Handyman (Razgriz x poisonedxkisses)

"Great! See Ash? It's not an inconvenience." She said oblivious to the underlying cause of Ash's statements. Ash thought of saying something but didn't, sighing. "Alright then... I guess we'll see you at the next town then." he said and started to walk away. Brock gave a small knowing smile to Dawn before leaving also. "Catch ya later Dawn." he said with a wave.

"Awesome. Well, thanks for letting me tag along with you." she said after Ash and Brock left. She stretched, the fabric of her shirt tightening around her breasts, the nipples slightly noticeable. She smiled and shook her hair out. "So, wanna hang out here a little more or hit the road?" she asked him curiously. "Either way I'm fine with it." She smiled and ran a hand along Pyra's neck. "She really is amazing." she said and laughed lightly. "It's like she can figure out how you're feeling." she sighed a bit. "And sorry if that made you uncomfortable... Ash'll get over it though."
Nick couldn't help but feel slightly bad for Ash; he obviously liked her a lot and didn't want her to leave. But still, it was always nice to have company along. Even with Pyra around, the roads got lonely sometimes. "Sure, the more the merrier, my granddad always says" he then replied; he realized he may have been letting on about his granddad's passing, and he didn't want her to know about that. Not yet.

He then happened to look down as she was stretching; his eyes caught two small bumps in the fabric of her shirt. "Holy crap, is she not wearing a bra?" he then though to himself. He looked away quickly, his face flushing slightly. He then took the opportunity to play off her observation on Pyra, "Yeah, she really is. Grew up around her since I could barely walk, and we've been like two peas in a pod ever since."

"If it's alright with you, I'd like to stick around here more. See what else there is besides soup and purse-snatchers" he then replied with a grin; Pyra then gave her impression of the phrase 'Bad joke', blowing air between her lips so that they slapped together frequently and loudly. "Oh, come on, Pyra. My joke wasn't THAT bad."
She looked at Nick and tilted her head. "You must really love your grandpa..." she said and smiled. "You bring him up a lot." she smiled. "He must be a great guy." she nodded as he brought up Pyra again. "Yeah, it's obvious by how much you guys care about her." She saw him turn his head quickly and smiled a bit, realizing he had been looking at her breasts.

"Yeah that's fine with me. I didn't really get to do much here save for eat and watch Ash train his pokemon." she rubbed the back of her hand and laughed a bit. "That was funnier than your joke." she said, referencing Pyra's sound effects. She smiled and brushed some hair out of her eyes. "So what next Nick?" she asked.
"That's because he helped me become who I am today. I can do the things I do because of what he taught me. He helped Pyra and I get closer. The man.....he is indeed an incredible person. I hate to keep droning on and on, but he's....he's the very definition of what every man should aspire to be. Strong-willed, independent, smart, and kind. Those the four words out of the large number I can think of to describe him." "I just wish he was still here. I miss him so much sometimes it hurts." Nick then continued as a thought.

Ignoring the comment about Pyra's sound, Nick then shrugged his shoulders "I don't know. I never really have a set plan, unless someone tells me about something interesting. But even then, Pyra and I get side-tracked by other things. We just go where the wind takes us. Now that quote, was mine. Hehehe." he then joked. He then looked around; Dawn was probably more familiar with this town than he was. Maybe she'd know some points of interest. "You know any interesting places? Any kind of jobs that might need doing?" he then asked her.
She smiled and looked at him. "He really does sound like a great guy. You're lucky to have some who cares about you so much!" she said and looked around. "Where the wind takes you, eh?" she asked and laughed a bit. She started walking towards a group of stores and shrugged. "Don't know if anyone needs help, but I'm sure we go and ask." she said and smiled.

She walked a little further and turned to face him. "I saw a help wanted sigh at the inn over there." she said pointing. "Maybe there's something you can do over there?" she asked, leading the way towards the little inn.
Nick followed Dawn around, taking the city in. He then heard her say something about a help wanted sign at an inn. "Well, let's see what they might have for me." If they were looking for an employee, that would not work. He was a drifter; he didn't anything that would tie him down to one spot yet. If it was just a quick errand, that was easy. As he made his way to the inn, he noticed it was emptier than an inn should be. "Business must be pretty bad" he then said aloud, wondering why this inn was doing so badly.
Dawn entered the inn and looked around. "Hello?" she called out, moving towards the front desk. She leaned over the desk, her skirt riding up a bit to show her ass and she called out again. "Hello?!" Soon an older exited the back room. "Hello dearies. Do you two need a room for the night?" she asked with a playful smile. Dawn laughed and looked over towards Nick. "Uhm... no, not that I know of. We were wondering what kind of help you needed?" she asked. The woman smiled and gave a knowing smile before nodding. "Well, the roof is leaking and I was hoping I could find someone who'd be able to fix it for close to nothing. My husband died recently and business has been really slow so money is a little tight, but I live here also so I need the leak fixed." Dawn looked over to Nick. "Well, we could probably help with that right?" she asked him.
(Oh, come on. How is Nick supposed to handle that? He's got no experience with women whatsoever! lol)
Nick couldn't help but look as Dawn leaned over; he got a decent glimpse of her round butt. "Ah, jeez! Nick, come on, keep it together! You just met the girl for god's sake!" he then scolded himself mentally. His eyes snapped away and he got a fairly scared look on his face when she said hello; he thought she'd caught him looking at her butt. He then became relieved when he realized that she was calling out for an attendant. An elderly woman came to front desk and explained the problem.

"You have my condolences, ma'am. I'm sorry to hear about your husband's passing." he then said in an honestly solemn tone, one that might hint about his experience with the loss of loved ones. He nodded when looked at him and said to the elderly woman, "I can fix the roof, ma'am. I fixed the stable roofs all the time at my granddad's place. I'll need to look at the damage first. Is there a ladder I can borrow to get up there to have a look at it?"
((Well he's gotta learn, right? ;) lol ))

"Yessir. There's a ladder in the back room. I'll go get it for you." she said and disappeared before he could object. Dawn turned to him a small blush on her face. "A room, huh?" she said and laughed lightly. "Wonder why she'd think that?" she said with a teasing accusatory tone. She turned back to the counter when the woman returned. "Here ya go dear. And thank you dear, I apperciate your words." she said.

Dawn looked at Nick and smiled. "Need help Nicky?" she asked him, blushing a bit as she realized she gave him a pet name. "Uhm.. sorry." she said and laughed a bit, rubbing the back of her head. The old woman smiled and shook her head. I can see where this is heading. she though before going back to the back room.
(lol, I know.)

Nick blushed when Dawn inquired about why the woman thought they would need a room. "Maybe we looked like customers." he then said; though he had a nagging feeling there was something else going. He was relieved when the woman returned with the ladder. "Much obliged, ma'am. I'll have that roof patched in no time once I finish inspecting it."

He then turned beet-red when Dawn called him 'Nicky'; he then chuckled when she apologized. "Don't worry about it. But yeah, could you come hold the ladder for me while I climb up there? Then I might need you to go to a supply shop and get a few things." He assumed this was a shingle roof based on what he saw from the outside; he already had a pry bar and claw hammer in his rucksack, so that wouldn't be an issue. He then turned to the elderly woman and said, "Shouldn't take more than an hour to fix, depending on the severity of the leak." He then made his way outside and braced the ladder against the roof edge. "Well, let's get started, shall we?"
Dawn nodded and walked outside with him and held the ladder so he could up on the roof. "I'll be glad to go wherever you need me to go." she said with a smile on your face. "I'm here to help too!" she held the bottom of the ladder and watched his ass as he climbed up the ladder. She smiled a bit and started to undress him with her eyes, loving the build of his body. She blushed a bit, but then quickly looked away, hoping he didn't noticed the way she was looking at him.

((Sorry, slight case of writer's block lol))
(don't worry, it's fine)

Nick climbed up the ladder; luckily he didn't have to look down or he probably would have caught Dawn staring at his butt. He eventually made his way to the top; it was a good thing his shoes had good grip. The roof seemed to be composed of asphalt shingles; perfect. A shop should have the roofing shingles, tar and nails he'd need to fix the leak. Many of the tiles were worn and a lot of them toward the back of the house were broken. He spotted a few potential spots for the leaks themselves; some of those he could see the holes in the roof. Reaching into the rucksack for his pry bar, he grabbed and lifted some of the broken tiles to find any hidden leaks. His inspection revealed a total of seven large holes and three smaller ones.

Reaching into his rucksack, he pulled out a small envelope; this was an extra supply of cash he used for supply needs that might come up. 'Always think twenty steps ahead' was another piece of advice from his grandpa's pool of seemingly infinite wisdom. He then looked over the edge and asked, "Dawn, is there a hardware store in this town? If there is, I need you to get some roofing tar, about twenty asphalt shingles and a few boxes of roofing nails."
Dawn watched as he reached the roof and smiled a bit as she thought about his ass again. "Huh? Oh yeah, I think there's one a couple blocks down." she said and smiled. "What do you need me to pick up?" she asked, looking up at him. She climbed up the ladder a bit to get the money from him.

After he told her what he needed she climbed back down the ladder and walked to the hardware store picking up tar, roofing shingles, nails, and other various supplies. She paid for the items and made her way back to the inn, calling up to Nick when she arrived. "Hey, Nick, I got the items." she said and started to move towards the ladder. She climbed up and placed the bag on the roof for him and then smiled. "Anything else you need?" she asked him.
"Nah. This should do it" he said as he delved into the bag; he then set to work. He used the pry bar to carefully lift the undamaged shingles and slide the broken ones out, pulling out the nails as he did. In about ten minutes, several spots along the roof were now completely devoid of shingles. Grabbing new shingles, he started laying the new material in the patches, working from bottom to top, nailing them in place as he went.

Needless to say, the noise caused some people to stop and stare. Nick could feel their gazes on him, but ignored them. He just wanted to get this done and do a good thing was all. "Why does everyone stare?" he thought to himself; he wasn't angry at them. He just didn't understand why people stared, so he was fixing a roof. Big deal, he used to do it a lot. After about forty-five minutes, he finally finished laying down the rest and used a bit of the tar to seal the edges of some of the shingles. He then climbed back down and said to Dawn, his arms and face were somewhat dirty. "Alright, all done." he then said to her, a smile on his face.
"Alright cool. Call me if you need me." she said and climbed back down the ladder, sitting on the ground by the ladder in case he needed something. She watched the people moving to watch him work on the roof and scoffed a bit. "What is so interesting?" she asked someone who ended up looking at her and walking away.

After he came down from the ladder she smiled. "Good job Nick. I woulda never been able to do that." she said and laughed. She smiled a bit at how dirty he was. "Looks like someone could use a shower." she said and laughed a bit. "Maybe she'll let you use the shower in exchange for fixing her roof?" she said, walking towards the door to the inn, carrying the ladder, trying to help Nick.
"Heh, we'll see. It seems like a fair trade." he said; making his way inside, he went to talk to the elderly woman who ran him. "Hello? Ma'am, the roof's repaired" he then said with a slightly elevated tone of voice; not trying to be rude, just letting her know the job was finished.

(Sorry for the short post. But there's not a whole lot I can write about without infringing on your character.)
((No worries ^^))
Dawn followed him and placed the ladder against the counter. The older woman came out and smiled at the two of them. "Thank you so much sir." she said and took the ladder into the back before returning. "You're filthy." she remarked. "And I'm sure you're hungry and tired after all that hard work. How about you two stay the night here in exchange for helping me. That way you can get clean and I'll cook you two a nice warm meal?" She asked. Dawn looked at Nick, not wanting to answer unless it was okay with him.
Nick rubbed the back of his head; she was being awfully generous. Still, it was getting pretty late; maybe he could stay for the night. But there was still one problem; Pyra, his Rapidash. She'd just come back from eating some more grass, so she was sitting right outside the door. "I appreciate the offer, ma'am. But the thing is, my Rapidash doesn't like being in a Pokeball. At all. And unless you have a stable of some kind...." Pyra then whinnied loudly; Nick looked back, then looked at the woman and said, "Excuse me, ma'am."

"What is it, Pyra?" he asked the fire-mare; she then bit the strap of his rucksack lightly. "Huh? Wait, you can't mean....." he then reached into a side compartment of his rucksack and pulled out a Pokeball he kept in case Pyra got too hurt to walk. It didn't happen yet, but they were small and could be easily transported. Holding it out in his hand, he looked at Pyra and said, "Are you sure you wanna go in there?" Pyra then mouthed his shoulder gently again. Nick smiled and hugged her, "Thanks, Pyra. It's just for tonight, OK?" Pyra threw her head up and whinnied again; Nick touched the button lightly on her snout. Pyra's body then transformed into a red cloud before it seemed to be sucked inside the small sphere itself. Nick then minimized the ball and put it in a small pouch along his belt line.

Grinning he said "Well, that takes care of that. I appreciate your kindness ma'am. That is, if it's alright with you, Dawn." Amazing thing, the day wasn't even over yet and he'd felt like Dawn was a childhood friend of his. Something about her nature just made him warm right up to her.
Dawn watched as he walked outside to talk to Pyra. She turned to the woman and smiled. "Thank you so much." she said. The woman nodded and smiled. "You two look cute together." she said. Dawn blushed a bright red and shook her head. "O...oh no we're not a couple... we're just friends!" she said. "Not a couple...yet." the woman said. Dawn blushed and turned to look back at Nick.

When he came back she smiled and nodded. "I..it's fine with me. Napoleon will be fine in his ball." she said and smiled. She thought about what the woman said and blushed again. The woman grabbed a key and led them to a room. "There's two beds in here." she said opening the door. "I'll come get you when dinner is ready." she said and walked away before either of them could complain about being in one room. "Well.. I guess it's cool with me if it's cool with you." Dawn said laughing.
Nick completely missed what the two women were talking about; so it was apparent that Nick would be confused when Dawn looked at him, a small blush on her face. Nick followed the woman; though he was curious why she only grabbed a single key. It soon became apparent that they would be sharing a bedroom; talk about a compromising situation. At least it had a bathroom; perhaps they could just change in there one at a time. "Y...yeah, this is fine" he said; he supposed he should take what he got. Setting his rucksack down next to one of the beds, which ironically were big enough for two people, he sat down and let out a huge sigh.

It had been a long day; he was fairly tired, but not much more tired than he normally was. His lean body was aided by a fast metabolism, which meant he had quicker access to energy from the food he ate. That and all the physical activity he did doing the oddjobs over his travels, combined with the work he did on his granddad's ranch, helped to sculpt his body into what it was today. Not too much muscle, just a lean frame that made people think he was weaker than how he looked.
Dawn smiled and entered the room, placing her bag by the other bed, stretching before sitting down. "So... great day today." she said and smiled. She debated with herself whether to get into her pajamas, but then realized that the woman was making them dinner. She laid back on the bed and closed her eyes, relaxing for a little while.

She thought about what the woman said and smiled in spite of herself. Not a couple yet... I wonder if she has inside knowledge about that she laughed a little, before realizing that she laughed aloud. She tried to come up with an excuse in case he asked her why she laughed, but couldn't come up with anything believable. She sat up and looked at him. Are you hungry?" she asked, as her stomach grumbled audibly, a smirk on her face.
Nick heard Dawn laugh; he was curious about what, but he knew better than to pry. Most of the time, anyway. "Yeah, pretty hungry. But I think I'll wash up first." he then said. Nick then stood up, grabbed a change of clothes that could work for either the bed or walking around in broad daylight and made his way into the bathroom to clean up. Nick was surprised at how big everything was in here; not did the beds have enough space for two people, the shower/bath tub combos could easily fit three people. "With the amount of space they give you, I'm surprised people don't come here more often. I'll see about fixing the lack of attendance issue tomorrow." he then said; the woman was kind enough to give him a room. He would try to drum up business for her, it was the least he could do.

Stepping out of his clothes, he undressed and stepped into the shower. He turned the water on and began rinsing the grime off of his body. His mind seemed to like being dirty today; an image of Dawn's nipples and butt soon appeared in his mind. It caused his impressive eight-inches of manhood to start to stiffen. "Damn it, Nick! It hasn't even been one day!" he scolded himself mentally; however, his mind then pictured Dawn naked, or at least what it could look like if she was naked. "Man, what the hell is wrong with me?! I just met her, I shouldn't be thinking like this!" he screamed in his head before yanking the water to cold. This made his erection shrink; he had to bite back a yelp though. The cold setting was freezing! Finally, after he calmed down, he switched the water on to hot and continued to clean himself. After about twenty minutes in the shower, he turned off the water and dried himself off.

Stepping back out, he breathed a sigh of relief. "Whew, nothin' like a good hot one to reinvigorate you" he said with a wide smile on his face.
Dawn was glad he decided not to ask her what she was laughing about and she watched as he gathered clean clothes and head into the bathroom. She stood up and walked to the window, looking outside as she heard the water start running. She inhaled deeply and bit her lip as she imagined stripping down to get into the shower. She couldn't believe how she was thinking. She ran a hand trough her hair and tried to think of something else but her mind kept going back to Nick.

She cursed under her breath and moved back to the bed. She laid down and imagined what he looked like underneath those clothes, how big he was, how good it would feel to be wrapped in his arms, sweaty from making love. Her eyes snapped open and she sighed What the fuck Dawn?! You just met the guy... her common sense told her. But her body said who cares? They were both adults, and it seemed like they were attracted to each other, even their hostess saw something about them. She heard the water turn off and she smiled as he left the bathroom. "Glad you feel better." she said, glancing over at him really quick.
"Indeed I do." he then said; and it was here there would be an awkward pause. Nick wasn't very good at small talk, except with Pyra. Still, Dawn was helping him overcome that little by little, even if she didn't realize it. His face flushed when he looked at her, thinking back to the dirty thoughts that crossed his mind in the shower before he quickly slapped them out of his mind to avoid getting an embarrassing hard-on.

Sitting down on his bed, he then said "So, Dawn. I was going to ask you something before, you know, all that with the robber happened. You said you wanted to be a Top Coordinator. What exactly does that mean? I haven't really heard about what it is Coordinators do, only very scarce details."
Dawn looked away, ashamed at herself for feeling these things, especially so soon after meeting him. "Oh, yeah. Well, basically a pokemon coordinator is someone who raises pokemon to compete in Pokemon Contests." she said and looked over to him, her eyes wandering down to his lap before she snapped herself out of it.

"My mom is a pretty famous coordinator in Sinnoh." she said and smiled. "I kinda took after her." she looked out of the window, trying hard to not look at him, hoping she could get of how attractive he was. She smiled "I've a won about five ribbons so far, but I'm still working on getting better." she said and smiled at him. Before there was another awkward silence there was a knock on the door. Dawn stood up and opened it. "Dinner is ready for you two." the old woman said and smiled. Dawn looked over at Nick and headed into the hallway, waiting for him before following the woman to the small dining room.
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