Blood Fury and Love

Shadow nodded. “this is true, he does make a wonderful scapegoat, just like Harry does.” he admitted with a rather viscous smirk. “i'm amazed your not asking me questions.” “that's because he knows your a moron and don't know anything.” Drago stated calmly closing his eyes. “i'm going to take a nap.” he decided. “i hurt all over.” he complained Shadow rolling his eyes. “baby.” he complained smirking at Kaleo as he looked the other over. “hmm. I imagined you'd be... shorter.” he admitted sounding...interested.
Kaleo raised a eyebrow as he watched the man look him over. Amused at the interest he heard in his voice."Shadow, I've seen the men you are around all day. I'd think you'd be grateful to find me taller."He said smiling, almost to beauitful for words.
shadow chuckled as he walked around the other vampire. “rumers of your beauty did you no justice.” Shadow admitted licking his lips and then a fang. “i would kill to get you under me.” he growled smirking a little. “i find pretty things so..arousing.” he admitted. “but you don't seam the sort to actually bottom, a shame, because I'm not the sort who bottoms either.” he admitted running a finger down the others neck. “but your so fair, like a perfect little angel.” he smirked a little. “but your not an angel at all are you?” he smirked a little at the other. “it's such a shame, something so pretty really shouldn't be hid away from the world.”
Kaleo growled,wrapping his fingers in the other's hair,pulling his head back to a painful angle, smirking a little."Whoever said I was hiding?"He asked looking down at him,"And you will be bottoming this time"He said kissing him slowly.Raising his head to look at the younger vampire."I am most definately not a angel."He smirked pinning him against the wall.
Shadow gasped at the fingers in his hair, unleashing a snarl of pain and anger as he found himself overpowered, struggling against the other. “get off of me! I am not your plaything like Drago is!” he hissed, kicking at the other, trying to break free. “i don't bottom for anyone you bastard.” he hissed panting softly, wishing that his body was not so new, that he wasn't so week physically. Sure he could use some of his vampiric powers against the other if he truly needed to, but, well he figured it would be alright to bottom once, for such a beautiful man. And besides struggling was half the fun.
Kaleo smirked slowly, lowering hsi head, pressing a kiss to the boy's neck, scrapping his fangs over the racing heartbeat, smiling a little."Ahhh,but you want to be my plaything don't you?"He purred, wondering what would please him the most. To hurt this look alike and send him back to gabe, who would be devastated to find his heir dead, or to keep him all to himself."Whatever shall I do..."He said hands stroking over the man's body as he held him easily pinned.
"nng...” Shadow couldn't form a response when he felt the fangs brushing against his skin, instinctively submitting to Kaleo as the stronger vampire, panting softly. “what... did you do to me?” Shadow asked softly, sounding aroused, and confused, not understanding his own instincts. “no.. I don't want to be your plaything...” but even he could hear the want in his voice. He wanted Kaleo, the pretty, pretty Kaleo to own him, fuck him, make Shadow his, all his. Even if only for a little while. “you;ll do nothing... let go of me..” Shadow ordered breathlessly even as his body betrayed him and brushed his ass against the others crotch. “i can't control myself.” Shadow whined rather pathetically, swallowing hard. “please... I... I want...” he muttered, admitting it now that he realized he could not hide his instinctual want from Kaleo. “i want...”
Kaleo laughed delighted, insanity in that laughter as he undressed the younger with a wave of his hand, pinning him against th wall, thrusting into him, a dry entrance yes, but as his fangs snk into the other's neck he filled him with pleasure venom, undoing the pain of the entrance. Having every intention of addicting the vampire to his presence, then sending gabriel back his broken toy."Hmmm I know what you want."Kaleo muttered pressing against him tighter, thrusting into him harder, fucking him as hard as he wanted to.
he whimpered, panting softly as he wriggled against the other, shuddering at the dry entrance Gasping hard at the fangs in his neck, mouth open in shock. He'd never had another Vampire bite him before. He, liked it, he liked it a LOT. “i...oh...god” he groaned, clenching tightly around the other, virgin entrance bleeding, but still thrusting against the other, blood and pre lube slicking the way for a nice, easy fuck, hard as Kaleo wanted. “ah... g...g...good.” he groaned, feeling as if Kaleo was ensnaring him somehow, and he suddenly understood how the other gathered so many loyal peons. Kaleo, was as addicting as muggle drugs and alcohol. It hurt just as much as it felt good, and Shadow knew in an instant that he was never going to be satisfied unless he was with Kaleo. But his loyalty to Harry and Tom would win out in the end, in the meantime, Shadow was all too willing to let Kaleo break him.
Kaleo moaned as he came, drawing away as he tossed the younger vampire away from him, wiping his mouth clean. It was true, to get what he needed, he was addicting the followers,but evne then, as addicting as he was, his insanity evenually beat the addiction back,turned them on him.But for now...he was going to be using him."Now.i better go see to drago."He said heading towards the blond's room.

Asher cursed as he looked around him,before looking at Gabe."we have a problem.They're no where close."He said studying the enraged vampire.
Shadow whimpered rather pathetically as he came hard across the wall, shuddering as Kaleo pushed him away like he was nothing more than Garbage, letting out a strangled sound of shame and horror as he gathered his clothes back up, feeling ashamed that he had let Kaleo do such a thing to him... and yet, still wanting more. Drago was dozing on the bed, but he woke when Kaleo walked in, offering him a loving smile. “hey... I'm sorry...” he muttered softly. “i failed my mission... I didn't get to Draco...” he swallowed softly, ready to take his punishment. “i got information though... I know their weaknesses. I think so anyway.”

Gabe roared in fury and punched a hole In the wall next to him, eyes brimming with rage as he bared fangs at Asher. “we have to find them!” “be calm.” Tsuru ordered, sliding into view suddenly. “i know you are worried, and angry, but being angry will not help. They are trying to assist, and when the time is right, they will let you know where they are.”
Kaelo smiled gently sitting down on the bed next to him,as calm and collected as if he'd just been out for a walk.Gently stroking drago's hair, smiling a little."No you didn't get draco,but tell me about them."He ordered gently, offering that loving, and totally false smile that he was so good at.

Asher growled back, his own eyes flashing with rge bleeding off gabe's emotions enough to be able to control them both."Gabe, you need to feed.You'll feel better."He said gently shoving him back from him, swallowing hard. Wanting his blond,but not trusting gabriel anywhere near draco.
Drago smiled a little. “Harry is basically their weakest link. He doesn't have control over himself yet and his powers are wild. Gabe and Asher, Tom, Draco, all of them are very attracted to Harry. Not in a 'I wanna fuck you way' but in like... I don't know, they all just try to take care of him, like he's a child.. in a lot of ways he is a child. His family tried to kill him and ever since then he;s been kind of.. off.” he admitted shaking his head. “when Harry was turned, a personality spell went awry and that's how Shadow was born, Harry was scared of him of course and tried to kill him, but when they weren't looking Tom used a Cloning spell, because Harry was killing himself trying to kill Shadow.” he explained shaking his head. “we won't be able to get to any of them now, because that stupid Blaise fucked everything up and didn't turn Draco when he should have. I TOLD him not to wast three hours tormenting him, to just torture him and get over with it, but he had to spend three hours doing it.” he shook his head. “Asher noticed he was missing as soon as classes started and now they've all locked themselves up in that damn manor.”
KAleo looked thoughtful as he mulled over the words that drago had said. He enjoyed having the weaknesses of the others. It woould be perfect planning then. Before...a scowl found its way to his lips, sneering a little."Ah.Asher's always been protective of his lovely toys."He sighed kissing drago softly, looking at him."I missed you.You were gone to long, and with asher.That just wasn't good."He growled. Hating sharing his toys, even if he wasn't in love with drago, and was overprotectively obssessed with asher.
Drago nodded a little and smiled at Kaleo. “asher wouldn't touch me.” he admitted shaking his head. “said I was bad, not good enough. He let the werewolf have me instead.” he admitted wrinkling his nose. “stinky bastard he was, and such a brute.” he complained shuddering as he laid his head near Kaleo's knee, something that he'd always done when with Kaleo, showing affection and submission in the same gesture. “is Shadow staying? He wasn't sure what he was going to do when he promised to bring me home.” he admitted softly. “i hope he stays... we could really... use his help... because he has Harry's face... they won't be willing to hurt him.” Drago was starting to fall asleep again.
Kaleo smiled a little, shifting to lay down with drago, pressing a kiss to his head."Yes, he''s staying."HE said, enjoying the idea of having the younger vampire around. There were just so many uses for shadow here. Yawning himself he closed his eyes,cuddling in against drago, falling asleep.
in the morning Drago was still asleep, but Shadow was leaning against the doorway, watching them. “i'm thirsty.” he growled, as if it was Kaleo's fault. “since I have my doubts that your going to let me feed off of Drago who am I supposed to feed off of? I can't smell any other humans around here.” he complained scowling at him. “and I want to learn too!” he complained. “those bastards weren't interested at all in teaching Harry how to control his powers so I don't know how to control them either.” he admitted scowling a little. “if I can learn more than him, then i'll have a very good advantage over that fruitcake.”
"Fruitacke?"Kaleo frowned slightly at the term. Not understanding. Old enough he wasn't aware of some slang, having lost touch with the world unlike asher and gabe. Nodding a little as he slipped out of the bed, looking at shadow."We'll go hunting.Then I'll teach you some control."He decided before shaking drago's shoulder wanting to tell him they were leaving
Shadow chuckled a little. “it's slang, a term to imply that someone is both gay and weak.” he explained chuckling a little before he hesitated. “you mean I... actually have to grab someone?...” he wasn't sure if he could do that. “will they remember it? I don't want to get my ass handed to me you know.” he complained frowning a little, licking his lips. He was so thirsty, if he had to nab someone off the street then so be it. Drago groaned as he was woken up and nodded when Kaleo explained where he was going. “i'm going to make myself something to eat.” he decided smirking at Shadow. “have fun ass hole.” “you too bastard.”
Kaleo rolled his eyes,"They'll not remember it.Otherwise, someone would have realized where I was staying before now."Kaleo said, wrapping his arms around shadow, taking a sidestep into shadows, and into town. Smiling a little as he looked around the crowded streets, running his fingers through Shadow's hair."Lovely, you can have whoever you want."he said already looking at them, trying to figure out what he wanted to snack on.
Shadow smirked a little, relaxing a little as he was side stepped, looking around the crowd before focusing on someone who looked a bit lip Kaleo, same build, hair color, the likes. “him.” he muttered licking his lips. “how do I do this? Just... run out and grab him?” he asked his head tilted a little biting his lip, angry that he had no idea why he was doing. What was he going to do if he ended up all alone somehow? Oh well, he had Kaleo to teach him, and Harry was learning right along side him, and Shadow was going to learn whatever Gabe taught Harry, once the man stopped being pissed off. “i suppose people would notice if I just ran out and grabbed him huh...” he muttered pondering the problem. “i have to lure him over here somehow... right?” he asked Kaleo hoping the other would be a better teacher than he was a person.
Kaleo smirked a little, tilting his head. That devastating perfect smile was so pretty as he looked around him."Watch and learn."he said stepping through the crowd, the smile widening as everyone paused to look at him.Smiling as he stopped,gentle fingers trailing down one of the girl's cheeks,drawing her close to him, pressing a kiss to her lips,discreetly sinking fangs into her lip.Feeding from there, it looked like a really good kiss, instead of him draining her dry.
Shadow watched closely his eyes wide as he examined the other smiling a little. “beautiful.” he muttered softly, licking his lips a little as he picked out his target, smiling his own devilishly handsome smile as he pulled the man close, settling his fangs against the mans neck, the person groaning and blushing hard as Shadow sucked, getting his fill as he groped the man, who was panting softly as Shadow released him, setting a hand to his neck, trying to hide the hickey as Shadow chuckled offering the man a wink. “see you around.” he purred, sending the information to Harry, who grinned a little, shadow joining Kaleo. “that was fun!” he chirped grinning happily. “i think I might abduct him later and have some fun.” he admitted licking his lips. “he was gorgeous, and a virgin. I could tell by the blush.”
Kaleo laughed amused."Ahhh virgins are always the best. even Asher loves his lovers virgins."Again, his voice softened on the man's name. Even as attracted as he was to drago, to shadow, to anyone, his obsession with asher was bone deep, and nothing could rival that. And he was jealous, oh so jealous that asher prefered draco's innocence to his own."Now. Whatever shall I teach next?"He asked loking at the younger vampire, willing to do whatever he wanted.
Shadow smirked as he licked his lips before looking at Kaleo his head tilted gently gripping the others shoulder. “you'll get him back.” he promised smiling at Kaleo. “i'll help you get him back, Draco doesn't deserve him.” he promised shaking his head as he looked around. “can you show me how to do that thing where you step through the shadows and go wherever you want?” he asked blinking at Kaleo. “because I really want to learn how to do that, I could totally dig going to Jamaica right now, or Egypt. It's going to be winter here soon and I just hate the cold.” he paused then. “actually... come to think of it... I haven't felt cold since I was turned... can vampires even feel the cold?” poor poor uneducated shadow.
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