Blood Fury and Love

Asher sighed softly as his lover tried to distract him, shifting a little. Wrapping a arm around his lover's waist he nibbled at his ear."Tom, do you need saved?" "YYEESSS!"the dark lord whined, straining at his bonds. Asher smirked,"You heard him.He's perfectly fine. Now draco, stop trying to distract me."He growled, poking his lover a little.
Shadow laughed wickedly when he heard Asher asking Tom if he needed saved and thrust two fingers deep into the Dark lord, punishing him yet again. “ah ah ah, such a NAUGHTY boy! Your supposed to beg for MORE, not beg to be saved!” he growled smirking a little. “do I need to bite you again?”

Draco grimaced a little and looked away, scowling a little. “i don't want to..” he complained softly. “you'll be angry with me.” he complained letting Asher pull him away into their own bedroom, laying on the bed obediently as he sighed, relaxing now that he was out of the world again, closing his eyes. “i don't like it when your mad at me...”
Tom moaned whimpering, whining as he squirmed back against the other's fingers."Ohhh yes.Please."He growled looking at his lover, eyes half closed as he studied the man, lust in those dark eyes.

Asher sighed quietly as he laid down, pressing a kiss to his head as he laid next to him,closing his eyes."Lovely, i'm not angry. Just confused."He said looking up at the cieling."..why did you ever go to gabe?"
Shadow snickered as he reached over and sank his teeth into the others inner thigh, filling him with more pleasurable poison, panting eagerly as he smirked a little, taking a few swallows of blood for himself, touching and rubbing the prostate ruthlessly as he licked his lips and wrapped his hand tightly around tom's cock, a spell settling in place, preventing him from coming, it wasn't tight, but he still wouldn't be able to cum.

Draco sighed a little as he shook his head. “because I didn't think he would say no.” he admitted softly, sounding...ashamed. “i know you would, and Harry and Shadow would... because you think it's only because of what happened...” even though Draco knew he had finally reached a decision because of the rape, he had been thinking about it for a while, weighing the pro's and cons of becoming a vampire, wondering if it was right for him. Well he had decided it was, now he just had to get someone else to see that while It was partially because of the rape, it wasn't only because of the rape.
Tom moaned, whining, whimpering as he loked at shadow. "Shadow!"He growled, jerking hard at the bonds, reaching for magic, wanting free. Wanting fucked, hard and now. "please. Now."He whined, just short of a demand.

Asher sighed quietly, lacing his fingers through Draco's raising his hand, pressing a kiss to his palm,fangs scraping over the sensitive skin."Dray, you're not feeling good.Are you sure that's not what this is?We've talked about it before, and you never wanted to."A small frown puckered between the blond's eyebrows as he thought, the vampire looking curious and worried,not mad. Not yet anyways.
Shadow laughed wickedly as he finally moved into Tom, moaning happily as he felt the hot, tight heat wrapping around his cock with a violent, happy shudder. “mmmmg fuck yesss your such a tight little bossy bitch.” he groaned thrusting into him panting softly. “oh yessss.”

Draco shuddered violently as he felt the fangs brushing his skin and this time he couldn't hold back the flinch, shutting his eyes tight, waiting for the anger. He wasn't sure why he was afraid that the other would be angry, logically he knew Asher would understand, but he was expecting anger anyway. “sorry.. I'm sorry.” Draco whispered clamping his hands around his neck, protecting himself as he started to cry. “i'm so sorry...”
Tom moaned, jerking at his bonds."Ohhh...well you're pretty bossy yourself.."He stuttered slightly, whimpering in need."please!Please shadow, let the scarves go.PLlllleeeeassse!"

Asehr sighed, flinching away, shuddering a little as his anger ate at him,closing his eyes."He didnt nearly die slow enough.Blaise needed to die slowly..."He muttered gently stroking draco's hair, swallowing hard."You know it's going to be a few long days love. If you really want to do this.Its going to hurt."He said looking at his lover,pain and conflict showing. He wanted eternity with the other,but he was afraid draco would regret this later.But...he wanted him as a vampire. Needed to make draco tougher, stronger so the blond could protect himself. Weak to the other's demands and needs.
he groaned as he smirked at the other, fucking him faster. “yeah? You want free?” he demanded smirking at the other. “well since you begged so nicely I think I can be that nice.” he teased releasing the ribbons, but leaving on the spell that wouldn't allow Tom to cum, panting in his ear.

Draco shuddered violently, swallowing hard. “i don't know what I want.” he whispered, admitting that he didn't know what he wanted, admitting that he was hurting. “it hurts so much.” he whispered trembling violently. “it hurts so much... he bit me... he bit me all over... he bit me and I couldn't move.” he whispered sobbing a little as he shook his head hard. “he bit me all over.” he curled up on himself, crying as he tried to protect himself from fangs that weren't there.
Tom moaned, hands gripping the other tightly, kissing him hard, growling as his nails bit into his back, teeth biting into his shoulder."Shadow, let me come."He demanded, holding onto him tightly.

Asher shuddered a little, anger at blaise eating him alive before shifting, laying his body over the other's,keeping his own body between draco's invisble attacker,pressing his face against his neck,holding him close."Draco,shhh he's not here. I cut him up and sent the pieces to Kaleo. No one is ever going to hurt you again.I'll protect you love."He promised
he moaned and shook his head a little, panting hard. “oh, god, not yet, no you can't cum yet, just a little longer.” he groaned thrusting into the other eagerly panting hard as he drew closer and closer to his own orgasm, finally releasing Tom to cum, arching as he spilled his seed deep inside of his dark lord.

Draco wailed when he felt the others body over him, sobbing wildly until he heard the others voice, panting softly, as he slowly started to relax, tensing again when the other stopped talking, setting his hands over his eyes so he couldn't see, wouldn't see Blaise standing over him, lost in his own dark memories. But Asher's voice helped, gave him something to focus on. “Asher.... Asher... please...” Draco pleaded softly, trembling violently still, just wanting to hear Asher's voice.
Tom moaned hands gripping hsi arms tightly as he came, trembling in his arms. Shuddering as he collasped back onto the bed with a sigh, looking up at shadow with a sigh."You're not going back to school."he said with a yawn.

Asher whined quietly, butting his nose against the other's hand, gently trying to get his hands away from his eyes."Brat, I swear to god you're taking centuries off my immortality."He grumbled lovingly, nuzzling him."You and me are running away after this. Somewhere warm.No more dark lords or insane headmasters."
Shadow snickered a little as he nodded. “we assumed that would be the case.” he admitted yawning a little. “mmm you have such a lovely ass, remind me to give you a good spanking next time, i'd love to see that pretty pale flesh of yours turning red.” he teased chuckling a little as he kissed the others neck.

Draco whimpered but removed his hands away from his eyes as he blinked at Asher, taking a shuddering breath. “Asher?” he asked softly before relaxing calmly. “sorry..i..i don't know what happened.” he muttered softly, relaxing into the bed. “...can...can you....” he swallowed hard, looking guilty. “ put your fangs on me... I get scared...” he whispered, sounding so ashamed. “ca...can we still go somewhere warm?”
Tom blushed a little, smiling slightly as he pressed a kiss to the other's head."You'll have to convince me to do that."He muttered looking amused, shaking his head as he studied the boy."Go to sleep. We're going to have a busy few days I think."He said starting to fall asleep himself.

Asher sighed pressing a kiss to his shoulder, shifting, wrapping his arms around him. Holding him close."I'm sorry. I hadn' thought of that"he said gently stroking his lver's back with a sigh,cuddling him."Of course we can still go somewhere warm.Its' been years since I left for somewhere warm. it'll be fun."he said stroking his hair
Shadow smirked a little. “i'll just tie you down again.” he teased smirking a little as he wrapped himself around the other, sighing softly against the others ear his eyes closed a little. “i love you, and Harry does too.” he murmured smiling a little. “...Tom... your the smartest person we know... if we where planning something slightly dangerous... would you be willing to help us?”

Draco sighed, relaxing when he realized the other really wasn't mad, smiling a little. “i love you...” he muttered softly, wrapping his arms tightly around his lover, pressing his face into Asher's chest. “i'm sorry I'm so broken.” he whispered softly. “i'm sorry I let him break me...”
Tm smiled a little, shuddering as shadow's sigh brushed his ear, closing his eyes as he smiled sleepily. he couldn't believe the other was asking him if he'd do something dangerous."Matters who its dangerous for, and what it is.Enjoy dangerous things."He muttered sleepily, more then any other moment, he was liable to agree with whatever shadow wanted at the moment even if fully conscious he wouldn't.

Asher sighed quietly, nuzzling draco's hair with his nose before pressing a kiss to the blond locks,closing his eyes."Love, you're not broken.Just hurt."He muttered holding him tighter, shuddering a little."But...if you want to be a're going to let me change you okay?No sneaking around, no asking gabe or shadow okay?"
he chuckled a little at the shudder. “it's only dangerous for me.” he promised. “harry won't be hurt and neither will anyone else. This is my decision and I want it, and Harry's agreed to help too... do you know the copy spell?” he asked smiling. The copy spell was different from the usual replicating spell. The copy spell worked on living things, creating copies of plants, animals, and humans. The only problem was, the copied body, was nothing more than a shell, that couldn't even be used for spare parts, because it copied everything from genetic mishaps, to illnesses. So they had stopped working on it, but Harry and Shadow had studied it extensively, and realized that the reason the copied 'seconds' didn't live, or move because they ad no soul or mind. But Harry had two souls and two minds, so theoretically the copy spell should create one harry, and one Shadow, instead of a harry and a shadow in one body.

Draco shivered at the kiss and smiled a little as he snuggled tighter into Asher, glad that the other didn't think he was broken. “ok.” he whispered softly. “but I... I don't think.. I'm ready yet to be a Vampire.” he admitted softly closing his eyes. “i'm just not ready yet... I shouldn't have asked Gabe.. I was just.... so tired... and bro...hurt... I won't do it again.”
Tom stirred, blinking awake as the words filtered through his mind. Raising a hand to rub his eyes as he considered that. "Damn."He muttered, fully awake now. "You just had to wake me up."He whined quietly before laughing softly,"You know it might just work."He said considering the magic that would be involved in that.

"Good."Asher muttered holding the other tighter, pressing a kiss to his head as he closed his eyes."Sleep love. We'll talk in the morning."He said stroking the boy's back,trying to ease him. Wanting him to relax."We'll be fine love."He muttered.
Shadow chuckled a little and nodded. “of course I did.” he admitted smirking a little. “and of course it might work, we wouldn't have asked you for help if we weren't sure of that much.” he admitted running his hand through Tom's hair. “the cloning spell would make two bodies, completely identical down tot he very powers in our bodies. But, we have our theories about what would happen to our minds. We're hoping that we will stay connected mind and soul, simply stretched into two bodies, but it might not work that way, which is why we want someone there watching us. If something goes wrong the spell IS reversible, so long as it's done the second things start going wrong.”

Draco nodded and closed his eyes, but he wouldn't sleep. No matter that Asher was right there, and he had been told by several people that Blaise was dead, he was terrified that someone would get him while he was asleep, and bit him again and make it so that he couldn't move, and then take him again, rape him, call him nasty names and use him, only Draco was sure that the next time it happened Asher wouldn't be there in time to save him.
Tom laughed quietly nodding."Only you brat, would bring your supposed enemy a problem like this."He said amused. And wondering what dumbledore was going to think if someone leaked the information about there being two 'harry's'. Already making the mental note to punish the death eaters who told if it should happen. Purring slightly as the other ran his fingers through his hair."Now sleep brat. We have enough things to think about tomorrow. We need to sleep."He ordered raising his head to look at him.

Asher sighed softly when he realized the boy wasn't sleeping, sending a mental call to gabriel and asking him to come, and drag drago and fenrir with them."Love, I don't need to sleep.I'll stay up and watch over you.And Gabriel's going to to.And fenrir will smell anyone should they try to hurt you. And drago...well drago's coming because he makes a good cuddler."He teased a little, trying to get him to relax
Shadow chuckled a little and shook his head, not willing to tell Tom the other half of their plan chuckling a little as he snuggled into the other, kissing the man's neck with a small sigh, smiling a little. “i don't need to sleep I hope you realize.” he teased smirking a little. “i just like to.” but, he was half asleep already even when he said that, snuggling into Tom happily. “goodnight Tom, I love you.”

Draco whimpered a little when Gabe, Drago and Fen came in, but he relaxed a smidgen, feeling calmer with more protection, Drago crawling into bed with Draco and snuggling him, Draco sighing as he started to completely relax now that Asher was holding him and Drago was close by, Gabe and Fen both taking their positions by the door, listening and smelling for any danger that might come around, including a hyper Shadow. “Sleep draco.” Drago ordered calmly. “Asher and I won't let nothing happen to you.” Draco nodded, closed his eyes, and slept.
Tom grinned, snuggling down into him, falling asleep. Across the house asher smiled, closing his eyes, intent on actually sleeping.

Though in the morning, the illusion the man had slept was shattered as he threw pieces of paper at the sleeping werewolf, playing jeopardy with gabriel. After all, who better to play the knowledge game then two immortals."Ah damn gabe. You suck like a hooker when the rent's due."Asher whined, grouchy because he hadn't slept, but hadn't been able to relax enough to he was grouchy about losing a game of jeopardy to gabe
Gabe chuckled a little as Fen snickered, Draco whimpering again as he opened his eyes, tensing violently when he felt his brother pressed against him before relaxing again when he heard Asher speak, snuggling into the man and away from his brother, Drago blinking as he woke up, yawning a little. “morning.” he muttered softly Draco nodding a little. “morning.” he murmured softly. Did you all stay up and watch me?” Draco asked, sounding both thankful and horrified that they would do something like that. “...thank you...”
"Of course we didn't.Gabe went to sleep."Asher grinned a little pressing a kiss to Draco's head, whining as drago snuggled into him. Wondering when he'd become the snuggle buddy for the malfoy boys. Wondering if Lucius would be showing up to snuggle. A disturbing and sleep deprieved thought. "Then I woke him up to play jeopardy.Did you know gabe sucks?Badly. Like a really bad hooker."He said rambling slightly, sleep deprieved even if he didn't really need to sleep, he did enjoy it.
Draco smiled a little as he watched Drago snuggle into his lover, Fenrir scowling a little as he watched his lover snuggle into the Vampire, Gabe snickering a little. “i take it your losing then love?” Draco teased smiling a little as he looked over at them laying his head on Asher's leg with a small sigh. “thank you...all of you... really helped.” “it's no problem.” Drago mumbled. “i hate seeing you so upset.” “i as well.” Fenrir admitted crossing his arms. “mostly because Drago whines constantly when your upset.” Gabe chuckled a little. “i don't mind helping, since Asher loves you so much, anything we can do to make you feel better.” Gabe promised Draco nodding. “i want breakfast.” the wounded blond complained, Gabe chuckling as he stood up and winked at Asher. “i'll beat you some more later.”
"Go get the boy food gabe, and I'm never playing jeopardy with you again."Asher whined pouting as he sat up, running his fingers through Draoc's hair as he laid his head on his thigh.Biting his lip before he looked at gabe.Grab some blood wine for me to while your at it. he ordered, well more whined. Not really a order,but a nice asking.because he wasn't about to bring the subject up with draco, and he was already short on sleep he wasn't about to go without food. That'd just be a slaughter waiting to happen."And get drago away from me.He's making me smell like a werewolf."He whined looking at draco.
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