Blood Fury and Love

Asher stared at him for a long moment before crunching up the letter in his hand, throwing it at the blond."Get over here.Dammit, and bring fenrir. If you're going to make draco feel better, I guess I can life with the werewolf on my bed.Though he has to sleep at the foot."He whined a little, not reacting clearly to the news, though he was making plans to take care of soon as he was sure Draco wouldn't freak if he left. Though he'd probably have to take Harry, in case the wards were set only to let the owner go through the wards,
Drago winced when the letter was thrown at him, looking confused. “why Fen?” he asked, puzzled as he headed over to the bed. “i don't know if he can make it, he's out beating up other werewolf Clans, to make his bigger.” he admitted smirking a little. “he's going to have a veritable Army soon.” he admitted gently stroking Draco's forehead, looking upset that his twin was so distressed, shaking his head. “can I kill him?” he asked hopefully. “Blaise I mean... for..this.” he indicated Draco, who was dozing peacefully, blissfully unaware of what was going on around him. Drago had a plan himself, he was going to rip Blaine into itty bitty little pieces, and send them back to Kaleo along with a warning to leave Asher, Draco, and everyone alone.
"Because you'd feel better with him around, and it'd be something to give draco some more protection."He said mentally beating himself up at the idea of not being enough to protect his lover. Sighing quietly as he watched the other, laughing as he shook his head."Oh no. I have a worse fate for him then being your victim."He said vaguely, looking up at draco, relaxing slightly. Glad to see that the twin was being so very protective of draco
Drago nodded a little as he looked up at Asher. “you can't blame yourself for this.” he ordered gently. “it's not your fault.. it's Blaise's, and Kaleo's. They used friendship to hurt Draco and that's so wrong not even Salazar Slytherin, or Grindelwald would have done it. It was unfair and dirty and none of us could have seen it coming.” he promised shaking his head as he called out to his werewolf anyway. “i think we can get him out of school, get him, and Harry private tutors maybe. Get them out of that damn school.” “leaving the school means they win.” Draco whispered softly. “i won't let them win...” Draco decided slowly sitting up and rubbing his eyes a little. “i won't...let him win.” he decided. “i need to take a shower...Drago go away.” Draco ordered, slowly limping his way to the bathroom, intending on washing Blaise off of him, Drago nodding as he left, well aware that Draco would want Asher to join him.
Asher sighed quietly as he undressed and following his lover into the shower, getting in behind him, pressing a gentle kiss to his shoulder. "Lovely, let me get you a tutor. Here at the manor.It'll be perfet."He whined quietly wanting to protect his lover, and wanting to not let him anywhere near dumbledore or anyone at school. Now that blaise had turned on them he wanted draco and everyone he cared for behind the wards of the manor.
Draco frowned a little, shuddering violently as he closed his eyes. “Dumbledore would never allow it.” he protested softly. “he would complain to the school board.” but, the school board wouldn't be able to do anything, Draco had gone through a traumatic event, while at school of all things, the board would rule in favor of Draco, not Dumbledore. “i want to stay here.” he admitted, feeling very upset and horrified at what had happened. “i don't want to go back to school.” he admitted letting the hot, far too hot water wash away Blaise's taint. “i don't want anyone else to ever...ever touch me again... no one but you.” he admitted wrapping his arms tightly around the other, letting out a small whimper. “please don't make me go back there...” Draco was still a little out of it, still a little confused.
Asher smiled a little, smiling wide enough that it was fangs that pressed against Draco's shoulder as he complated Dumbledore complaining."Let him complain."He said laughing a little gently washing his lover off, enjoying what he would do if the headmaster would even think about trying to stop him from protecting draco."And no one is ever going to touch you again."He said before amending it."Well.I can't say that. Harry's liable to hug you when Shadow lets him free."He said trying to make him feel better.
Draco sighed and nodded, relaxing against the other, feeling more and more clean the more Asher washed him, simply leaning against the other, enjoying being loved and cared for despite being broken and sullied. “i'll punch him in the gut.” he decided chuckling a little. “then he won't hug me.” he growled playfully smiling a little as he snuggled into his lover. “are we going to make Harry stay too?” he asked curiously. “he'd enjoy it a lot more... being able to be near Tom all the time. Gabe could claim that he feels it is unsafe at the school, and wants to train him better.” he smirked. “and since Harry is a vampire the school board can't say shit about it either.” he smirked at Asher. “what do you think?”
"I think none of us are leaving here."He snickered a little, kissing the other gently."I think if we even tried taking harry back to school, Tom would through a fit, violently and all over the place."He said before running his fingers through draco's hair, kissing him again, just because he could."We probably could find a reason for theo ron and hermione to stay to."he aid nodding absently, already thinking about it. Wanting everyone they cared about safely out of reach."And of course, he can just go back to needing a teacher.I'm not going back without you."He shuddered a little."Pansy'd be liable to grap my ass or something if I id."
he chuckled a little and shook his head a bit. “we could claim to train them all.” he decided. “Theo would take some convincing though, he doesn't really want anyone to find out.... but the others could really use some training, to protect themselves. I know Ron and Hermione are both so loyal they'd follow Harry through the valley of Death and come out alive just to piss off the devil.” he admitted chuckling a little. “besides, Tsuru can teach Defense, Dumbledore knows your only there to protect Harry.” he pointed out smirking a little. “he'd assume that Harry leaving means your leaving too.” he shrugged a little and snuggled into Asher, sighing a little. “i love you Asher.” he mumbled softly. “never let me go?” he asked hopefully.
"Never."He muttered kissing him softly before turning off the water, "Come on lovely. Time to bundle up and get back to bed."He said starting to rub his lover dry. Before laughing, "Well, they are gryffindors. They have a tendancy to be fiercely loyal."He teased the slytherin, kissing him again, just because he could.
Draco smiled, relaxing into Asher as they walked, wrapping the Towel tightly around himself, sighing softly. “Slytherin's can be loyal too.” he complained pouting a little. “Gryffindor are just stupidly brave.” he admitted shaking his head a little as he crawled into bed, shivering from the chill of the air sighing softly as he closed his eyes and started to doze off to sleep, curled in on himself as if it might protect him, breathing evenly as he drifted off to sleep, leaving Asher free to do whatever he wanted to do to Blaise, who was still alive down in the dungeons.

Back at Hogwarts Theo finally stepped back inside, looking troubled. He knew he needed to tell Ron what was wrong with him, if only so the red head wouldn't worry, but so far only Draco had ever known what was wrong with Theo, save for the boys mother and father. “i have to tell him.” Theo decided closing his eyes, knowing his disease was progressing. It wouldn't kill him, but there where worse things than death, and Theo was facing one of them.
Asher smiled softly as he pressed a kiss to Draco's head, tucking the blanket around him, leaving Drago in charge of watching over draco while he was away, before heading to the dungeons."Ah gabriel, you always give me the most wonderful presents."He said sounding amused as he joined the elder vampire who'd just come down, to kill bliase like Asher had asked. Asher though, decided he needed to do it himself after talking to Draco.

"Theo!"Ron said panting as he ran down the stairs, skidding to a stop in front of him, looking worried."Did you just get back?Have you seen any of the others?"He asked, for once totally distracted from his boyfriend's sickness, so worried was he aobut not only harry and draco missing class, but Asher missing. The two teens were almost possible, but asher struck him as a man who'd turn up unless something was seriously wrong.
Gabe smiled a little when he saw Asher. “i was wondering if you where going to change your mind. How's Draco?” he asked curiously, Blaise sitting in his cell, blindfolded, Gagged and hog tied so that he couldn't move even a little. “i'll need to tell Harry what happened, he's ditching classes right now, waiting to find out whats happening.” he admitted shaking his head. “he's going to want to come back...”

Theo blinked, startled when he saw Ron, shaking his head. “no I haven't I just got back, are they missing? Are you sure their not just in Asher's room ditching?” bit, Ron wouldn't be worried if he had checked there already. “come on, let's go talk to Stain and Tsuru, they should still be here.” he took Ron's hand and practically dragged him out of the hallway and into Stain and Tsuru's room, both of them looking very worried, sitting with Harry who was pacing back and forth, a line of blood running down his chin and Stain rubbing his neck. Harry had gotten so worked up he'd bitten poor stain when the man had tried to make him sit down.
"Oh draco's as well as you expect.Drago's watching him."He said sounding vaguely amused as he stepped into the cell, walking around Blaise, absently trailing his fingers over blaise's haiir, "Tell harry to go with drago. Draco'd feel better if he wakes with someone else."He snorted a little."And warn him no hugs. Draco'll smack him. Already told me."He said before turning his attention to the half vampire, pulling out the gag as he smiled that sweetly vicious smile."Now lovely, whatever shall I do with you..."

Ron stared, his mouth falling open a little as he walked in, before looking at harry, catching harry's arms, not caring that he'd probably get hurt for it."Potter, what happened?"He demanded, sounding so very afraid of what had caused this sort of agiation in his friend.
Blaise snarled viciously at the feeling of fingers in his hair, trembling lightly as he realized he really was going to die, baring fangs that where a little shorter than a real vampires. “such a waste.” Gabe commented softly. “Half Vampires are SO rare.” he admitted shaking his head. “but he pissed with your Mate, and that's wrong by any standards.” he chuckled a little and shook his head. “don't go too easy on him.” he teased before vanishing, leaving Asher alone with Blaise who swallowed thickly. “just kill me and get done with it...” Blaise whispered hoarsely.

Gabe turned and looked at Ron and Theo when they walked in, opening his mouth to talk as Harry paced back and forth and snarled and snapped. He hissed viciously when Ron touched him and he spun around, his fangs missing Ron's flesh by a half an inch, Gabe having yanked Ron out of the way just in time. “don't touch him, he's not sane right now.” Gabe ordered shaking his head as Theo carefully inched around Harry to make sure that Ron was alright, sighing a little. “what happened?” Theo asked Gabe, frowning a little, the vampire swallowing thickly. “Blaise raped Draco.” he explained simply, Theo gasping in astonishment, eyes wide. “Blaise is a half vampire, he was going to change Draco unwillingly and turn him into a slave, so that he could use Draco to kill Asher and I, possibly Harry and Drago too.” Theo was staring, wide eyed and pale. “but...but Blaise isn't a vampire!” he protested, Gabe shaking his head. “he is, half of one anyway. Half Vampires are rare, and they usually appear to be completely human until they decide otherwise.... he's been involved with Kaleo.”Gabe explained, Theo nodding. “yeah he had a boyfriend named Kaleo, said he was really smart, and nice too but I never met the guy.” Theo admitted trembling a little. “he really raped Draco?”
"Oh no lovely, I have better plans for you."Asher smiled tugging off the blindfold before getting down to business.

"Yes he did."Asher said as he stepped back into the room, lookng as prim and proper as he ever did. Though he was enjoying thinking about what he'd down.Disjointing the vampire while was so alive had been so much fun.And now..."Kaleo's going to be so pissed.He just keeps losing his toys."He said sounding vaugely amused as he thought about the inlaid chest that kaleo would be getting. Ron was pale under his freckles, watching them all, before looking at asher then Gabriel."Why is he calmer then Harry is?"He asked, relaly wanting to know. Having gotten to know the vampire, he'd expect violence, extreme violence at someone touching Draco. This cold detatchment was almost worse then any phyiscal reaction. Asher smiled absently, looking at Gabriel."Despite what you wanted, he is still alive.After all, you're right. He is a rarity."
Blaise had screamed so wonderfully for Asher too, but he did not beg for mercy or forgiveness as most did when they where being tortured. It was amazing what a bit of mortal blood could do for a Vampires abilities, he had eventually just passed out, hissing that Asher would pay and then falling limp as he lost consciousness. Gabe smiled as he nodded. “i'm not so sure that's a good thing.” he admitted simply as he looked at Ron. “Asher is calm because he had to be for Draco, and because he spent the last twenty minutes torturing Blaise.” he stated calmly. “it would have been better to kill him Asher love, Draco will fret, and we have no way of making Blaise join our side. He has broken the laws that I have set down, that in itself declares that he should die, half mortal or not... but if you wish for him to live, I will let him live, and leave him in your... care.” he chuckled at his own little joke, well aware that Asher would just leave Blaise down there to starve. After all even half vampires didn't need to eat, they just got very thirsty after a while and mad with bloodlust. “i will take care of Harry.” Gabe stated simply. “the rest of you leave, this is not something you should see... Asher please tell my boys that I will need them, and have Snape leave some of that fake blood here. It tastes like shit but it will keep me and harry from draining our chosen's dry.”
Asher looked amused, after being pulled into so many pieces, he'll live only long enough to tell Kaleo to go to hell.Or yell at him.I just wanted Kaleo to know I'm tired of playing.I do obey your laws gab....just a little unorthodoxly.he said absently before shrugging, nodding a little as he left."Yell if you need me back."He said before walking out, going to get the lestranges before heading to his bedroom, smiling peacefully as he climbed in bed with Draco, kissing his head. as he settled down close to him.

Ron looked worried as he left the room, before looking at theo, looking even more worried for a moment."You were already upset about something when you got back. What is it?"He asked worried studying his boyfriend as he headed for the room he'd been given.
Gabe looked startled before chuckling as he nodded, kissing Asher's forehead. “i'll be sure to, Harry just needs to work his rage out on something that's all.” he stated simply. “you know how protective he is.” he pointed out shaking his head a little as they all left, letting Harry attack him.

Theo hesitated when Ron called him out on his secrete and he winced a little, looking upset again. “Ron I have to tell you something.” he admitted softly. “i've never told anyone else before so I..i don't really know how to start.” he admitted settling down onto a couch and biting his lip. “do you know what Vampis disease is?” he asked softly. It was a rare, genetic disease that often skipped several generations, anywhere from three, to twenty generations. It struck without warning, and while it wasn't fatal, in the last legs of the disease it could become very, very painful. It started out simple, with the body's blood thinning, and creating more than it should, which led tot he blood finding a way out, usually through the nose. Because the blood was so thin once the bloody nose started, it was difficult to stop. When it progressed it started to attack the lungs and joints, making breathing painful and moving more so. A person with Vampis disease would often cough up blood from the large sores growing in their lungs, and would need to have their joints drained of fluid regularly. From there the disease only got more painful, crystals forming in the joints until the person couldn't even move. It was a terribly destructive disease, and it was almost more kind to kill the person than to let it progress that far.
Ron frowned as he entered the bedroom, sitting on the bed as he thought. Struggling to remember what the disease was, and how bad it could be. Pain filling his eyes as he looked at his boyfriend, leaning his head back to look up at him."How far along?"He said softly, needing to know. Despite not wanting to know how bad it was, he needed to. Because he so wanted to take care of the sick man. Biting his lip, making a note to talk to the vampires, wondering if something could be done. And wondering if theo would go for it, if that was the answer. Swallowing hard he met Theo's eyes, looking scared and worried for the other man.
Theo sighed a little. “it's only the first stage right now.” he admitted shaking his head. “but there are irritated spots in my lungs that bleed sometimes.” he admitted swallowing thickly. “there's no telling how long it will take for it to progress, it took seventeen years for the sores to form... but I could take a year for the second stage to fully develop, or it could take another seventeen... there's no telling.” he admitted softly, looking afraid as he stared at his hands. “my joints are starting to hurt too, fingers mostly...” he looked at Ron. “i thought I should tell you, because... because you shouldn't have to take care of me, especially not when you didn't even know... I don't want to date you, if I'm lying to you...”
"No lying would be bad.Though it is a slytherin thing."He teased lightly, shifting wrapping his arms around the other man, resting his head on his shoulder."I want to be with you.Want to help you, anyway you need."he said raising one of theo's hair, pressing a kiss to his fingers. Before looking at him,"Come on lovely, we need to sleep. It's been a long day, and I'm pretty sure tomorrow is going to be longer."
he snorted a little at the lying accusation. “hey, we only lie to save our own skins.” he teased smiling a little blushing a bit as his fingers where kissed, his head tilted. “you know what this disease does Ron... how could you possibly want to take care of me?” he asked, eyes wide with astonishment. “i might even forget who you are...” because in the last stage, the disease attacked the brain, something that muggles called Alzheimer, Theo would be in and out of memories, he wouldn't know anyone. He paused when Ron called him Lovely and lifted an eyebrow. “hey now, I'm supposed to be seducing you.” he teased chuckling as he got to his feet, sighing a little. “i am tired..” he agreed rubbing his eyes. “i'm glad your going to stay though.” he admitted softly. “i really think I might be falling for you.”
Ron's smile was sad and kind as he crawled into the bed, stretching out with a yawn. Because he knew what the disease caused, and damned if he'd let that drive him away.He had harry, and draco,and asher...everyone to help him if he needed someone to talk to.But before all them, he knew he needed theo in his life."Oh damn.Do we have to tell draco he did a good thing in setting us up?"He whined a little trying to make the other smile."He'll be unbearable to live with."
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