Blood Fury and Love

Shadow whimpered and shook his head wiping his eyes before he snuggled into Kaleo, sobbing into his chest, too worked up to be able to calm himself down, crying for only a few minutes before he managed to force himself to relax, panting softly. “i... I'm sorry...” he whispered softly. “i... I can't help myself... I..i'm all broken in my head.” he muttered softly. “i lived with muggles you know, until I was eleven they'd beat me, hard. With belts and frying pans whenever I did something wrong, even if it was just a sneeze, or a burnt potato...” he shuddered hard. “they'd... they'd hold me down... and...” he shuddered again and hid his face in the others chest. “and then the giant came and made me drink, and I was locked away, hurt and broken and I had to watch while this... this better me, was treated so much nicer, as if they where afraid of him, even though he was a coward and an idiot...” he closed his eyes, shuddering again. “ then they killed him.. they killed him and I was so relived but that fucking Bastard Gabe came... and he changed us, made us... bad... made us.. inhuman... and I was so angry because he made me live when I wanted to die.” he whispered, swallowing thickly. “and then suddenly, Harry was trying to kill me.” he admitted softly. “pressure all around me as if he was trying to crush me, but I was stronger... I couldn't take control, but I was stronger...” he sighed softly, beginning to doze off. “i'll kill them all... I will... and then I can live, however I want to.” he mumbled softly, falling asleep.
Kaleo smirked, stroking his hair."Hmmm yes.We will kill them all."He said looking amused as he settled down on the bed next to him falling asleep.

The next morning kaleo smiled as he stroked the girl-child's hair who was sleeping in his lap, looking down at the child. Waiting for shadow to wake up. Wanting him to wake up, because he'd brought a present to him to make him feel better. The younger the victim, he usually found that the better the blood was, better to make it feel better."Shadow..."He muttered squirming a little. Wanting the man to wake up, because he wanted shadow to feel better and want to be in his company.Somewhere in his insanity, thinkking that shadow would want the child victim,because their blood was sweeter, not realizing it might break the illusion of love shadow had for him.
Shadow groaned as he woke up, blinking slowly. “... is that a little girl?” he asked blinking at the little girl his eyes widening, and his face lighting up. Shadow loved children, he smiled at the little girl as he sat up and picked her up, beaming at her. “hello little one, where did you come from?” he asked settling him into her lap, beaming at Kaleo. “did you get me a pet Kal?” he asked smiling at the other. “i love kids.” he admitted pulling a hairbrush out of his pocket and gently combing the little girls hair, clearing out the small tangles. “she's so cute! Where on earth did you find her!?” he paused and then looked at Kaleo. “you didn't kidnap her did you?”
Kaleo looked startled at the boy's reaction, looking confused as the little girl crawled out of his lap and into shadows,her natural instincts telling her she was safer with him then with kaleo."Oh. No. Her mother was busy and asked me to babysit." AKA he'd tricked her into handing her daughter over."I-if you want her as a pet."He said frowning slightly as he tried to figure out how this hand come about.
Shadow scowled a little as he gently braided the little girls hair. “... I can't hurt children Kaleo...” he whispered softly, looking over at him. “i just can't do it... not when I was hurt so badly myself as a kid.” he whispered. “please... don't hurt the little ones ok?” he asked laying his head on the others chest. He knew Kaleo was going to hurt them, but at least now maybe Kaleo wouldn't bring them home. “i can't.. just watch more kids be hurt...” he whispered softly. “will you let me take her home? Back to her mother?” he asked softly, hopefully. “i... I can't...” he swallowed hard. “i can't.” he sighed a little. “i'm so weak...” he muttered softly. “i know I am... I'm sorry I am but I just...can't let someone else be hurt... not someone so innocent, can't even defend themselves it's just... wrong, even by my standards...”
Kaleo frowned, looking confused at the idea of that someone was out of bounds. After all he'd slaughtered asher's niece and unborn babe because he wanted to hurt the vampire. For him, there was no line he wouldn't cross. Before frowning at the younger vampire he nodded,"If you must."He said blandly looking amused a littl as he stood."while you're gone, I'll see how drago's doing."he said looking amused more then angry at the turn of events.
Shadow smiled a little and kissed Kaleo's cheek. “thank you.” he muttered softly as he slid out of bed and pulled the little girl into his arms, stepping through and instinctively following the shadows to the little girls mother, dropping the girl off and vanishing before the mother even saw him, sighing softly as he decided to go and visit a gloomy ocean for a while.

Drago was still sleeping when Kaleo walked in, covered in bruises from Shadows harsh grip and thrusts, and the bite marks on his neck where swollen, but these where normal effects of a good fuck, and one of Drago's favorite kinds. He loved feeling sore after a good hard round of sex. He groaned as soon as he felt Kaleo enter the room and he smiled as he blinked, waking up slowly. “mmm I feel wonderful.” he murmured stretching along the bed and yawning.
Kaleo laughed quietly, sitting down on the edge of the bed, gently stroking his hair."That's good."He said looking amused as he studied the man's body, making sure he wasn't hurt to badly. "Ah drago, surely he's better then that damned mutt."He said amused at the idea. Before shaking his head."How are yu feeling besides wonderful?"He asked slightly worried about the adverse effects of the posion.
“mmm I'm feeling a little high.” he admitted grinning. “like I took too many calming droughts, but I'll be ok.” he promised laying his head in Kaleo's lap. “where's shadow? I expected him to be in here sobbing his little heart out for forgiveness by now.” he admitted chuckling a little. “he's weird like that, he looks strong, and brave and viscous but he's really, just a broken child.” he admitted softly. “did you punish him? I hope not... he can't help it, he only knows what his life taught him... and his life wasn't very good.” he admitted smiling as he leaned up and Kissed Kaleo. “mmm, I missed you, you know. So much... they tried to tell me you where the bad guy..” he admitted. “but you never hurt me, so I knew they where lying.”
Kaleo smirked a little gently biting the boy's lip before shaking his head."No I didn't punish him.He's returning the present I brought him."He said looking slightly confused at the idea, but alas, he was willing to indulge shadow so he could use him to his own ends. "I would never hurt you." Unless he absolutely had to anyways. After all, kaleo only ever saw himself, and how things could be used against and for him.
he paused, frowning a little before he understood. “oh, a child huh? No children aren't good for Shadow, he was hurt too badly as one and now he see's himself in every child he comes across.” he explained smiling a little. “try getting him a puppy or something.” he teased smiling. “having something entirely dependent on him for survival would be good for him.” he admitted kissing the other. “oh..never? That's a shame.” he teased smirking. “i love it when you hurt me.” he teased chuckling a little as he kissed the other again. “mmm..” he groaned suddenly. “i'm going to go throw up for a moment.” he stated staggering off to the bathroom to puke, a common side effect of too much exposure to the venom.
Kaleo snickered, lauging quietly."Aww poor drago."He teased leaning his back against the headboard as he started planning, biting his lip."Drago. Where are they living these days?Does Asher ever leave the house?"He asked needing information, because he wanted to end this fight, and be left in peace with pretty shadow lovely draco, and of course asher
Drago rinsed his mouth out and then crawled into bed, sighing a little as he snuggled into the other, hesitating. “no, he never leaves.” he admitted. “and I don't know the house they where in, I followed Draco's magical signature, and Shadow got me out the second time, I was unconscious... you might ask Shadow how to get there, he should know.” he sighed a little. “unfortunately none of them leave the house anymore, not even the humans, they pulled them all out of Hogwarts after Blaise raped Draco.” he explained. “the only person who leaves is my father Tsuru.” he scowled. “some fucking father, he just told me it was all for the best and let them impirio me.” he growled snuggling into Kaleo even more. “their just sick over there Kaleo... I think that Asher might be more insane than we originally thought, Gabe as well.”
"Really?"Kaleo looked thoughtful kissing Drago's head. Wondering if his games had managed to make asher just as insane as him...and enjoying the thought of that. "I'm sure tsuru thought it would be okay. Though, maybe I will be able to convince him helping me would be for the better."He said thinking it over. "Well, I'll ask shadow. And you never have to go back to them.I promise."
Drago nodded. “Asher only seams sane around Draco, but he almost killed Draco last week.” he admitted. “drank too much of the idiot's blood.” he scowled a little. “i don't want Tsuru here.” he complained softly. “he betrayed me...” he muttered emotionally as Shadow suddenly reappeared, soaking wet and without a shirt, blinking at them looking surprised. “dammit! I moved into the wrong damn room!” he complained sighing a little. “this shadow Walking thing needs practice.” he grumbled, Drago lifting an eyebrow. “why are you all wet?” “i went for a swim.” Shadow stated with a shrug. “i like to swim.” he admitted Drago blinking a little before he chuckled and shook his head laying back down. “hey.. Drago I'm sorry about...” “don't be, I liked it and it was my own fault. I won't try to take Kaleo away from you again I promise.” “i.. I wasn't... he..” Shadow groaned and stormed out of the room, Drago snickering a little. “ah, I love making him feel guilty, so much fun.”
Kaleo laughed quietly, both amused at shadow's shadow walking, and drago's teasing him. "It is fun isn't it?"He said amused as he looked between them before looking at shadow."Shadow, me and drago were just discussing things at the manor house. I was wondering if it was possible for you to remember wher it was?Maybe you could shadow walk me through the wards, we could end this fight now, and be happy together. No need to worry about the others then."He said, because they'd all be dead. no one had to worry about the dead.
Shadow paused and then looked horrified. “i'm sorry Kaleo...” he muttered softly. “Harry never left the wards and never bothered asking where we where and... and I don't even know how I got out of the Wards myself.” he admitted. “i thought it was apparating but I guess I just accidentally Shadow walked... Gabe was coming at me with a knife I panicked..” he admitted licking his lips, clearly expecting a good stern scolding for not paying attention. “i... I know it belongs to Tom.” he admitted. “so... it would have to be Riddle or Slytherin Manor... u..unless they moved, they where planning it.. they where going to go to one of the death eaters houses.” he admitted fidgeting. “i could.. I could try to focus on Gabe? He kind of made me I guess, the bond isn't as strong as it is between Harry and him, but I could try to follow it?” he paused. “... i'd need more practice.. I can't even shadow walk into my own room yet... but at least I didn't end up on the beach this time...” “Shadow!” Drago nearly yelled rolling his eyes. “Kaleo isn't going to beat you just because your an idiot, calm down!” “i am not an idiot! Your just a whore!” “mmm a HAPPY Whore!” Drago teased smirking as Shadow glared at him.
Kaleo laughed amused."Ah, you can't make him feel bad when he's a pleasant whore."He said looking amused as he shook his head, studying the two befoe biting his lip. Thinking it over. The slytherin and riddle families did have a few houses on record but the death eaters...frownign he realized he was going to have to go see dumbleore to get the information.Beore nodding slightly at shadow's ideas."If you think you can do it, try. But if you're afraid you're going to get hurt, stop. Don't put yourself in danger."He added. Knowing that he had to care about the other and worry about what he was going to do, if he wanted the other to willingly do things for him.
Shadow rolled his eyes a little and smirked a little as he nodded. “i'll try.” he decided. “tomorrow, I'm tired still.” he admitted sighing as he crawled into the bed, resting his head on Kaleo's thigh. “i'm sorry I can't be more helpful...” he muttered softly, opening his link to Harry and sending a warning as he snuggled Kaleo gently, nuzzling his hip rather submissively, Drago smiling a little. “hey at least you CAN help, I'm completely useless.” Drago admitted shrugging a little. “Kaleo just keeps me around because I'm a good fuck.” he teased smirking as Shadow growled a little. “if I try really really hard, do you think I could fry Drago?” he asked his head tilted.

Back at Riddle Manor Harry looked over at the gathered group and smirked. “i just got word from Shadow.” he stated calmly. “he informed Kaleo that he didn't know exactly where we are, but he did lead a way for him to find us. He also told Kaleo that we where thinking of moving to another place, one of the death eaters homes.” he admitted, well aware that he was still in trouble for not tattling on Drago and Shadow, but also knowing that it was there decision. “we could either try to catch Kaleo, or lead him on a wild good chase. That's all Shadow had to say.” he stated before going back to his book, Gabe's eye twitching.
Kaleo laughed softly, pressing a kiss to the top of Dragos head then shadows."Lovely, I'm sure that after years of pratice that you would be able to fry him."He said wisely, looking down at him amused. "And a good fuck isn't completely useless. Thats helpful."He teased the blond.

Asher's eyes went up, smirking as he looked over Draco's head at the other vampire, "If you keep doing that, you're eyes going to squeeze itself out."He said amused as the other's eye twitched more. Looking down, pressing a kiss to draco's head as the boy read settling back in his chair, letting the man use him as a chair.
Shadow smiled a little. “good.” he muttered. “in a few years Drago your ass is toast.” he muttered Drago snorting a little as he smirked, shaking his head as he snuggled into Kaleo, kissing his chest, Shadow growling as he suddenly shoved Drago off the bed, the blond laughing brightly as he climbed back into bed, smirking at Shadow. “don't be so jealous! You're going to have to share with Asher someday too you know.” “i like Asher, he's nice. You, are not.” he stated with an egotistical sniff, Drago snickering a little. “is this because I tried to set you on fire?” “no!... maybe...”

Gabe's eye twitched even more as he glared at Asher Harry chuckling a little as Draco smiled. “so what are we going to do?” he asked his head tilted, Gabe hesitating. “well, it would be best if we could catch Kaleo.” he admitted hesitating. “but if we failed... it would be Shadow who takes the beef.” “what if we kidnapped Shadow instead?” Rudolphus suggested. “hold him in a cell so Kaleo has to come and rescue him?” “wouldn't work, Shadow can shadow walk now, he'd just be able to slip out.” “now if we drugged him.” Rudophus stated calmly. “there are some drugs that work on vampires...” Gabe admitted hesitantly. “but I don't think it would be right to use them on my son...”
Kaleo laughed quietly."Asher's definately not nice."he said stroking his fingers through the blond's hair, mued because despite everything, for the most part Asher really aws nice. Sometimes."Don't worry Drago, he can't set you on fire yet.I'll protect you."He teased.

Asher sighed pressing a kiss to drago's head, shaking his head a little as he looked over at gabe."Gabe, if we don't he gets to stay with kaleo longer. And I really don't trust kaleo to stay sane enough to remember that he's more useful alive then dead and a pain to us all."He said biting his lip."We'll be careful.And if the amusement and contentment I'm getting from kaleo sometimes is any indictation, he'll be coming after him."
Shadow smiled. “he's nice to me.” he mumbled softly, falling asleep again. “specially after Gabe yells at me... Gabe yells a lot... it makes me scared.” he mumbled softly, Drago chuckling a little as he shook his head. “Kal, for future reference, using the word 'punishment' or raising your voice at shadow will only send him into a panic.” he admitted yawning a little. “and your ever so helpful in keeping me alive.” he teased kissing his temporary lover and smirking a little. “love you.” he murmured happily before he too went to sleep, both of them cuddled into Kaleo happily.

Gabe bit his lip and Harry nodded. “and unfortunately for us... Shadow is starting to fall in love with Kaleo. Or at least he thinks he is.” he admitted simply. “and he's addicted too, the sooner we get him away the better the chance he wont accidentally betray us in a misguided attempt to please Kaleo.” he admitted simply, Draco wincing. “how can he fall in love with that monster?” “the same way Drago and Blaise did... as much as I hate to admit it if it wasn't for Tom and Asher I would be feeling sympathy for Kaleo... he seams so innocently insane.” he admitted with a shake of his head. “but we all know that's true, Shadows just forgotten what Kaleo is capable of.” he admitted. “i'll let him know it's ok to come tomorrow on a 'test' run. He did say he was going to try and follow Gabe's signature back here, we can use my bond to him as an excuse as to how we knew he was coming.” he decided smirking a little. “Draco, Lucius, can you get some specific drugs made before the end of the night? I'll get you the instructions, their horridly easy to make but I don't trust anyone else to do it.”
Asher snorted a little, his heart aching. Because he knew they were going to hurt shadow badly, if he really thought he was falling in love with Kaleo. And what was worse, he had no idea anymore if Kaleo's insanity was faked to be innocent, or if he was really that far gone that he didn't know there was something wrong in his actions. sighing quietly as he pressed a kiss to draco's head, he gently pushed his lover to his feet."Come on then,we have drugs to make."He said stroking the blond's hair trying not to show just how worried he was about how shadow was feeling over the man. He knew how inticing Kaleo could be.But...shuddering a little he sighed, looking at draco, wishing that he'd been smart enough to never change kaleo.and wondering...if he was making a mistake with draco As much as he wanted him for eternity, he didn't want to change him if it meant changing the things that made draco draco.
Draco nodded and Harry sighed closing his eyes and sending the information to Shadow who affirmed that he would be there in the morning as soon as he woke up, Draco gently kissing Ashlin, following the other into the potions room. “ash.” he muttered softly taking the others hand and giving it a squeeze, looking worried about his lover. “are you alright?” he asked softly, his head tilted. “talk to me... whats troubling you?” part of Draco wished that he could fix Kaleo for Asher, he was already studying the few cases where being transformed had driven the vampire insane, he thought he had an idea on how to fix it... but there wasn't exactly someone he could test it on, so he wouldn't know until he had Kaleo in the room. “everything will be ok.” he promised softly kissing Asher's knuckles. “i'll do everything I can to make it all right... okay?”
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