Blood Fury and Love

Harry smirked a little. “it's a waste of good blood, but we're trying to make it look like werewolves and death eaters, not Vampires Ashlin.” Harry stated calmly. “i don't suppose you kept any of Methuselah's bones?” he asked his head tilted. “we need to have at least one mostly there skeleton, or parts of several to make it look like they where eating them right there.” “we have a bunch of prisoners down int h cells, most of them are Dumbledore's men trying to murder us.” “they'll do fine, chop off a limb or two and then strip the flesh off the bone, we'll use Fenrir to gnaw on the bones since he's the only werewolf here. I also want Fenrir to start the fire so that the clearing smells like him, in case Dumbledore has any other traitor Vampire lackeys hanging about.” Harry complained Fen nodding.

As a werewolf he was keen on human flesh, though he restrained himself as much as possible the chance to eat flesh was making his Inner Wolf growl eagerly. They split up to do what needed to be done, chopping limps off of soulless light members and Fenrir had himself a nice little feast, as did most of his werewolf buddies, cleaning the human bones and even snapping them open and sucking out the marrow. In the morning everyone donated half a pint, which was multiplied into two, or three pints each for Fen and the massive army of werewolves to splash about.

The Twins informed them all that the house was empty, and that they'd sent an owl to their mum to say that they where celebrating Theo's birthday early at the house just that morning, they went in for half an hour, stunk up the place with their human scents, and then took off to let Fen and the werewolves do their things, setting fire to the house and spreading the bones everywhere along with the blood. By the time they where done, and shot the Dark Mark into the sky, the place looked like a war Zone, and a grizzly one at that. It wouldn't be long before Harry would go tearing into Dumbledore's office demanding revenge, they just had to wait for the news article.
They didn't have to wait for long before many copies of the newspaper came to the manor, for not only was tom a subscriber to see what he was being accused of, but most of the death eaters and vampires living inside where to. Tom himself, was nearly dying of laughter as he read over the nonsense article, which for once told all the truth of what happened, except that it had been a ploy to end Dumbledore. Which, the world would know soon enough. "Bloody hell. That's amusing."He smirked pulling his lover close for a kiss running his hands through the other's hair, sulking a little."Are you sure I can't go with you to the school?"He asked, annoyed because for the last hour harry had refused to let him go with him, on the grounds it wasn't safe. Which it wasn't. But tom wanted to go anyways to protect the younger vampire.
Harry looked amused as he read about how Hermione Granger, Theodore Nott, Ron Weasley, and Fred and George Weasley, had been devoured by werewolves, their home burned down and the Dark Mark found floating over their home, Fenrir taking that unfortunate moment to burp, pressing a hand to his lips. “s'cuse me.” he stated simply, Harry snorting a little as Draco wrinkled his nose in disgust. “No you can't go with.” harry complained kissing him gently. “come on Ashlin, Tsuru, Gabe. Don't forget your supposed to be keeping me calm.” he pointed out smirking as Tsuru nodded and vanished with a copy of the newspaper. Appearing instantly in Dumbledore's office, and handing him the paper. “did I not tell you that Voldemort would do something that would Drive Harry back to you?” he asked calmly. “i don't know if Voldemort planned for it to happen, but it did happen, and now you get to reap the consequences of his mistake. Harry will be here soon, don't say anything until we have him calmed down...”

Harry and Gabe suddenly arrived, Harry snarling violently, struggling against Gabe and hissing in Parseltongue, Gabe snarling back as he wrestled Harry into a chair and stuck him there using shadows, Harry screaming in rage as tears poured from his eyes, Gabe panting as he glanced at Dumbledore. “sorry about that.” he muttered. “had to get Harry away from everyone, he started attacking everyone. He's not in control of himself enough to monitor his stronger emotions so he's basically seeing everyone as an enemy right now, he'll calm down when he realizes that we're neither werewolves nor Voldemort or death eaters.” he admitted shaking his head. “it might take a while though.” he admitted pressing a hand to his neck to stop the bleeding.
Asher smiled, hiding it with the fall of his hair as he moved Gabriel's hand so he could see if he was really hurt. Muttering a little as he healed the cut."You're a ass...I want to g home..."He muttered wanting more then anything else, because he truly disliked leaving draco's side now that the young vampire was up and moving.

"Harry?Harry it's me."Dumbledore said moving close, but not close enough so that the other would be able to hurt him, looking anxious about his sanity."Harry, we'll take care of this. I'll be able to help you.I just need you to calm down my boy."He muttered soothingly, nearly jumping out of his skin when asher started stroking harry's hair, looking amused for some reason. Assuming the man was far enough removed from humanity that he didn't worry about it anymore, not realizing asher was amused because this chess game was about to end and he'd so totally get to kill dumbledore soon.
Gabe smiled a little. 'just stay until Harry 'calms down' and then I'll say you need to go back home to handle an emergency, I promise. You're just here to prove to Dumbledore that we're all on his side alright?' Harry snarled and lunged forward to take a bite out of Dumbledore's neck and snarled even more at the hand in his hair before the petting started to calm him down, growling as he leaned into the touch like a needy kitten, Gabe 'sighing' in 'relief' as Harry calmed down and looked at them all with grief clouded, but sane eyes. “Asher, I think he's alright now, you'd better go home, there's an emergency involving a newly turned vampire.” yeah, Draco was throwing a fit that he hadn't been able to go with and Tom was no doubt joining in. “Harry love, are you calm?” Gabe demanded turning his attention away from Asher and back to Harry who nodded, his lip trembling. “they... they ate Herm... Hermione... a..a.. and Ron... a.. a.. and the twins...” he stuttered, Gabe nodding. “i know, but we'll kill the man who did it, alright?” Gabe asked softly. “us and Dumbledore, Dumbledore can help.” “i d..don't want Dumbledore to help.” Harry complained pressing his face into Gabe's chest. “he'll just get killed too and then I'll have no one....”
Asher smiled a little rolling his eyes as he ruffled the young vampire's hair before stepping back to the manor, yelping as he was hit with a statue that had been in the process of being thrown at Lucius. Turning and raising a eyebrow at the dark lord who was still yelling. Snarling as he rubbed his cheek, wincing at the blood."SHUT UP!Both of you!"He ordered glaring at the two drama queens who hadn't been allowed to go."You know why you couldn't go. Now shut up."

Dumbledore sighed quietly, shaking his head."Harry, I want to help you."He said soothingly, as if he wasn't the one trying to rule the world. aS if he wasn't the insane on in this war."I can take care of myself Harry. I will help you."He said looking at the young vampire.
Draco froze at Asher's yell and flushed as he stuck his hands quickly behind his back so that Asher wouldn't see the vase in his hands. He hadn't been all that pissed in all honesty, he just through it was fun to throw things at people, and to encourage Tom to act like a small child. He pouted at Asher, looking as pathetic and sheepish as he could, handing the dark lord the vase and then tucking his hands behind his back again,

Harry shook his head and without warning buried his head into Dumbledore's belly and hugged him close, sobbing into the man's robes, Gabe sighing softly as he stroked the boy's hair gently. “your all he has left.” he explained softly. “all he has left of a life he can no longer live... all his friends are dead, his family is dead... your all he has left.” he explained softly to Dumbledore. “i though maybe you would be the best to comfort him.” he admitted softly. “and since your also the most knowledgeable person about Voldemort...well I wanted to help you destroy him.”
Asher growled a little as he looked at his vampire, sighing quietly. Already the anger draining away because he was unable to stay made at him. :Oh!noo he's the one who threw it!Don't look angry at me!"Tom growled pointing to the blond who looked like he was going to die of embarassment. Asher growled softly, shaking his head."Didn't I tell you not to encourage his childish moments?"

Dumbledore nodded a little looking at gabe, hugging the boy tightly, looking concerned and glad all at once. Just what he wanted, a pawn completely without outside influence."Shh harry, I'll help you...shh.."he said softly, hugging him tighter."Coem on harry. You need some rest, we can talk in the morning."
Draco smirked a little at Tom and then pouted even more. “i did not! He's just mad!” Draco protested Lucius snorting as he came out of hiding now that it was safe. “yes he did.” he stated brushing dust off his cloak. “Draco starts everything.” he stated Draco snuggling into Asher. “i didn't do it on purpose...” he lied smirking a little.

Harry sniffled as he stood up obediently and let Dumbledore carry him off to bed, Gabe following as Harry settled into bed and pretended to fall asleep, Gabe sighing in relief. “he's full of turmoil right now.” he admitted softly, shaking his head. “it's taking all my will to keep him from tearing after the werewolf community.” he admitted. “most werewolves are well in control of themselves, but monsters like Fenrir do whatever they want. It's like that bastard Kaleo, giving us immortals a bad name.” he growled hatefully, gently stroking Harry's hair.
Asher frowned looking at his blond, raising a hand and fisting his fingers in the other's hair, pulling his head back at a painful angle, stealing a kiss before sighing softly."You do realize I can feel what you are don't you?"He muttered watching him, looking amused as his hand in his hair became more of a caress.

Dumbledore nodded, sitting on the edge of the bed stroking the boy's hair before sighing."I better go see what the order can tell me.I will be back in the morning."He said looking down at harry again before hurrying out of the room. Needing to see what the world was saying about this most recent attack, needing to know where he was going to have to look for tom tomorrow.
Draco moaned at the pain in his scalp and smirked a little as he was kissed. “yes, I know.” he admitted chuckling a little leaning into the caress with a small sigh. “so I take it Harry's putting on a show?” he asked smirking a little. “he can be such a Drama queen.” like he was one to talk.

Gabe nodded. “i'll stay here.” he promised. “in case Harry goes nutsy again, he shouldn't but I've never seen a newborn vampire go through this much Trauma before so there's no telling what will happen.” he admitted sighing a little as he watched Dumbledore vanishing, Harry snickering a little. “so gullible...” he stated calmly. “i'm thirsty Gabe, I forgot to feed before we left...” “go suck on Snape's neck.” Gabe ordered, Harry driving himself to his feet, using Shadows feeding lesson to torment Snape, getting a good meal and then heading back tot he headmasters quarters for a nap until morning.
Asher rolled his eyes looking down at him."As if you can talk.Your queen of drama queens love."he muttered nudging him a little."Come on. Time for bed.We're going to need our sleep for tomororw."He said eagerly, so looking forward to being there when dumbledore died. Even if he wasn't the one to kill him, he loved the idea of dumbledore dying, not only because he was behind everything that had happened to draco, but because he'd done so much to everyone.
Draco snickered a little and shook his head. “i'm not tired.” he whined smirking as he shoved his hands down his lovers pants. “and your FAR too tense.” he teased pulling the other into the bedroom to 'relax' him.

In the morning Harry was pretending to sleep when Dumbledore walked in, Gabe sitting in a chair reading a History of Hogwarts book just for the amusement. “what did you find out?” he asked looking up at Dumbledore, his vice a whisper. “Harry's still sleeping, try not to wake him, he was up half the night with nightmares.” he lied effortlessly. “i got news from the vampire world, their all ready to march on orders.” he admitted. “we're all ready to go to War, we also got news that most of the werewolf Clans have joined Voldemort's side. So it's going to be a hell of a final battle.” he admitted. The werewolves and Vampires where all on the same side, and they where all under stern orders to take no lives during the final battle if they could help it, they where to restrain, not destroy. Dumbledore's Army would stand no chance, and Dumbledore would die, by Harry, or Asher's hands... probably Asher's.
Dumbledore smiled a little, though he looked worried as he glanced at the sleeping vampire before sitting down next to the elder."Voldemort's forces are gathering, and for every appearance are coming towards Hogwarts."He said, "The teachers and staff are preparing the school for a attack, and I sent teh students home this morning already. The school only contains those willign to fight. Voldemort will find only those willing to stand up to him, and no allies."The old man looked concerned, before sighing softly."We are prepared."He said before looking at harry again."Will he be able to fight?"
he nodded a little. “he probably is coming towards Hogwarts, that scene with the Weasley house? That was just him showing us all our supposed fate.” he stated calmly, Harry shifting on the bed and then falling still, tears gathering in his eyes and rolling down to stain the pillow dark. “i will bring the Vampires here right away.” he promised nodding a little before looking at Harry, his expression sad. “he will fight, he has to, for his friends.” he admitted softly. “he will avenge their deaths because it is the right thing to do.” he admitted softly, Harry's eyes fluttering open slowly, blinking sluggishly. “is it morning?” he asked softly. “i'm thirsty Gabe...” “i'll find someone to feed you Harry, just stay in here with Dumbledore alright? He's going to explain some things.” Harry nodded and turned to Dumbledore, Gabe leaving to find a willing human to let Harry feed on them, leaving Harry alone with the madman.
What Gabriel found when he returned home was a tug of war, between asher and draco, and asher and rudolphus. Asher growled as he turned on the vampire marquis. "TELL THEM THEY CAN'T GO!I'm older,but they're not listening. Tell them they can't fight."The man growled,digging in his heels, even if he was aware that they weren't going to be hurt, and that they were goign to be safely within the walls of hogwarts. where dumbledore would be killed quickly and painfully as soon as asher got there. At least, he was hoping things went that way.
Gabe's eye twitched and he glared at Draco. “YOUR not going because your supposed to be damaged and can't control yourself around that much blood, and your not going for the same reason!” Gabe growled at both newly turned who both pouted furiously. “but...” “NO! You are NOT going and THAT is THAT!” Gabe snarled. “don't make me put you in a month long sleep as punishment!” they both sulked but stopped fighting against Asher. “but we want to help...” Draco complained softly. “he hurt me the most! I should be able to fight!” Draco complained. “i know you want to fight Draco, but do you really think you can kill someone? Or even more, hold someone still while their struggling, and BLEEDING, without feeding on them?” “i.... no...” Draco muttered softly, closing his eyes. “i just... want to help...” “your helping Asher by staying here, and staying safe.” he promised Draco who sighed a little, Gabe smiling before turning to Asher. “Assemble the Vampires. Have half storm the Ministry with half of the werewolves, send the other half to Hogwarts without the werewolves. Remind them to try their best to take no lives, and If I catch ANY of them feeding on a human I will punish them more severely than any one has ever survived.”
Asher snickered a little. "Yes, oh great one."He teased looking at Gabe before stealing a kiss from draco."Stay here. And for gods sake, stay safe."he growled still not trusting him to stay put before he headed off to do what gabe ordered. oh yes, this was going to be interesting.

And, within the hour Asher smirked as he returned to the school, sneering a little as he looked at dumbledore, looking a little roughed up himself. Having gotten in a fight, just so it really looked like a bad fight had taken place, instead of a calm ordered take over."The ministry has fallen."He said tilting his head towards gabe as they were gathered in dumbledore's office. "We fought,but it wasn't good enough. voldemort's troops will be here momentarily."He said before looking at harry."Harry? How are you?"He said fake worried. Dumbledore sighed softly, having been afraid that when the battle started, the ministry would be the first to fall."Did anyone live?" "no.They slaughtered tehm all."Asher said matter factly.
Harry looked over at Ashlin, his eyes as cold and blank as they had been since he'd woken up. “i'm ok.” he whispered softly before turning back to staring at his hands, Gabe sighing a little and shaking his head. “have all troops regroup and bring them to camp.” Gabe ordered calmly. Gabe's insistence on calling Hogwarts 'camp' was annoying to more than a few people, but Asher would understand. All uninjured Vampires where to come to Hogwarts to help the take over, all werewolves where to report to Fenrir for further instructions. “HEADMASTER!” the cry came from down the stairs. “THE OPPOSING FORCES! THEIR COMING OUT OF THE FOREST!” and indeed it was true, Death eaters and werewolves where stepping out of the forest, all of them covered in blood, most of it fake but it LOOKED real and that was all that mattered. Harry suddenly leaped to his feet, his eyes wide as a feral snarl fell from his lips. “he's here... I can feel him... Voldemort is here!” he snarled viciously turning to Ashlin and Gabe and nodding, Gabe nodding as well. “give the order.” he stated to Ashlin. “and take care of your unfinished business, take all the time you want. Dumbledore, Ashlin might need your help with this.” he stated taking Harry and leading the way down the stairs as the new vampires began to arrive, stepping into the School just as Gabe gave the order to take control, Vampires grabbing the nearest human and either stunning them, or binding them with Vampire magic, the shrill screams of fear filling the castle as they all realized they had been betrayed, leaving Dumbledore alone, with a half mad vampire.
Asher smiled as he worked on setting the fake wards, smiling a little as the others left the room and snapped the trap closed before he looked at dumbledore."What are you doing?We have to go!"Dumbledore ordered looking at the other man. "What right do you have to give me orders?I am not only your elder, but your superior."The smirk that curled his lips was as soft and brutal as lightening.

By the time the others returned, asher himself was sitting in the middle of the office cross legged, looking peaceful and amused as if he wasnt' sitting in a room coated in blood."Asher?"Tom asked stepping inside, a hand resting on harry's arm to keep him back, afraid of the older man."I'm okay."Asher said, actually sipping blood out of helga hufflepuff's goblet as he glanced over at them."Don't look so worried.He's still alive. I wanted him to know just how badly his precious pawn had betrayed him."He snorted amused waving a hand towards the bedroom where you could see dumbledore bound up in so much magic and physical restraints it was amazing that you could see him anyways.
Gabe had gathered everyone who had been taken captive to the ministry, where they where all being held in the biggest room surrounded by Vampires, werewolves, and Death eaters, all of them waiting for their death that would never come. Eventually, when Harry felt like it, he was going to explain to all of them the lies that Dumbledore had spread and what the man had done to him, with Theo the twins Hermione and Ron in attendance, since they where all supposed to be dead it would be a good count in his favor in proving that the Death eaters and dark creatures where not as cruel as they appeared to be... hopefully. Harry blinked at the bound up old man and smirked as he walked over to him, his head tilted a little as he pulled the gag out of the man's mouth so they could talk. “so Dumbledore, hows it feel to be a loser? You used me like a weapon, well I became a weapon, a weapon that was your undoing, I am going to let you stay alive, so you can Rot in Azakaban for the shit you've done to me and everyone else in this war. So you can feel all your happy memories drained away until all that's left is pain, and bitterness, and betrayal.” he growled with a smile. “now if you'll excuse me I have all of the Ministry and most of Hogwarts to address about you shitty ways.”
Asher grinned,"And a dark lord to hand the world over to."He pointed out, grinning wider, because it was so good to see the headmaster brought so low. The world was going to be good now.

10 years later...

"You know, for being nearly 80, you look good for your age." "Stuff it headmaster." "ohhh no need to be nasty, tom."Asher pouted reclining back in his chair as he studied the newest students gathering in the great hall. Smirking as he leaned forward to look at the rest of the teachers. It was amazing how many of their really close friends, had ended up on the hogwarts staff. Well...maybe not so weird, considering tom was now the minister of magic, and dating the defense teacher. "Potter, tell tom to be nice to me."Asher demanded, leaning back a little, sliding a hand into draco's as the man joined him at the table, smirking up at his potions professor. While he'd long held that he didn't want to be in charge of anything, it had been a unanimous vote to put the anal retentive, demanding, good hearted vampire in charge of things.

Tom sighed, rolling his eyes, starting to feel his age. Despite the horcruxes, and harry's sometimes attempts to turn him into a vampire, he had refused. After such a long life, and fighting so much, and doing so much...he was ready to be mortal, to die when the time came. Though he wasn't ready to joke about it. Before frowning, realizing why they were here. "Asher...why are we celebrating your birthday?"He asked grinning as the rest of their friends joined them, amused as not only students but elders and adults were here to celebrate. "Because its a 9 year annisvary for me and draco, and you and harry to be married. So I'm celebrating, even if you refuse to do so."He said airly, knowing why the dark lord didn't celebrate, but it didn't mean that he wasn't goign to have a party anyways.
Harry chuckled a little and shook his head as he looked at Asher. “why in the world would I take your side of the Minister of Magic and my husbands?” he asked lifting an eyebrow at Asher as Theo, turned vampire to escape the fate of his disease, which had left him bedridden for a year before Draco had talked him into changing. He and Ron where married now, and Theo was teaching 'Dark Creatures Habits and Lifestyles'. While Hermione was teaching 'The Dark Arts and How To Defend Against Them' Drago was teaching 'The True History of the World'. Shadow was just hanging around to be annoying and Kaleo was helping Asher run things. “don't forget that shadow and Kaleo, and Gabe and the twins Bonded today too!” they had all picked the same day, different years, but the same day, and even worse, they hadn't done it on purpose. “don't complain Tom, a party is a party!” Harry chirped happily, grinning at him. “besides, you know what happens when I get drunk.” yeah, he owned tom's ass.
Tom grinned as he sipped his wine, nodding a little."Yes, I remember." "oohhh poor tom. So does this mean you're not coming to work tomorrow?"Ron asked, leaning forward to look down the table at his boss, snickering as tom sent a stinging hex his way. Asher grinned at his lover, stealing a kiss as they all snickered about their anniversaries, amused as all the couples shared a drink.

Really, the group who ruled the world, were more goofy nd fun loving,but they ran things perfectly. And there was no sense of right or wrong, light or dark anymore. Just magic, in all its forms. As it should be.

The end?

(it seems so sad to end it...even if it's a good spot...XD)
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