mars sent out a Golbat. "Pepinot, come back. Go Paco!" she said, sending out her Pachirisu. "Paco, use discharge!" she said. Paco nodded and after that move and a Spark attack the Golbat was fainted. "Go, Bronzor!" Mars called out sending out her last pokemon. Dawn thought for a second and called back Paco. "Go Quilava!" she called sending her last pokemon out. "Bronzor, use Gyro ball!" Mars said. The opposing Bronzor launched it's attack and hit Quilava full on. Quilava stumbled back. "Are you alright Quilava?" Dawn asked. The Quilava nodded and got ready to attack. "Use Flame Wheel." she said and Quilava loosed its move, knocking Brozor down, obvious it took a lot of damage. "What do you think you're doing to my Pokémon?!" Mars asked Dawn launching Iron Defense. Dawn shook her head. "Time's up Mars." she said telling Quilava to use eruption. The Bronzor fainted, just as Officer Jenny arrived with the other officers. "This cant be?! I lost?! You... you uppity brat!" Mars said as Jenny handcuffed her, leading her towards the van. Dawn called back Quilava and sighed, looking over at Nick. "Thanks." she said and smiled at him. "And thank you Pyra." she said and patted the mare's head.
(That fat thing? Fast? Durable I can understand, but I'm surprised that it can even move,lol)
"That's what you get for being an arrogant jerk." Nick thought when Mars called Dawn an uppity brat. "Seems this 'uppity brat' kicked your butt right good, didn't she? Haha" he pointed out, a look of displeasure on his face as the woman insulted Dawn. Nick watched as Mars and the rest of the members of Team Galactic were taken away; he smiled widely, obviously pleased with what had been done. "Whew, this is the most excitement I've had in a while! Even if I didn't do a whole lot." He then looked at Dawn and said, "Dawn, I have to say, even though I don't rightly know who or what this Team Galactic is, for you to take on a Commander by yourself and win, that's mighty impressive."

Pyra whinnied when Dawn patted her head, Nick smiled and said, "You did good too, Pyra. You really impressed me with your speed." Nick then turned to Dawn, his cobalt-gunmetal eyes glinting slightly as he asked, "So, Captain, what's our next move? Do we go to the final lake, or do we see if we can pump some information out of Mars and go right for their base?"
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