Handyman (Razgriz x poisonedxkisses)

Dawn smiled and laughed a bit as Nick gave a slight tongue lashing to Mars. "Thanks Nicky." she said and winked at him. She bit her lip as she thought about what to do next. "I think maybe we should leave the interrogating to the professionals. There was a Admin here, there's probably another one at Lake Valor. And they might be further along in capturing Azelf." she said. "We should probably hurry." she said and smiled at him. She called out Pepinot and smiled at Nick. "You should ride Pyra, I'll fly on Pepinot, we can't waste time walking to the lake, it's a while away." she said. "I'll fly low so you guys can still see where we're going." she said, knowing Nick wouldn't where to go.
(Again I say, thank god for Bulbapedia.)
"Right, I'll be sure to stay close." Nick said as he mounted Pyra; the two of them then took off for Lake Valor. Nick had to correct course several times in order to keep up with Dawn; this sure was a heavily wooded area. Still, Pyra's speed and surprising agility for a Rapidash of her size allowed Nick to maintain a near-constant view of where Dawn was heading. After a short while of traveling, they eventually reached a clearing; these were usually common when approaching a lake, something that Nick discovered during his travels in other parts of the country.

When they arrived at the lake, Nick was shocked at first to see just how large it was. The waters rippled serenely; he also noticed a lack of Galactic grunts here. He wondered if they were at another part of the lake, but something confused him. They had to have a separate set of goals from Team Rocket; at first Nick assumed that they were all part of the same organization. But, trying so hard to capture these lake guardians, and they didn't seem to go after much other Pokemon, it led him to believe that this was a separate entity entirely "We've been trying to create a new world that's better than this one", those were Mars' words. That seemed a whole lot different from Team Rocket; he wondered how capturing the lake guardians would accomplish this. Though this was mostly guessing on Nick's part; he didn't know there was a Team Galactic at all until today.
Before long Pepinot arrived at Lake Valor and dropped her off. Nick wasn't far behind, he arrived just as she was calling Pepinot back. She smiled and Nick and nodded. "Let's go." she walked silently towards the lake, noticing there were no people near the banks. She looked around and gasped when she laid eyes on why. "Nick! Look!" she said and pointed to a small small cave near the center of the lake. "Look inside! There's a bunch of them and the have a pokemon in some kind of machine. It looks like it's in pain, but I've never seen a pokemon like that before. Do you think it could be Azelf?" she asked Nick. "Whatever it is we have to help it!" she said.
Nick looked to where Dawn was pointing; indeed there was a group of people in there, and a very-strange looking Pokemon in what appeared to be a cage of solid energy. Though they seemed different from Team Galactic; the grunts appeared to be wearing some kind of body armor. "Now who do we have to deal with?" Nick thought, his eyebrow twitching in rare annoyance. Though his expression turned to one of surprise when he saw a grey-haired woman in what looked like a purple trench-coat. "Who the hell is that now?" he then asked.

As much as he wanted to help, there was one issue: Nick didn't have any Flying or Water-Type Pokemon to help him cross the large body of water. And as fast as Pyra was, no way someone her size would be fast enough to run across the water. He then got an idea; he didn't know if Pepinot could use Ice techniques. He had seen Ice-type techniques generated using Metronome. "Hey Dawn, can Pepinot use Metronome? If we get lucky, maybe Pepinot will use Ice Beam or something and then make an ice bridge for me and Pyra to cross. 'Cause otherwise we're stuck. Well, me and Pyra are stuck, anyway."
((Who are you describing, just so I don't sound completely retarded in my next couple posts. And These are actually the moves her pokemon know in the anime. Not making 'em up. Thanks again Bulbapedia!))

She looked at the way these people were dressed and shook her head. "That can't be Team Galactic, they're dressed way to differently." She said and tried to get a glimpse of their insignias. "I can't make it out. She looked over the water and then back at Nick when he asked if Pepinot could use metronome. She shook her head and thought for a minute.

"No.. he can't use metronome, but my Buneary, Babs can use ice beam. I taught it to her not too long ago." she said and smiled. She called out Babs and told her to use ice beam. Babs nodded. "Neary!" she said and began to form a beam of ice and shot it at the water forming a solid ice bridge over the water. "Come on Nick... let's see what's going on." she said and slowly made her way onto the ice.
(It's Hunter J and her band of goons. And hallelujah to Bulbapedia, lol!)

Nick grinned, impressed with Dawn's preparedness. "You seem to a have solution for everything. You truly are incredible, you know that?" he then said aloud, completely unfazed at his own corniness. But you had to give Nick credit for being honest. "Right, then. Pyra, let's go!" Pyra and Nick then charged onto the ice bridge; Nick, however, in his eagerness, forgot that sneakers don't exactly grip well on the ice. Pyra's sharp hooves acted as natural ice-shoes for her, not to mention the small residual heat she gave off melted the ice slightly to give her more traction in it. As Nick slipped, Pyra lurched forward and caught his shirt with her teeth. "Whew, thanks, Pyra." Nick said as he regained his footing and resolved to take it more slowly.

One of the henchman at that moment turned around, not by any fault of Nick's since he slipped without making any noise, to see if anyone was coming, and was greeted with the sight of Nick, Dawn and Pyra making their way towards them. "Hey, Buck, look at these little shits. They're thinking they can stop us." Buck just laughed, "Ain't that cute, Mike. And look, we don't even have to roll out a welcome mat for them, they already did it." Buck cracked his knuckles and said, "Let's show them a warm welcome anyway." He then turned and said, "Hey, Boss, we got some goody-two-shoes trying to stop. Don't worry, we'll take care of them." The two progressed onto the ice bridge, their boots providing excellent traction on the ice.

Nick saw the goons approaching; that meant the element of surprise was lost. "Dawn, we got a problem." Nick and Pyra readied themselves for combat.
((Yeah, I would have never figured that out. Haven't watched the anime in ages, so I had no clue she was hired by Galactic. lol. I get my knowledge from the video games. XD))

Dawn laughed and shrugged. "I do my best." she said and walked slowly towards the cave. She saw Nick rush onto the ice and almost fell. She turned to try to catch him, but Pyra beat her to it. "Careful Nick!" she whispered. She continued on the ice bridge for another few steps before two men walked towards her and Nick.

"Don't worry about me Nick. I'm ready for anything, remember?" she said and readied herself for battle. The two men sent out a Tentacruel and a Claydol. "Get ready, little girl." one of the men sneered. She shook her head and grabbed two pokeballs. "You don't know who you're messing with!" she challenged. She sent out Napoleon and Paco, her pokemon raring for a fight. "You ready Nick?" she asked him over her shoulder.
(Lol, don't worry. I didn't know either till I dug deeper after looking for Lake Valor on Bulbapedia. I hadn't even heard of Lake Valor till I searched for it, so you know more about Pokemon than I do, hehe. I really do love that site, makes me look like I know what I'm talking about, lol)

"Heh, that's true." Nick said as he readied himself for combat. The men were bigger and more prepared for different terrain than he was; however, they would most likely be slower because of it. "Pyra, Let's go!" Nick shouted; he then pulled a surprising move and charged again, blowing right past Dawn and her two Pokemon. Luckily, the bridge was wide enough to allow him to pass without knocking her into the water. Buck laughed, "Hey, look, this kid's trying to impress his girlfriend! Ain't that just adorable, Mike?" Mike responded after calming down, "Yeah, hehehe. Kids these days are pretty cute. Or they would be if they weren't so damn nosy."

Pyra was close behind him, the fire on her body radiating massive amounts of heat as she began to charge up her attack. She then blasted the ice bridge, blowing a large hole in the middle and causing the two goons to jump in surprise and out of the way. "You stupid fucking....." was all Buck said before he caught a foot from Nick in the face, causing Buck to fall on his back. "Sorry, but I don't want you to finish that phrase, or I'll have to kick your butt twice as hard for insulting my friend." Mike then growled, "You snot-nosed brat." Nick sneered, "Is that the ONLY thing you can call me? Where's the originality gone?" This naturally infuriated Mike, "Claydol, blast him using Hyper Beam and shut him up!" Just as the strange Pokemon started to charge its attack at Nick, an incredibly powerful Eruption encased Claydol and set it ablaze. Claydol thrashed in the air for a bit, then immediately dove into the water to extinguish the flames; however, the damage was done. Claydol floated belly-up in the water, unconscious from the extreme damage it took.

Mike just stared at his Pokemon, wondering how before he finally looked at Pyra and then at Nick. "But......you didn't tell it to attack!" Nick charged Mike and punched him in the gut before uppercutting his jaw and knocking him out. "Not it.....her. Pyra's a she, you jerk." Nick then looked over at Tentacruel, who poised to attack; however, when Pyra became active again, Tentacruel's eyes went wide and it scampered off, abandoning its master. Nick looked back at Dawn and said, "Well, that takes care of that. Shall we? We still have more grunts to deal with, whoever they are."
Dawn blushed as the men called them a couple and readied herself to fight. Before she could even move or command Napoleon and Paco to attack, Pyra and Nick charged at the men, part of the bridge exploding from Pyra's move. She gasped as Nick kicked Buck in the face. She watched, motionless, amazed at the speed both he and Pyra had. She wanted to help him, but it honestly seemed like he didn't need it. Before long the Claydol was fainted and the Tentacruel had run away from the trainer. She nodded as he asked if they should continue on. "Yeah, let's go." she said and laughed lightly, scratching her head. She walked toward the cave, having Babs use ice beam to repair the bridge so they could cross it. Once they reached the cave Hunter J smiled and shook her head. "You two beat Buck and Mike? No worries. Nikolai, get them." she said and another one of her grunts moving forward sending out his Scyther. "Go Quilava..." she said and sent out her fire pokemon. She ready herself for battle and looked over at Nick. "Go help Azelf!" she said.
Nick readied himself to fight; he then heard Dawn tell him to get Azelf out of there. "Right" he said as he broke away from Dawn, only to find three more grunts blocking his progress. "Man, you guys are persistent!" "When J wants something done, we make sure it gets done, no matter what!" one of them cried as he sent out a Typhlosion; the other two sent out a Rhydon and a Blastoise. "Crap!" Nick thought mentally; one on one, Pyra could handle type-weaknesses well, but all three combined? This was going to be a tough fight. Nick got ready as the one on the right yelled out "Blastoise, Hydro Cannon!" The large turtle's cannons both pointed at Pyra and Nick and fired; Pyra in turned unleashed a Flamethrower enhanced by Overheat to counter the attack. The result was a burst of heated steam that shrouded Nick, Pyra and the grunts completely from view.

Nick then heard another shout, "Rhydon, combo Giga Impact with Hammer Arm!" Nick then felt the ground shake as the Rhydon was obviously charging them. Nick, who seemed to experience time slowing down, saw the Rhydon suddenly appear before him; he moved to push Pyra out of the way as it started to swing its massive arm. Its claws caught Nick's shirt and before he knew it he was hurtling back towards one of the cave walls with tremendous force. The walls seemed to be somewhat muddy, which mitigated the damage to being less than fatal, but didn't do much to dampen the pain of the impact. His body slammed hard into the wall; he felt several of his ribs break before he collapsed to the cave floor, unconscious and bleeding from several cuts on his arms and face. Pyra didn't see what happened to Nick and used Overheat again to dispel the steam cloud. When she saw what happened, she immediately rushed over to Nick's side, nudging his arm only to find him unresponsive.

If one was paying close attention, they could see streams of tears leaving Pyra's eyes. She then turned to face the three grunts and their Pokemon; the flames on her body then shifted, becoming larger and whiter until nothing more than a solid white sphere surrounded her. This was something Pyra learned how to do long ago; it was an extremely powerful technqiue, combining Flame Charge, Overheat, Heat Crash, V-create and Flare Blitz. She was going to be hurt as well, from the tremendous recoil, but right now she didn't care. The temperature of the cave interior rose rapidly, becoming unbearably hot in a matter of seconds. The mud on the walls dried and cracked unbelievably fast; the portion of the ice bridge closest to the cave melted as well. There were twenty steps in front of Pyra, more than enough to reach her top of 150 mph. In short, these guys were fucked.

"Oh, crap." one grunt said as he started sweating immediately; Pyra then charged, reaching her full speed in a matter of seconds. When she impacted the Rhydon, a massive fireball erupted and sent the Blastoise, Typhlosion, Rhydon, and their respective masters hurtling into the now flame-baked walls of the cave. The grunts didn't receive as much damage as Nick thanks to their armor, but they were knocked out momentarily. The Pokemon on the other hand, were stone cold out; burn marks covered most of their body, even the Rhydon's, indicative of the attack strength Pyra just used out of her fury. Pyra didn't look so hot, either; the brilliant flames that covered her were reduced to mere embers, and small burns covered a small portion of her body. She grunted heavily, still somehow possessing the strength to stand. She then looked towards Hunter J; clearly her desire to fight was not gone, despite her weakened condition.
Dawn had taken down Nikolai's Scyther and the following Pinsir when she noticed what was going on over to the side of the cave. She was focused on her battle but as soon as Nick went slamming into the wall she quickly finished off the Pinsir, running to Nick's side, taking him in her arms. "Shit!!" she said and watched as Pyra took over the battle, knocking out the pokemon and their trainers.

She felt her heart sink as she looked down at the motionless body in her arms. She sent out Babs, Mammoth and her Quilava. She wasn't sure if Pyra would listen to her but she had to try, she couldn't let anything happen to her while Nick was out.

"Pyra! I want you to rest this one out!" she said. "I'll take care of it, please!" She kissed Nick on the lips gently and then stood up walking towards J. "You bitch." she said. "Look what you did!"

J simply laughed and shook her head. "You want to take me on you little whore?" she asked. "I'll take you down. "Go, Drapion, Salamence, Ariados!" The three pokemon came out and Dawn stood there with her pokemon. "I can't let you win." Dawn said. J laughed and shook her head. "I'd love to see you try love."

"Babs, ice beam on Salamence! Quinn (Her Quilava, finally thought of a nickname lol) use Flame wheel on Ariados. Mammoth, use Dig on the Drapion!" Her pokemon worked together to get the first wave of attacks in and soon J's pokemon were weaker. "Salamance, Dragon Pulse on that weakling Buneary!" Soon Babs fainted and Dawn bit her lip. "Fine. Napoleon, go!" Napoleon took it's place where the buneary stood and continued to fight alongside her teammates.

After another couple minutes Mammoth had taken down her Salamance, Quinn had taken down the Ariados, and her Drapion was still left standing. "Quinn, come back! Go Pepinot!" Her Togekiss came out, raring to fight. "Napoleon, Pepinot, work together and use Aura Whirlpool!" she said. Napoleon launched a Whirlpool attack and Pepinot then fired an Aura Sphere inside, causing the Whirlpool to turn light blue. It slammed into the Drapion, which made a loud cry and collapsed on the floor. "Leave, now! And I won't make them hurt you!" J looked at her defeated pokemon and glowered. "You may win this time, but I have a feeling we'll be seeing each other real soon." she said and then turned to run out of the cave. Dawn ran back to Nick's side and ran her fingers through his hair, and touched his face. "I don't know how I'm going to help you Nick... I'm so sorry!" she said, tears welling up in her eyes.
Pyra watched on in silent victory as J was defeated and fled, leaving henchman behind; it did little to calm the pain in her heart from seeing Nick unconscious and obviously hurt. She tried nudging him again, as if pleading with him to awaken. When that failed, she just hung her head, tears falling down her face.

If she could speak, she would have been chewing him out hard for throwing himself between her and the Rhydon. But she couldn't, and no amount of body language could truly express the anguish she felt at seeing her best friend and family member completely immobile on the hard-baked floor of the cave. She then rested her head on Dawn's shoulder, showing her that she didn't have to cry alone. Pyra was obviously furious at Nick, but could put that aside seeing him in such terrible condition. She grunted softly, as if to say, "Nick is strong. He may be hurt, but we'll find a way to make him better."

Just then, the three henchman that were knocked out in the corner groaned and stirred. Pyra heard this and turned to face them; her legs shook slightly from the extreme recoil damage she took, but she would defend Nick to her dying breath, just as he would for her. And as proof of her devotion, the embers on her body spurted into larger flames, but nothing like she would have at full health. One of them stood up fully, rubbing the back of his head as he said, "Hey, where's J?" Another rose, looked around and shouted, "She abandoned us! That fucking bitch!" It took them a little while to realize the fire-mare was glaring at them, and she looked very pissed.

"Uh, guys, I think we should take our exit." one of them said; the three then recalled their unconscious Pokemon and before anyone could do anything, ran out of the cave. Except the portion of the ice bridge connected to the cave itself melted away, meaning they were taking a dip whether they liked it or not. In any case, they swam as fast as they could back to shore. Pyra relaxed, but found it difficult to stand. She wlaked back to Nick, then she lowered herself onto her knees and rested her head on Nick's chest, small trails of tears on her snout.
Dawn rubbed Pyra's snout and kissed it gently. "Just relax... I'll take care of him, some how." She looked around the cave as the goons fled the scene, making their way back to shore. She saw the figure of Azelf still suspended in the ball of energy. She ran over to it and pulled a lever, the ball dissipating. The Azelf looked at her pain etched in its eyes, but thankful to be free. "Zelf!" it called and closed it eyes, the gem on it's forehead glowing.

Dawn was too busy trying to figure out how to help Nick to notice a glowing ball of light floating towards her. Before long though the light formed a pokemon that had a pink head and face, but looked almost like Azelf. "Mes...?" it cooed. It saw the hurt figure in Dawn's arms and a white light shone around it, sparkles filling the air.

After a couple minutes like that it collapsed to the floor, obviously fainted. Dawn looked at the Mesprit and shook her head. She wasn't sure what that was, but she went back to stroking Nick's face and hair, kissing him gently, trying to wake him up. "Please Nick... please be alright." she whispered, holding his body in her arms.
Pyra watched as Mesprit used its healing abilities on Nick; it was ever grateful to the strange Pokemon for healing him. She weakly stood back up in anticipation of Nick awakening soon. Then, miraculously, Nick groaned and stirred. His closed eyes twitched before opening again; his whole body felt sore and tired, but he could feel that nothing was broken anymore. "Wha....how..?" Nick groaned out before looking up to see Dawn. "I must be in heaven, 'cause I got an angel looking at me." Pyra weakly blew air between her lips; Nick was back to making corny, crappy one-liners. He would be fine. She then bit him on the nose; Nick clutched it in pain. "Ow, ow, ow, Pyra! Let go, that hurts!" he muttered; Pyra released her grip and whinnied loudly, expressing her anger and displeasure at Nick's reckless behavior. Nick understood why she was upset; he just did what he thought was right to protect someone near and dear to him.

He then saw how hurt Pyra was; his heart sank immediately. "Pyra, you're hur..." he started to say, but Pyra just bit him on the nose again. "Agh....OK, OK. I'll stop worrying about you." He then looked up at his blue-haired lovely lady. "You aren't hurt, are you, Dawn?" he then asked.
Dawn watched as Nick woke up, and smiled, tears still rolling down her cheeks. "Thank god you're okay!" she said and hugged him. She would have laughed at the joke but she was too relieved that he was alright. She chuckled as Pyra decided to teach him a lesson for being so reckless. She moved her hand against his face and smiled. "Don't you ever do that again!" Dawn said and smiled at him. "I thought you..." she couldn't bring herself to say it.

She then shook her head. "No, I'm fine. I was to busy trying to protect your ass to let myself get hurt." she teased. She was honestly relieved he was alright, and extremely thankful to the Mesprit for helping him. She took a pokeball and pressed it against Mesprit, calling it inside to rest. "We have to take her to the pokemon center. I'm not going to let it stay here injured." She looked to Azelf, trying to explain what she was doing. "I mean her no harm, I'm just trying to heal it. I'll let her go when she's better." she said, hoping he'd understand her. She then turned back to Nick kissing him deeply. "And thank god you're okay." she said and smiled down at him.
(lol, it's only day two and this much happened. Guess that's what happens when you stick your nose where you shouldn't.)

Nick was shocked at Dawn's response; she barely knew him. But then again, he probably would have reacted the same way if she pulled the stunt he did. He didn't really see it as reckless; he knew full well what he was getting himself into. He then stared at her confusedly for a moment before she kissed him. Deep. His sore body froze and heated up slightly as Dawn kissed him for no reason. When she released him, he was utterly speechless.

Azelf watched Dawn for a few seconds after she put Mesprit into a Pokeball; it sensed no malicious intent in her doing so. Then in a bright flash of light, the final Lake Guardian Uxie appeared. "Ux!" it mewed; it didn't know it was late for the party. "Zelf! Zelf! Zelf, zelf, ZEEEELLLF!" Azelf then responded; it seemed to make a bunch of motions with its arms that indicated something going flying through the air after a big explosion. It then pointed to Nick and clapped its hands together, obviously referencing Nick's collision with the wall. Uxie mewed "Ux......ie" in a somewhat sad tone and floated down to Nick, looking him in the eye for a few moments. It was kind of awkward, laying on his back while an obviously important Pokemon stared at him in the eyes.

Uxie then did something else unexpected; it hugged him. After a few seconds, it let go and hugged Dawn before releasing her and mewling "Uxie, uxie!" as its way of saying, "Thanks to you both for saving our friend." Nick rubbed his head, "I didn't really do anything, but you're welcome." Pyra bumped him weakly with her snout, telling him to quit understating his contributions. Nick then sat up with great difficulty; it pained him slightly to move, but he eventually got to his knees. "Well, Dawn, let's get to a Pokemon center so we can heal Pyra and that lake guardian.....Mesprit, right?"
She honestly wasn't sure why she kissed him the way she did, knowing they barely knew each other. But she was so relieved that it seemed like the right thing to do. She watched as Uxie arrived and carried on a conversation with Azelf. She watched at the Uxie moved towards her and Nick and stared at him. When Uxie hugged him she giggled, her blue eyes shining. When it moved to hug her she was surprised but moved her arms around it too, laughing lightly. "You're welcome Uxie. We're just doing what we can." she said and let the pokemon go.

She stood up and took Nick's hand, helping him to his feet and wrapping her arm around his waist to help him get his balance before letting go so they could walk. "Be careful you too. Mesprit will be safe with us, I promise you." she said and waved to the other pokemon before heading to the mouth of the cave. Babs was fainted so she couldn't use ice beam to fix the bridge, but she had an idea. "Mammoth, come out and help us." she said and released the large Mamoswine. "Use Ice shard, make a couple ice patches for us to use to cross to the rest of the bridge. "Mam!" he grunted and used ice shard, making large patches of ice for them to hop across. She recalled Mammoth and looked at Nick. "You think you'd be able to hop across?" she asked him.
Nick grunted as he stood to his feet with the help of Dawn; he then followed her out to the mouth of the cave and looked up. The ice patches were close enough to where Pyra and him could jump across to the remaining section of bridge. "Yeah, I think we can make it. Pyra, you alright to do this?" Pyra mouthed his shoulder weakly; Nick realized she wasn't looking good at all and in truth, couldn't jump. "Pyra, I'm sorry, but you can't walk. Not in your condition." Pyra started to protest in her way; Nick, however, shot her down quickly, "Pyra! Look at you, you can barely stand! Now I know I don't make you do things that make you uncomfortable, but this time I'm putting my foot down! You need to go into a Pokeball!" He then reached into his pocket and pulled out her ball; Pyra flattened her ears in annoyance.

Nick's gunmetal eyes then softened into a pleading look, "Please, Pyra. Just let me do this, just this once. Believe me, if I was in better shape than I am right now, I would happily carry you however far it would be. But that's not the case, and I won't let you hurt yourself!" Pyra paused, stunned at Nick's sudden change. However, she eventually saw the non-maliciousness of Nick's intent and rested her head on his shoulder. "Don't worry, Pyra, I'll try my hardest not to have you do this again." he then said softly as he hugged Pyra's neck gently. He then tapped her lightly on the snout with the ball; Pyra vanished inside, able to now rest.

Nick then turned to Dawn and said with a rare determination in his eyes, "Let's get moving." This was a different side of him; one that only came out when people close to him got hurt or nearly got hurt, the former being Pyra and the latter being Dawn. He winced slightly as he made the leap to the first patch; his body ached each time he jumped before he finally made it to the section of bridge.

(I figure Nick is still hurt pretty bad, due to the Healing Wish being primarily used to heal other Pokemon, so I imagine its effect is lessened when used on a human)
Dawn watched as he tried to convince Pyra to get into the pokeball. She sighed, knowing Pyra hated being confined in that space. "Have you ever tried a luxury ball?" she asked curiously. "They're apparently more comfortable for pokemon." she said and bit her lip. She jumped to the bridge, waiting for Nick to catch up with each jump. Once they were on the bridge she looked at him, limping and in pain.

"Wait, Nick." she said. She called out Mammoth again and smiled at Nick. "Now it's my turn. I don't want you in anymore pain. You'll ride Mammoth to town. You're in a weakened state and I don't want you to get hurt even further." Mammoth grunted and moved so he could climb on, looking at him. Dawn stroked Mammoth's fur and smiled. "Thanks Mammoth." she said and looked at Nick. "I'll walk besides you to town." she said and smiled.
Oh, the irony of life. Here he was, not two seconds trying to convince a hard-headed Pyra the Rapidash to get into a Pokeball and now Dawn was trying to convince his hard-headed ass to ride on her Mamoswine into town. "Dawn, I'll be fine. I can...." he started to say, but stopped when she looked into his eyes. Damn it, how was she so convincing? And it didn't help that Mammoth clearly wanted to help Nick; so, he simply sighed and resigned into his defeat. "Alright, you win. But if Mammoth gets too uncomfortable with me on here, I'm walking the rest of the way." he then said defiantly; he would not cause someone else discomfort because of something he did to himself. He eventually laid on top of Mammoth's back, its thick fur acting like a very cushy pillow. "But thanks Dawn, Mammoth, I appreciate it." he then said quite honestly.
She smiled at him and watched him climb up on Mammoth. "Don't worry, he'll be fine." she said to Nick. Mammoth grunted again and stood up, padding it's way towards town. Dawn walked alongside her Mamoswine and Nick. "You alright up there?" she asked him. They made their way towards town and before long they arrived. "First we're going to the inn. You are gonna lay down and rest while I take care of the pokemon. You can give me Pyra's ball, I'll heal here too, and then let her out." she said to Nick. She smiled as they approached the inn and Mammoth stopped, bending down again so Nick could get off.
Nick rode the way to town on Dawn's Mamoswine; he still didn't think this was right. But he knew Dawn would persist, and Mamoswine would probably just knock Nick over so that he fell on its back. He still hurt like hell; still, having Dawn do everything didn't sit well with him. Clearly, Mammoth had no problem with and Dawn seemed more at ease knowing he was resting. "Yeah, I'm alright." he said tiredly; damn that Hunter J. Trying to hurt Pyra and Dawn like that. Still, at least whatever plans J had were halted for now; Nick had a feeling this wouldn't be the last time they saw her, though. Or Team Galactic for that matter.

Nick didn't even respond when Dawn said they were going back to the inn; she said it with such a finality that he knew it would be pointless to argue. So he rode in relative silence; when they arrived back at the inn, he dismounted and felt a small jab of pain. Making his way into the inn, he saw the elderly innkeeper and said, "Pardon me, ma'am, but do you mind if I lay dawn for a while?"
Dawn smiled as he went into inn and made her way towards the pokemon center. She entered the center and walked up to Nurse Joy. "Hey, would you please heal these pokemon?" she asked. Nurse Joy took the pokeballs and put them on a machine and turned it on, healing the pokemon.

The innkeeper turned and saw Nick and smiled. "Ah, dearie. Of course you can lay down. You have that room until you and the beautiful girlfriend of yours decide to leave our town. It's the least I can do for you two for helping me. She smiled and moved towards him. "Are you alright, you look like you are in a lot pain."
Nick flushed when the elderly innkeeper called Dawn his girlfriend; they hadn't even known each other for two days! Then again, a lot happened in those two days and they did seem to be fairly close to each other. Dawn obviously liked him, and he obviously liked her. So maybe she was his girlfriend. That'd be nice, but Nick didn't know just how deep her feelings ran for him.

Nick smiled weakly, trying to lessen his pained appearance, "Yeah, yeah, I'm alright. Just a little sore is all." He then took a step and winced; he gave a small pained grunt and held his right side. It would take Nick maybe a full day or two to heal up; though at least he didn't have to get treated for any broken bones.
Dawn took the pokeballs when the pokemon were healed and went outside, releasing Pyra. "Hey girl, sorry about the pokeball." she said and rubbed Pyra's snout. She then took the pokeball with Mesprit and released it. "Sprit!" it cooed. "Mes...!" she smiled and nodded. "You're welcome Mesprit. You can go back to your friends now." she said. She smiled and started walking towards the inn. She expected Pyra to follow close behind, but was a little confused when Mesprit stayed close to her. "Hmm?" she tilted her head and looked at the pokemon. "Mes!" Dawn wasn't sure what she wanted, but decided there would be no harm in letting it follow her. Maybe she just wanted to see if Nick was alright.

The old woman smiled at him and helped him to the room. "Lay down, I'll brink you some aspirin and a heating pad, you need to relax." she left the room and soon returned with a glass of water, aspirin, and a heating pad which she put on the night stand. "You can decide where it needs to go." she said handing him the water and pills. "I'll let you rest for now. If you need anything shout for me."
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