Blood Fury and Love

Asher groaned, closing his eyes as he let the other feed on him having forgotten how pleasurable getting bitten could be."Ohh...bloody hell draco.."He muttered blinking slowly, hands clinging to the other, shivering in pleasure as he gently drew the younger vampire back pulling him into a kiss, fingers delving into the other's hair, stroking blond locks.

Tom moaned, for once not protesting that he was going to be bottoming, to far gone in pleasure as he squirmed."Harry!"He growled biting his lip as he wrapped his fingers in the vampire's hair, holding him still as he thrust up into his mouth. But not so far gone that he was going to beg to be fucked.
Draco growled when he was pulled away, Asher's blood was just so sweet and wonderful and perfect, the taste of his Chosen's blood better than anything he could have ever imagined, moaning happily as he was kissed instead, leaning into the other, practically drunk from the taste of Asher's blood, panting happily. “you taste... so good.” he moaned grinning a little lopsided. “oh I am gonna fuck you so hard.” but he was having trouble focusing long enough to get Asher's pants off so that was probably not going to happen.

Harry purred, wicked and snickering as he was pulled down onto the others cock again, sucking and swallowing, letting his lover throat fuck him all he pleased before he pulled himself off just before Tom came, snickering darkly. “tsk tsk, no cumming without permission, do I have to bind your cock love?” he taunted smirking as he dangled a leather strap, clearly intending on wrapping it around his lovers dick, just to torment him further.
Aser growled little, purring slightly as he undressed them both with a steadier hand, rolling the younger over, pinning him to the bed as he slid into the boy with a sigh, kissing him slowly."Oh YOU'RE going to fuck ME?"He teased biting his own lip till it bled, lowering his head and kissing draco so the man could still feed and kiss him.\

Tom whined quietly, squirming as he looked at the leather strap, whimpering quietly as he tried to pull the boy back down on his cock."Nooo!Please harry!"He whined kissing him again, wanting nothing more then to fuck his lover, or get fucked.Something, anything!
Draco moaned, trying to help shed their clothes, managing to strip himself just fine surprisingly enough, so long as he didn't have to undue any buttons or pull down any zippers. He moaned as he was slid into, arching against his lover. “yessss, oh yes... mmm yeah gonna fuck you so hard.... right after this.” he moaned rocking into the others cock.

Harry snickered a little and shook his head. “oh no, your a naughty naughty boy.” he teased smirking a little. “holding me down on your cock like that, for shame, I have to punish you.” he teased wrapping the cock ring tight before sinking himself deep into the other with a groan. “oooh so tight.” he growled. “tight and HOT.” he purred happily.
Asher growled softly as he fucked the other,kissing him slowly."Hmm you wish."He teased kissng him hard, sighing quietly as he nicked draco's lip, sighing as his chosen's blood filled his mouth, eyes widening slightly as he came, it felt amazing to have that much, to be that closely bound as draco's own emotions pushed his own higher.

Tom whined quietly, rocking against the other, squirming as he clung to him."Nooo noo punishment.Please, please."He whined softly for once the dominate dark lord coming undone under harry's hands, a rarity since he'd only bottomed for shadow before.
Draco moaned eagerly shivering happily. “mmmg so good.” he moaned as he kissed the other back, his blood rich and even more delicious then before, the nip to his lip only making Draco moan and arch as he came, and came hard, spilling his seed across the bed, panting happily. “oooh fuck yessss.” he hissed smiling as he fell still under Asher, relaxing and basking in the intense pleasure. “mmm feels so good... love you, love you so much.” he purred, joy and happiness floating through their bond as well as deep satisfaction and a contentment that was shocking considering he hadn't been ready to be a vampire.

Harry giggled as he started to thrust into the other, panting happily as he fucked his lover, stroking the prostate with every thrust, moaning and groaning at how TIGHT his lover was, shuddering and trembling as he panted happily, leering his orgasm. “yesss, gonna cum, gonna Cum deep inside.” he groaned, releasing tom's cock of the cock ring and stroking the flesh as he began to spill his load deep inside of the dark lord.
Asher growled softly, shivering a little as he sighed quietly pulling out and laying down next to the other. Nuzzling him,feeling content and satisied, draco's own feelings make him happy and content. "You're awfully happy for a man who wasn't ready to be a vampire."He muttered nuzzling the other's neck,sighing softly. Even if he was worried that draco was hiding how he really felt, he was glad the other felt that happy and content.

Tom moaned hands gripping the other's shoulders tightly as he came, biting down n his lip as he did, wincing as blood filled his mouth."Ohhh.. .yes..."He muttered shuddering in pleasure as he collasped back onto the bed with a sigh. It felt amazing to be with the other and just to not have to worry about anything just yet.
Draco smiled as he was nuzzled, letting out a self satisfied purr as he looked back at the other. “well, I might not have felt ready... but... any day where I can be with you makes every day worth it.” he admitted smiling. “besides i'd rather be a vampire than dead, and now I can better protect myself and no one will ever try to make me into a vampire slave again.” he turned around and snuggled into Asher, belly to belly with a smile. “and... I can feel how you feel.” he admitted smiling. “it feels so amazing to know, just how much you love me. I knew you loved me of course, but I never imagined how much.” he admitted smiling happily. “it's nice to know I'm loved just as much as I love you.” he admitted kissing Asher's neck.

Harry smiled as he lapped at the blood spilled from Tom's lip happily, humming softly as he snuggled into the other. “mmm that was amazing.” he growled happily, a snicker on his lips. “you can punish me for it later if you want.” he teased playfully, snickering a little. “i love you Tom.” he murmured happily. “my beautiful Dark Lord.”
Asher smiled a little as he tilted his head back, rolling his eyes as he closed them, pressing the heel of his hand to keep the tears from filling them as he settled down to relax. Crying because it was amazing to be that loved, and it touched him really. It made him feel soft and cuddly. Smiling as he yawned a little, opening a eye to look at the blond."Draco, I've stayed with you longer then anyone else under the sun.Including Gabriel, who doesn't count cause I didn't date him."He said teasing him a little"How could you not know I loved you that much?"He muttered kissing his head.

Tom blushed growling as he settled against him, wrapping his arms around his waist."I'm not beautiful.And I will get you back.After Tsuru's meeting."He said sighing, sitting up after a moment."We better get ready to go."He said reaching for his clothes.
Draco smiled a little as he watched the other. “it's one thing to believe.” he stated simply. “but now I KNOW, without a doubt.” he admitted smiling as he snuggled into the other. “i believed that you loved me, I had faith, but now I KNOW, and it's so nice to know.” he admitted with a smile snuggling into him. 'Asher, I hate to interrupt, but Tsuru's calling for a meeting. He has a plan on how to handle Dumbledore.' Gabe suddenly spoke in Asher's head.

Harry chuckled a little. “you are beautiful.” he purred happily kissing his lover. “and damn sexy too.” he admitted hopping to his feet and getting dressed as well, humming happily as Gabe passed them, looking strained. He hated having to wake Rab to stay watch over his brother, especially being that he was a human and Rudy wouldn't have the self control to stop himself if he woke up early. But he had a feeling Tsuru was going to need him at the meeting, especially with Drago and Fen attending, and much to everyone's surprise, Ron, Hermione, Neville, Luna, and Fred and George where sitting at the table as well, chattering about what was going on, all of them grinning at Harry when he arrived, Tsuru smiling as he walked in and sat down. “as soon as Asher and Draco get here we can start.” Tsuru stated glancing at Gabe. “and you can calm down Gabe, I checked and Rudolphus will not awaken until tomorrow afternoon.” he promised, Gabe sighing in relief.
"Bloody hell malfoy."Ron gaped looking at the two blond's stepping through the door. Long used to beautiful asher, and a almost to beautiful draco. But now, draco was so much better to look at now. Hermioen giggled a little, despite the seriousness of the meeting, it was amusing to see her gay friend totally shell shocked by malfoy, of all people. "You look good draco."She said smiling as the two vampires, of course she knew-what else could have caused changes like that? Asher smirked a little kissing draco's head, sighing quietly as he sat down, rubbing a hand over his face, sulking because he didn't want to be out of bed, him and draco had been having such a good conversation. Tom smirked a little as he sat down next to harry, looking around the table, wondering just what tsuru was up to. it was such a odd group to have in his home.
Draco smirked at Ron's reaction and Harry smirked a little. “you know Ron, I'm beginning to think your gay.” he teased, because in the rush of things, Ron had never had a chance to tell Harry that, well, he was. “sorry I'm late!” Theo stated when he suddenly arrived, handkerchief to his nose and looking a little pained as he sat down next to Ron smiling at him. “some bastard gryffindor thought it would be funny to punch the slytherin in the nose, I had to sit in the hospital wing for a half an hour.” he grimaced. “she is going to be SO pissed when she finds out I ran off...” Draco snickered a little and Drago laughed as he bounded in, looking almost as beautiful as Draco, but in a different way. Draco was so beautiful you where afraid to touch him, Drago was so beautiful all you wanted to do was fawn all over him.

“well, now that everyone is here.” Tsuru stated with a smug little smirk. “we, are going to fake a few death eater raids, and a few deaths.” he explained. “i informed Dumbledore that Tom was going to send Harry into his hands for good, drive Harry into the obsessive need to seek revenge against Dumbledore.” he explained. “i figure, if we fake the their deaths.” he indicated the students all seated together, the Twins and Theo staring at him as if he was insane before smirking darkly. “we can make sure our parents go out shopping.” he explained. “Ginny would do anything to help Harry, we could have theo and Hermione over for studying or for Theodore's birthday.” “it is next week.” Theo agreed nodding as he accepted the blood replenishing potion that Lucius offered him. “our deaths would drive Harry into an insane rage.”Fred agreed. “Dumbledore wouldn't suspect us of ever working with Tom.” “this will drive all of us on 'Harry's side', in Dumbledore's mind, right back to Dumbledore, Asher included because Theo is a friend of Draco's.” Tsuru explained nodding a little.
Ron blushed a little at draco's teasing, looking at theo worriedly as he wrapped a arm around him, thinking as he watched the other's accept the plan. Asher snorted a little laughing as he looked at tsuru, for the first time since draco had gotten hurt, he was truly amused as he ran his fingers through his hair."oh, so I'd forgive him for getting my chosen attacked?" Tom snickered a little looking at the vampire. "Of course you are. After all, haven't you heard it's not dumbledore's fault?" Hermione sighed shaking her head."Nothing ever is, except when it is."She said looking at them all, poking ron a little, absently warning him that he needed to talk to harry soon. Because harry was going to kill him for not telling him earlier.
Harry blinked, looking startled as he watched Ron wrap an arm around Theo and astonishment flashed across Harry's face, before he looked almost...hurt. “Ron?... are you gay!?” he demanded, feeling wounded that he hadn't been told. “oh my god your dating Theo and you didn't even tell me you where Gay!?” he demanded Theo looking surprised. “Harry didn't know?” he asked wondering why Ron hadn't told, not all that upset about it, it was just kind of surprising that was all. “i have told Dumbledore that I would inform you all that he was framed, as far as any of you are concerned Dumbledore is is innocent of being involved.” he ordered sternly, scowling at Harry. “and Harry, is now the time for that!?” “YES!” then he paused and thought about it. “... no...” he grumbled sitting back down in his chair and sulking.
Asher sighed quietly as he looked around the room at the others before nodding."Fine. Now. That we've had our orders, the only things left to do is get the details down. Which doesn't require either Ron or Harry.Get out."He said tossing the two out of the room with a word. Amused as tom shoved the brunette out of his chair and into the hall, smirking a little when the red head looked nervously around before walking into the hall. Asher sighed leaning into draco, pressing a kiss to his head."I hate your friends sometimes."He sulked slightly.

Ron swallowed hard, his hands in his pockets as he looked at the floor, avoiding looking at his best friend. Worried about what was going on and afraid to onfront the man now that they were alone."...harry?"he said softly, glancing up at the vampire, because he wanted to know if the man would talk to him before he tried to explain.
Harry growled at Tom and then headed out into the other room, simply expecting Ron to follow like the red head always did when Harry was upset. Draco chuckling as he shook his head. “hey, they where my ENEMIES before Gabe there went and changed the Blood potter into a Vampire. I would have been perfectly happy leaving things as they where.” “liar.” Theo teased smirking a little as Draco pouted, because like Theo, they ALL know he was lying.

Harry sighed as he flopped down into a chair, looking upset. “you never told me ron...” he muttered softly. “all these years I've been teasing you and you.... never told me...” he complained softly, looking up at the other, hurt in his eyes. “why!? Did you think I wouldn't understand? Would go spreading the word? What!?” he demanded, agitated and upset as he focused on his feet. “your my best friend Ron... best friends are supposed to tell each other everything... I even told you when Blaise caught me out in the halls that one time and sucked me off remember?” he was just talking to himself at that point.
Ashergrinned, his amusement coming through strong to draco."Liar liar pants on fire."He teased kissing him softly, before leaning bak in his chair, looking slightly worried."should we be worried about them?"He asked tilting his head towards the door. Tom shook his head,"Potter wont kill him."

Ron fidgetted swallowing as he sat down aross from his friend, frowning a little as he looked at the floor."I remember."He said a smll smile turning his lips before it faded, shaking his head."I know I should have told you...but every time I tried...things kept coming up...and you always had to much on your plate anyways, to be worried about my dating..."He muttered looking worried about the young vampire.
Draco sulked and pouted before shaking his head. “no, Harry isn't going to attack Ron if that's what your asking. Harry's upset, not angry, if anything there will be tears, not blood.” he promised smiling a little as he shook his head. “now about those details?” he asked changing the subject.

Harry sighed a little and shook his head. “i don't like that your dating Theo.” he complained scowling a little. “he's weird...” he complained. “he smells.... off.” Harry didn't know the difference between inhuman and sick yet. “and I'm NEVER too busy Ron... not for you.” he promised offering the other a small smile before he sighed and looked down at his toes. “so... how long have you been gay?”
Asher grinned, getting down to working out details. Oh yea, dumbledore was never going to know what hit him.

Ron smiled softly, realizing what harry was sensing... at least he thougth he did."He's sick, not not human."he said looking worried, "That's why he gets so many bloody noses..."he said worried because the other had gotten one that ended up with him in the hospital wing. Beofre siling slightly watching the other."I've known since this summer,but you were so stressed out this fall...then when I worked up the courage around the time you were gone.....I...I just didn't know how to tell you..."
Harry blinked a little then. “he's sick?” he asked astonished. “and here I was thinking he was like... a ghoul or something!” he admitted sounding relieved before scowling a little. “he didn't actually get punched in the nose did he?” no, he never did but it was a good excuse, since a lot of people did tent to pick on Theo because he was a weakly fellow. “well.. I guess since it was only since the fall.” he teased smiling as he rested his head on Ron's shoulder. “still best friends?” he asked softly, looking hopeful.
"No. Never.But its a good excuse that doesn't get everyone trying to fight with him."Ron said smiling as he shifted, wrapping a arm around his friend, pressing a kiss to the other's forehead."Of course. Though I can't promise anything if you start telling me about your sex life...I'll be scarred if you tell me about tom."He teased running his fingers through the other's hair,glad that they'd sorted things out.
Harry chuckled a little. “well, I did finally manage to top his ass.” he admitted looking amused. “that's all I'll say on the matter, I don't fuck and tell after all.” he teased smiling a little. “have you and Theo gone all the way yet?” no they hadn't, due to lack of chances and Theo's condition getting worse they hadn't had a chance, but they had stroked each other off... a lot. Theo insisted on it. “come on, lets go back and see if their done planning your death yet.” he teased smiling as he got up and headed out to the hall, Theo snickering as he watched Tom and Tsuru argue about the best way to fake their deaths.
Ron snickered a little shakking his head at the other's teasing, blushing softly but not answering as they walked back to the room, tilting his head a little as he listened to them argue. "I could just bite them, and say stain went insane.He's a pixie. They'd believe he was moronic enough to pretend to be a vampire."Asher said sounding amused from where he was lounging with draco in the window seat, snickering as both stared at him."Your a idiot."The dark lord offered, his train of thought broken for the moment.
Harry rolled his eyes at Asher's suggestion. “Tom's right, your an idiot... just set the damn house on fire!” he ordered simply. “as it's burning we'll take blood from all of you, multiply it and splash it all over the yard to make it look like you guys where ripped to shreds. We'll take a few bones, put your blood in them, gnaw on them to make it look like someone ate you, and wala, dead by cannibalism.” “.... that's sick Harry, that really is.” Theo complained, wrinkling his nose as he pondered it. It might work. Ripping the bodies apart would count for a lot of blood, cannibalism would explain why the bodies where missing, and the setting of the fire would keep anyone from guessing wrong about who did it and why. “we'll have to use Tom's glowing green man of Death to make sure no one thinks it was salamanders or something.” Harry admitted with a small grin, Draco lifting an eyebrow. “ man of death Harry? Really!?”
"I'm not a idiot. I just want to make stain annoyed."Asher whined before wrinkling his nose at the suggestion. "That's a waste of good blood."he whined quietly. Tom stopped, looking at his lover, trying to think of a good response.And really..."I have nothing to say to that. There just aren't any words."He said ruffling his lover's hair before sighing."But yes, I'll get some of the lower level death eaters to go take care of the house."He wouldn't risk any of the ones he really liked, in case things went terribly wrong somehow."Now. We all better get some sleep, before we set about ending the world as we know it."
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