Blood Fury and Love

"I don't care what's wrong with Tom!The man doesn't have a life beyond pleasing the potters!"Asher whined laying his head down on the table as he tried to ignore the other man in the library.yes,yes he knew he was being pathetic,but dammit he was so worried about draco, that he wasn't figuring out that draco was groping him on purpose, to encourage him again."And I'm hungry!Goddammit, I didn't know he'd be the only one who'd do anymore."He whined. It'd been so long since he'd truly fed on someone besides Draco, that finding himself deprieved of his favorite chew toy was leaving him cranky and hungry.
Gabe chuckled a little and shook his head. “if Draco knew that you where starving he'd let you have a drink, you know that, Draco knows what he's doing Asher, talk to him and he'll tell you what he wants.” he stated simply. “how do you expect to have a good relationship with him if you don't listen when he tries to tell you things?” he paused when the door opened and Shadow walked in. “have you seen Tom? He's hiding from us again.” he admitted smirking rather visually, Gabe snorting again. “well if you'd stop tying him up...” “but it's FUN!” Shadow complained laughing a little as he walked away.
Asher laughed quietly rubbing his hands over his face, looking sad and forlorn. He DID listen to draco, that's what made it so hard. Because he knew his blond still wanted him, still wanted sex.But Asher couldn't stand the thought of accidently hurting him, of scaring him. More scared of himself then draco had ever been of him."I think I'm going to go help shadow look."He said bounding out of the room before gabe could give him another lecture, "Come on.He's probably hiding in his study."He said directing shadow towards the out of the way study that hardly ever got used anymore except when tom was avoiding someone.
Shadow smirked and without warning stated. “your making Draco worry you know. He thinks you don't want him anymore. Thinks you don't like his body.” he stated simply. “fuck the bitch already and do us all a favor. Your bitchy, he's whiny and needs your cock up his ass, everyone wins.” he stated clapping Shadow on the shoulder before skipping away, nearly running into Draco who was blushing and smelled like sex...well, no, not sex, he smelled like Masturbation that's what he smelled like. Had Draco gotten so horny that he had to resort to masturbation to relieve himself? He blushed harder when he saw Asher and smiled as he wrapped his hands around the others waist and grabbed two firm handfuls of Asher's ass cheeks. “hey love.” he purred smirking a little. “what are you up to?”
Asher frowned a little as he looked after Shadow before looking down as he wrapped his arms around his lover. Pressing a kiss to his forehead as he sniffed him a little. Huh.So everyone was right."Getting yelled at for not having sex."He pouted slightly lowering his head, nuzzling the blond as he pulled him tighter against him,moaning softly as his body hardened against the solid weight of his lover.Even just that much innocent contact was enough to drive him insane.
Draco sighed and relaxed against Asher when the man finally responded, gently biting at the man's neck and shoulders as he rocked their groins together with a happy little groan. “please, Asher, make me feel good.” he whispered. “make me feel so good.” he whispered, sucking on the others neck, to bring back the hickey. “i want to feel good again, I want to feel YOU again.” Draco knew, that Asher wouldn't hurt him, and he wanted to enjoy sex again, he wanted to enjoy Asher again, and he knew a good fucking filled with pleasure and loving words was exactly what he needed.
Asher smiled a little tangling his fingers in the other's hair gently drawing him into a kiss, fangs nipping lightly into the boy's lip,sighing softly at the slight tinge of blood that slid over his tongue. "I do feel good."He said whining a little as he rolled him over, pining the blond to the bed as he nuzzled his neck.
he shuddered, nearly cringing when he was bitten, but moaned as he felt the blissful sting, leaning into it now as he turned his head away, panting softly. “yes.. drink.” Draco agreed, trembling under the other, scared, but wanting so badly. “drink, and make me feel so good again,” he whispered eagerly, still grinding his hips into the others, eager and whimpering with need. “please. Oh please Asher.”
Asher purred contentedly, amused as he licked his blond."Hmmm such a wanton little thing."He teased smirking slightly as he sank his fangs gently into the other, sighing as blood filled his mouth, sucking greedily. While pumping pleasure venom into the other, but he was to hungry to be really gentle, and draco was going to have a wicked hickey when they were through.
Draco moaned, arching as he felt the fangs against his skin, terror slamming into his mind, freezing his body as they sank home, and then at the first draw of pleasurable venom he moaned and went limp under the other at the intense pleasure filling him, panting eagerly. “oh...oh god...yes.” he groaned tangling his fingers in the others hair, fear forgotten in favor of the pleasure, and what was going to come next. “Asher...ooooh yes...”
Asher growled quietly, moaning as he thrust his hips against the blond's. Snarling quietly as he undressed him, feeding still as he held him still.Sighing as he slid into draco,eyes fluttering a little at the feel of the man's body clenching around him.Growling as he swallowed the blood filling his mouth, growling as he fucked his lover as hard and needy as he needed to.
Draco moaned eagerly, panting happily as he was fucked so perfectly, panting hard. “a..Asher no more.” he moaned, gripping the others chin. “i'm going light headed.” he moaned It was a nice feeling, Draco liked it, but he knew if he didn't say anything Asher might not realize how much he was drinking, he groaned and writhed and wriggled as he was fucked passionately, nothing like Blaise, who had made it a game. “yes... oh god... harder, please, faster.” he moaned squirming against the other. “so good, it feels so good.”
Asher gasped as he raised his head, looking startled, his mouth and chin red with blood as he looked down at draco."it"He muttered thrusting into him harder, leaning down to kiss him hard. Moaning into his mouth as he came into the other shuddering hard. Both his hungers for the blond sated.
Draco moaned eagerly, kissing him back, thrusting his tongue into the others mouth and tasting his own blood, moaning eagerly as he panted hard. “ah...ah, yes.” he groaned arching as he came hard, spilling his seed across the bed, moaning happily. “oh, fuck...y..yes, oh god YES!” he groaned collapsing onto the bed, closing his eyes, panting hard, resting for a moment as he felt the other spilling deep inside of him. “uuuhm... so good...” he muttered softly. “love you.” he murmured smiling. “love you so much...”
Asher nuzzled him,smiling gently."Hmm love you to."He said yawning pulling out of him, sliding to the side, half collapsing on the slight man, pinning him under him, keeping him close."Bloody hell...I have to apologize to gabe..."He said whining a little, sulking at the idea of having to apologize for being bitchy."...did you talk to gabe?"He asked, wondering if the man had known. Raising his head to look at him.
Draco hesitated and then nodded. “yeah I... I didn't want to upset you.” he admitted softly. “he gave me some good advice.” he admitted yawning a little as he snuggled into the other. “i'm not afraid of your fangs anymore.” he admitted smiling a little. “thank you Asher, I feel so much better now.” he admitted smiling at him. “sleep... I know you haven't been sleeping the way you should have been since Blaise got me... you really need some, your cranky.” he teased giggling a little.
"Hungry to.Damned brat."Asher whined fondly, ruffling draco's hair as he shifted to get comfortable, wrapping himself around the blond with a sigh."You'll be okay?"he asked, sounding slightly worried about his blond,even though he was already falling asleep. Blinking as he tried to focus, but to tired and blood deprieved to stay awake much longer
Draco chuckled a little and nodded. “i'll be fine.” he promised kissing the others neck gently before he drifted off to sleep as well. Only to be woken in the morning with Fenrir shaking him. “what!? What is it!?” he demanded blinking sleepily. “Drago is missing!” Fenrir hissed, sounding terrified. “and so is shadow!” Gabe stated rushing in, sounding terrified. “Harry's still here but their both blocking and I can't get Harry to answer me!”

the two where walking down a forested path, heading for a home that would have had Asher shuddering. Drago and Shadow where walking to Kaleo, Drago looking like he'd been tortured, with actual cuts and long sessions of Crucio under his belt. They where making it look like Shadow had helped Drago escape, to get on Kaleo's good side.
"What?"Asher said sounding drugged as he blinked awake. It wasn't nice to be woken up after a pleasant evening. Rubbing his eyes as he rolled out of bed, looking at draco."He didn't say anything to you?"He said, knowing if drago disappeared maybe he'd left.Not wanting to say that yet because he had a idea where he coud have gone, and damned if he wasnt going to kill the brat if he was right.

Kaleo tilted his head as he watched the two walk up the drive, fangs glistening ever so slightly as he smirked."Well, well,well, the prodigal son returns.Whatever can I do for you drago?"He smirked."Blaise had the most interesting things to say before he died."he said, looking at shadow curiously.
Draco shook his head, looking worried. “no he didn't... you don't think he's... maybe just flying or something?” he asked hopefully, but even he had a bad feeling about what was happening. “i'm gonna kill those two!” Gabe roared rushing back out of the room to try and track the little bastards down.

Shadow studied Kaleo curiously, rolling his eyes when Drago collapsed again, Shadow dragging him back to his feet. “Drago's been in prison for the last several... he glanced at Drago. “how long again?” “god your an idiot..” Drago complained. “i was caught when I went there. I was so shocked by Draco Malfoy that they managed to grab me when I wasn't looking, I never thought that i'd have a brother.” Drago explained. “they had me under Impirio until I broke free.” he shook his head. “i'm so sorry Kaleo.. I didn't mean to betray you... I couldn't fight them...” “considering I had to escape from the back of Harry potters very mind? You got it easy you whiny little bitch.” “don't call me a bitch you fucking bastard!” Drago was acting like the same person he had been with Kaleo.
Asher snarled as he followed gabriel out, intent on searching the house before he told gabe his suspicion. Rousing even the death eaters and some of the werewolves to search.

Kaleo sneered a little looking between the two, it was like watching two year olds argue. Sighing quietly he mentally smirked. This was perfect.Even if Drago had been impedio'd, he had a feeling the death eaters and vampires were going to come for him.After all, he was draco's twin.Eaching out he helped Drago up the stairs, "Come.You need to sit, and you can tell me everything you saw.And can help him."He said looking at shadow curiously, more interested in how he had come to find himself with a harry potter look alike.
Drago coughed a little and shook his head. “i saw some pretty disturbing things Kal.” he admitted looking concerned. “they know about you and Dumbledore...” he admitted, looking worried for his once lover. “and they have vampires AND werewolves on their side. Worse they have Harry potter who is the strongest Vampire seen since Dracula! According to that filthy bastard Gabriel.” he admitted obediently sitting down, Shadow snorting. “he is the strongest since Dracula.” Shadow explained. “but I have the same powers he does.” he stated simply crossing his arms glancing at Kaleo. “they tortured Drago when he broke free of the Imperio.” he explained Drago hissing, trying to shut him up. “rape, crucio, the usual stuff, you should be proud of him he never uttered a word about you.” he smirked. “except that you where damn better in bed.” Drago snorted a little and shook his head. “shut up Shadow before I kick you in the balls again.” “you shut up Blondie, your about as annoying as Harry was.” “hey you came out of his mind remember? The personality certainly rubbed through.”
Kaleo shook his head amused at their banter as he sat back down in his chair, looking between them."Well, of course I'm proud of Drago.He escaped, and returned to me."He said tilting his head a little.Thinking about it. And knew that he would need shadow's help, if potter really was that strong."I know they know. Dumbledore could never keep a secret. And asher was sure to go ballstic over it."He voice went soft on the other vampire's his insanity, he really thought he was going to win him back with this."How is asher?"He asked. Wondering if the man was breaking under the stress. Besides striking out at the whole world as a whole, his plans were designed to drive him as insane as kaleo. To make them the perfect match, instead of the pathetic malfoy.
Shadow smirked a little and shook his head. “Dumbledore is an idiot, why are you even working with that moron?” Shadow demanded crossing his arms as he examined Drago before blinking at Kaleo, his head tilted. “he's... doing well.” Shadow muttered hesitantly. “he's.. kind of stressed out recently. Draco was raped so... he went a little over the edge. You know how vampires are with things they claim as theirs. They get pretty possessive.” he admitted shoving his hands into his pants. “Draco's shut down though, he won't respond to anything. It's driving Asher a little mad.” false information, but it sounded true. “Asher wants you dead Kal...” Drago muttered softly, sounding even more worried. “he nearly killed Gabe when the bastard told Asher he wasn't allowed to come after you.” “it was awesome, Gabe nearly drained three humans in order to recover.” Shadow stated with a small smirk. “Asher's kind of scary when he's pissed.”
"He can be."Kaleo said nodding a little, looking slightly worried. Before amused at the idea of Asher being insane. It made him feel better at it. Running his fingers through his hair he smirked, understanding exactly how vampires were about their chosen, even if his chosen was another vampire. "Dumbledore is a idiot, but should all my plans go sideways, he makes the perfect person to blame everything on."He said absently at shadow's demand to know.
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