Shadow smiled and kissed Kaleo deeply before he watched the other leave, turning to Drago and nodding, wrapping them in shadows and stepping through....
Gabe sighed and shook his head. “you all need to calm down.” he ordered scowling a little. “i have the trap for Kaleo set, we have the drugs for shadow for when he gets here, Drago will do whatever Drago wants to do, since we clearly can't control him anymore than we can shadow!” he complained rubbing his eyes, watching as Shadow and Drago stepped through, Drago beaming as he leaped onto Fenrir, kissing the man intently, Shadow scanning the room, looking hesitant as if he wasn't sure he should be there until his eyes landed on Tom, and any love for Kaleo vanished in an instant,. Harry sighing in relief as Shadow leaped through the air, landed on tom and kissed him hard, gripping the man so tight that it was almost as if Shadow thought Tom was going to leave him. “my god... I really need a psychiatrist.” shadow whispered as he kissed Tom again, Harry chuckling a little. “still in love with Kaleo?” he asked, Shadow looking guilty as he closed his eyes and nodded. “he's broken... like me.” he admitted softly. “it will fade.” he promised nuzzling Tom as Gabe chuckled. “we only have a few minutes.” he warned Shadow nodding.
“Harry told me the plan.” he admitted accepting the vial of drugs and gulping the first one down, pausing as he licked his lips. “hey this tastes like strawberry!” “yes, I found a way to flavor potions.” Draco admitted with a smirk. “i'm already selling them to the general public, I'm making a fortune.” Shadow suddenly giggled. “fortune, that's a funny word, fooortuuune...” “Drugs kicked in.” Gabe admitted looking amused as shadow crawled back into Tom's lap. “you know... you know... god your handsome.” he purred trying to kiss Tom, Gabe chuckling as he picked the drugged vampire up and dumped him into the 'holding cell' which was filled with colorful stuffed toys and crayons and paper to entertain the drugged vampire while they waited for Kaleo, Drago hesitating. “how do you plan on informing Kaleo that me and Shadow have been taken prisoner?”