Handyman (Razgriz x poisonedxkisses)

Dawn moved to his other ball, smiling as the precum started to ooze from the tip, coating her hand. She finished with his other ball and moved her head back to his shaft, sucking deeply as she began to push him towards the back of her mouth. Relaxing her throat she sucked harder, pushing him into her throat, licking the shaft as she began deep throating him. She reached down and started to rub her clit through her panties roughly.
Nick was beginning to reach his limit; it was only made more difficult when Dawn started deep-throating his now strongly-pulsing erection. Soon it was becoming quickly unbearable to sustain. "Ah, Dawn! I......AGH!" he then groaned out as his hips thrusted forward, his member throbbing in her mouth noticeably as it pumped an even larger amount of cum than last night. Thick globs of his hot sperm burst forth, coating every inch of her mouth and throat as he released himself inside her.
She groaned as he thrust his hips upward and blushed as he started to cum. She looked up at him, wanting to see his reaction and bobbed her head on his shaft as he spurted his cum in her mouth. She finished drinking his cum and shifted slightly so she was kneeling between his legs. "How was that?" she asked him, a playful smile on her face. While she enjoyed giving him head she wished they could go one step further. She sighed a bit and resigned herself to the fact that it probably wasn't going to happen, at least not yet.
Nick panted heavily as he came down from his high. "Fantastic" he finally managed to breathe out; he then realized he still left Pyra in her ball! Oh, crap, she was going to be steamed. Though usually she'd be struggling pretty damn hard to get out when she got uncomfortable in there. Still, he should probably let her out. Luckily for Nick, the clothes he was wearing doubled as night and day clothes. Standing up, he stretched , got himself put together and said, "I'll be right back." He then went outside the inn, greeting the elderly woman good morning as he went outside to release Pyra. She whinnied again and bumped him with her snout hard in the shoulder; Nick rubbed the area and said, "Sorry about that, girl. I got....side-tracked." Pyra's ears then flattened, Nick sighed and replied, "I know, I know. It won't happen again. Look, I need to go shower. I'll meet you back out here in a few minutes, OK? Go get some breakfast, I'll see you in a bit." Pyra nuzzled him to show her forgiveness and trotted back to the field to munch on some greenery.

He then went back into the room where Dawn was and said, "Hey, Dawn. How'd you like to help an elderly woman get her business running again?"
Dawn watched as he stood up and dressed himself again. She pouted a little, being as he didn't even offer to help her get off. She stood up and got dressed up in a pink skirt and black vest, changing her bra and underwear. She then went into the bathroom and redid her hair and walked back into the bedroom sitting on the bed, waiting for Nick to return from letting Pyra out. She smiled a bit as he returned. "What do you mean?" she asked him. "How are we going to do that?" she said standing up moving to pack her bag. She finished and stood up, smiling at him a little.
"Well, the way I see it, this place is pretty dang good. Seriously, the size of the rooms, the quality of the food, the comfort of the beds. You'd think more people would stay here. And from what I could tell, this is all that woman's got." Nick then thought for a moment, "Let's you and I......do an inspection of this place and ask the owner her opinions of why things aren't going so well. That's all I got so far, though. I'll have to think of an actual plan once I get what I need."

He noticed there was something off about her smile; like she was upset with him in some way. "Dawn, is everything alright? You look like something's bothering you a bit." he then asked.
Dawn nodded as he started to talk about the rooms. "You're right. The inn is very nice." she said and smiled. "Yeah, we can try and help her out." she said. "And I'm fine." she said. She didn't want to sound like a bitch so it was better to just let it go. "Don't worry about it." she smiled. "Let's get to work." she started towards the door, opening it and walking out to the lobby, wishing the woman good morning. She walked outside and let Napoleon out to walk around, knowing he didn't like to be in the ball for prolonged periods of time.
Nick was worried he may have upset her in some way; however, she told him to drop it and that's what he did. He could tell something was bothering, but he didn't want to kick a bee's nest, so to speak. He then asked the woman, "Excuse me, ma'am. But me and my lady-friend here want to try and help you get this place back on the map so to speak. We think this is an excellent inn, and would hate to see anything happen to it. Forgive me if I'm prying, but I was wondering if I could ask you your thoughts on why such an excellent place would such slow business?"
The woman shook her head and smiled. "No, no, it's quite alright dear." she said. "You're not prying. Not at all. There's been a lack of tourism around here due to some kind of disturbance in the towns around here. Not completely positive what has happened, but they say there are some shady characters hanging around so business has dried up here. Not sure how to get the customers back though." she said and looked out of the window. "Is she alright?" she asked.

Dawn was sitting on the ground playing with Napoleon. "I don't understand Napoleon..." she said. "I thought maybe he liked me too... am I reading to much into this?" Napoleon pecked at her hand and chirped a bit. "Yeah, I know we just met... but I still feel jipped." she said and laughed a little.
Nick did like Dawn; in fact, she was the first woman he felt a true connection to. But, his lackadaisical nature and care-free attitude worked against him sometimes. That, and his 'blood is thicker than water' mentality. He would come around eventually, but there would be some roadblocks. He then went and got Pyra, her following him as he wandered over toward Dawn.

Still, Nick had something to go off; shady characters, huh? His mind flashed back to the robber from yesterday; what if that guy was one of them? Nick grinned, "That sounds exciting. A mystery type ordeal? My kind of game." An interesting coincidence; a robber attacking people in a town that was suffering tourism problems. Possibly just a guy down on his luck looking for some extra cash. But, another answer was that he was robbing the tourists to drive people away. Very interesting. He wondered if the resident Jenny knew about any other occurrences like this. But then his stomach growled; he couldn't tackle this on an empty stomach.

He then walked over to Dawn and knelt down, "Hey, Dawn. Let's go grab some breakfast. My treat, your choice of eats. Then let's go talk to Officer Jenny. How's that sound?" He hoped that treating her to breakfast would help repair whatever damage he may have caused, even if he didn't do it on purpose.
Dawn looked up at him and smiled a bit. "Alright. I guess that works." she said and stood up, brushing the grass on her legs off. She stretched and started to walk with him towards the area of town with the restaurants. She picked a homey looking diner and smiled at him. "Sorry for being an ass." she said and kissed his cheek. "I wasn't mad at you." she said. "Just had something on my mind."

She waited for the hostess to seat them and when she got her menu she looked at the breakfast section. She didn't know if she wanted eggs or French toast. She finally decided on an omelette and sausage. She ordered a glass of orange juice and smiled at Nick. She knew it wasn't fair for her to get too pissy, from the way it seemed he didn't have much interaction with women, so he didn't mean to blow her off. She finally order when the waitress came back to take their order.
Nick was surprised when Dawn kissed him on the cheek and said she was being an ass; he didn't see that way. "Well, I'm glad that's cleared up. I was worried I had upset you somehow. I'll try to not let it happen in the future." He followed Dawn to the diner, deciding that he would order a plate of eggs, potatoes, bacon and toast with jam. He then ordered a glass of whole milk to start. It was a lot, but Nick had a very fast digestive system; he'd burn through that energy in no time.

After the waitress took his order, he then sat in silence. It wasn't that he didn't want to talk with Dawn; he just didn't know where to start. He figured asking about her story would be a good start, but only if she was comfortable talking about. "So, Dawn, I know you told me it was your dream to become a Coordinator. But I'd like to know more about you. The person beneath the goal, so to speak."
Dawn smiled at what Nick ordered and laughed a bit. "Hungry much?" she teased. She sipped her juice and brushed hair out of her face. "Well... it depends on what you want to know. I grew up in Twinleaf town with my mother Johanna. My dad wasn't really in the picture." she said. She thought for a bit. "I have only a few close friends, Ash and Brock are of them... Napoleon was my first pokemon..." she tried to think what else she could tell him but nothing came to mind. "What about you... who is Nick?" she asked over her glass of orange juice. She realized she knew practically nothing about him and she wanted that to change. He was worth knowing inside and out. She smiled and leaned her head against her hand as she looked at him.
"Heh, I can't help it. I'm a growing boy." he teased back. He then heard her say how her father wasn't really there. He didn't know what happened to him, but he still felt a pang of sympathy for her. "I'm sorry to hear that. No one should have to grow up without a parent being there." he said; he knew that experience all too well of living with a single parent. He hardly knew his mother or his father, since they passed away when he was barely two years old. That was one tidbit he'd keep to himself for now.

"Not much to tell. I don't really have a track record when it comes to Pokemon battles, as you might know. I grew up on my granddad's ranch; he's the one who taught me the basics of life and hard work. That's why I quote him so much; the man was brilliant. And I used what I applied to wander the roads with Pyra and do the oddjobs I come across. Like your little Napoleon, Pyra was my first, and my only so far. And I don't see that changing much, if at all, in the future."

He then leaned back and smiled, "But, my deeds did earn me some form of recognition. After about the third or fourth town, I became known as 'Nick the Wandering Handyman'. A bit long for my tastes, but it's just a name. I always wondered how they recognized me though; I try my hardest not to stand out in crowds. People say it's my eyes and my scars that give me away. Kinda wish they wouldn't look so hard some of the time." He then leaned forward and rested his head on his hands, saying "I never really had many friends. Truth be told, you're the first person I've felt truly comfortable with in a long time. That's one of the downsides of being a drifter sometimes, never really get to know folks too well. That's why I'm really glad you decided to travel with me, Dawn. Even if it will be only for a short time."
Dawn chuckled at his comment about being a growing boy. "Well... if you get any bigger it'd be hard to handle you." she said jokingly, glancing downwards to his lap. She smiled. "So you've never caught any pokemon other than Pyra? What happens if you need to battle someone? Pyra would have a hard time dealing with the pokemon all by herself, wouldn't she?" she asked her eyes shining.

Soon the waitress came and put the food on the table. "You two enjoy now, ya hear?" she said and smiled walking away. Dawn picked up her fork and knife and started to eat. "Nick the Wandering Handyman?" she chuckled. "Has a nice ring to it." she looked at him and smiled. "Well I'm glad you feel comfortable with me. And you're welcome. Sometimes is nice to get away from Ash. Trouble always seems to follow him." she said and laughed.
Nick smiled as the food was laid in front of him; it was a huge plate. And the prices were fair, too. Nick tried a bit of everything on his plate; the quality was fantastic! Even more reason to try and breathe some life back into this town. "I doubt I'll grow much more. I'm almost at my full height." he then said, his naivete showing.

"Nah, hadn't needed to. Even against Ground, Rock, and Water-types, she's tough as nails. She doesn't even need me to fight; it's like she knows. I haven't seen too many Pokemon that can fight without a trainer behind him. Guess that's because she's still got a lot of the wild blood in her." Wild Pokemon knew how to attack and defend themselves; it was advantageous for Nick whenever he battled, which was extremely rare, because he found that most trainers relied on the delay between giving the attack the to use and the execution of said attack.

"Well, I ain't exactly a trouble newbie, either. Pyra and I have gotten into all sorts of mishaps. Like this one, this trio of Rocket characters attacked me a couple of months back, demanding I hand over Pyra or else. I didn't take too kindly to that, so gave one of 'em a black eye. He ran off screaming, and his buddies followed him." He tried to recall what they looked like. "The one I gave the black eye to, he had short blue hair. There was also a female, long red hair. Easy on the eyes, but an absolutely dreadful voice. Oh, and get this, and I know you probably won't believe me, but they had a talking Meowth! I mean, the little guy spoke perfect English! I never thought I'd see anything like that in my life! But, now you just probably think I'm crazy, huh?"
She bit her lip and smiled at his comment that he was at his full height. "I didn't mean it like that." she said simply before turning back to her food. she ate as he explained that Pyra was pretty much strong enough to hold her own against any pokemon she went up against and nodded. "Well that's pretty snazzy." she said and took a bite of her eggs.

When he started to describe the members of Team Rocket he had a dealing with she laughed a bit. "Oh, so you've met Jesse and James." she said a smile on her face. "They're not the brightest bulbs in the string that's for sure. They always try to steal Ash's Pikachu all the time. And I believe you about Meowth... he's kind of annoying after a while." she finished her food and leaned back in the chair. "So how do you propose we help the town out, business wise?" she asked him.
Nick was surprised, but at the same time not; he knew Team Rocket well enough to know they were part of a big criminal organization. What surprised him was that she knew them by name and blew them as if they were small-time nuisances. Which didn't seem too far off, from Nick's own experience. "Sounds like you've had quite a lot of experience with them. So they tried to steal Ash's Pikachu a bunch, huh? Doesn't sound like they're very good at stealing Pokemon." He then paused when Dawn said Meowth was quite annoying, "I don't know, perhaps I was so in shock to hear a talking Pokemon that all thoughts and perceptions on what it meant to be annoying were thrown right out the window."

After cleaning his plate and sitting back, Nick then answered Dawn on how he thought they'd go about re-invigorating the town's tourism industry. "Hmmm, well, the inn-keeper told us that there were possibly some shady characters hanging around here. So I thought we'd go ask Jenny to see what was what. And then we'd go from there." He wasn't an expert mystery-solver, but he didn't enjoy the challenge of a good puzzle.
She laughed and smiled a bit. "Well, yeah I guess when you first hear a talking Meowth it strikes you as a little odd, but believe me the novelty wears off." She took out some money to help pay for the bill and smiled. "Alright to Officer Jenny is is." She wasn't quite sure how they could stop the people responsible for the town's poor tourist business but decided Nick was bright enough to figure something out.

She smiled to herself and stood up. "I'm going to use the bathroom before we get going." she said and stood up, walking into the restroom. She wondered if her found her appealing. Maybe he didn't, that's why he didn't want to help her? She scolded herself for bringing that back up and sighed. She couldn't help it though. She finished up and washed her hands before walking back to the table. "Ready to go?" she asked.
Nick watched as Dawn left for the bathroom; he couldn't help but be slightly transfixed on her delightfully curvy butt. He then slapped himself mentally; he was letting his perversion wander. "Get a hold of yourself, Nick. It's too soon for that kind of stuff" he then said; though he couldn't help but smirk at the irony of what happened last night and earlier this morning. He wondered if he maybe did something wrong this morning; the way Dawn had sucked on him, he wanted to try pleasing her there as well. But, with his mind wandering to Pyra's well-being and his own shyness, he didn't say anything. Maybe that's what was 'on her mind', as she told him. Well, tonight would be different; he'd pleasure her too. After all, she already did it twice for him, he owed her that much.

He noticed the money Dawn left and shook his head; this was his treat. He made his way to the counter and paid for the meal, tip included for the good food and service, from his own pocket before taking a seat again. When Dawn returned, he took the money she had left and handed it back to her. "Now I'm ready, let's go pay Officer Jenny a visit." With he stood up and after asking for some directions, he found his way to Officer Jenny's.....office. Station, whatever they called it.

"Good morning, Officer." he then said to the rather attractive turquoise-haired policewoman.
When Dawn returned and he handed her the money back she sighed. "Alright, fine. I'll pay for our next meal." she said and laughed lightly. She nodded and smiled as the left diner. She walked towards the Station and smiled at him. "Thanks for breakfast Nick." she said and brushed her hair away from her face. Napoleon waddled ahead and pecked at the ground. Dawn laughed and watched as he played.

She entered the station with Nick and smiled as Nick initiated the conversation. She wasn't sure what she could do to help, but she'd try her best. "Hi you guys, what's going on?" Officer Jenny asked. "Do you need help with anything?" she questioned.
Nick smiled, "Funny, I was just about to you the same question, Officer Jenny." He then asked, "Officer, has there been anything weird happening around here? I haven't been in town very long, but something doesn't seem right. The way this place is set up, as far as I can tell, it should be booming. But instead, things seem to be pretty slow. I noticed there weren't a whole lot of people. So I came by to ask if you'd noticed anything strange."
"Well, actually now that you asked, the businesses have been slower than usual. I think it has something to do with the legendary pokemon of the lakes though. For years Azelf, Uxie, and Mesprit guarded the lakes around this town, but there has been some disturbances at the lakes. I'm not sure if it's Team Rocket or we've been hearing rumors about a new team of evildoers called Team Galactic. We're still doing recon, but from what I can tell the team members are intimidating travelers who head towards the lakes or the town. Not sure exactly how to stop them yet, but we're still working on it."

Dawn listened to Officer Jenny explain the situation and smiled. "Well, maybe we could go take them on, try and get them to leave the lakes alone?" she offered. She knew she wasn't the greatest at battling, but her pokemon were strong enough to be able to hold their own against evildoers.
"New band of evil guys, huh? That sounds like fun. What do you think, Pyra?" The fire-mare whinnied and shook her head up and down, that was her eager way of 'Yes!'. "Looks like we're on board. Yeah, let's go show them what happens when they mess with Nick, The Wandering Handyman!" he jokingly exclaimed, making a play at a superhero's declaration; this was earned with a hard bump from Pyra's snout to the back of the head to keep him in line. "Jeez, Pyra, I was having some fun. No need to scold me." Pyra then blew air between her lips again, "My joke was not bad! Overdone, maybe. But it was perfectly placed. And besides, I don't see you cracking jokes, hehehe." Pyra then clicked her teeth several times, which earned a sigh from Nick, "I know people wouldn't understand what you were saying."
Dawn laughed lightly at Nick's attempt to become a superhero and moved to put a hand on his shoulder. "Yeah, they'll rue the day they messed with you." she said and kissed his cheek. "Let's go!" she said and dashed out of the station, heading towards a road to the North. She turned around and looked for Nick. She couldn't help but be excited. With Ash she was never really able to prove her worth. Maybe with Nick it'd be a little different. She brushed her hair out of her face as she waited for him and Pyra to catch up.
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