Handyman (Razgriz x poisonedxkisses)

Pyra was infinitely glad to be out of that accursed Pokeball; though she understood why Nick insisted she go on it, that didn't help with her just downright hating Pokeballs. She snorted happily when Dawn rubbed her snout; she then followed her as they went back to the inn. It too was confused why the little guardian was following them; though it probably wanted to make sure that its injured rescuer was alright. Pyra really hoped Nick would just let her take the blow next time; she was far more durable than he was and could take the punishment.

Nick graciously accepted the medicine; "Thank you ma'am. I'll try not to be a burden." He swallowed the aspirin and chased it with the water; he then, with some difficulty, removed his shirt to see what the damage was. Some fairly serious bruising, and a couple of scars on his chest where cuts had been before Mesprit worked its magic. Just a few more to the collection, was his outlook. He applied the heating pad to his torso area and laid back on the bed. He then laid his shirt over the pad to help trap the heat against his skin. As much as he hated being immobile, he knew rest right now was required. He just hoped Pyra, Dawn and Mesprit were alright.
Dawn arrived at the inn with the two pokemon following her. She looked into the inn and smiled at the woman. "Is he resting?" she asked, concern etching her voice. The woman nodded. "You can go see him." Dawn nodded and smiled. "I know, I just want to make sure it'd be okay if these two came in with me for a couple minutes to see how he is." she said pointing to Pyra and Mesprit. The woman nodded. "Of course dear, just be careful."

Dawn smiled and led the procession into the room, looking over at Nick's bruised body. She walked over and sat on the other bed, a small smile on her face. "You alright Nick?" she asked him, moving a hand across his face. "Sprit!!" the pink pokemon said and floated over to Nick, poking his nose curiously. "Mes... Mesprit!?" Dawn smiled and brushed her hair out of her face. "You had a lot of people worried." she said, nodding to Mesprit. "She wouldn't leave, just kept following me."
Luckily, there was plenty of space for someone even as large as Pyra to enter the room; when she did, she immediately went to Nick's side and nudged his arm. Nick reached, wincing slightly, as he rubbed her snout. "I'm fine, Pyra. Just a little bruised up is all." He then chuckled a bit when Mesprit poked his nose; though he winced after doing that, too. "Don't worry about that, Pyra was just teaching me a lesson, is all." He then listened as Dawn explained that Mesprit followed her here; weird as it was, he was glad to see Mesprit was unharmed. "I'm glad you're alright Mesprit." He then looked around to each of them and said, "I hope I didn't any of you worry too much. Especially you, Pyra." He then tried to sit up; Pyra however, countered and pushed him gently back down. Nick tried again; Pyra just pushed him back down, a bit more forcefully. "Ah, come on, laying down like this is killing me. Can't I just...." he then stopped when she gave him a pointed glare. He sighed defeatedly and just laid there on his back.

He then looked at Dawn and said, "Sorry about this, Dawn. I promise I won't be in bed for long; but if that turns out to be the case, you should probably go on into the next town. Ash is probably getting anxious." He wasn't trying to be mean, saracastic or anything like that; he just felt like he was tying her down and he didn't want that.
Dawn smiled at Pyra's interaction with him and rubbed her eyes, worn out from the days activities. "Looks like Pyra's not gonna take any crap from you Nick." she said and laughed. She laid down on the bed and looked at him, shaking her head. "No way am I going to leave you busted up alone." she said. "Ash can wait. You're injured and to be perfectly honest with you, I've had mores adventures in one day that I've had in a month traveling with Ash." she smiled and laughed. "He's a great guy, but I want to make sure you're okay, and if that means waiting on you hand and foot so be it. I'm not going to abandon you when you need help." She yawned and stretched. "Sorry if you're trying to get rid of me." she teased. "But it's not going to happen." She smiled over at him.
Quite the opposite was the truth; Nick wanted her to stay. "Believe me, Dawn, the last thing I want is for you to leave. I just don't want you feeling like you have to be here because of what happened." He then paused; should he tell her how he feels? He decided that he should, and hopefully she would feel the same way he did about her. "Even though this is only our second day knowing each other, I feel like......well, you know.....like we were supposed to meet one day." He then gave a small pained sigh and continued, "The truth is, Dawn, I feel a real connection with you. A deep connection." Nick didn't care how corny or cheesy he sounded; he was telling her the truth. "The fact that you aren't going to leave makes me happier than you could imagine."
Dawn smiled at his words and sat up in her bed, looking at him. "Nick, I don't feel like I need to stay, I want to stay. And I understand what you feel. I feel the same way. It's amazing how attached I've grown to you. Ash is a great guy, he's nice, he's funny... but I don't feel the way about him that he feels about me." she moved to the side of his bed and knelt down, looking in his eyes. "If I wanted to leave, I'd leave. But I want to be right where I am, next to you." she kissed him softly and smiled. "And I'll stay by your side as long as you want me too." she said and smiled, running a hand against his cheek gently.
Nick was glad to hear that Dawn would stay with him; he smiled after she kissed him again and told him she'd stay for as long as he wanted. "I'm glad, Dawn. I really am." he said with a wide, obviously very happy grin. Her touch made his face flush and him forget about the bruising on his torso area. He then got a slightly surprised look on his face, "But, what're you going to tell Ash? I don't want anything bad to happen to you because you hurt his feelings or something. I don't know Ash very well, if at all. Is he the violent type?" He wasn't worried so much about his own safety as he was for Dawn's; she was such a sweet girl and and didn't deserve any negativity in her life.
She smiled when he blushed and chuckled. "You really are adorable." she said and kissed him again softly. She heard his concern with Ash and laughed a bit. "Ash, violent?" she shook her head. "Nah, he'll probably just get a sad look on his face and let it happen. He's a great guy, but he has no backbone, not unless it involves his precious Pikachu." she shook her head. "Besides, my skills yesterday should prove to you I'm not a pushover." she said and smiled. "But thank you for caring enough to worry about me." she said and smiled warmly.
"That's good. You're a great girl and nothing bad should ever happen to you." he then said, smiling widely and a bit goofily. The aspirin must have kicked in; he didn't feel a whole lot of pain. He then looked and saw that Mesprit was still here. "Well, I certainly feel better." He then added, "Thanks, Dawn. For everything you've done for me. Sorry if I've been a burden in any way."

Nick then noticed Mesprit was still here; he chuckled a bit and said "Hey, you're still here, huh?" He then added in a soft tone with a big smile, "You should probably head on back, your friends are probably worried about you right now."
Dawn smiled and hugged him gently. "Thanks Nick." She grabbed a night shirt and walked into the bathroom to get changed for bed. Mesprit looked at Nick and gave a slight smile. It floated over to him and poked his nose again. "Sprit, Mes... Mesprit!" she said before disappearing in a ball of light. Dawn exited the bathroom soon after Mesprit left and smiled at Nick. "She left you, huh?" she laughed. "Guess she's sure you're ok." Dawn stretched and laid down on top of the comforter. "I guess I'll see you tomorrow... I'm a little tired from all the stuff that happened today." she said and smiled at him. "Sleep well. If you need anything, just wake me up."
Nick chuckled as Mesprit poked his nose again; he guessed that was its way of saying 'Be careful next time.' He then watched as the Pokemon disappeared. When he heard Dawn speak, he smiled and replied "Yeah, guess so." He then yawned and shifted the heating pad so that it laid across more of his stomach than his chest. "I'm pretty tired too. See you in the morning, Dawn." And soon, his fatigue overcame him and he drifted off to sleep. However, the medication would soon wear off slightly later into the night, bringing him into a much lighter level of sleep, one that could be quite easily disturbed.
She smiled and looked over at him. "Sleep well Nicky." she said and closed her eyes. "I'll see you tomorrow." She shifted on the bed, her night shirt moving up her body slightly, her panties showing slightly from under the cloth. She grabbed a sheet and draped it over her body as she drifted to sleep.
After a couple hours she began to have a nightmare, her body trembling as the images flooded her mind. "Nick..." she murmured in her sleep, tossing and turning. "H..help..." she whispered, body tossing wildly.
Nick stirred, turning about unconsciously in his sleep, dreaming about him and Dawn cuddling near Lake Valor. He was disturbed, however, when he heard someone mutter his name. His eyes twitched before they opened slowly; his body had started to ache again. He turned over and saw Dawn tossing and turning violently in her sleep. When she whispered her plea for help, he didn't like how her body thrashed. "Dawn!" he cried out, rushing to her side. He knelt on her bed, cradling her head in his slightly toned arms and holding her close to him. "Sshh, Dawn. I'm right here, I'm right here" he whispered in what he hoped was a comforting tone of voice. It was here he got a good look at her body; she was really well-developed. "Whoa, Dawn, you're even prettier this close up." he then said, unsure if it registered with her.
Dawn tossed around, grunts escaping her lips as she tried to wake herself up from the nightmare. She wasn't able to though, and she began to gently hit Nick as he cradled her in his arms. She felt the arms wrap around her and imagined it being the man in her dreams. "No..." she whimpered, her hands clenching. She was damp from a cold sweat, her shirt riding up around her stomach, bunching under her breasts. "Nick... don't go, please!" she mumbled, her hands reaching out as if to grab something in front of her. She heard Nick's voice, but she didn't comprehend that it was really him and not the dream she was in. "Nick..." she said and began to relax in his arms, her face still etched with fear.
"Man, Dawn must being having one hell of a nightmare." Nick thought to himself as Dawn gently hit him. His surprise was further developed when she cried out for him not to leave. "Dawn, I won't leave. I'm right here, I'll never leave you, I swear." He then grabbed one of her hands and held it in his own, kissing her lightly on the forehead. "I'll be by your side, always Dawn. Don't you forget that." He then flushed when he saw that her shirt was riding up pretty high; he could barely see the underside of her breasts. At first, he contemplated touching them; he then mentally slapped himself. Still, a bit of innocent touching wouldn't hurt; he started to rub his along her smooth belly, avoiding getting too close to her pussy or breasts lest she wake up and slap him.
She relaxed as she heard his voice, her body resting a little more. She moved into his arms, her heart pounding as she calmed down a small smile on her face. She shifted as his hands ran along her stomach, her mouth opening slightly. She let a soft whimper escape her lips and she moved, her chest now under his hand, her shirt riding up more as she moved closer to him. "Nicky please..." she moaned, her body pressing against him.

"Dawn... I need you." Nick said, holding onto her tightly. "I'm sorry I didn't realize it sooner." Dawn looked up into his eyes body shaking lightly as she anticpated his touch. "Nick, I want you too." she whispered softly into the night air, her hands moving to rest on his chest. Nick leaned against her and pressed his lips against hers, hungrily, tongue dancing across her lips. Dawn moved her hands to his face and smiled, holding him as they kissed. "Kiss me.. please." she said, her hands mimicking the dream her. "I don't want to lose you." she murmured.
Nick didn't realize that his hand had shifted to rest on her fairly nice-sized chest; he froze up and unintentionally tightened his grip on her, not knowing what dream she was having. Nick was speechless as she told him she wanted him; was she sleeping? Or it was it like when he was dreaming? Well, in any case, she wanted to be kissed right now and if it helped her, then he would do it. He pressed his lips against hers, unknowingly mimicking the dream she was having. His tongue brushed her lips lightly before invading her mouth; he continued for a few moments before pulling back and saying softly, "Don't worry Dawn, you'll never lose me. I won't let myself get lost."
Dawn felt the lips press against her and smiled a bit, her hands wandering along his back. She held the kiss, sucking gently on his tongue as she moaned softly. "Nicky..." she whispered. Her eyelids fluttered and shifted in his arms as he pressed his lips against her. She let her head rest against his chest, listening to his heartbeat. "Nicky?" she whispered. "How badly do you want me?" she asked the dream Nick, still not consciously aware that the real one was holding her.
Nick's heart almost stopped dead when he saw her eyelids flutter; he thought for sure that she was waking up. The way she was returning his kissing helped to confirm his assumption. The question she then asked threw Nick off-guard; was she dreaming about being in a romantic scenario with him? Or was it something......more? His face turned dark-red at the thought of the latter. "She must be still asleep. Guess she's like me, hehehe." He decided to be honest; he wanted her, terribly. "I want you, Dawn. I want you so bad it hurts." he finally said, admitting himself to his deepest feelings for her.
Dawn moaned softly in her sleep, the dream Nick already moving to take her skirt off. She blushed and laid in the real Nick's arms, a smile on her face. "Ohh... Nick, I want you too." she whispered, her hands moving to find a way to get Nick's pants off of him. She bit her lip and gasped a bit as the dream Nick moved a hand along her crotch. She squirmed and felt her body temperature rising, the crotch of her panties getting damp from her arousal. She moved her hands to pull off her panties, exposing her glistening mound,a smile on her face.
Nick wasn't sure if Dawn actually meant what she was saying; however, he assumed that these were her deepest feelings for him, even if she was dreaming. They say dreams can reveal a person's true nature, after all, that they're a gateway into the soul. He then gasped and nearly fainted when she pulled her panties off to reveal her damp, glistening pussy. Nick froze, totally unsure of what to do. Part of him told him to touch it, the other told him to back away and forget this ever happened. Still, Dawn pleasure him while he was sleeping; perhaps he should return the favor. He decided to just take it slowly, cupping her pussy in his hand and rubbing it slowly.

He let his middle finger run along the outer folds; she was exuding so much heat. He occasionally felt a small bump near the top of her pussy; looking at it, he found it to be the clitoris. He heard that rubbing made a woman feel really good. He didn't want to press it too much, lest Dawn woke up and kicked his ass or something. He would, however, press it fairly hard every now and then as he rubbed her folds to help pleasure her.
Dawn moaned as she felt his fingers dancing over her folds, her body trembling slightly in anticipation. She was lost in her dream, but it felt too good to just be a dream. When he began to press her clit, his fingers moving along her body she shifted. "Mmmm Nick..." she mumbled, licking her lips. She arched her hips upwards, wanting to feel him against her rougher. She moaned softly and after a couple minutes her eyelids fluttered again. She woke up to the sensations in her lower body, but kept her eyes closed, not wanting to freak him out and make him stop doing it. "Mmmmff..." she moaned, muffling it by turning her head into his chest.
Nick grew more and more aroused as Dawn moaned as he continued to massage the lips and folds of her wet pussy; it first was just a small prick of heat in his groin. But now all eight inches of his manhood was starting to make itself known, forming an impressive tent in his pants. He nearly had another heart attack when Dawn's eyes seemed to flutter; however, it looked like she was asleep. Was she dreaming him doing this to her? Wasn't too impossible, considering the opposite was true just the other night. Still, as much as his hard-on was making him squirm, he opted to give Dawn what he'd given him so far. That meant making her climax twice.

He then laid Dawn back down on the bed gently, feeling that her nightmare had passed and now was dreaming pleasurably. He moved so that he would be in between her legs; pulling her panties off slowly the rest of the way, he then stuck his head between her legs and started to eat her out, wanting to see what it tasted like.
Dawn kept her eyes closed as he fingered her pussy, her pussy damp from her arousal. She kept quiet as he moved her onto the bed spreading her legs and pulling her panties off. She tried to keep herself from opening her eyes as he began to lick at her pussy. "Ohhh..." she moaned out, keeping her hands flat on the bed. Any movement might hint to her being awake. "Nicky..." she whispered, pretending it was to the dream Nick. She couldn't believe this was happening and it felt so wonderful. She wondered what he thought. She discreetly looked down at his head and smiled before closing her eyes again quickly.
Nick listened as Dawn moaned out; clearly she was dreaming quite well, unaware of what Nick was doing in the real world. At least that was what Nick was thinking; he didn't have any idea just how wrong he was. The whole time Nick was licking and playing with Dawn's pussy, he didn't catch her looking down at him; that was because he was too busy trying to please her. His body screamed at him to stick his cock in her and relieve the sexual tension within him, but he wouldn't do that to her while she was sleeping.

Her moans did, however, encourage him to up his efforts; he then whispered, "Dawn, you taste so good. I can't hold myself back" before he started workinghis tongue harder and faster within the walls of her pussy. His tongue and fingers massaged her walls and clit relentlessly to bring her to orgasm.
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