Blood Fury and Love

Draco rolled his eyes. “your never going to forgive yourself if you don't talk to him lover.” Draco stated with a small smile. “he was sick Asher and it wasn't any more your fault than it was his, he needs help love, and you can give him the help he needs, same as me and Shadow and Drago and Gabe.” he admitted smiling at him. “he had me raped, he tried to turn me into a slave... if I can forgive him I'm sure you can too if you just give him a chance.” he stated ignoring the bothering comment as he kissed his lovers cheek., “please Ash? For me?”
Asher growled absently, wrapping his arms around him, pressing a kiss to his head."No.He hurt you. More then any other crime, that's the worst."He grumbled before sighing, realizing draco wasn't going to let him go."fine. I'll talk to him. Later. Now.What is wrong with you?"He asked, looking at him hard. Worried about him.
Draco smiled as he snuggled into the other. “nothings wrong with me, I'm just... worried.” he admitted softly. “now that Kaleo is better...” he sighed a little and closed his eyes. “i'm afraid your going to go back to him.” he admitted softly, deciding to be honest, he couldn't lie to Asher even if he wanted to. “i'm scared your not going to love me anymore because you have Kaleo back...”
Asher twitched, flinching hard at the words, shuddering a little."Draco, even if I forgive him, I can't forgive myself."he said swallowing hard. "And I love you.Can't you understand that?"He said the first stirring of anger in his voice. Even if he udnerstood draco's fears, he was getting tired of having his chosen doubt his loyalty.
Draco winced a little and turned away from the other, swallowing hard, tears starting again. “i know you love me.” he whispered. “i do know it.. but...” he sighed a little. “Kaleo is better than me, and... all of this, everything... was to find Kaleo... in fact Kaleo is even the reason we met in the first place.” that was why the vampires even joined with Voldemort, was because Kaleo had joined with Dumbledore. “i don't mean to be so doubtful, and so negative but I'm scared... I'm just a human who came in last place... I hate being weak and I'm scared that some day your going to get tired of my insecurities and my inability to protect myself and just.... leave... I know it's stupid... that you never would but... some part of me is still afraid...”
Asher sighed softly, closing his eyes as he ground his teeth together, fangs scraping his lip raw on the inside."Draco, I joined because the guilt had finally gotten to me,and because gabriel wanted to end it before everything was lost.I didn't get involved to get kaleo back for me."He said running his fingers through his hair, struggling to not get angry, but the stress of the last few days shifting into anger with his chosen."You could be more then huamn.Hell, you begged gabriel for it."He said, starting to pick a fight he knew was a bad idea, but he just couldn't stop the words from comign out of his mouth.
Draco looked a little surprised. “you... didn't?” he asked, surprised because everyone had assumed all of this had been done to get Kaleo back. It startled Draco to realize that Asher had never wanted Kaleo back, he had just wanted the pain and guilt to end. He looked horrified when Asher commented on him being changed into a vampire and then, for the first time he looked angry at Asher. “your a jerk sometimes you know that?” he demanded scowling a little. “you never even asked me if I wanted to be more than human, you just made assumptions.” he spat hatefully. “it's like you don't even care that the man who kidnapped me and almost killed Drago was a va..” he paused, looking shocked as suddenly all the memories came back to him, his eyes wide. “he was a vampire... oh my god he was...” he shuddered violently. “he...” Draco's eyes rolled into the back of his head and he staggered a little, shaking his head, forcing himself to stay conscious. “oh my god... Asher I'm sorry I.. I need a moment.” he muttered racing out of the room, realizing why he was so afraid of strange vampires, so afraid of being made into one. Because the man who had kidnapped him, was going to keep Draco and Drago and turn them into vampire slaves, just like Blaise had tried to do. It was no wonder Draco had so many issues.
Asher watched him go, looking so confused. "But...but you asked..."He said forlornly to the empty room, having not meant to make draco feel like he had to be a vampire, he just thought that was what draco wanted. Swallowing hard he swallowed hard before he took a sidestep between, returning to his home in the vampire realms. needing to rethink everything he ever believed, and it was about the only spot anyone but besides gabe would think about. Sliding down the wall he leaned back against it as he thought. struggling with the guilt for upsetting draco so much, and making him think he had to be a vampire, or that he was going to leave.

Tom paused looking up as he saw draco running out of the room, tilting his head before he followed Draco, stopping in the door as he studied the man.Deciding that fussing over draco was better then obessing about shadow leaving him. needing not to think about it."Draco?What's wrong?"He asked catching the boy's arm and making him stop.
Draco spun when he saw Tom, swallowing hard, licking his lips. “i... I remembered something and I... I ran out on Asher....” he admitted wrapping his arms tightly around his arms closing his eyes tightly. “i.. I was kidnapped by a vampire...” he explained softly. “i panicked... I just.” he sighed and covered his face with his hands. “i'm so scared all the time...” he admitted sighing a little. “and I thought Asher wanted Kaleo back.” he admitted shaking his head as he hid his face in his hands and let out a small sob. “everything is crumbling out from under me and I don't know how to fix it...”
Tom sighed wrapping his arms around the other, kissing his head as he stroked the other's hair, hating to see him so upset."Draco, remembering something like that is to be expected to be tramatizing, even if you are dating a vampire, and friends with them."He said holding him close before laughing quietly."If asher wanted kaleo, even insane, nothing would pry him away from his side. Asher loves you, he needs you, like I don't think he's needed someone in a very long time."He said softly, "But the first thing to fix. Is to go find gabriel, and get him to take you to asher's home."He said, because he had created the wards, he'd known the minute asher left, and now knowing he was upset, he knew that asher would go home.
Draco sniffled and leaned into Tom, accepting the comfort before smiling at him through his tears. “thanks Tom.” he muttered with a small smile. “and, just so you know. It's ok to be upset about shadow.” he admitted wiping his nose. “Shadow was just confused, he didn't mean to lead you on, but as long as he's happy, won't you be happy for him?” he asked his head tilted. “and it's not like he won't stop caring about you, and Harry will always love you, your Harry's Chosen, I doubt Harry could share you anyway, even with his twin.” he admitted smiling at the other. “Shadow will always love you, just not as a lover.” he promised kissing tom's cheek. “just have faith that Harry will always love you, and everything will be alright.” he promised softly before he left to go find Gabe.

He stepped hesitantly into Asher's house, nervous because there would be other vampires about, or there might be anyway, Draco WAS in the vampire realms, but he was determined to find Asher and apologize. “A...Asher?” he asked hesitantly looking around the house nervously. “A...Asher?”
"damned brat." Tom muttered going in search of Harry wondering if he'd been that obvious about his fears or if Draco was just that observant. Smiling as he walked into the kitchen he wrapped his arms around Harry pressing a kiss to his neck. Trying to be his usual self even if he was worried about being abandoned."what are you making? And is it for me?" Tom said smiling.

Asher rubbed tear filled eyes as he huddled against the wall when he saw Draco. Here. In the vampire realms. "Draco...what are you doing here?" he asked sounding a little stuffy from crying.
Harry smirked a little. “yes it's for you, and I'm making you my special hot chocolate.” he admitted grinning as he kissed the others neck gently. “i know your upset, I'm not sure what about yet but I know your upset and I thought some hot chocolate would make you feel better.”

Draco sighed, relieved as he leaped into the others arms. “i'm sorry, I'm sorry Asher.” he muttered clutching him tightly. “i'm so sorry I didn't mean it, I didn't mean any of it I was just scared and upset.” he explained clutching him tightly. “i know you don't want Kaleo, I know you won't ever leave me.” he promised stroking the others cheek gently before kissing his forehead. “i'll never say such terrible things again I promise... I'll never ever leave you ever again. And I'll never ever let you leave me...”
Tom smiled mixing up his hot chocolate stealing a kiss. "love, what don't I have to be upset? Dumbledores looking for us, kaleo's healed, Draco went schizo and abandoned Asher..." he sighed." everything's a mess." he said

Asher whimpered a little pressing his face into the curve of his neck shuddering. "... Always say that... Still hurts.... Didn't mean to make you think you have to be a vampire..." he said sounding dispontant, Not really even registering the others presence. So distraught over recent events that he was shutting down to handle it.
Harry smiled a little as he kissed the others neck gently. “it's all going to be alright.” Harry promised smiling a little. “i will always be here with you, and I will always love you.” he promised smiling a little. “your my Chosen, and I will do everything I can to make you safe, and happy.” he promised kissing the other gently.

Draco sighed and pulled the other into his arms, holding him closely and kissing his forehead. “shh love.” he murmured gently. “shh I'm here now and I will never go again.” he promised softly. “i know you didn't mean it.” he promised softly. “come on Asher love, let's go home... I don't like it here.” he admitted softly. “there are other vampires here, and I know they can smell me... I don't want them to think they can take me.” he admitted stroking the others cheek. “lets go home, and cuddle on the bed, and when we feel better we'll talk, and make everything better, together, how's that?”
Tom smiled a little, tilting his head as he rested his head on the other's shoulder, sighing quietly."Good."He muttered shuddering a little before smiling a little wider."Shadow's happy isn't he?"He said, hsi heart taking the beating for making the connection between the two vampires, but he wanated shadow happy.

Asher whined quietly shuddering a little before nodding. Blinking as he tried to focus, standing. Pullign the blond up after him, he tugged him into his arms, cradling him close before he walked back to their bedroom. Sighing quietly as he tossed the blond back on the bed, before crawling in with him. cuddling close as he rested his head on draco's shoulder. "Cuddlings good."he muttered nuzzling his neck, feeling relaxed as he hugged his chosen.
Harry hesitated and then nodded. “Shadow honestly loves Kaleo, he didn't mean to hurt you Tom.” Harry muttered softly. “shadow got two different kinds of love confused.” he explained softly. “he loves you too, but your more of a brother to him, a family and he wasn't able to tell the difference between the love of a lover between lover than a love between brothers.” he explained gently. “he feels terrible about making you hurt but he doesn't know how to make it better... he might be as old as I am, but in reality he's only a child, he was never able to mature, since he was locked away in my mind for so long.” he admitted kissing Tom's neck.

Draco smiled as Asher stood and took them home, settling onto the bud and snuggling back into Asher with a small smile. “yes, Cuddling is good.” he agreed softly. “i love you Asher.” he promised kissing the others neck gently. “go to sleep now Lover, I'm not going anywhere.” he promised softly.
Tom sighed, nodding a little as he hugged his lover tighter, needign to reassure himself that the man wasn't going anywhere."That makes sense...I'll talk to him later."He said smiling a little, ffeeling easier with the idea he wasn't losing shadow completely, and that the love hadn't been false, just not what they both needed.

Asher smiled drifting to sleep cuddlign the other. When he woke he yawned, raising hsi head to look at the still awake blond, smirking a little as he studied his lover who looked tired even if he was refusing to go to sleep."you know you could have gone to sleep."He pointed out, hesitating before ducking his head to steal a kiss.
Harry smiled and kissed his lover, giving him a gentle nuzzle, chuckling softly as he gently bit the others lip. “good, you do that.” he murmured gently chuckling a little as he kissed the other.

Draco smiled a little as he stroked the others hair, shaking his head. “no I couldn't have.” he teased simply shrugging a little as he kissed Asher back, smiling again. “i love you Ash.” he muttered softly, nuzzling the others neck. “i'm sorry I freaked out last night... I was just...” he sighed a little. “i was confused and upset and worried and you know how I get...” he mumbled quickly. “i just.. I didn't mean to upset you...”
Tom smiled before pulling away."Will you go sit with kaleo?I dont think shadow will leave him aloen,and i dont want to talk to them both..."Tom said looking a little anxious as he kissed the other back.

Asher sighed softly closing his eyes as he collasped back on the bed next to draco, wrapping a arm around him."I know. And I'm usually better at handlign you being this upset."He stuttered a little, "I;..guess I wasn't feeling so secure myself."He said laughign a little,"I love you to."He muttered pressing a kiss to the blond's shoulder
Harry smiled and nodded. “i'll go sit with Kal.” he promised heading towards Shadow and Kaleo's new room, sending a warning to Shadow who gently shook Kaleo's shoulder. “love? I need to talk to Tom.” he explained softly. “will you be alright if I let Harry sit in here with you? So you won't be alone?” he hoped so, he needed to apologize to Tom.

Draco smiled a little and nodded, kissing him gently. “i think we where both so stressed out from all of this that we just...” he shrugged a little. “we both over reacted and it exploded.” he admitted kissing the other gently. “i felt so threatened by Kaleo I never even realized I was insulting you.” he admitted looking sheepish. “i'm so sorry Asher, I never meant to insult your integrity, I know you would never lead me on.” he promised snuggling into him. “i know you love me, and that you'll never leave me..”
Kaleo noded smiling as he shifted away from the other vampire, moving to cuddle harry as the man sat down next to him. Wanting cuddles, it didn't matter who at the moment, he was just feeling so out of it, that he wanted cuddles."It's okay. Go talk."He muttered wrapping a arm around harry, looking cute and adorable.

Asher nodded a little, pressing another kiss to his lips, sighing quietly as he held him."I know you know. And I know you didn't mean it...I was just looking for a fight because I was so stressed..."he muttered shrugging a little, "As long as you know, you don't have to be a vampire...I never meant for you to think you had to..."He said sounding a little stressed over the fact he made draco think he needed to.
Harry smiled as he gently stroked Kaleo's hair, looking down at him. “i know how you feel.” he admitted suddenly, his tone soft. “suddenly waking up and not realizing who you are or what to do, having to relearn how to think and behave.” he muttered softly shaking his head. “it's scary isn't it? But it's ok, it's a little exciting too, making new friends and rediscovering yourself...” he smiled down at Kaleo. “and you have everyone here to help you too, we won't let you do this alone, I promise.”

Shadow swallowed hard as he headed for Tom, looking so ashamed and so guilty it was almost heartbreaking as he finally stood next to Tom, his eyes down, aimed for his feet, his back hunched as if expecting pain or a good stern yelling. “i'm so sorry Tom... I.. I never meant to hurt you I... I was... confused...” what a lame excuse, but it was the only one shadow had to offer.

Draco smiled a little as he nuzzled the other. “i know I don't have to be a vampire.” he admitted softly. “i... I've been thinking about it a lot honestly... I just don't think I'm ready for it yet.” eh admitted softly. “i want to be a vampire someday, but right now, I'm just not ready.” he admitted smiling up at Asher. “i want to spend the rest of existence with you.” he admitted kissing the other gently. “i'm glad we where able to cure Kaleo though.” he admitted smiling a little. “and I'm so glad for little Marcus. Father's probably spoiling him rotten.”
kaleo nodded as he pressed his face against the other's stomach,holding him close sniffling a little. wanting his shadow back. Harry didn't smell the same as shadow. "I dont want to be alone."he whined a little smiling as he looked up at him,"It is exciting though...I want to be human again...or at least as close to human as I can be."

Tom sighed, shaking his head a little, knowing that, though he knew shadow knew no better, it still had hurt."It's fine. really.We both have the people we were meant to be with."He said softly, sadly, lookign at the floor to, raising a hand to touch the other before stopping, dropping his hand.

Asher whined quietly at the idea sliding away from draco."come on. We have to go rescue marcus from being spoiled. Its not good for him."he decided, more then willign to shelf the disscussion on everything else now that they'd come to a agreement on things.
Harry smirked a little and shook his head. “Kaleo, you're never going to be alone again.” he promised smiling a little. “Shadow Chose you, you know what that means obviously.” he teased smirking a little. “shadow is never ever going to let you be alone again. And we'll all help you to regain your humanity. Just because your a vampire Kaleo, doesn't mean your not still a human. Humanity is a state of mind, not a state of body.”

Shadow bit his lip hard and then, without warning wrapped Tom tightly into a hug. “i'm so sorry... I'm so sorry I made you hurt.” he whispered softly. “i am SO sorry....”

Draco snickered a little and shook his head a little and smirked. “i was spoiled and I grew up just fine.” he teased kissing Asher's neck. “besides your procrastinating.” he accused. “you go talk to Kaleo, I know you want to, even if your denying it.”
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