Blood Fury and Love

Draco was throwing fists and his teeth sank into Asher's neck, trying to rip out the man's artery. It wouldn't kill a vampire but it would slow them down or even debilitate them if the vampire bled enough. Draco had been taking lessons with Gabe to better protect himself. “Asher?” Draco asked blinking up at him, sagging in relief. “oh god... I thought..i thought you where Kaleo.. I... I thought he was going to kill me.” he admitted swallowing hard. “sorry...” he muttered kissing his lovers neck gently.

Harry smiled as he kissed tom gently watching Shadow stumble over to Kaleo, abandoning his coloring to snuggle into the other vampire, sighing softly as he went to sleep, Harry grimacing a little as he saw how easy his 'brother' was with Kaleo, Drago watching as well, looking worried. “if we can't fix him... we're going to have to kill him aren't we?” he asked softly, sounding a little upset. Sure he didn't love Kaleo anymore but he still cared about the man. Kaleo could be kind when he wanted to be, and Kaleo had helped Drago through a very rough patch in his life. “i don't know.” Harry admitted softly. “i don't know Vampire law yet. Newborn Vampires don't fall under law, their creator's are expected to control them.” he admitted shaking his head a little Gabe sighing a little. “we'll try and save him first.”
Asher sighed quietly, wincing at the cut because the bite mark was bleeding sluggishly. Sighing as he walked towards their room, he laid down without letting the man go."It's oky. I'm glad that you're learning something good."He said smiling, pressing a kiss to his head.

Tom sighed quietly watching them."I don't know if even now, asher could stand to see him killed."He said looking cautious looking at gabe."If it doesn't work, asher has to be the one who decides what to do.because otherwise he's going to hate us all for deciding for him."He said tilting his head.Worried about what wasgoing to happen.Despite everything, kaleo reminded him of a broken child, insane in a innocent sort of way.
Draco sighed as he smiled a little. “i have the potion in my room.” he admitted softly. “it anything... from what I read the reason some vampires go insane is because their neural pathways break and die which causes imbalances in the brain. This potion I made has been known to bring people back from death so long as it's been no longer than thirty seconds or so.” he admitted swallowing hard. “it might heal the damaged pathways in Kaleo's brain but I... I'm not sure.” he admitted softly. “if it doesn't work, I won't let them kill him... I promise.” because he knew Asher would never forgive himself if Kaleo had to be killed.

Gabe nodded. “as Kaleo is Asher's creation, it is under his jurisdiction to decide what to do with Kaleo. Now that he's contained and controlled I can't touch the man, under my own laws.” he admitted. “Kaleo isn't a direct Danger to anyone now, save maybe Shadow and he won't hurt Shadow.” he hoped not anyway. “Kaleo belongs to Asher the way Harry and shadow belong to me.” he admitted Harry nodding. “good. For now we'll wait for Draco to calm down and for Kaleo to wake up, then we'll try to fix whatever is wrong... and if it doesn't work we'll find another way.” Harry decided smiling a little, certain that they could fix Kaleo, and shadow too hopefully.
Asher sighed quietly, resting his head on Draco's chest, smiling a little as he pressed a kiss to his skin."You always overexplain things when you're nervous or upset."He teased raising his head to kiss him slowly, "We'll just have to see.But for now, we're going to sit here and kiss, then maybe go back downstairs."He said kissing him again, rubbing his eyes. Wondering just what would happen.

Tom nodded, tilting his head a little."Let's go get some food then.He'll be out for awhile,and asher'll probably take his time calming draco down."He said sounding amused as he headed for the door. Trying not to think to hard on why shadow was the only one kaleo wouldn't harm.
Draco shuddered and smiled. “sorry.” he muttered softly. “i don't mean to be so...” he hesitated on the word to use. “i dunno... over sensitive I guess.” he murmured kissing Asher back smiling a little as he felt himself starting to calm down. “i love you Asher.” he murmured with a smile. “i hope everything turns out alright.” he muttered softly nuzzling Asher's neck and giving it a nibble.

Harry and Gabe nodded, Harry wrapping his arms around Tom's waist, smiling a little as he kissed the other gently. “come to bed with me.” he murmured softly. “i'll fuck you so hard you can't even remember you're own name, hows that sound?” he asked smiling a little, desperate to make Tom feel better as Shadow started to color again, drawing a bright lake and a thunder storm and a tabby kitten while he waited for Kaleo to wake up.
Asher shuddered moaning little, the back of his neck extremely sensitive."It will.As long as you don't go anywhere."He muttered, for once being the one insecure enough to worry about draco leaving. Smilign as he kissed him again."I love you to."

Tom's head came up, looking at his lover,raising a eyebrow as they walked out the door, heading for his room."oh, YOU will fuck ME?I think you got that backwards sweetheart."he teased pressing the younger man up against his bedroom door, holding him close. As if desperate to make sure he wasn't going anywhere.
he smirked a little. “i just heard a moan.” Draco teased nibbling the back of the others neck again with a small snicker. “mmm I won't go anywhere.” he whispered with a small grin. “i need you too much to leave you.” he admitted softly, kissing the side of his neck and Hesitating for a second before licking the others neck curiously, tasting Asher's blood. “hmm...” he muttered, deciding it wasn't bad, it wasn't good either but it wasn't bad. “i love you more.” he teased smirking a little.

Harry smirked a little as he moaned at being pinned, chuckling a little as he squirmed against the other. “oh yesss.” he purred smirking. “yes I am going to fuck you... just as soon as I catch you sleeping.” he teased snickering a little as he kissed him intently, driving his tongue into the others mouth, as if desperate to prove that he was never going to leave tom. “
Asher shuddered, whining a little in pleasure at the lick.It was actually pretty amazing he'd managed to hide the sensitivity that long."Hmm I've waited centuries, just for you.I love you more."He gowled, teasing, getting ready to turn it into a competition.

Tom growled kissing him harder, desperate hands tugging at the brunette's clothes, not that he'd ever admit to being desperate about anything."Hmmm are you shadow now harry?Fucking me while I'm asleep?"He teased growling softly as he closed a hand around his cock.
Draco smirked a little. “i gave you all of my virginity's.” he teased smirking a little as he sucked on the back of the others neck, his arms wrapping around Asher's waist as he pressed his cock against the crack of the others ass and started to rub. “and I'm going to fuck you all night long, just to prove that I love you more.”

Harry moaned as he shed his own clothes just as quickly as Tom was stripping them off, panting eagerly. “yessss.” he moaned, arching into Tom as he felt the hand around his dick, smirking a little. “mmm you need to be fucked once and a wh...ah..ile...”he moaned shuddering a little. “oooh yeah, gonna have to deflate that ego of yours.” he taunted snickering a little.
Asher shuddered squirming a little, but for once giving in without the even sembalance of a fight, smiling a little as he looked over his shoulder at the man."Ohhhh that'll prove you love me more?"He teased stealign a kiss.

Tom growled a little sinking his teeth into the other's neck as he lifted him up, sighing as he undressed thrusting into the other as he smiled."Hmm delate my ego?What ego?"He growled looking amused.
Draco smirked as he stripped the other and started making good on his promise. “yes it will.” he teased smirking a little. “i'm too horny right now to know why but I'm sure it will make more sense after we pass out from exhaustion.” he teased snickering as he began to make sure the only thing his lover could focus on was the pleasure.

Harry moaned as he arched into the other, smirking happily. “oh yesss.” he hissed softly snickering a little. “you have a huge Ego and we BOTH know it!” he growled playfully snickering a little before moaning as the other started to fuck him. “oooh god yesss.” he groaned writhing underneath Tom. “ooh yesss you fuck me SO good!”
Asher grinned at him,sighing softly.IT was soo good.A few hours later asher yawned as he laid down next to him, closing his eyes as he looked over at draco as the man laid down next to him,sighing qietly."Kaleo's awake."he muttered.

Tom grinned,kissing him hard."Good."He growled before setting about to make sure the boy never forgot how good he was. Hours later he sighed laying down on the bed next to harry yawning."Potter,tired yet?"He teaased running a hand down the other's sweaty back
Draco sighed a little and nodded. “i'm sure he'll be fine, Shadows in there with him after all, and Gabe locked away his abilities, now all he is is just a pissed off little vampire, like Harry.” he muttered smirking a little before he hesitated. “we should go talk to him... see if he'll take the potion willingly.. if he wont we're going to need people to hold him down and make him drink...”

Harry groaned, grinning as he nodded. “exhausted.” he teased smiling a little looking over at Tom. “you are entirely too cruel.” he grumbled with a small chuckle snuggling into the other, frowning a bit. “Gabe says that Kal is awake.” he muttered softly sighing a little as he closed his eyes. “i'm a little worried about what's going to happen.” he admitted looking up at his lover. “everything will be alright...right?”

downstairs in the cell shadow was coloring again, looped off his ass on a new batch of drugs, humming as he drew Kaleo and Asher and Draco and Harry and Tom and Gabe and Drago all holding hands. It was kind of creepy, Gabe watching him from the window as he saw Kaleo blink awake. “good morning Kaleo.” he stated calmly. “i have stripped you of your power.” he explained to the probably confused Kaleo. “you have a great many Sin's to answer to Kaleo, but you are not mine to punish. Consider yourself lucky.”
Ashe sighed as he ran his fingers through his hair, trying to straighten out the sex tangled hair as he pulled on his pants, smiling a little."He'll take it willingly."He said, sounding hopeful. Needing to believe that if they would explain, that the man he ruined would want to be better instead of acting like he was."You coming down with me?"

Tom sighed sitting up, not wanting to move, but knowing they had to. Not knowing how asher was going to deal, so they would need it."Me to.But everything will be alright.I promise."He said stealing a kiss before pulling away."Come on. Up and dressed now."

Kaleo snarled, looking at the man he blamed for taking asher from him. growling angrily as he moved betwene him and shadow, not about to lose someone else to him."My 'sins' aren't against you Gabriel.You have no right to keep me here, even if you are the vampire marquis. We both know you rule on Asher's good graces, because he has no desire to be ruler of anything, not anymore"
Draco smiled a little as he also started getting dressed, taking the potion from the safety of the locked nightstand, taking Kaleo's safety and health very seriously, since it meant so much to Asher, and nodded. “of course I'm going with. If the potion doesn't work I'll need to be there to make sure it didn't do anything adverse or unexpected.” he explained. “side effects are very rare but it has been known to create very itchy rashes.” he admitted biting his lip a little. “i have to worry though.. even if the potion works... what are we going to do with him? He's done a lot of bad things... and... Dumbledore...” he admitted softly looking worried.

Harry smiled a little as he kissed the other and nodded. “alright.” he agreed getting dressed and heading downstairs with his lover to join Gabe glancing at the man as Kaleo snarled and spat, looking in the little window, bright green eyes and a face just like Shadows, how was Kaleo going to react to that? “i am the Marquise Kaleo.” he stated his eyes narrowed. “and you have harmed innocents, and that is a sin against MY laws.” he stated sternly. “luckily for you, your right, I have no right to keep you here, a good thing it's not my rule that's keeping you here. Asher wishes to speak with you.” he stated calmly Shadow looking over at the large group behind the door as Draco arrived, holding the potion and looking very nervous as he looked at Asher and handed him the vial.
Asher looked startled at the man handing him the vial, biting his lip a little as he looked at the younger vampire."Ah, kal.Whatever am I supposed to do with you..."He muttered looking down at the vial in his hands. Wondering what they would do. Wondering what he would do if it realy worked.draco was right, kaleo had harmed innocents. Wrinkling his nose a little when he saw kaleo staring intently at harry he snickered sliightly as he listened to the nearly silent snarls coming from the dark lord. Kaleo looked between them all, before returning to staring at harry."Let me go asher." "No. You are going to take this potion,even if i have to force feed it to you." "No I wont."Kaleo growled,digging his heels stubbornly in, unwillign to give in even if everything in him wanted to obey the man in front of him.Asher was the only one he had ever submitted to, so he wanted to, but he didn't want this weak hearted asher, bound by his morals.He wanted the dark vampire lord that he'd first known.
Harry set a hand on Asher's shoulder before turning to Kaleo, deciding to take a try. “Kaleo, your facing death.” he stated simply. “you have done a lot of bad things. We're trying to help you, help you convince the rest of the vampire world, and even Asher himself that your worth saving.” he admitted. “worth letting you live. Think about it this way, if you take the potion, and it works, won't it be worth it? Getting to live?? and stay here with all of us? To stay with shadow, be friends with Drago and Asher? Even being able to help them?” he asked his head tilted. “the world changed and Asher changed with them... but you didn't... you killed innocents Kaleo and your only chance at survival is doing what Asher tells you to do, and hoping that it works.” Shadow set his hand on Kaleo's shoulder, looking worried and upset. “i don't want you to die....” he muttered softly, Draco biting his lip. He didn't want Kaleo to die either, not if the man was just sick, madness could be cured if they took the time to find a cure... if Kaleo was willing to be fixed it would be so much easier.
Kaleo bit his lip, looking at harry, who looked so much like shadow before looking at asher, his beautiful asher. Before nodding slightlyl, holding out a hand for the potion, sipping it supiciously. not sure what to think about it, but damned if he didn't want to try. "Such a good boy."Asher smiled sadly, rubbing his arms a little, looking a little anxious because he had no idea how this was going to go, and he didn't like the idea of getting his hopes up. and he couldn't handle the idea of losing kaleo, even if he didn't really care for the man anymore, he didn't want him to die for asher's own mistakes.
Harry smiled, a crooked little grin that was very unlike Shadows full smile, the young vampire kissing Kaleo's temple, wrapping his arms around the others waist, offering him comfort and support as Kaleo drank the potion, Draco, Harry and Gabe watching with tense hopes that it would work, Draco swallowing thickly when Kaleo finished, Harry biting his lip a little. “how do you feel?” he asked curiously, Draco keeping his distance, well aware that Kaleo wasn't going to enjoy having Draco too close. Instead he wrapped his fingers in Asher's and gave them a gentle squeeze, offering him all the comfort he could manage without pissing Kaleo off, jumping when Tsuru suddenly slid into the room, tapping Asher on the shoulder.

“Asher, we need to talk.” the ancient Librarian ordered softly, dragging the vampire off and suddenly settling something into his hands. “the mother that Kaleo killed... the baby somehow survived.” he explained softly, pulling the blankets away from the little baby's face. “she needs a family, I thought it would be best if I asked you first, since you are of her closest blood.” he admitted softly watching Asher closely as the little baby boy babbled sleepily as he examined the new surroundings.
Asher nearly dropped the boy in the shock of finding himself suddenly holding ihm. Before coming back to his senses, gathering the babe close to him as he cooed at the small sleepy boy."oh you are a pretty one aren't you."He cooed pressing a gentle kiss to his forehead before straightening, looking at tsuru."Will you send draco up to my room?"He asked needing to talk to draco, if they were going to raise a baby. This was going to be so interesting.

Kaleo leaned into harry, sighing quietly, shuddering a little."I...feel weird..."He muttered before his body gave out on him.Slumping down asleep, his body adjusting to the changes. Tom snorted laughing, gently helping harry lay him down, looking at draco."What can we expect to happen now?"
Tsuru smiled a little as he nodded, whispering into Draco's ear the boy turning and nodding, Shadow gasping as Kaleo collapsed, carefully laying Kaleo on the floor. “well, right now the potion is fixing everything that is broken, even bones, nerve damage, and brain malfunctions.” he admitted. “right now all we can do is wait for him to wake up.” Draco admitted shaking his head a little. “i have to go talk to Asher I'll be right back.” he stated vanishing up the stairs and into the bedroom, freezing at the sight of Asher with the baby, too shocked to say anything. “is that a baby?” he asked his head tilted. “are... are we parents?... where you pregnant!? How did I not notice this!?.... can vampires get pregnant!? Oh my god we need diapers! And a crib! And a cradle! A rocking chair! We need clothes! And toys! Lots of toys!” Draco had always wanted a child, but had been scared to ask Asher if he wanted children or not. “Asher! Asher we have to go shopping!! wait! No, you stay here and take care of the baby and rest! I'll go shopping!” Draco was freaking out again.
Tom looked at tsuru, raising a eyebrow as they settled kaleo comfortably on the ground before heading for the door."What did you do?Draco looked worried."He said looking curious, wondering what else could have happened now.

Asher laughed quietly, cuddling the small boy."Ohhh poor papa draco, he's getting upset again."He said before smiling leaning over to press a kiss against draco's forehead."calm down.I was going to ask your mother to go get everything for us.And no, I wasn't pregnant. This little one is why tsuru needed to talk to me. His mother...was the woman kaleo killed. He survived the attack.And tsuru thinks that I will be a good parent."He said amused at draco's upset."Calm down."He ordered quietly kissing him.
Tsuru smirked a little. “what has happened, is for them to explain.” Tsuru informed him, watching Shadow cradle Kaleo's head in his lap, gently stroking the man's hair, Harry sighing a little and shook his head. “i hope to all Merlin that it works.” Harry muttered softly, Draco nodding.

Draco took several deep breaths and started to calm himself down, leaning into Asher before he smiled a little and nodded. “you would make a great papa.” he admitted softly once he had regained his senses and his calm. “he's so pretty Asher... what are we going to name him?” he asked softly stroking the little baby's cheek. “i always wanted a son.” he admitted softly. “your going to be such a trouble maker.” Draco teased smirking at the baby. “we're going to make Daddy change all the diapers aren't we? Yes we are, because papa Draco doesn't do icky things like that, no he doesn't.” he teased smiling a little, already very much in love with his baby.
Asher pouted,"Oh no, papa asher isn't doing diapers.That's why we have uncle tom and grandpa lucius.Oh yes we do."He said laughing quietly as he cuddled the baby before smiling."We'll name him...Marcus."She said grinning as he stole a kiss from draco, very glad that he was already in love with the baby. for a moment there he'd been worried about what draco would think."It seems tsuru knows us better then we know ourselves. See, we have the son we both wanted."H smiled before lookign at draco again."We probably should go see your parents. They probably still have some of your baby things. and we need them until we get a chance to go shopping again."
he chuckled a little and kissed his lover, smiling happily. “Marcus Abraxas De Mereloit” Draco decided smiling a little, deciding to take Asher's last name, since Drago was making Fenrir take the Malfoy name. It was a win win since Fenrir wanted the grayback line to wither up and die, since it was such a terrible bloodline anyway. “yeah they kept all of my baby things.” he admitted chuckling a little. “they couldn't bear to throw them away and they didn't have anyone they could give them to so they sit in the attic, we have a cradle that's been passed down since the very first Malfoy too, in perfect condition even.” he admitted smiling as he led the way up into the storage area, up at the top floor where everything was coated in dust, but protected with spells so all it would take was a simple shake to toss all of the dust off. “i think we even have some Baby Blankets and toys up here somewhere.”
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