Blood Fury and Love

Gabe smiled and nodded as he watched the other bite Draco, worried himself as Draco groaned softly and closed his eyes, letting the waves of agony wash away. Just like Harry, Draco slept for three days slowly healing, mending, and changing, and when he finally woke he was perfect in ways he hadn't been as a human. As a human he had been utterly beautiful, as a Vampire he was completely ethereal, all his imperfections, what few they where, had been chiseled out and smoothed, creating utter perfection. “thirsty..” Draco whined, setting a hand to his throat. “thirsty.” he whined, muddle headed and confused, not remembering anything, only knowing that he was incredibly thirsty. Gabe walked in only seconds after Draco complained, having been waiting outside the door, and set a man down, alive and shaking with rage but bound so he couldn't hurt Draco, the blond hissing as he sprang from the bed, sinking his teeth into the muggles neck and draining him dry. Pulling away and licking his lips clean, looking around as f he wasn't sure what to do now that he was fed, eyes searching Gabe's face for answers, Gabe smiling. “it's alright Draco, everything will make sense in a few hours.” he promised gently pushing him towards Asher. “there's your lover, go snuggle with him, ok?” he ordered gently, Draco staggering tot he bed and snuggling into Asher, letting his mind settle and calm as he breathed in the intoxicating scent of his lover.
Asher winced a little as teh blond cuddled into him, pressing a kiss to his head before waving gabe out with the muggle's body. He was going to have enough issues with dealing with draco as it was, he wasn't about to let draco know he'd already killed.Though he knew draco would know he had, but for the moment, he didn't need the body in the room. Just being quiet and content with draco,letting him rest as he closed his eyes, gently stroking draco's hair as the hours past. Resting his head back against the headboard he sighed quietly, feeling the blond tense a little." there love?"He muttered, tensing a little. Worried about what the blond was going to do to him once he realized he was a vampire. For once, afraid of draco and what the man would do to him. Because he wouldn't protect himself from draco's rightful fury, so he was bracing himself to get hurt.
Draco blinked a little as he woke up again, tensing violently as he realized why he felt so different... and so thirsty. “yeah.” he whispered softly. “i.. I'm here...” he whispered softly. “i'm still thirsty...” he whispered, swallowing hard. “that man... with the scar.. he... he kidnapped me when I was a kid.” he whispered, sounding terrified. “he was,...g..going to raise us, to be slaves, and then turn us when we where old enough.” he whispered softly. “little pretties' that's what he called us... 'little pretties'...” he shuddered violently. “i'm glad it was you who changed me... and not him...”
Asher tensed before relaxing, closing his eyes as he realized the blodn wasn't mad at him. pressing a kiss to his head, he relaxed further. "well you are a little pretty. Just like big pretty....though you are bigger then your father."The elder vampire said, amusement and relief coming through their blond, mercilessly willing to make fun of lucius if it made his blond relax."You want me to go find you something to drink?"He asked stroking the other's back.
Draco smiled a little and nodded. “but you never said it like I was a decoration.” he muttered softly smirking a little. “i am bigger than my father aren't I? I'm an inch taller..” he was more than an inch now, he was only an inch shorter than Ashlin now, having grown during his change. Something that would annoy Drago to no end. He hesitated and then. “y... yeah... I.. I want something to drink.” he was a little hesitant about drinking blood, no matter he knew it had to be done. It was the only reason he hadn't wanted to be a vampire yet. He wasn't ready to give up food, but like Gabe had said, he wasn't ready to give up life either. He'd rather give up food than life. “Asher? Will... will I hurt them?” he asked softly. “the people I feed off of?.. I don;t know how to work my glans...” he didn't want to hurt anyone. “it's alright Draco.” Gabe promised, having been listening in again through his and Asher's bond. “Drago wants to be your diner.” he admitted smiling a little as Drago bounced in and stared at his brother. “my GOD your beautiful.” Drago whispered in astonishment, Draco blinking, his head tilted. “well I... I look the same don't I?” he asked wondering what Drago was talking about.
"Oh no little pretty, you look even prettier, little pretty."Asher snickered teasing as he relaxed, almost giddy with the relief that Draco wasn't angry with him. raising a hand he summoned the hand mirror to them, grinning as he tilted it towards draco, letting the man see what he looked like. he was so much more pretty, which was going to make drago jealous to.Absently stroking his fingers through draco's hair he studied his lover, "Though if you don't want to feed from the vein yet, we could bleed him and mix it up in rum. Its not bad."He said anxious to make draco as comfortable as he could. Which gabe was no doubt finding amusing, seeing the usually untouchable asher finally finding a weakness large enough to really affect him.
Draco giggled a little at Asher's ramblings and gently kissed him to make him shut up, smiling as he looked at himself in the mirror, looking amazed his eyes widening a little, his head tilted. “wow.” he whispered softly, stroking his own cheek. “i'm... amazing.” he muttered softly smiling a little as he examined himself, Drago snorting a little. “and your Ego is pretty big too.” he teased, only a little jealous of his brother. He himself was actually planning something else for himself, but it was a secrete. Gabe was very amused as he examined the stuttering Asher, Draco hesitating before shaking his head. “i have to get used to drinking from the vein, or I'll starve...” he muttered, licking his lips a little as Drago stepped forward and offered his neck, Draco recoiling. The neck was just so.... “try from the wrist.” Gabe suggested gently Draco nodding. He could do from the wrist, it wasn't so sexual that way. He accepted his brothers wrist and hesitated, his eyes fixed on the pulse, licking his lips again before he sank his fangs into place an inch above the wrist, directly on the vein and started to suck, Drago wincing and gritting his teeth hard as Draco accidentally flooded him with the painful Venom, but didn't utter a single noise of discomfort, well aware it would upset his brother.
Asher swallowed hard as he looked at the two blonds, frowning slightly as he studied the two. Wincing as he realized that drago was getting the painful venom. Shuddering a little as he stroked Draco's hair, making sure he had his fill before gently pulling him away before he got carried away, pressing a gentle kiss to the blond's head."Feel better?"He asked, worried about him. gently running his hands around the other's hair, glancing up at Gabe."What did you do with Meth?I'm going to be dealing with him, as soon as draco's okay with me leaving." He said, worried still about leaving the blond alone. Even knowing everyone would be with draco, he didn't want to leave him alone. His protectiveness only getting worse then it was before.
Gabe watched carefully, gently gripping Drago's shoulder as he glanced at Asher as Draco pulled away from his brother obediently, licking his lips clean of Drago's blood and nodded. “yes, I'm not thirsty anymore.” he promised smiling a little as he snuggled into Asher. 'I have his powers stripped and he's in the cell where we where keeping the Dursley's. He won't be going anywhere. I've been questioning him, as it turns out Dumbledore promised him Draco and Drago as long as he helped in the war. That's why he thinks that they are his.' Gabe explained, blinking as Drago walked out of the room, a little dizzy from blood loss and pain. 'I've left him mostly unharmed, and I've sound proofed the room so you don't have to leave to take care of him, and you can take as long as you want, drag it out for a week, a month, do whatever you want with him. He damaged a Chosen, and that is punishable by any Death you choose.' he promised smiling at him as Draco snuggled into the bed and fell asleep, content, and full.
Asher grinned getting up looking down at draco, making sure he was sleeping contentedly before going to deal with a problem.Good thing he had no problem with getting his hands dirty.

Hours later Tom walked into Harry's room, raising a eyebrow."You need to come see something.Bring gabe to."He said his knees feeling a little weak, because whatever asher had done, he couldn't explain how the ther had managed it, but damned if it wasn't a good way of letting everyone know Draco was firmly off limits. And since Asher was back in bed with draco,he'd gone to see what the vampire's punishment for meth had been....and not even he, with his world wide sense of torture, had expected this. So he wanted their opinion on what waited them in that room.
Harry blinked at Tom, his head tilted a little before he stood up, wiping paint off his fingers where he had been painting on a canvas and followed the other out of the room, silently calling Gabe and Shadow, who both came quickly, Drago following. He looked, different somehow, Drago did, he had let his hair grow out to his knees again, but there was something else that seamed different. “Asher get done with Meth?” Drago asked looking amused, Harry nodding. “apparently.” Harry admitted heading down into the dungeon and flicking on the lights his eyes widening in astonishment at the sight before him, Shadow gaping in horror and Drago whistled, impressed.
Tom swallowed hard looking at the sight. Glancing at Gabe,"He said it was like deboning a chicken.Though the man's still alive in there. Said he was going to leave it like that for awhile."And it was a good discription of what was on the floor, with shadow locked shields keeping the liquids from escaping the newly boneless body. IT wasn't the worst torture in forms of pain, but every bone had been removed from the skin....while leaving the inhabitiant alive. "What would asher know about deboning a chicken?"He said shuddering because the torture was made so much worse knowing that meth was still alive in that body. Glancing at drago, frowning slightly. The horror of what he was looking at fading for a moment as he tried to figure out what was different about the blond.
Harry snickered a little and shook his head. “he's making an example of Meth.” he stated simply, crossing his arms. “i wouldn't be surprised if he doesn't send the guy back to Dumbledore like that.” “hell, it's not hard to de-bone a chicken, me and Harry used to have to do it all the time. It just takes a few good cuts and a but of strength and the bones just pop out.” shadow admitted, Harry nodding. “you have to break the bones to do it, must have hurt a lot.” “you people are sick.” Draco stated, laughter in his voice, amused that Tom seamed to be the only one in the room who was freaked out by this. Hell Gabe was even trying to figure out how Asher had done it, so he could do it too. “Asher is over a thousand years old Tom, of course he knows about chickens, when you live as long as we do, the chance to learn something interesting is always a good choice.” he teased the Dark Lord. “your not squeamish are you Tom? Your looking a little green there.” Drago teased, smirking a little.
Tom frowned, he did indeed look a little green around the gills as he nudged the body with his toe, paling a little more at the squishy feel. "Shut up."He said sulking a little. After all,he'd done alot of things, but even this, was out of the ordinary. He so didn't want to ever discover how asher had done it. He might just throw up, jumping nearly out of his skin as Asher snickered from behind him."Well, hello everyone."The eldest vampire said looking amused as he looked at them all, pointing to gabe."Will you see about getting this...delivered to dumbledore?He should have a reminder of who he's playing games with."He said crouching down to make sure the shields would hold for delivery, before looking at drago."What did you do?"He asked, sensing something was off, and making sure drago was fine before he took care of meth.
Gabe snickered a little and glanced at Asher when he came up, Drago nearly leaping out of his skin as well when Asher came out of nowhere, Gabe snickering a little as he nodded. “i'll make sure it gets delivered.” he promised smirking as he nudged the body again and snickered once more. “this is amazing Asher, you MUST show me how you did it some time...” he stated with a small chuckle as he glanced at Drago who shrugged. “i didn't do anything, I'm just coming into my natural found powers as the next in line to be the Librarian.” he explained smirking a little. “see, the Librarian is actually many people, who keep track of many different things. We all hold the deep knowledge, and the abilities to time travel, but we all collect different things. You didn't think Tsuru made that enormous library all by himself did you?” he asked smirking a little. “one of the Librarian's died, so now I am taking his place, that's why I feel a bit different, I'm slowly absorbing all the information the Grand Library has to offer so far.” Harry and Shadow stared at him for a moment then. “wow... that's kind of cool.”
Asher looked thoughtful, tilting his head."yes, that is pretty cool."He snickered a little. He really did enjoy the thought of drago having something like that. Because he had been worried about drago with draco being a vampire now. Before looking up at Gabriel, smirking a little."I'm sure you can find the spell I used to do the library."He snickered looking at gabriel, amused at the idea of the man having to read. Shaking his head a little, before smirking."Watch."He muttered he said as he summoned a dead chicken from the kitchen, crouching down so that Meth could see him do it again, knowing he was about to scar the man again. Muttering the spell he slid his fingers under the chicken's spine and ripped his hand back, passing the bones through skin and flesh, amused as he looked up at gabriel, as the bones hung from his hand from a moment before fire consumed both skeleton and chicken."instead of breaking them like you'd debone a chicken, the spell protects the brain so that the victim can stay alive, but lose all bones and everything."He shrugged before standing up, tilting his head a little."i probably should be getting back to draco, if your going to take care of this for me."He said to gabriel.
Drago shrugged. “i was always going to be a Librarian.” he admitted smiling a little. “since I was six it was the only thing I ever wanted.” he admitted. “oh and you should thank Tsuru and Stain the next time you see them. Stain's taken over the Defense and Tsuru is teaching history and their the only reason why Dumbledore's not pestering you.” he admitted smirking a little watching with fascination, as did everyone else as Asher showed them how to debone someone, Meth uttering a short pathetic little sound of Terror as he waited for death, he couldn't hear anything, since his ear bones where missing, but he didn't like the morbid fascination in which they where all watching him and the deboning of the chicken, Harry snickering as he glanced at Gabe. “i'll take care of it.” he promised smirking a little. “you go cuddle with your newly bonded and I'll contact you and let you know how it goes.” he promised picking Meth up by the wrist and shadow walking him to Dumbledore's office.
Asher grinne as he looked at Gabe, walking upstairs with the man."How are the boys doing anyways?"He asked, curious and worried about rudy. And wondering if Rasbastian was handling things as well as he thought he was. Smiling softly as he felt draco starting to wake up. Eager to go et his boy, and go see his parents. Wanting to reassure lucius and narcissa that their son was fine.

Dumbledore stopped, the tea cup he was holding falling from his fingers as he saw what was with the boy, eyes wide as he studied Harry."H-harry my boy, whatever did you do?"He asked worried. Because he was afraid on what the man would tell him,after all, his war wouldn't go his way if harry no longer supported him.
Gab smiled a little and nodded. “Rudophus is recovering, I changed him last night and he's healing... we won't know if the change took care of the tumor or not until he wakes up and gets tested again.” he admitted softly, biting his lip a little. “i'm not fully certain how Rab is, he hasn't left Rudy's side... I think he's even more worried than I am.” he admitted with a shake of his head.

Harry blinked at him, looking enraged as he dropped Meth to the floor, shaking his head a little. “it wasn't me, trust me you'd have known if this was my work.” he admitted. “i'm much more messy, I don't have the finesse yet.” he admitted. “no, this was Asher.” he admitted a low snarl falling from his lips. “Law one.” he stated. “never fuck, with another's chosen Dumbledore.” he stated his eyes narrowed. “you promised this man he could have Drago and Draco.” he stated with a snarl. “when they where not yours to give. He almost KILLED Draco! We had to change him to keep him from dying! Drago is distraught, Asher is unstable, Gabe won't stop crying and you PISSED ME OFF!” Harry snarled pausing when Tsuru walked in, shaking his head. “Harry, calm down child. Dumbledore is just as much a victim in all of this as you and Draco are. Please, come with me, I'll explain everything.” he promised softly, smirking at Dumbledore. Tsuru had, since Ashlin left, been informing Dumbledore that he could keep Harry under control, and ten minutes later he proved the theory as he walked in with a now calm, if a little dazed looking Harry potter. “i'm terribly sorry about all of this.” Tsuru stated calmly. “there has, apparently been a misunderstanding.” he stated with another smirk as Harry shadow walked back home, a wicked look of amusement on his lips as he stepped into Tom's bedroom, pouncing on the man and kissing him intently. “mmm that was very amusing, it's a shame you weren't there to see it, you'd have laughed your ass off.”
sher paused at Gabriel's door, glancing at him slightly worried. "He probably is. He's never had to consider losing his brother before. And rudy is his twin."He said sighing quietly, "You'll come get me if you need anything?"He asked looking at the vampire worriedly,"I could stay here if you need to do something."He said looking slightly uncomfortable at the idea of being away from draco, but he'd do it, for gabe.

Dumbledore stared looking startled at tsuru, swallowing hard before he looked at the mess that Harry had left for him."Tsuru...will you please do something with that?"he said feeling sick to his stomach and wondering how he was going to get the malfoys under control now that the youngest was a vampire.And that he'd made a enemy of asher.

Tom yelped as he got landed on, sighing softly as he kissed the other, running his fingers through his hair, shifting to wrap him in his arms."Oh, and what was it like?"He asked, wanting to know what it was like. Sure that harry had probably nearly given the old man a heart attack with coming in with meth.
Gabe nodded and smiled at Asher, squeezing his shoulder. “i'll be fine.” he promised. “i have Rab to keep me calm.” he promised. “Draco needs you right now, if anything happens I'll let you know.” he promised shaking his head. Some part of him know that the vampire would cure the cancer in his chosen's belly, but not for some time. Rudy would have many stomach pains over the years as his vampire blood fought against the Cancer, but he would no longer be dying, and the stomach pains would only last a short while at a time. And Rudy was strong, and so was Rab, Gabe knew it.

Tsuru smiled and then grimaced as the spells holding the body together broke, spilling the vampire all over the room. “alright that's gross even for my standards.” the Librarian complained, waving a hand at the mess and making it vanish. “you don't have to worry Dumbledore, I informed Harry that you and Meth where in fact not working together, that Meth had been lying to drive a wedge between you two.” he admitted. “i used a few compulsion spells to make sure the story suck as true, he's still your loyal pawn, but i'd suggest not trying to hurt the ones he loves any more, I can only control him to a point you know.” he shook his head. “Asher still trusts me, I'll go tonight and explain that Methuselah wasn't working for you and that you never promised anything.” he promised examining Dumbledore. “and I'll see what I can do about the Malfoy's as well.

Harry snickered and shook his head. “you should have seen Dumbledore's face! It was amazing! He looked like he was going to pass out! And then even better Tsuru 'took me away' and 'convinced' me that Dumbledore had nothing to do with iut, so Dumbledore still thinks I'm his loyal pawn!” he admitted with a bright laugh. “this is so goddamn funny.” he admitted snickering. “Dumbledore is such an IDIOT!
Asher smiled nodding a little as he kissed gabe's cheek before heading off to check on his chosen.

Dumbledore winced a little before nodding as he sat down with his newly repaired glass of tea, sipping it as he studied the historian."Thank you Tsuru. I am sure Asher will speak to you."He said already starting to plan the next step in the game. After all, he needed to end tom soon, before things got to out of hand and he lost his pawn forever.

Tom laughed softly pressing a kiss to the other's shoulder, closing his eyes."He is."He smiled nuzzling the other's neck, not feeling nearly as whoozy now that he didn't have to look at meth."Hmmm I could do some convincing, if you need it."He said nibbling the other's neck."See if your still a loyal pawn or not..."
Draco was just waking up when Asher walked in, licking his lips as he looked around. “everything looks so sharp.” he muttered, sounding amazed. “so clear, and I can smell things.” he admitted, his nostrils flaring wide. “i can tell that Fen is here... checking on Drago... did you know he stinks? He does.” he smiled a little. “i can hear things too, I can hear Gabe talking to Rabastan, and I can hear Harry talking to Tom, and I can hear the mice in the walls and the hawk catching a rabbit out in the yard.” like all Vampires, Draco's senses sharped after he calmed down and accepted what he was, so he wasn't so horrified by it. “it's so amazing.” he whispered in astonishment. “so amazing Asher!”

Tsuru chuckled a little and nodded. “i know Asher will.” he promised standing up, glancing at Dumbledore. “keep Tom alive just a little longer Dumbledore.” he suggested. “for he is about to do, what he should not, and it will Drive Harry into the course of revenge.” he promised. “Harry will kill your Tom.” he explained. “and the future will be saved.” and with that he vanished, appearing at Gabe's side. “call for a meeting tonight. I have a plan.” he admitted before vanishing again, Gabe nodding as he closed his eyes and kissed Rudolphus's cheek, smiling at Rab. “you need to sleep Rab.” he whispered softly, stroking his hair.

Harry chuckled a little and nodded. “and Tsuru has a plan, he's going to call for a meeting tonight.” he admitted leaning his head out of the way with a small moan and a smirk. “mmm I'm YOUR loyal pawn.” he purred happily, licking his neck happily, sucking on the others neck. “mmm feeling a little hungry.” he admitted smirking as he sank his fangs into the others flesh and let forth a pulse of the pleasure, flooding Tom with intense pleasure as he drank, massaging the others cock. “mmm I wonder if I can make you cum, just by drinking from you?” he mused wickedly.
Asher laughed, wrinkling his nose a little."I know he smells. I've been telling you that for MONTHS!"he whined laughing quietly relaxing as the man was so excited about being a vampire. Glad draco had accepted it."I know its amazing. It'll fade to background sounds, as you get used to hearing so much stuff."He said kissing the other slowly, wrapping his arms around him."Tsuru wants to talk to us tonight."He said thoughtfully.

Rabastian sighed quietly leaning into the touch, closing his eyes as he shifted to lean into the older vampire, resting his head on the other's chest, closing his eyes."You'll watch him?"He muttered, already starting to drift off.

Tom moaned quietly, squirming a little moaned as he fisted a hand in the other's hair, whimpering quietly in pleasure."ohhh...harry..."he muttered shuddering as pleasure filled him. Losing it slowly.
Draco smiled a little as he ran his nose along Ashlin's neck. “mmm you smell so good.” he moaned softly. “you always smelled so good, but you just smell so amazing now.” he moaned, suddenly thirsty, and before he could stop himself he'd driven his fangs into Ashlin's neck, lacking the self control to stop himself as he filled Ashlin's blood with the pleasurable venom as he drank from his lover and ground himself into the other, moaning happily.

Gabe smiled and nodded. “i'll watch him.” he promised softly, kissing his lovers forehead and picking him up, settling him into his lap and cradling him as he slept, watching Rudy intently, waiting for the man to wake up.

Harry purred eagerly, filling him with more pleasurable poison, smirking as he drank his fill and pulled away, squeezing Tom's cock, knowing better than to give tom too much poison as he stripped the man of his pants and engulfed his cock, sucking him down to the base and then pulling away, licking his lips. “mmm I wanna fuck you so bad.” he teased, smirking a little, examining his lover as his fingers, spit soaked, pressed into Toms ass and rubbed his prostate. “go on, tell me you want me to uck you, I know you do.” he teased with a small snicker.
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