Blood Fury and Love

Asher laughed quietly as he cuddled the babe, grinning as he looked around."ohh see here marcus, your papa's going to spoil you. All the best things, that's what a malfoy wants."He said stealing a kiss before leaning back."We'll need all this, but we'll let the house elves move it. We'll get sick if we breath in this much dust."He said summoning a house elf, giving the orders to clean before lookign at draco,"Shall we go introduce your parents to their grandchild?They're liable to have a heart attack thinking they missed you being pregnant."He said snickering at the idea.
Draco snickered and shook his head. “they know better, I can't get pregnant.” he teased chuckling a little as he shook his head, heading downstairs, hesitating as he saw Harry watching Shadow and Kaleo in the locked room. “poor Harry... I don't think Shadow is ever going to stop loving Kaleo...some Chosen huh?” Draco asked softly, looking worried. “i don't think Shadow will be able to stand it if this doesn't work... and I don't think Tom is going to handle shadow realizing that all the love emotions had for tome was actually Harry's...” he muttered softly, laying his head on Asher's shoulder. “why is life so complicated?”
"Because power complicates things."Asher said biting his lip, worried for the others. Worried if tom would totally lose things if shadow hated him. Rubbing a hand over his face he sighed,"Come on. We don't need to talk about this now. Let's wait and see how things go with kaleo before we bring on more problems."he said heading for lucius's bedroom, smiling a little as he knocked on the door, laughing quietly when snape's voice answer."it seems we're getting itnroduced to all the grandparetns."He said snickering a little at the three people curled up in bed together. Snape sighed laying his head on lucius's chest, unwilling to open his eyes."Asher. Whatever can we do for you?"He asked when he heard the door opening.
Draco shook his head a little and smiled. “alright, he shouldn't be asleep for too much longer.” he promised smirking as the door opened, Lucius sitting in-between Narcissa and Snape as he always did, reading a book again. “yes boys? What ….” he froze, staring at the bundle in the others arms, his eyes wide. “is...that a baby?” he demanded his eyes wide. “Asher where you pregnant!?” he demanded, Draco snorting a little looking amused, letting Asher explain what was going on. “i see you three where busy again this morning.” Draco teased smirking at his God Father. “really can't you three ever behave?” he demanded reaching down and picking up a flogger they had left on the floor, calmly, playfully, smacking Asher's ass with it.
Asher yelped, jumping a snape and narcissa laughed."Hey!no playing around the baby!"he whined. Snape snickered looking at draco."I think your sex life just ended."He teased before looking over at asher."So, how did this come about." "oh,you know the woman kaleo killed?Tsuru found the child, her son lived.And since he is family, tsuru thought i might want to raise him."He said smilign happily, not about to let the idea of his father in law having sex get in the way of being absolutely happy about this.
Draco laughed happily and shoved the flogger into his back pocket with a small snicker as he smiled as Lucius rolled over Snape to get to the baby smiling as he tickled the baby's toes, thankfully he was wearing pants. “oh Asher he's adorable!” Lucius stated with a happy grin Draco chuckling a little. “his name is Marcus Abraxas De Mereloit” Draco informed him Lucius beaming. “wonderful! I thought Draco might take your last name.” he admitted chuckling, pausing when Gabe knocked on the door, looking nervous. “Kaleo is starting to wake up.” he informed them, Draco bit his lip and took Marcus, laying him in Lucius's arms. “stay up here.” Draco ordered, Lucius nodding as Draco looked at Asher and headed downstairs to see if the potion had fixed Kaleo.
"Gabe, your a uncle. I think I'll name you godfather."He said sounding amused before biting his lip taking a deep breath as they stepped into the cell room, swallowing hard as he watched kaleo blink awake. "My head hurts.."Kaleo whined quietly, turning, pressing his face against shadow's stomach as the man rested mostly in the younger vampire's lap."Go away light..."
Draco snickered at the stunned look of awe Gabe wore on his face at the sight of the baby, leaving Lucius to explain what the hell was going on as he followed Asher down to Kaleo, keeping his distance in case Kaleo tried to attack him again, Shadow laying there as still as he had been since Kaleo had been knocked unconscious, stroking the others hair, grinning at the others complaint. “i could fuck you all better?” shadow asked with a grin. “i was meaning to get back at you for that first time.” he teased kissing the others temple. “can you wake up a little? We need to ask you questions...” Shadow explained stroking Kaleo's hair again.
"Don't wanna."kaleo whined cuddling closer, looking as much like a child, as draco did when someone demanded that he wake up. "Asher smells."He whined. Asher's jaw dropped a little at the statement, sniffing at himself."I do not.Wake up." "Dont wanna. I'm okay.Go away."He whined growlign a little."Draco's here.Dont wanna talk to him."
Shadow smirked a little and Draco laughed when they said Asher smelled and he kissed the others cheek. “i'm going to go upstairs.” he decided looking nervous as he gently kissed Asher, walking away Shadow smiling a little as he stroked Kaleo's hair. “Asher does kinda smell doesn't he?” shadow teased. “sort of like Walnuts...” he teased giggling a little. “there Draco's gone, can you wake up now?” he asked his head tilted.
Kaleo sighed quietly, when he realized they weren't going to leave him alone. While he knew why they werent,he really didnt want to talk to them."I guess."he grumbled sitting up."thanks for joing us."Asher said amused looking at gabriel."You've always been better able at assessing someone's mental state than I am."He said, not because it was just true, but because he didn't want to be the one who discovered the potion hadn't worked.
Gabe nodded and moved into the room sitting in his chair and examining Kaleo intently. “do you understand why your here?”he demanded watched Kaleo closely. “you've killed innocents, slaughtered babies even. You've attempted to usurp my position as the High Marquise and you've done damage to another Vampires Chosen.” he explained Shadow biting his lip. “what do you have to say to this?” he demanded staring Kaleo in the eyes, looking for any hint of madness or insanity that had ruled Kaleo's life for so long.
Only sadness filled those blue eyes, looking away from gabriel, looking at the floor."...I wanted him to want me again...."he muttered before looking up at gabriel again."I wanted to be his chosen." Asher swallowed hard moving away from the door he was leaning against, before slipping out again. His heart hurting to hear such longing in the man's words, a boy trapped in a man's body.As if even sane,because he was pretty sure kaleo was sane, that he couldn't understsand the world around him.
Gabe nodded. “do you understand that what you did was wrong? Are you willing to try and fix your mistakes? I can't promise that Asher will forgive you, or that you will be well liked but if you behave, and promise to be good we can let you live, and even stay here with shadow.” Gabe admitted, amazed that the potion had seamed to work. “you will have to stay away from Draco, leave Asher alone unless he talks to you, you'll have to be nice to Drago and his mate.” he ordered, keeping a very close eye on Kaleo's reactions. “you where sick, and we can understand that.” he admitted gently setting his hand on Kaleo's shoulder. “and if your willing we would like to give you a second chance.” and hopefully, teach him how to be good and understand everything that was happening, the difference between right and wrong, everything that people should know, that Kaleo had never been taught. Gabe had to feel sorry for the poor boy who looked so confused and hurt and sad, that he was willing to bend his own laws and offer the boy a chance to love and be loved. Maybe not by Asher, but certainly Shadow would love Kaleo, Gabe could already see the bonds forming from Shadow to Kaleo, Shadow had Chosen his lover. Poor Tom.
"I know I did things wrong."Kaleo bit his lip before nodding. "I could do that.I could behave."She said looking up at him,desperate to understand, needing to feel like he belonged somewhere. Leaning back into shadow, cuddling him as he looked hopeful."Do you think asher'll talk to me?"he asked, looking hopeful. Wanting to know if there was a chance asher would want to see him."I can stay away from draco.You'll tell him that wont you?I promise to leave him alone."
Gabe smiled at him. “it wasn't all your fault Kaleo.” he promised gently patting the youngers head. “come on, we'll show you around.” he promised smiling a little. “oh, and you should take the time to Thank Draco if you get the chance, he's the one who found the way to fix you, and took the week to make the potion to do it.” he admitted smiling a little. “i know I said to leave Draco alone, but he's probably going to want to check for himself that it worked.” he admitted. “i'll tell Asher you promised to leave Draco alone, and if he wants to talk I'm sure he'll find you. In the mean time Shadow and Harry will tend to your needs and if you get thirsty you have to ask for someone to feed from, you can't just feed off them.” he ordered Shadow smiling a little. “it's ok Gabe, I'll watch him.” shadow promised. “i know all the rules, I'll let him know if he does something wrong.” he promised Gabe nodding as he turned and headed upstairs to tell Draco and Asher that the potion had worked, and that they where going to try and rehabilitate Kaleo, and that Kal wanted to talk to Asher. “it's ok Kal.” Shadow promised smiling a little. “i'll take care of you.” he promised nuzzling the other.
Kaleo smiled a little as he leaned against the younger vampire, wrapping hsi arms around him, settling close. Feeling easier, feeling content with him."We'll be okay."

Asher sighed quietly as he sprawled out across the bed, frowning when he heard gabe come in."I don't want to talk to him."He said, revealing that he had indeed been 'listening' in through his links to them both." you want to hear about your godson or not?"He said trying to divert the man's attention before gabe started worrying at his refusal like a bulldog with a bone.
Shadow smiled, kissing Kaleo's forehead before picking him up and carrying him to a spare bedroom, since he didn't feel right going to Tom and Harry's bedroom, laying Kaleo out. “just rest, I'm sure your still tired.” he muttered softly pulling Kaleo tight into his body, smiling a little. “i love you Kal... your mine from now on, okay?”

Gabe smirked a little. “you do too, besides Shadow's gone and Chosen Kaleo, I can feel the bonds starting.” he admitted. “i don't know what Kaleo feels but Shadow should be able to keep Kaleo in line, and don't try distracting me Kaleo, we both know you don't have any kids.” he stated shaking his head a little. “you don't have to talk to him Asher, hell for all o care you can pack up Draco and take him back to the Vampire realms, but that won't ease your guilt or your pain and it won't ease Draco's fears that your going to take Kaleo back now that he's better.” he crossed his arms. “i can't make you do anything, but you really should, now I'm going to go back downstairs and get Shadow and Kier a snack, their probably starving.”
Kaleo smiled snuggling against him."Okay."He said, sounding a little lost. Like he wasn't sure of the world around him,but was willing to work on finding his bearings again."I dont want to go anywhere."he said smiling softly, snuggling the other.

Asher sighed pushing up from the bed smirking as he followed gabe out of the room. "You're a bastard, did you know?"He grumbled, annoyed that gabriel had found exactly what was bothering him. his guilt for driving kaleo insane, and pain for losing someone he loved, and his worry about draco fearing he was leaving."And your wrong, we're going to make a detour to prove it."He said not meaning about kaleo, but about the kid, smiling as they knocked on lucius' door, smirking when he saw the malfoy men fussing over marcus."Gabe,your godson, Marcus."
Shadow smiled as he kissed the other and then settled down to sleep as well, jumping violently when Draco suddenly appeared, red eyed from crying and looking very nervous. “er.. hello..” he muttered softly, looking at Kaleo hesitantly, as if he expected to be attacked. “i... I just... wanted to make sure you where alright... potion has some... side affects sometimes.. nothing serious.. j..just a rash, and some severe hiccups a..and...” he fell silent and sighed. “i guess I just... wanted to see you...”

Gabe smirked a little. “i've known you for centuries Asher.” Gabe teased chuckling a little as he shook his head. “besides you made me, I know what you feel as if their my own emotions. And your as close to family as I ever had, I have to understand you, because you can't hardly understand you.” he teased winking ay his friend before freezing at the sight of the baby, Lucius smirking a little as he held up the baby. “oh my GOD you stole a baby ASH!?” Gabe demanded Lucius laughing brightly as he shook his head. “no, Tsuru kidnapped a baby and brought it to Asher.” “...oh, where in the HELL did you find a baby!?” he demanded glaring at Asher, clearly not believing Lucius, though Gabe was pretty damn sure Asher hadn't actually kidnapped the baby he was a little worried about where it had come from.
kaleo looked startled, easing closer to shadow, making a sound that sounded close to distress. After having his sanity restored, he wasn't sure of his place in the world, and his usual confidence was broken under the stress."Gabe said not to go near you...I promised not to..."he whimpered looking at the blond, looking confused, then slightly hopeful."You'll see if asher wants to talk to me?I wanted to see him..."He said.

"Hey!I understand myself."Asher sulked snickering at gabriel's reaction."Oh you know, I knocked up draco, we hid it really well."He said smiling as he smirked, looking at his lover before smiling wider. "That's the last of my bloodline. when his mother was...killed, tsuru saved the boy. Brought him here to me."he said snickring, it was so good to see gabe freaking out over something besides his emotions.
Draco offered Shadow a small sigh. “it's ok.. I approached you.” Draco promised, glad to see that the potion had worked perfectly. Kaleo would be a little confused for a while, having been insane most of his life, but that would work itself out in time as he rebound himself and connected with the people around him. “i'll tell Asher that you want to talk to him.” Draco promised, smiling a little. “i'm glad your better Kaleo... I really am.” he promised softly before leaving, Shadow sighing. “poor Draco.” he muttered softly, feeling sorry for the blond, who was so certain he was being replaced but didn't have the courage to leave so he wouldn't have to watch it happen.

Gabe sighed and shook his head, smacking Asher on the chest before smiling as he picked up the baby. “oh Asher, I'm so happy for you.” he admitted smiling at the Vampire. “how's Draco taking this?” he asked curiously, knowing the blond was probably freaking out about everything. “hey where is Draco anyway? I haven't seen him since Kaleo woke up...” Lucius admitted frowning a little, Gabe shrugging. “i haven't seen him either now that you mention it...” he muttered looking at Asher. “you better go find him, you know how he worries things to pieces...”
Asher frowned, realizing that he to hadn't seen draco in awhile. Frowning before he focused on his chosen he sighed al ittle."I'll be back later."he said before leaving following the tug of draco's presence, growling lightly as he found the blond, having had to search long enough that he was feeling anxious."Draco!What have you been doing?"He asked wrapping hsi arms around him tightly, needing to reassure himself that he was fine.
Draco was in a spare room down in the dungeon, finding the cool stone and slytherin like decorations comforting as he lay on the dusty bed. “Asher! You scared me.” Draco sighed when the other suddenly popped up. “i was thinking.” he admitted wiping his eyes. “gosh it's dusty in here, it's aggravating my allergies.” determined not to let Asher know he was upset and crying. “Kaleo wants to talk to you by the way, I think he feels bad about what he's done to you.” he admitted smiling at the other, determined not to let Asher know how worried he was. “have you talked to him yet? You should you know, he's better now. I checked myself.”
Asher sighed quietly resting his head on the blond's shoulder as he wrapped his arms around the other, holding him close."No.I don't want to."he said more because he was stubborn and he didn't want to forgive himself for destroying kaleo, even if the man himself forgave him."kaleo could be sorry, and it still changes nothing."he said sighing quietly."And why are you down here if it's irritating you?"
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