Blood Fury and Love

Asher smiled as he settled down into the blond, closing his eyes as he drifted to sleep.

Rabastan stared at his twin before cursing getting up and pacing the room. Looking like a tiger, all caged muscle and fury. Hating that he hadn't known, hadn't even suspected the other was sick. growling as he turned and looked at his brother, pissed that he hadn't even told him, hadn't warned him. Hadn't let him be there for him."You couldn't tell me this earlier?"He growled, hating that he hadn't known. And feeling overwelmed and unbalanced because he didn't want to be the only one left behind, and he was afraid that if he was the only mortal, then the other two would move on without him. not that he wasn't open to being a vampire, it was just...he hadn't thought about it seriously yet, he thought he had time..and hadn't expected this to happen.
he winced a little and shook his head, biting his lip. “i'm sorry Rab.” he muttered softly. “i was scared... I still am... I didn't know until this morning that there was nothing I could do but lay back and die I... I wanted to have good news before I told you but... there wasn't any.” he muttered softly swallowing hard. “that was when I decided I would just become a vampire, and then I would never have to leave either of you.” “Rudy...” Gabe muttered, looking worried as he stroked the others face. “i can't imagine the terror you must have felt when you found out...” he muttered softly. “why don't you go and talk to Tom for a while... I need to talk to Rab.” he admitted, well aware that the other was freaking out, Rudy nodding as he slid out of the bed and headed out of the room, hesitating at the doorway and looking back at the other. “i'm sorry Rabby...” he muttered softly before leaving, Gabe reaching for Rabastan “come here.” he ordered gently pulling his lover into a gentle hug.
Rab resisted being pulled into a hug for a few long moments before sobbing a little, leaning into him. resting his head on the other's chest, closing his eyes. Wrapping his arms around the other man as he curled his body around the other, closing his eyes. It hurt so bad that he hadn't known his twin was sick. They were supposed to be able to tell each other everything, and he hadn't known. Sniffling a little he rested his cheek on gabriel's shoulder, shuddering al ittle." can't leave me. Neither can..."he muttered, the first thing he said, not being the one that he should have asked, but damned if he could think past the idea of them leaving him, once he was the only mortal.
Gabe held the other tightly, stroking his hair. “i would never leave you.” he promised smiling a little. “i will never leave you. Not even when your dead and in the ground, I will always love you, mortal, vampire, werewolf, or those creepy gnome things.” he promised kissing the other. “you are my Chosen, I love you no matter who, or what you choose to be.” he promised softly, gently nuzzling the others neck. “i know your upset love but I...” he flushed hard, reaching into his pocket. “well I've been meaning to do this for a while know but I haven't have the guts to do it until now...” he admitted softly. “i.... I want...” he bit his lip harder and slid something onto Rab's finger, an elegant ring, a simple Celtic band. “i... would.. you like to Bond with me?” Bonding was a Vampire tradition, where a Vampire and another Vampire bound their minds together, much like one did when they created a vampire. It was much deeper than a marriage, and was only done between a Vampires Chosen, or 'true love'.
rab looked startled at the asking, before a small shy smile curled his lips as he blushed, fisting his hand, smiling as the ring bit into his hand, relaxing. Feeling so much more close to the man,reassured that he wasn't going to be left behind. "I-I would.'he said smiling before looking serious, biting his lip."Would... if I choose later to change...would the bond not allow me to?"he asked, biting his lip. Looking concerned. Just because he didn't want to do it right now, he wasn't completely against the idea of being a vampire, just not right now.
he smiled a little as he stroked the others hair. “of course I'm going to propose to your brother too.” he admitted with a small chuckle. “and yes, the bond will allow you to become a vampire, it will last no matter what.” he promised smiling a little. “you could even die and become a ghost and the bond would remain.” he admitted kissing the other gently. “are you feeling better now?” he asked with a small smile, his head tilted. “still angry with your brother?”
"No. not anymore."Rabastian sighed softly rubbing his face before smilign at the other, stealing a kiss before shifting, laying back on the bed. Feeling more at ease, now that he knew. Closing his eyes as sleep tugged at him."You need to talk to asher,by the way. I saw him earlier, he looked a little shell shocked about something"
Gabe blinked a little. “Asher was shell shocked?” he asked looking rather amazed before frowning, reaching through their bond. 'Asher? Rabby says you where looking a little off this morning, everything alright?' he couldn't help but worry about Asher, it wasn't his fault! 'did you go to the vampire realms yet? Did something bad happen?'
Asher whined a little as he was drawn back out of his thinking, having been writing a letter as he waited for draco to wake up. Meth is a moron, have I told you this recently?He followed me around like a puppy. A dumb puppy.And, draco wants to be a vampire. he said dumping the problems in gabe's lap, his amusement and worry coloring the words a little.
Gabe's chuckle filled Asher's head. 'aw, did Methuselah give you problems again? You know he's just worried about our sanity, dating humans and all that. I take it he insulted your Draco or something?' he teased stroking Rab's hair, 'and of course Draco wants to be a vampire, he wants to be with you throughout eternity, he's just not ready to be one yet. That's all. Give him a few years to grow up a little, he doesn't want to be sixteen all his life you know, when he's old enough to drink then he'll probably be ready to be changed. Who are you writing to? I didn't know you have friends.' he teased chuckling a little, enjoying teasing his best friend.
"Meth was curious about my chosen.I'm writing him a letter that I'm going to nail to his balls and tell him to leave my draco alone. he growled amused at the teasing though, the teasing coming through the anger at methuselah."I have you. And draco. Why do I need other friends?"
he chuckled again, smirking a little. 'oh leave poor Methuselah alone. You know he's lonely. And he used to have a terrible crush on you.' that was a lie and they both knew it. 'besides I need his balls intact, he still needs to help run things while we're away, unless you'd rather go back home and run things instead? You'd have to leave Draco here of course, can't run the risk of another vampire getting to him.' he teased/threatened snickering a little. 'go to sleep Asher... cuddle with poor Draco. He probably feels so lonely.'
bite me asshole.Asher sulked sighing as he cuddled down into draco, despite feeling sulky he was more then willing to cuddle into draco.

The next day asher growled as he looked at gabriel, wondering why in the world he couldn't go with the twins. "They said they were shopping. Why?For me no less. it's only my birthday. I have one every year. I don't need a present."He sulked wondering what about letting draco otu of his sight today was making him edgy and nervous.
Gabe rolled his eyes as Asher started complaining again, offering him a glare. “you can't go with because Draco doesn't want you to.” he stated sternly. “he's never had a chance to throw you a party before and he wants to make this very special for you.” he explained. “and that means you sitting down and shutting up so I can finish this paperwork and letting Draco out once and a while so he can do what he wants.” he sighed a little and shook his head. “Draco isn't just someone you can keep cooped up Ash, he hasn't been out in months... he needs this day out.” he stated calmly. “he needs a chance to do something nice for you, because you never let him do nice things for you.” he pointed out. “let him throw you this party, pretend to enjoy it for his sake. He's a strong boy Ash, he can protect himself.” he promised offering him a smile. “ok?”
Asher frowned at him, growling quietly. "I let him do all kinds of things for me!"He protested, because he blamed himself for so many things, he usually didn't let anyone do anything nice for him because of it. Frowning harder."And he has to gone out.Just not alot, considering how much trouble he manages to find when he does."He said sulking as he quieted, sighing as he leaned back against the window, closing his eyes,"Meth was curious about him."He said, running his hands through his hair, needing to get the other's opinion on what to do about the other vampire.
he chuckled a little and shook his head. “you let him fuck you, that doesn't count.” he stated simply. “when have you EVER let him get you a gift, or make you a romantic meal, or do anything that lovers are supposed to do?” he asked looking amused at the other. “and he rarely goes out because he knows you dislike it, because he knows you'll worry.” he stated lifting an eyebrow at him. “and that's not fair to Draco, he's a very romantic person, he wants to lavish you with gifts and romantic actions and attention and he doesn't because you go all awkward and unhappy at him when he does.” he stated simply. “i don't know if he's even aware of it himself but he's changing himself to suit your moods, whether you or him are even aware of it, he is.” he smirked a little.

“besides, you know Methuselah is curious about humans, he hasn't seen many of them, he's spent his entire life in the vampire realms, he was born as a vampire after all.” a very rare occurrence, usually a vampire woman couldn't get pregnant, and when she did the baby usually died in childbirth, along with the mother. “he's curious about Draco because it's the first he's ever heard of a human dating a vampire, he doesn't know about my boys yet.” he admitted chuckling a little, biting his lip. “... I asked Rab and Rudy to Bond with me..” he admitted softly. “and Rudy is going to become a vampire...” he glanced at the other. “did you know Rudy had a tumor?” he asked softly, worry staining his voice. “no ones ever tried to turn a human dying of cancer.... what if it doesn't work?”
Asher frowned at him, pained to think he was changing his lovely blond without meaning to. Feeling like the man had punched him. Sighing quietly he gave in as gracefully as he could, letting the idea of draco going out more settle within him. knowing he would have to, becaues he didn't want to change his lover. Swallowing hard as he looked at the other he sighed, knowing the other was right on all accounts, but he didn't want to admit it."I'll have to bring him here then. For the day, for my party. He can be gone that long without having the world fall apart without him."He said before frowning, looking so worried before shaking hsi head."Gabe, you saved harry from dying from the beating he recieved. Rudy can change to save his life, even if he isn't dying as quickly as harry did. Don't worry about it not working, you're going to curse it into not working if you do."He said sighing quietly.
he smiled a little his head tilted at the other, knowing he had won the argument... again. Gabe always won the arguments. “who Myth? No myth won't leave the vampire realms, he's too scared to do something like that.” Gabe stated simply, shaking his head. “dying from blood-loss is one thing Asher, dying from a flesh devouring disease is another...” he muttered sighing a little. “but your right... I can't worry.. he wants to be a vampire, and I have to hope that it will work...” he muttered softly, never realizing that he was wrong about Meth never leaving the Vampire realms, in fact he was gone now, out to diagon alley after the blonds who had escaped him so many years ago, unaware that Shadow had gone with them for security. It was Kaleo who realized first that Draco had been taken by a 'tall red headed vampire with a scar down his eye' exactly Methuselah. Drago was fine, Shadow had been able to grab him away from the vampire, but Drago was hurt pretty bad, and Draco was missing all together.
As he felt the pain and arage from the bond flood him, asher nearly fell out of the seat as he struggled to his feet, trying to figure out which one was giving him such a headache.Snarling."Something's wrong with Kaleo.Come on."He growled grabbing gabriel's arm and shadow walking across the house, looking over the group as he watched snape and lucius, and fenrir bandaging them up and checking them over."What the hell happened?!"Asher snarled as he paced over to the other vampire, crouching down in front of kaleo who looked scared and huddled against shadow."Bad vampire...kidnapped draco...wanted both..." "Kaleo!"Asher snarled, trying to get him to focus, needing him to focus instead of ramble. Before swallowing, forcing his voice softer, kinder."Kaleo, who?" "Vampire. Red head...scar."He muttered slowly focusing on his sire.
Gabe blinked as he was suddenly yanked through the shadows, gasping in horror as he saw how badly Drago was hurt. He had a pretty big chunk of his throat torn out, and his arm was dangling, broken. Snape and Lucius where already trying to patch him up, Shadow was hurt too, but healing on his own, claw marks running down his face and bitten chunks missing from his body. “we where attacked.” Shadow explained. “the Vampire wanted Draco and Drago, he hit me over the head with a plank, I guess he didn't realize I was a vampire.” he admitted shaking his head. “he grabbed Drago and bit in, he struggled so the guy broke his arm, Draco was just laying there, I guess he got hit over the head too.” Shadow was talking too fast, far too fast. Just as in shock as Kaleo was. “i grabbed Drago, there was blood... so much blood. The Vampire laughed and he grabbed Draco and vanished, something about taking what was rightfully his.” Shadow stuttered looking at Asher.

“he... he has Draco... he was tall, and had red hair and a scar over his eye.... he knew Draco was yours... he said so, said he was stealing back what you stole from him...” “that sounds like Methuselah.” Gabe whispered, sounding horrified. “but he... he's never left the vampire realms before!... has he?” Gabe wasn't sure what to do now, he'd never been in a situation like this before. This was why he kept Asher close at hand, to deal with situations like these... but Gabe had his doubts about how clear headed Asher was going to be.
Kaleo whimpered as he was the only one who could see asher's face, see as the fury and pain filled those clear blue eyes. Wincing as he felt the power filling the man chilling his hands, not realizing until asher moved away that there was no outward sign of the fury growing under the pain, only that deep bottomless look, and cold so cold that it burned. "I'm going home. Are you coming with me?"Asher asked, sounding oh so calm as he stood, straightening his clothes, as if the world wasn't coming crashing down around him. Looking at gabe, looking as clear headed as he ever did, but the madness and fury were growing under that calm passivity, and it was going to be ugly when it broke.
Gabe nodded. “i'll come with.” he agreed, shuddering violently at feeling Asher's utter fury. “we'll head straight for Methuselah's place, the man has clearly lost his mind.” he snarled, baring his fangs, Shadow staggering to his feet. “i'm going with!” he ordered, ignoring the wrenching pain he felt every time he out weight on his knee and the pounding headache. “no your not.” Gabe stated simply, grabbing Asher and shadow walking him into the vampire realms, hesitating a moment as he looked, all the vampires where agitated, they could smell human blood, Draco's blood, and a lot of it. “fucking hell!” Gabe hissed, rushing into Meth's house, kicking the door down and freezing when he spotted Draco laying on the ground, bruised all over, naked, and bleeding from many bite marks, he was close to death, and Methuselah wasn't helping any, his mouth attacked to Draco's throat, sucking him dry. Gabe didn't even pause to think, he just attacked, slamming into the madman with a roar of utter fury as he slammed into Methuselah, slamming his head into ground hard, Methuselah shrieking in rage and pain.
Asher snarled as he rushed over to where Draco was laying, crouching down over the boy as his hand closed over the bite mark on his neck, it was the worst one he could see. Fingers tightening, trying to stop the bleeding he could feel coming between his fingers. Snarling as he looked down at draco, "Draco!?Sweetheart, can you hear me?"He asked his fury growing as he realized he might have only one option in saving his boy. Changing him. Growling as he looked over at gabe and meth, before focusing enough on them to wrap the trap around them, well at least meth, leaving gabe free to come help him. There was reasons asher didn't trust himself to control the vampires, and this was one of them. Was because he hated having this much control over someone, even if he wasn't their sire. Slamming that much magic into the younger vampire trapped him in pain and space. "Gabriel!GET OVER HERE!"He snarled starting to break under the pain. Because he couldn't focus enough to help draco.
Draco didn't respond to his lover, his eyes where open, and tears where still running down his face, but his eyes where glossed over, and his breathing was very shallow. Methuselah shrieked one last time before he fell still and silent, simply laying there, Gabe rushing over and gently examining Draco, shaking his head. “there's only one way to change him Ash.” Gabe whispered softly. “and it has to be you. Draco would never understand if I did it... he needs you.” he promised gently squeezing the others shoulder. “change him... it's the only way to save his life, he might not feel ready to be a vampire, be he certainly isn't ready to die and your not able to let him.. change him, Asher. He'll understand.” he promised gently guiding Draco's uninjured half of the throat to Asher's lips. “change him.”
"If he kills me for tihs, I'm coming back to haunt you."The enraged vampire snarled at gabriel even as he lowered his mouth, despite the anger still twisting him up, he was gentle with draco.Gently biting him he let that venom fill the other, taking his time in doing in,because he wouldn't be able to live with himself if he hurt draco more then he had to. Blinking blearily when he was done he raised his head, looking at draco,"Take care of meth.For now.I'll deal with him once I know..."He shook his head before stepping back through to their room at the mansion, settling draco into the bed and curling up with him. Not even willing to think the idea that was tugging at him, that maybe he hadn't been soon enough to save the other.Whimpering quietly as he pressed into the blond, he cried silently, his rage breaking on the edges of his grief.
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