Handyman (Razgriz x poisonedxkisses)

Nick nodded as Dawn explained what being a Coordinator was; he'd heard of Pokemon contests before. People try to use a Pokemon's techniques to create very unique patterns and make combat more of an art-form. Interesting concept, but not something Pyra or Nick was interested in doing. "So I take it your mother was your inspiration to become a Coordinator?" he then asked.

Nick then saw the old woman as Dawn answered the door; he then followed her into the dining room. "I would like to thank you again, ma'am. For letting us stay the night here." he said to the old woman before asking. "So, what's on the menu tonight, if you don't mind me asking?"
"Yup my mom inspired me to start and I got hooked." She smiled and shrugged. When they arrived in the dining room she sat down and smiled at the woman. "Whatever it is it smells delicious." She said. The woman smiled. "Dinner is some roast beef and mashed potatoes with green beans." She said serving the two young people. "It's honestly no problem. I had to repay you somehow." She said sitting down at the table before starting to eat. "Enjoy." She said.
"This looks delicious" Nick said as he dug into the food. The roast beef was tender, the potatoes were creamy with just the right amount of lumps, and the green beans were cooked to perfection. "Ma'am, I have to say, this is some of the best food I've eaten in a while." he then said honestly; he didn't say nothing if it wasn't true. Except when it came to his granddad; Dawn had his trust, but they needed to be longer a little more than a day before he started spilling his guts to her in full.

After a while of eating in silence, Nick finally finished his plate. It was almost as clean as it would have been right after being washed; he learned to eat everything that was on his plate. Always, even if it was terrible. You did it as a sign of courtesy. "Ma'am, could you point me to the sink so that I could wash my plate?" he then asked the elderly woman.
Dawn ate silently, loving the buttery taste of the mashed potatoes and green beans. She watched as Nick ate cleaning the entire dish of everything. " Yes, it is really good." She said. "Thank you so much." The old woman shook her head when Nick asked where the sink was. "You two are guests a)and I will not have guests cleaning their dishes when I offer them food. Especially guests at my inn." She looked at him sternly as if lettign him know she meant business. Dawn chuckled a bit as he got shot down. She then finished her food and smiled. "Thanks again ma'am." She said. The Woman gathered the plates and serving dishes and brought them into the kitchen. "You two should rest up now. Don't you worry about me. I'm still in tip top shape." Dawn laughed a bit and stood up. "Well, alright. But if you need anything don't hesitate to ask." She said as she headed back to the room.
Nick thanked the old woman again and headed back to the room. At least with Nick's lifestyle, he didn't have to rush or worry about getting up at a certain time. He had no commitments, no immediate plans; that usually meant he got to sleep in. But that was when Pyra was out of her ball; he'd get up and let her out tomorrow morning. And he also had to try to think of a way to drum up business for the woman's inn; from what he could tell, the rooms were huge, the food was good. So why was business bad? Well, maybe he'd do some looking around and try to see what was up.

Climbing into his bed without getting under the covers, Nick simply said, "Good night, Dawn." And before anyone knew it, he was out like a light. And while normally he was a silent yet very heavy sleeper, tonight would be a little different. After a few hours, he soon was dreaming; he awoke and saw a figure washing itself in a stream nearby. However, a veil of fog covered it; it obviously had a feminine shape. Nick, who wouldn't normally do this, slowly approached the silhouette; as he got closer he recognized several features that immediately revealed the identity of the siren. It was Dawn, and she was smoking.

Immediately, a tent formed in his pants, both in the dream and in the real world. If Dawn were to look over, she would see all eight inches of him sticking up proudly through the fabric of his lightweight pants.
Dawn picked out a nightie and headed into the bathroom to change. She had pulled her blue hair into a ponytail and sat on her bed. "Night Nick." She said and curled under the blankets. She watched as he fell asleep and smiled. She closed her eyes and tried to fall asleep but she couldn't. Thoughts of Nick kept her awake. After a half hour or so she sat up, resigning herself to the fact sleep was unattainable at the moment when she saw the large bulge in his pats. Oh my God... it's huge. I didn't even imagine it to be that big. She bit her lip and tried to ignore it, but she was too turned on. She knew he was fast asleep so she didn't see the harm in playing with herself for relief as long as she kept quiet. She climbed back under the blankets before pulling off her panties and slipping a finger into herself using her thumb to run small circles on her clit. She moaned softly before grabbing her pillow trying to muffle her sounds.
Nick, in his dream, stared at Dawn as she stared at him. She then giggled, instead of turning away and hiding her form. She approached him as Nick backed up, fearful she might try and hurt him. He was about to stammer an apology when suddenly she pulled him in for a kiss. He was stunned but at the same time incredibly aroused. He said nothing as he and Dawn made out for what felt like forever. She then finally stood up and said, "Shirt and pants off, Nicky". Nick nodded in his dream and in his bed; while he removed his clothes flawlessly in his dream, his hands were clumsy in the real world. His boxers moved down just enough to reveal not only the length of his erect cock, but the thickness and other characteristics as well. Topped by a bulbous purple head, a good portion of the length, partially covered in thick veins, could be seen in the moonlight that shone through the window. His shirt that he wore came up just enough to reveal a good portion of his toned, washboard stomach.

In the dream, Dawn then kissed him, but now reached down and stroked his member with a firm grip. Nick felt jolts of pleasure run through as he and Dawn kissed again; in the real world, Nick's cock was getting close to orgasm, the tip oozing precum and throbbing visibly.
Dawn added another finger, closing her eyes as she rubbed her clit a little harder. She moaned into the pillow before opening her eyes, wanting to get another look at the bulge in his pants. This time though his bottoms were off and she gasped, loving the look of it. She saw the precum glistening in the moonlight and moaned, imagining what that monster would feel like inside her. She stood up and against her better judgment let a finger trail along his shaft,licking the precum off her finger. She loved the taste and felt her heart pounding with fear and excitement as she moved her mouth the head of his cock licking slowly. She hoped if he woke up he wouldn't be too mad.
Nick meanwhile was completely entranced in dreamland; Dawn was still stroking his cock as she kissed him. Eventually, she stopped stroking and got down on her knees, running her finger along his shaft in his dream at the same time (though he wasn't aware) Dawn in the real world was doing it. Little did Dawn know she was doing exactly what the dream version of her was doing. Even up to the point where the real Dawn licked the head of his cock in her mouth just like the dream version did. However, the dream version took it one step further and began sucking his cock gently, taking only the in her mouth at first.

Luckily for Dawn, he would not wake from his very sensual dream. Nick was a bit closer to blowing his load in the real world; though it would still take some stimulation to get him over the edge.
Dawn slipped a finger in her, moaning lightly as she began to take him further into her mouth, sucking gently as her hand moved to play with his massive balls. She smiled and deepened her sucking, pushing him further into her mouth, trying to get him as far as she could. "Fuck... " she whispered, bobbing her head on his cock, sucking harder wanting to taste his seed. "Cum for me..." she said softly, massaging his balls a little more. "I wanna taste your seed..." she didn't know what had come over her, but she wanted more of him. It made her smile a bit as the older woman's words came back to her not a couple... yet.
Nick and the dream were almost there; the dream Dawn replicating every action Dawn in the real world made; she even said 'Cum for me, I wanna taste your seed" at near the exact same time the real one did. As dream-Dawn continued to suck him hard and firmly massage his massive sack, Nick felt his knees grow wobbly and his head grow. "Holy....ah, Dawn....I'm gonna....NGH!" he groaned out in his dream; only the unintelligible grunt escaped his lips in the real world as he blew his load; thick jets of heavy, hot and creamy sperm were pumped into the dream and real Dawn's mouths. Some were more powerful than others, easily reaching the back of her throat. Others were thicker and settled right on her tongue and in the front part of her mouth. He came so much and filled her mouth quickly. It would be a miracle if Dawn, real or not, would be able to swallow it all in one sitting.
Dawn continued to suck him off, Dawn blushed as her grunted in his sleep, his cock shooting out his seed. She nearly choked on the first stream that hit the back of her throat, but swallowed it down as he pumped more and more into her mouth. She tried to hold as much of it as she could in her mouth before swallowing, loving the taste. She drank his cum until he was finished, her heart pounding as she licked the head clean. "Holy shit..." she said and chuckled to herself, not believing she had just done that. She finished cleaning the head of his cock off and removed her mouth, looking up at his face. She was honestly surprised he was still asleep with the force he used to cum. She slowly stood up and moved back to her bed as she craved a release. She was still turned on by everything that just happened. She laid on top of the blanket and started to rub her clit again, figuring if he didn't wake up after cumming, he wouldn't wake up now.
Nick's cock grew flaccid in both realms; this whole time he had no idea he was being sucked off in the real world. Dream-Dawn's eyes grew wide with surprise at the amount of cum he pumped into her; she managed to swallow it all down regardless. Dawn then licked him clean; Nick sank down to the ground, exhausted from the powerful orgasm. Nick knew this was a dream, but it all felt so real. Why? Well, in any case, Nick passed into dreamless slumber once more, and would not awake until morning.
Dawn finished herself off, the bedspread soaked with her juices, her body trembling as she came. After a couple more minutes she fell asleep and dreamed about Nick. The next morning she woke up and stretched. She saw that Nick was stirring and she wondered what he would say when he noticed his cock was exposed. She stood up and put her panties back on before he woke up.
Nick was stirring awake; even though he slept great and his mind was refreshed, he felt tired for some weird reason. Last night's dream was all too vivid; the movements, the sounds, he even felt moisture around his rampant phallus during the course of that dream. When his mind started to kick in a bit more, his groin felt....cold. He looked down and saw his flaccid member was exposed. "Oh, fuck!" Nick thought to himself; he then looked over and saw Dawn sitting on the bed, looking right at him. Naturally, he froze, his mouth opening and closing, trying to think of an explanation. None was found; instead he just looked right back at her and said "Well, this is embarrassing. I heard about getting caught with your pants down, but this is ridiculous."
She smiled at him and shrugged. "It's alright Nick." she said and smiled, a mischievous look in her eyes. "How was you night?" she asked him, knowingly. She shifted on the bed and curled her legs underneath her. She leaned against the head board and and smiled. "I know I had a great night." she stood up and walked to pick out some clothes from her back, bending over so her panties showed from underneath her nightie. She smiled and wondered what he'd do.
Nick flushed as he put his cock away; why was Dawn being so nonchalant about this? It was barely after the first day they met, and already he had two extremely embarrassing episodes. What the hell was going on? Why did the dream seem so real? Gah, so many questions after just the first day. He was confused by her question of how his night was; she seemed to know something he didn't. It was further confirmed when she added that she had a great night.

"Dawn, did something happen last night?" he then asked; but froze up when she bent over and had her panties showing. That's all he did, was freeze. Something was wrong here, but he didn't know what.
Dawn turned to face him and cocked her head. "You... We..." she blushed. "You don't remember...?" she asked him. "You were asleep and then you pulled your pants down.. I gave you head." she said blushing, thinking when he woke up he would have been somewhat conscious of what had happened between them.

She had no idea about his dream, so it seemed to her that she fucked up royally. "I thought you'd remember... you came pretty hard. I just thought with an orgasm like that you would have registered what had happened." She sat on the bed and ran a hand through her hair. "I... I'm so sorry. I saw that cock, and I couldn't held myself... you were so close to cumming already I thought I'd help." she said blushing.
"Remember what?" he asked before Dawn told him what had happened. His eyebrows arched in surprise when she told he had pulled his pants down, and then his eyes widened when she told him she had sucked him. It was here that the pieces clicked together; that's why the blowjob felt so real! Dawn was doing it to him while he dreamed she was doing it. Man, talk about coincidence. He didn't know if he should be mad, pleased, or confused, or perhaps some combination of the three.

"Well, as long as we're being honest, there was a dream I had last night. I dreamed someone was giving me one hell of a blowjob. And well....." he paused as he contemplated on whether or not to tell her it was she he was dreaming about. He decided to do so; she'd been honest with him and it would only be right to do so in return. "It was you I was dreaming about. I wondered why it felt so real. And so very good."
Dawn smiled a bit and blushed as he realized what she had done. "And it was amazing..." she said softly. She looked at him when he said he had something to tell her. When he told her he had a dream she tilted her head and listened. "Y..You had a dream about me?" she asked and blushed. She smiled when he said it was very good and she laughed a little. "Well, I'm glad you were able to feel it." she said and brushed her hair out of her face.

She sat on the bed silently for a second and sighed, her mind wandering back to his length. "Want to have your dream come true again?" she asked sheepishly, a little embarrassed she was acting this way. She hoped he'd say yes, not wanting to make a fool of herself.
Oh, he felt it alright. "Yeah, it was about you." He then turned his head and looked away, obviously ashamed of what he had said. However, it was soon rectified when Dawn then asked if he would like to experience the dream again. He wasn't really quite sure what to say to that; they'd barely known each other for a day and things were already going this fast. His mind and body were battling with each other; his mind told him he had a lot to do, his body screamed at him to have her suck him off again.

"W..well, I suppose I would like to. B...but only if you're truly comfortable with doing it." he said, his body winning the argument. And as if to display its pride in its achievement, his massive length stuck up proudly, begging to be released.
Dawn moved to the bed with him and smiled. "I'm most definitely am comfortable with doing it." she said and moved her hands to his lap, stroking the growing bulge in his pants. She moved to kiss him deeply, not quite sure if he'd mind, but it felt like the right thing to do.

As she kissed him she moved his pants down his hips, letting her hands stroking his shaft, running a thumb over the bulbous head gently. She finished kissing him and moved her head down to his shaft, licking it tenderly before pushing him further into her mouth, sucking the head gently.
Nick tensed up when Dawn started to kiss; little did she know that she was his first. He could feel her delicate hands stroking the bulge in his pants. The combination of pleasures he was receiving was delightful. He honestly thought he would never have a girl be like this with him until he was older; 'the roads hold many surprises' his granddad always told him.

Nick then felt a snap of cold air surround his hot, throbbing member as she pushed his pants down. He then felt a hand stroke his shaft and cockhead, causing his spine to come alive with jolts of electrifying pleasure. When she licked him, he thought he was gonna lose it; it was taken to a whole other level when she started to suck the head of his rampant phallus. He thought the dream felt good; this was easily a hundred times better. "Dawn....this is fantastic!" he groaned out.
Dawn licked softly at the head, her head moving down on his shaft slowly. After a couple minutes she started to suck a little harder, bobbing her head along his cock as she held his hips. She moaned softly and looked up at him, her blue eyes shining deviously. She then pushed him further into her mouth, sucking harder as one hand went to his balls, taking one of his massive sacs in her hand and rubbing it gently. She smiled as he told her it felt fantastic and moved her head from his shaft, sucking one of his balls into her mouth, sucking it gently as she started to jerk him off quickly.
Nick felt Dawn take him deeper and deeper; her mouth was so warm and got him going so well. He couldn't even more a coherent sentence right now because of the amount of pleasure he was feeling. "Ah.....Ugh.....ngh..." were the only words that were able to leave his mouth. It was only made better when Dawn decided to gently suck on his balls and stroke him furiously with her hand. Pre-cum soon began to ooze out; the drops of clear, sticky liquid ran down from his purple head down down his shaft, coating it and part of her hand as the pleasure continued to grow and his cock started to throb more noticeably.
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