Blood Fury and Love

Kaleo smiled relaxing, looking happy as he looked at the other. "asher wont talk to me....I just want to say I'm sorry..."He muttered trying to figure out how to apologize if the man never lets him near by anymore.

Tom yelped, surprised at the hug before relaxing, hesitating a moment before wrappign him in a hug, pressing a kiss to his head."I know you are shadow."he said stroking the other's hair, smiling at him."I know."

Asher gave him a look."You call this fine?"he said sulking a little before frowning at the other, pouting as he looked at him."No. I don't want to."He said crossing his arms as he looked at him.
Harry chuckled a little and nodded. “Asher is just upset and doesn't know what to do, don't worry, he'll calm down eventually.” he promised smiling a little as he gently kissed the boys forehead. “and if he doesn't come around we'll just tie him up and Make him listen to you.” he promised smirking a little.

Shadow sniffled a little, looking up at the other. “we can still be friends right?” he asked hopefully, his eyes filled with tears. “we can still be ok?” he asked wiping his eyes a little. “i don't want to lose you.” he admitted letting Tom go. “i don't want to lose you just because I was stupid...”

Draco glared at the other and pouted a little. “i am too fine! And you WILL talk to Kaleo! Your upset and so is he!” he growled glaring at the other. “i even talked to him Asher and I NEVER forgive ANYONE! So you WILL talk to him or you won't get blood OR sex from me for a week!” he stated crossing his arms and staring at Asher. Draco had gone all stubborn on Asher again, Asher never won when Draco went all stubborn.
Kaleo giggled a little at the thought,"Oh he wouldn't like that.But i think the rest of us would enjoy seeing that."He said amused at the idea.

Tom smiled pressing a kiss to his forehead, running his fingers through the other's hair."You wont.And we're fine, I promise.I'll even be nice to kaleo.Unlike asher, who's still sulking somewhere."He said amused looking down ath im.

Asher whined looking at the other, knowing his lover had just gotten stubborn, which was never a good thing when he usually listened to him.Sighing he nodded,"Fine. Fine.I'll go..."He said before biting his lip, looking up at draco."you'll go with me?"
Harry smirked a little and nodded. “he'd try and kill us all afterword.” he admitted with a small snicker. “but Draco would stop him.” he stated simply, stroking Kaleo's hair gently. “you know... you and shadow, your like my little brothers in a way.” he stated calmly, pondering that. “it's nice having such a big family now.”

he sighed softly and smiled as he laid his head on Tom's shoulder. “thank you Tom.” he muttered softly. “i'm glad that we're all ok.” he admitted softly. “i'm glad that Draco could fix Kaleo... I'm glad that you have Harry, so I wont be leaving you alone.” he admitted sniffling a little. “i wonder when life got so confusing?”

Draco smirked when his lover nodded and kissed the others cheek. “of course I'll go with you.” he promised softly, chuckling a little as he gently bit the vampires neck. “now march buddy.” he ordered smacking the others ass to get him going, laughing as he skipped down the hall to Kaleo's room.
Kaleo smiled glad to have family."I've never had a family before." Meanwhile asher sulked following after draco,"you don't have to skip.It's not that exciting."He whined laughing a little as he walked into kaleo's room, lookign startled to see harry instead of shadow."Hey you two."He said fidgeting a little, lookign at draco for help.

Tom smiled pressing a kiss to shadow's head, laughing a little."About the time harry decided he wanted to be a vampire."He said laughing as he leaned back looking down at the other."You better get back to kaleo.he's probably feeling lost, probably for a few days."
Harry smiled a little and nodded. “you do now.” he admitted smiling as he gently tugged Kaleo's hair. “but Family is a hard thing to have, it takes some getting used to.” he warned smiling a little. “but we'll always be here to help you.” he promised looking up at Draco and Asher, Draco looking smug, Harry snickering. “he went all stubborn on you eh Asher?” Harry asked, feeling amused as he nudged Kaleo. “go on Kal, Asher's here now, talk to him.”

Shadow snorted a little. “it's a little more complicated than just 'he decided' you know. It's not like he just up and decided to almost get killed.” he teased Tom. “besides Asher is talking to Kaleo right now, I don't ant to bother them just yet.”
Asher sulked, sitting on the edge of the bed,"Draco, make hiim stop laughing."He said, pouting as the words made kaleo laugh, like he intended them to. as much as he didn't want to talk, he was glad to see the other relaxed and happy, the guilt that had been his burden easing a little."Hello."Kaleo said smiling happily at the older vampire.

Tom snorted laughing."potter's ALWAYS almost getting killed."He pointed out before shrugging, snickering a little."Draco went all stubborn on him didn't he? Gabriel tried to get him to talk to kaleo earlier, but he wouldn't."
Harry just snickered again and Draco smiled at Kaleo, offering him silent support as he dug his elbow into Asher's ribs. “Asher! Don't be impolite! At least say hello back!” he ordered with a stern growl, making Harry snicker again. “well we certainly know who wears the pants in THAT relationship.”

Shadow snickered and nodded. “true, but this time he was a breath away, if Gabe hadn't saved him he WOULD have died.” he pointed out shaking his head a little as he watched through Harry's eyes, making sure he didn't need to intervene at all. “yeah, Draco's pretty much just bossing Ashlin around.” he admitted with a small snicker and a shake of his head. “it's very amusing to watch.”
"I'm not being impolite!"The elder vampire whined, rubbing his side, glaring at the giggling vampire."Hello." "Hi.So, you've finally fallen in love."he said having regained his sanity, he'd regained the knowledge of the elder man's actions, having once been aware that asher couldn't love him, because he couldn't love himself. Having lost that knowledge in his insanity, his desire to be the one he loved having been twisted in his insanity.

Tom smirked a little looking at the other man.'I think we should watch this in person."He said laughing a little, heading down the hall."Its so rare asher gets bossed around, I want to see."
Harry snickered a little and shook his head as he tilted his head a little as he watched Draco, who smiled a little sheepishly. “yeah, er... sorry about that.” he muttered rubbing the back of his head, Harry snorting as he rolled his eyes. “Draco I'm sure it's fine, Kaleo has Shadow after all.” “yeah, he has me, are you people picking on my mate!?” shadow demanded, feigning annoyance as he shoved the laughing Harry off the bed and wrapped himself around Kaleo. “he's mine! You can't have them!” shadow teased giggling as he kissed Kal's ear playfully. “you ok love?” he asked Kaleo before examining Draco, lifting an eyebrow.
Kaleo laughed a little cuddling against shadow laughing as he watched asher look put out at being made to be nice."Asher's looking confused. He's being protective."He said giggling a little when asher bristled slightly as seening draco upset."See, he's fine."asher said pressing a kiss to draco's head, wrapping his arms around the oother
Shadow chuckled a little and nodded. “yeah he gets like that.” he teased kissing Kaleo's temple, releasing the other as Harry glared at his brother at finding his poor ass sore. “well you where touching MY Kaleo!” Shadow complained, yelping when Harry yanked Shadow off the bed and onto his ass as well. “bitch!” “bastard!” “alright children!” Draco intervened, “that's enough! Don't make me film, you two screwing for my own monetary gains!” he ordered smirking when both potters gaped at him, blushing hard. “that's what I thought.”
Tom smirked as he leaned against the doorframe, amused at the family moment. Glad that asher seemed relaxed enough to be laughing at the sight."now that would be a sight.I think i want to see that video."He said thoughfully. Asher grinned, pressing his face into draco's shoulder,snickering."I think we should." Kaleo whined looking put out."Nooo we can't do that.No one's filming my boy."He grumbled wrapping his arms around shadow
Harry laughed at Tom's statement, wiggling his eyebrows at his lover as Shadow blushed even harder and leaned into Kaleo. “besides... if you want incest i'd go with Draco and Drago... their prettier.” Shadow stated calmly, Harry pondering that and then smirking as Draco went bright red. “your right, they ARE prettier, com'ere dray, I wanna put you in a pretty dress for the movie!” Harry purred diving at Draco who shrieked on horror and fled from Harry, the wicked potter laughing brightly as he skipped after Draco to continue mortifying him, Shadow snickering into Kaleo's neck. “oh that poor poor man.” he muttered smirking a little. “i wonder what Harry's going to do when he realizes that Draco actually likes wearing dresses?” Lucius mused as he walked past the door as if he hadn't been spying on all of them, not that Draco would ever, ever EVER admit it. Hell even Asher would be surprised to hear about Draco's love of being dressed up like a doll.
asher's jaw dropped alittle at the iea of draco in a dree,wondering why he din't know about this.'DRACO!get back here! why didnt i know about the dresses!DRRRAAACCCO!"the eldest vampir thundered as he ran out of the room. kaleo giggled as tom rubbed his ears from the getting yelled in.kaleo laughedpessing his face against harry's shoulder."its so weird here..40 years ago i would have never imgined I'd see ashetr running out of her like his shirt was on fire."
Shadow snickered a little and shook his head a little. “i never imagined i'd ever see Asher running out like that either.” he admitted smirking a little as he nuzzled Kaleo. “everything's turned on it's head.” he admitted smirking a little as Harry bounced by, still chasing after a blond, only this time Harry had an adorable black Loli dress in his hands, Shadow bursting into laughter again at the wicked little smirk on Harry's lips. “oh Draaaco!” Harry called in sing song. “you can't hide from meeee!” “i never realized my brother was so utterly devious.” he admitted to Kaleo, glancing at the other. “you know, I bet you'd be really cute in a dress...”
Kaleo nludhed giggling before shaking his hand."i'll wear a dress the day asher does."helaughed louer as asher along with the other tw went flying by the door agin."dddrracccooo!come back here! i want to see the dress"he demanded whining jut a bit.wanting to see what his petty boy would look lik.
Shadow smirked a little as he yawned. “i'll wear a dress.” he offered smirking a little as he watched the others run by, Draco squealing suddenly as Harry caught him and stripped him down and forced himself into the dress, Draco flushing hard as he raced past the door, looking utterly gorgeous in the Loli dress, just as pretty as any girl with his long smooth legs and pretty face, Shadow laughing wickedly as Harry followed. “wait Draco! We have to put the bows in your hair!” “GET AWAY FROM ME!!!” Draco squealed, even sounding a little feminine.
Tom smirked as he pulled his wand and stunned the blond as h raced past grinning as he let asher and harry doll draco up."awwww you're so cute."the darklord cooed at he sight of the m.alfoy heir. asher smirked looking happy as he stole a kiss before unfreezing draco." now isnt that btter princess?"he teased stealing another kiss.
Draco was glaring at them all as Harry snickered and placed lipstick and eyeliner on Draco while Asher did the blonds hair Shadow poking his head out and smirking as he watched Draco get all dolled up. “you people are so cruel.” he teased snickering as Draco glared at him, looking just like a pretty porcelain doll. “i hate you all.” he growled Shadow and Harry both snickering happily as Shadow lifted a hand and snapped some pictures of Draco, the blond scowling even more as he glared at Asher. “your not getting sex for a YEAR!” he complained stalking off and slamming the bedroom door shut so he could admire himself in privacy and then stash the dress somewhere so he could pretend to burn it in a rage.
"drrrraaccoooo!lt me in.ppllleeease!?I'm sorry made fun of you."asher whind as he leaned against the doo wanting to get in nd make it up to th ohr. lookin sorry fo doing i now hat h thought draco was angry at him.
Kaleo giggled a little as he laned against shadw lookin amused."draco's in there admirng himself and lettin asher mke fool of himself isn he?"he asked lughing at the sight of the legedary fighter brought low and whinin at being denied ccess to his blond.
Draco admired himself in the mirror, fluffing his curley Hair and smirked a little. “No! Stay out you freak! I can't believe you put me in a dress! Do I look like a China doll to you!?” he bitched furiously even as he flipped out the dress and examined his own pretty legs, smirking a little, rather enjoying himself.

Shadow and Harry both snickered and nodded. “yes.” they chorused giggling wickedly as they listened to Asher begging and Draco bitching. “hmm.” Harry murmured suddenly looking Tom over. “you know, I have a dress that you would just LOVE Tom.” harry teased smirking wickedly. “what say we go try it on?”
"Yes!"Asher responded before whining, looking put out. "I mean no!Of course you're not a china doll. you're just cute and adorable, and I want to come in!"He whined resting his cheek against the door, leaning in, trying to make it move without actually breaking it.

Tom frowned looking at the other man, leaning against the wall."I'd say you were looking to spend a weekend with Gabe." "Gabe likes dresses."Kaleo piped up,grinning proudly at remembering the fact that he had remembered one of gabriel's quirks.
Draco smirked as he pulled his dress off and carefully folded the dress and stashed it in his secrete compartment along with his other few dresses and some girly shoes smirking at Asher's complaining. “i am NOT cute and adorable!” Draco yelled angrily. “i'm Sexy! I'm hot! I'm Gorgeous, handsome or breathtaking but NOT Cute and adorable!” he bitched as he washed his face free of make up and started brushing the curls out of his hair.

Harry snickered a little as he shrugged. “likes wearing dresses or likes seeing people in dresses?” Harry asked lifting an eyebrow as Gabe walked by, seemingly oblivious to their conversation until he smirked at them all. “both.” he stated before vanishing down the hall to find his boys Shadow bursting into even more laughed as he nuzzled Kaleo. “mmm I think I want to screw you senseless Kal.” Shadow teased, smirking a little. “i wonder, do you still not bottom or do I get to tap your ass before you fuck me against every available surface?”
Asher whined quietly, the door buckling a little at his demanding pounding. Wanting in. needing to know his blond wasn't to mad at him."You are breathtakingly adorably sexy and you need to let me in!"

Kaleo growled a little smiling a little as he stole a kiss, whining quietly looking at harry and tom who looked to amused for his good."Oh no. I don't bottom." Tom snickered looking at harry, wrapping a arm around him, tugging him towards the door."I think I've said something like that to him before."he said snickering as he ducked out the door.
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