Blood Fury and Love

Draco snorted a little as he used magic to open the door before Asher broke it down, standing butt naked as he brushed his hair out, or tried to. “i can't get the damn curls out!” he bitched at Asher throwing the hairbrush to him. “fix my hair this instant!” he ordered stomping his foot. “or that year of no sex will turn into three!”

Shadow smirked a little as he kissed Kaleo back, driving his tongue into the others mouth as he bullied Kaleo into the bedroom, licking his lips. “mmm I'm gonna fuck you Kal, I hope you realize that.” he teased snickering as he stroked the others neck playfully. “mmm I'm gonna bite you, and screw you, and then take my punishment happily.” he teased with a snicker.
"W-what?"Asher's eyes went comically wide as he caught the brush. Whimpering quietly at the idea as he walked over to his stomping lover, tugging him down into the bed as he gently started easing the curls out."You look...nice with them."he said softly, hesitating. As if trying to figure out how to tell how angry draco was at his helping the others dress him up.

Kaleo growled quietly kissing him slowly before moving away, pinning the other down, nuzzling his neck."Hmmm how about I bite you, screw you, and give you punishment anyways."He asked fangs scrapping over the other's skin.
Draco growled at the other, glaring at him. “i look nice in everything.” he bitched softly shaking his head. “but that doesn't mean you had to put me in them!” he growled sulking as his lover tugged the curls out. “i HATE it when I look all girly.” he growled. “it's bad enough the kids used to tease me at school about looking like a girl! You don't have to make me look like one!”

shadow smirked a little as he was pinned moaning softly before nodding. “sounds good.” he moaned softly, more than willing to let Kaleo think he had won, for now anyway, as soon as Kaleo finished he was going to flip them over and screw Kaleo until the man wanted it again and again and again.
Asher smiled a little, pressing a kiss to draco's shoulder as he pulled him back against his chest, gently tugging the curls out, making sure they were gone."But-but draco, you look so pretty."He muttered nuzzling the other's skin, holdign him close as he sighed. "So pretty..."

Kaleo grinned as he set about pleasing both of them. This was going to be so much fun.

Down the hall rabastan sighed a little as he looked at gabriel, raising a eyebrow."A...dress?You want me to find you a dress?Go raid draco's closet. I know he keeps some."he said smirking a little as he wrapped his arms around the vampire, kissing him lightly. Just imagining how good he was going to look all dolled up like the boys had done to draco.
Draco glared at Asher his eyes narrowed. “your fixing to get in trouble.” he growled. “and if you get in trouble your going to be punished, and I won't skimp on the spankings this time.” he growled nibbling at the others neck. “i'll prove that I'm no woman.” he growled pinning the other to the bed and kissing him furiously.

Gabe smirked and nodded. “yes, a dress, and I can't, Draco hides them, I checked already.” he admitted snickering a little as he wiggled his eyebrows at his boys. “come on, we're going shopping then.” he stated grabbing them and dragging them to the closest dress store, looking around at all the styles to find something that suited him perfectly, before he looked for dresses for his boys, determined to make all three of them fuck while wearing a dress.
Asher whined kissing him back, before rolling them over, pinning the other to the bed."I think not. You're the one trying to tell me you don't like the dress.But look're all hot and hard at the idea aren't you?"he muttered stroking a hand over the other's cock.

Rabastan growled as he followed after the man, looking around."I'm not wearing a dress Gabe. And don't you have like a home in the vampire realms?Don't you already own dresses?"He muttered, amused and hoping that if he convinced the other not to buy anything he wouldn't end up wearing something new.
Draco growled as he felt himself being pinned and moaned as he felt Asher's fingers on his hot, hard dick. “nnng, it's not from the damn dress.” he whined, bucking into the others hand, panting hard. “oh god.. Asher this isn't fair! Your supposed to be in trouble dammit!”

Gabe smirked a little. “you are too wearing a dress.” he stated simply. “and I don't own any dresses, I've never had a need to buy them before.” he admitted shaking his head. “now stop stalling and try this on pretty boy.” he ordered shoving something into the others arms and then shoving him towards the dressing the room, Rudy snickering as he was given his own dress to try on, smirking at his brother. “you might as well give in brother love, Gabe always gets what he wants in the end.” he teased with a small snicker.
Asher smirked rocking against him a little, sighing as he closed his fingers around the other's cock, amused at the blond's reaction."oh, so you think you can punish me huh?Whatever for?"He teased kissing him."You can't punish me for something you enjoyed."

Rabastian pouted a little sulking as he pulled on the light blue dress, that really did bring out his eyes and lithe body. Making the years of azkaban honed body look softer, less fierce."Damn you gabe. I look like a girl."he sulked as he studied himself in the mirror, having every intention of letting no one see him in this.
Draco groaned again as he arched into the other, panting softly. “i d...didn't enjoy it!...b..bastard!” he complained arching into the other as he moaned, biting his lip hard, wishing he was brave enough to wear the dress willingly in front of his lover. But he was afraid of the teasing he might get, he hadn't been joking when he'd said the other students had teased him about looking like a girl.

Rudolphus grinned as he pulled on his own blue dress, purring as he examined himself. “that's the point.” Gabe stated calmly. “you look like a girl so you know your beautiful.” Gabe teased smirking a little. “besides, if you behave I might let you top tonight.” he teased, he rarely, very rarely let Rabastan top, and poor Rudy never got to unless it was to top his brother. “now get out here and let me see!” Gabe ordered, Rudolphus laughing as he left the dressing room and let his lover examine him.
Asher growled quietly, smiling as he stroked his fangs over the other's skin lightly before raising his head to look down at him, a soft worry showing through the lust as he shifted his lover, thrusting into him slowly."Draco..."He muttered even as his stomach asked teh question,growling as he slid into the blond with a smile.

Rabastan was so shocked at the idea of topping that he stepped out of the dressing room without changing clothes, looking surprised as he smiled a little looking at gabe, stealing a kiss as he walked over to him."oh I get to top do I?"he asked, smilign slowly.
Draco moaned, smirking a little as he was fucked, panting happily. “mmm your lucky, that I love your cock so much.” he moaned giggling a little as he kissed the other intently, moaning and groaning eagerly as he squirmed along his lover. “oh yess.” he groaned, arching against him. “seeing me in that pretty dress got you all hot n horny didn't it love?”

Gabe purred as he examined his boys, dressed in a dress himself and getting strange looks from the other costumers and completely not caring. “perfect.” he purred softly. “and you MAYBE get to top.” he teased chuckling a little. “if you behave.” he teased kissing Rabastan and then Rudolphus before apparating them away and dumping them both on the bed, licking his lips eagerly as he kissed Rabastan again as Rudolphus worked his way down Rabastan's dress before lifting it and slipping his brothers cock into his mouth, moaning eagerly.
"You ALWAYS make me horn and horny."He growled thrusting into him lowering his head as he nuzzled the other's neck,teeth nibbling ever so slightly at the other's skin, swallowing the instinct to sink his teeth in, where everything in him demanded he taste his lover fully.

Rabastian moaned kissing gabriel back, amusing as he thrust up a little into rudy's mouth, fingers finding his brother's hair, pushing him down more groanign as he growled at gabriel a little."I want to top.I'll behave."He whined quietly.
Draco moaned, smirking as he drove himself down into the other more, wanting it faster and harder, panting loudly as he squirmed and wiggled, arching into the other, fingers tangling in Asher's hair and forcing his mouth to his neck, panting happily. “yes, oh yes... bit me, make me feel sooo good.” he groaned, he loved it when Asher fed from him, so it annoyed him when Asher hesitated, not that he would ever admit that.

Rudolphus moaned as he sucked the others cock down into his throat, moaning happily as he squirmed, Gabe snickering as he nodded, kissing Rabastan intently. “then top.” he growled playfully, biting the others lip gently. “if you think you can.” he teased slipping two fingers deep into Rudolphus's ass, making the man moan loudly and shudder as he swallowed hard around his brothers cock.
Asher moaned growling softly at the other, teeth sinking deep into Draco's neck, sucking hard as the other's blood filled his mouth. It felt so good..swallowing he thrust into the other, trembling as he came, unable to hold out when the other's blood filled him up with such loving tenderness.

Rabastian growled as he moaned as the other swallowed around him, shuddering as the man swallowed him whole. Shivering as he pulled away from his brother, pinning gabriel to the bed as he thrust his tongue into the vampire's mouth, determined to dominate the man.
Draco moaned eagerly as he felt the other drinking from him, shuddering happily as he came hard across the others belly with a happy grin. “mmm love that.” he purred smiling a little feeling pleased and sleepy as he yawned a little snuggling into Asher smiling a little. “mmm love you.” he muttered softly.

Rudolphus moaned around his brothers length swallowing hard around him as he suckled and slurped, smirking as he suddenly found himself without a cock, switching to Gabe's, yanking the vampires pants out of the way and devouring the man, making him cry out in pleasure as he was pinned, growling as he struggled lightly, but was far too interested in bucking into Rudolphus's mouth to actually fight back.
Asher smiled as he pulled out of his lover, sighing as he snuggled down into him."Hmm love you to.Now need it.I have to go home for a bit tomorrow.."He muttered yawning as he sighed, going to sleep.

Rabastian growled a little, stealing a kiss,"You enjoy that don't you?"he muttered, sliding his fingers into the other, taking his time to stretch him, before shifting the other,sighing as he thrust into him, whimpering softly at the man's tight ass surrounding him."Soo tight gabe.So tight..."He muttered thrusting into him.
Draco blinked a little, looking surprised. “home? To the vampire realms?” he asked looking nervous. “i... I don't have to go with do I?” he asked nervously. He was fine with vampires, and people he knew. But he was a realistic person and he knew to most Vampires he was nothing more than a meal, or at best, a cute pet to have fun with.

Gabe moaned loudly as he he was stretched, shuddering happily as Rudolphus snickered a little and pulled away from Gabe who whined loudly at the loss of contact to his cock. “oh...oh god...” Gabe moaned shuddering happily as he felt himself being stretched around Rabastan's cock, arching into it. “oooh yeesss.” he moaned, yelping when Rudolphus suddenly grabbed him and forced his head down and onto his lovers cock, Gabe moaning as he sucked Rudy off and bucked back into Rab's thrusts, all too willing to be their cute little bottom for the evening.
Asher yawned, snugglign down into the other."No.I wont be gone long."He muttered, not about to make draco go into a realm where at best, he was someone's pet. And for him, the idea of the man being with anyone else, was totally unacceptable."Just have to get some of kaleo's things he left there..."He said starting to fall asleep.

Rabastian growled as he took the other, leaning down and biting his shoulder lightly as he moaned, closing his eyes as he came. it was to much, to feel the other lost in so much pleasure."Gabbee..."he moaned shivering in the aftereffects of cumming.
Draco sighed softly, relieved as he nodded, looking amused. “you don't go home much do you?” he teased chuckling a little as he bit his lovers neck gently with a small smile. “i love you.” he purred happily, nuzzling the other happily. “hey Asher?” he asked suddenly. “what was it like?... being turned... into a vampire I mean...” he looked up at his lover, his head tilted. “you where turned right? I don't think anyone mentioned about you getting turned... I mean, you made Gabe and Kaleo so...” he blushed a little. “i guess I'm just curious.”

Gabe groaned into the bite, trying to arch but was held down by Rudolphus, who was thrusting eagerly into his lover's throat, moaning eagerly as he and Rudy came as well, Gabe's ass tightening even more pleasurably around Rabastan, moaning loudly as he arched, Rudolphys moaning as he shot his seed all over Gabe's face, making the vampire scowl and blush a little as he shivered under Rabastan. “nnn that was wonderful.” Gabe groaned with a smirk. “remind me to let you two take advantage of me more often.”
"I try very hard not to."He smiled a little, before growing serious, lifting his head to look at him."I was...unconscious for most of it. That period of my life, and the days that followed, are a blur.Because when I changed, I came home to a I try really hard not think about it."He said slightly amused stealing a kiss."The other two would probably be the ones to ask questions of...I tried so hard to forget, that I really did forget for the most part those years."He said stroking the others hair.

Rabastan snickered tiredly, his head pillowed on gabe's shoulder as he collapsed with a smile next to him."Hmmm we can do that. We like taking advantage."He said stealing another kiss before pulling away."Even if you do put us in a dress."He said sulking a little.
Draco chuckled a little and kissed his lover, before he hesitated, his head tilted. “i'm sorry... I didn't realize.” he muttered softly, gently kissing Ashlin's neck with a shake of his head. “i'll ask Harry, it's fresher in his mind.... and Gabe is kind of creepy.” he admitted with a small snicker. “he always looks like he's about to go rape something cute and innocent.” he admitted chuckling a little.

Gabe smirked a little as he shook his head. “you know, you didn't complain all that much about being put in a dress..” he stated with a smirk. “and as I recall you put it on yourself, I didn't have to bribe you or threatening you or blackmail you to do it, you just did it.” “you didn't even grumble all that much.” Rudolphus teased, smirking a little. “besides it looks amazing on you.” “mmm very sexy.” Gabe purred smirking a little.
"I'm telling gabe you called him creepy."he snickered a little, before smirking."And you're just to cute and innocent huh, tease?"he teased stealing a kiss, wrapping his arms around him, pressing a kiss to the other's shoulder."I'm fine."He muttered closing his eyes.

Rabastian sighed,"You let me top.Of course I was going to behave."He muttered blushing, refusing to admit like his nephew, he didn't mind wewaring a dress."And I do always look amazing, no dress needed."He said snickering.
Draco snickered a little as he shook his head. “of COURSE I'm too cute and innocent!” he teased smiling as he kissed the other and then smiled baring his neck to the other. “mmm need another snack?” he teased smirking a little.

Gabe snickered a little and kissed him gently. “you like it and you know it you whore.” he teased Rudy snickering as he flopped on top of Gabe. “mm you like It too Gabe.” he teased smirking a little as he bit gently at the vampires neck. “i was... thinking.” he admitted, hesitating. “i... I want to know what it would take to be made a vampire...” “what!?...r...really?” Gabe asked, wide eyed and astonished, Rudy nodding, looking rather embarrassed.
Asher smirked lowering his head, "hmm always willing to bite you."He muttered amused, sinking his teeth into the other with a sigh,closing his eyes. It felt amazing to be that close to his lover, to know that the man was making him live. Swallowing hard as he pulled away, smiling at the blond."So cute and innocent."He muttered licking the other's neck to make sure the wound was closed.

Rabastian looked startled, raising his head to look at his twin, tilting his head slightly. Having not really thought about it before, and he hadn't known the other had."Have you been talking to draco?He wanted to know to."He said teasing a little, biting his lip as he studied his brother.
Draco moaned happily as he squirmed along the other purring happily as he was bitten. He loved it when Asher bit him. He felt so close to the other when it happened, felt so loved. “mmmm I totally am.” he purred happily grinning as he snuggled into the other, yawned, and started to drift off to sleep.

Rudolphus smiled a little before he looked down at his hands. “i've been.. thinking about my death.” he admitted softly. “i've been having bad stomach aches lately so I went to the doctor...” he explained softly. “i.. have a tumor.” he explained softly. “they can't remove it without taking out most of my stomach as well, I'll die no matter what choice I make... I'm not ready to die yet, I don't want to leave you and Gabe...” he explained softly, Gabe looking horrified. “'re dying!?” Rudy nodded, looking a little sheepish. “i have been for about a week now.” he admitted softly. “but I wasn't sure if I wanted to be a vampire or not...” he admitted swallowing hard. “but I do want to be a vampire.”

(just to be dramatic XDD)
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