Blood Fury and Love

Draco moaned loudly as he came deep inside of the other, trembling violently before he moaned, falling limp on top of the other, panting hard. “oh.. oh god that was wonderful.” he moaned softly. “but.. your still going to top most of the time right?” Draco asked hesitantly. “i mean... if you'd rather... I.. uhm... I.. I like bottoming a little more...” he admitted blushing hard. “topping is so much work... I might loose my feminine curve after all...” trying to pass it off as a joke.

Theo laughed a little and nodded, shaking his head a little. “i wont ever tell.” he promised chuckling a little before pausing, frowning a little. “yes but.. I mean.. it's strange I guess. I always saw harry as a purely light person, a good guy, someone who never broke the rules and never questioned anyone... but Tom, he's as dark as things get... when I say dark I don't mean evil of course, Dark and light are just a type of magic really... but Tom's always broken the rules, questioned authority, gotten into trouble... their like night and day to me.” he admitted shrugging a little. “he and Tom both do seam a lot more... comfortable with themselves now though...” he had to admit that Tom seamed less mad, Harry seamed less hateful. Maybe they where a good pair after all.
Asher laughed shifting to look at the other, smiling bemused at his lover before putting him out of is misery."Of course I'm topping lovely."He said shifting to run a hand down his side."And you'll always be girly."He teased pulling his lover around for a kiss.

Ron nodded looking thoughtful."Like they've settled into who they're supposed to be. And they're different...but you need balance."Ron smiled a little looking around,shivering a little in the cool air."WE probably should head inside. Its starting to get cool."
Draco relaxed and chuckled softly, snuggling into Asher with a small sigh. “good, I don't mind being dominant once and a while but I'm not very good at it.” he admitted chuckling a little. “i've only topped you, what, six times in total now?” he asked smiling a little. “and the other times don't count because I was angry.” he admitted chuckling a little. “i love you.” he purred smiling a little as she snuggled into the other kissing him again. “i love it when you fuck me too.” he teased giggling as he snuggled into the bed with a yawn. “but now I'm sleepy...”

Theo nodded. “yes, that's true.” he admitted, blinking as he watched Ron shiver, shedding his own winter cloak and settling it over Ron's shoulders, helping him to warm up as he smiled a little. “may I kiss you first?” he asked curiously, blinking at the other, licking his lips a little. “i'm finding it harder and harder to control myself around you, I keep wanting to kiss you and I fear if I don't ask I might do it without your permission, and I think you wouldn't like that as much..” he admitted his large clear eyes watching Ron intently. “Merlin if only you weren't so damn perfect I might be able to control myself a little better.”
Asher laughed quietly, snuggling dwn into him, yawning as he fell asleep. Content and amused at the boy's ramblings.

ron looked startled before blushing, smiling shyly as he nodded, leaning up to kiss his boyfriend softly, wrapping his arms around him, cuddling against theo's broader chest in a effort to get even warmer and to make sure his boyfriend wasn't to cold."I'm not perfect."He muttered looking embarassed, for once having no words to describe how he felt.
Theo moaned softly as he wrapped his arms tightly around Ron, kissing him intently, moving his mouth against the other before smiling, breaking the kiss. “your perfect for me.” Theo whispered with a small chuckle kissing Ron's neck before letting him go and taking his hand, leading him inside with a smile. “shall we head back tot eh castle and get some sleep?” he asked curiously. “or are we going to stay the night here?” letting Ron decide, no matter what decision Ron made Theo was gone in the morning to his appointment at St. Mungo's, and Draco and Blaise where both missing during their first, class. In fact, Draco and Blaise seamed to have vanished off the face of the earth, only Asher would be able to locate them, and he was not going to like what he saw.

Blaise and Draco where on a bed, both of them naked and Blaise balls deep inside of the blond, who was laying completely still under Blaise, with his eyes closed, trembling, but not moving. Which was strange. Draco always moved, always. If it was consensual he moaned and writhed and squirmed and thrust. If it was rape he was screaming, clawing, kicking, trying to get away like when Asher had saved him in an alley from a drunkard. He never just laid there. Blaise was moaning, thrusting into the still Draco with a dark little snicker. “i'm going to cum inside of you Draco, and then, I'm going to make you mine.” he hissed, Draco blinking slowly, trembling harder, but again, not moving. It was as if he had been stunned. The question now was, how was Asher going to react to seeing his blond, laying under another, under another Vampire, Blaise was running long fangs along Draco's neck. How had no one realized that Blaise was a vampire? Because he smelled human, Blaise was a half blood. Half human, half vampire, and he was fucking Draco.

OOC. you remember that not i sent explaining changing and half bloods? now is when it comes in handy XDD)
Asher still at the manor, felt Draco's distress like a brush on his skin, and the only thing keeping him steady enough was Gabriel's sleeping emotions. Stumbling as he went to find the other vampire he snarled at the dark lord as he nearly fell over the man in the hallway, before continueing on his way. Walking into Gabriel's room without knocking, walking in and reaching between the two lestranges, resting a hand on gabriel's shoulder, smacking enough distress into his command to wake up he was sure to get his attention."gabriel!"He snarled, barely holding it together.

Tom paused in his bedroom doorway before walking over to the bed, shaking harry's shoulder, knowing if woken on his own harry woke up grumpy, startled awake it'd be shadow, and shadow woke deadly."Shadow, I think something's wrong."he said studying the other man. Needing to go see what was distressing asher enough to be unintentionally rude.
Gabriel jerked awake at Asher's touch, gasping as he suddenly felt the other man's distress. “what!? What is it!?” he demanded sleepily turning to look at Asher, pushing out the distress so he could think and pushed Calm and gentle emotions into Asher to calm him down. “go to the school immediately, follow your tie to Draco.” he ordered getting to his feet and looking for his clothes. “i'll follow, don't kill ANYONE until I get there to asses the situation.” he ordered.

Harry jerked awake as well, hissing angrily at Tom for waking him up, silver shining in his eyes as he glared grouchily at the other. “what the fuck do you want I'm sleeping dammit!” he paused when Tom mentioned something being wrong and closed his eyes. “..Asher is really upset, so is Gabe... I can feel Draco...he's...” he frowned a little. “his emotions are all over the place, distressed, terrified...somethings happened to Draco and it's upsetting Asher...” he explained getting information from Gabe's bond to Asher, swallowing thickly as he opened his eyes, Harry out now. “come on, let's go, we're going to need to be there to control Asher should things be going bad.” he stated running out of his room to catch Gabe and Asher before they left.
Asher looked startled as he nearly walked into Harry, looking down at the boy before nodding a little. So far gone and afraid for draco that he didn't even question the younger vampire's prescence.Nodding slightly at Gabe he closed his eyes,wrapping his hands around harry's arms, before taking that sidestep through shadows, following what he could feel from Draco.

Letting go of Harry he stepped away, using the vampire as a anchor to keep him fom slaughter, until gabriel could arrive. Raising a hand he sent a slash of power at the half blood, walking towards them, knocking blaise away, and forgetting him just as quickly. Letting harry deal with him as he looked down at his blond,kneeling so he could get close, gentle hands running over his body, trying to find injuries, searching his face desperately."Love, draco..."He whimpered quietly when the boy didn't answer.Pain and anger in the sound,starting to lose control, going insane in those moments.he'd be sane again,when draco could talk to him, but without his chosen to calm him, he was losing himself.
Harry let Asher lead the way to Draco, gasping in horror when he saw what was happening, watching Blaise fly through the air and slam into the wall, Harry snarling viciously as he pounced on Blaise, pinning him to the floor, violence in his silver streaked eyes, Blaise snarling and struggling, trying to get free so he could finish feeding on Draco, the poor Blond was pale from blood loss, the marks on his neck bleeding sluggishly. Draco was very lucky that Blaise hadn't been injecting him with the turning venom, just a paralyzing Venom, rare in Vampires but not unheard of. “a...sher...” Draco whimpered closing his eyes, tears running down his cheeks, terrified that his lover was going to leave him for being unloyal Gabe arrived a few seconds after Shadow managed to get Blaise restrained, biting the Half blood several times until all the half blood could do was lay there and whimper in pain.

“what happened Harry?” Gabe demanded, pausing as images filled his head, Harry too pissed too actually say what he saw, Gabe pushing calm and comfort into Asher again as he gently moved him out of the way and examined Draco's neck, sniffing at his neck. “it's ok, he's not changing, he's just been paralyzed.” he stated calmly, picking Draco up and putting him gently in Asher's arms. “take him back home, get Lucius to administer blood replenishing potions and an anti shock potion, Asher take a calming drought yourself and stay with Draco, he needs you calm and not angry. Shadow you and I are taking Blaise, we need to find out what he was planning.” he stated watching Asher leave before taking Blaise off tot he dungeons for questioning and torture. Draco simply laid in Asher's arms, limp as a noodle and sobbing from the trauma of blood loss and rape, thinking that Asher wasn't going to want him anymore.
Asher snarled as he held his chosen in his arms, pissed that he was getting bossed around like a child. He wasn't a child!He was perfectly capable of handling himself. Snarling protectively,even if his arms were gentle and easy on the blond, he walked through the manor with draco wrapped in his jacket,snarling as he kicked the door to tom's study, demanding attention, and god forbid if he wasn't given it. Right away.

Tom swallowed hard as he looked at the door, before looking at lucius. Afradi of what was waiting on the other side of the door for him, having seen what asher was freaking out about, but afraid not to help him. Swallowing hard the riddle heir pushed open the door looking at the two before looking at lucius, carefully keeping his body between father and son."Lucius, go through my bedroom to my workroom,and get blood replinishing potions, and some calming draught. And meet us in asher's room."he said already helping the vampire get to his room. Pretty sure that asher wasn't functioning well enough to find anything beside draco.
Lucius nodded and vanished down the hall, slipping into Tom's room and gathering the necessary potions and swallowing down a calming drought for himself, well aware that he was starting to panic, seeing his son so pale and freaked out. He ran back into the room just as the other three reached Asher's room, Draco slowly starting to regain the use of his muscles, fidgeting lightly in Asher's arms as his muscles jerked and clenched painfully as the nerve toxin started to ease out of his system. “as...her...” Draco whined softly. “Blaise...he... c...cant... I ...he didn't... make it...stop.” Draco pleaded softly. “Asher... need, Asher...” Draco pleaded. “no more, please no more...” he pleaded. “i don't... want... slave...” Lucius swallowed thickly and handed Asher a calming drought, making him drink it before handing him a calming and blood potion for Draco. “was he...turned?” Lucius asked in terror, well aware that if his son was turned in a state like that, that he would become nothing more than a slave to the vampire that changed him. An unwilling change always led to the once human becoming little more than a puppet.
Asher's snarl filled the air,even through the drought his anger bled through the air, ignoring the other two wizards as he tucked Draco into bed, crawling in with him,pressing close."I would have killed him before I let that happen."He growled pressing a kiss to Draco's shoulder, tucking his head against his body, holding him close. Gently stroking his body as Tom fed Draco the potions, whimpering. Even through the potion his sanity was dangerously close to breaking. Tom swallowed hard looking at Lucius, shaking his head a little."No, he's still human."He said swallwing hard, wondering if he'd stay that way for long, or if Asher would chose to change him, to offer draco that much protection. Knowing the elder vampire hadn't done it because he cherished his chosen just how he was,and was afraid of driving him insane...but this, this might break him, and in it he'd change draco, if the blond asked it of him.
Draco protested weakly at the potions but ended up swallowing them down and relaxing into sleep with a small sigh, sleeping now as Lucius relaxed a little, stroking his son's hair before patting Asher's shoulder. “don't worry, their saving Blaise for you.” he promised Asher. “their only torturing him, their going to let him do whatever you want to him once their done getting information from him. Just rest with Draco, he will feel better once he realizes he's with you.” he promised offering him a gentle squeeze of the shoulder and leaving the room, dragging Tom with him.

An hour later Harry and Gabe joined Tom and the others in the library splattered with blood and with troubled expressions on their face shaking their heads as they communicated silently before turning to look at the others in the room. “...everyone take a calming drought, and we'll tell you what we found out.” Gabe ordered, swallowing thickly.
Tom swallowed hard looking at the men, before passing a potion to narcissa lucius, snape, and the two lestranges. All of Draco's family, and therefore Asher's. All of them worried about the two men. Rabastian's eyes trailing over the two vampires trying to see if they were hurt. Shaking his head a little he swallowed, looking a little sick. Tom looked at his lover before standing wrapping his arms around him, kissing his head, ignoring the blood on his clothes. Worried about the troubled expression on their faces, because he knew they werent men prone to overreacting."should we get asher?"He asked before shaking his head."No. Just tell us."He decided worried about what the egyptian did if they tried to get him away from draco at the moment.
Harry leaned into Tom sighing softly closing his eyes as Gabe swallowed thickly. “Kaleo is involved in this.” Gabe suddenly stated as he opened his eyes. “Blaise is working for him, Blaise didn't like that Gabe and Asher where so... childish, and thought he and his father could rule the Vampire realms better. He was going to rape Draco and drain him dry, and then turn him into a Vampire.” he explained. “when a person is turned into a vampire without consent, they become a slave to their turners will. The more trauma the victim experience before they are turned the more dependent they are on their new masters, in Draco's case, he wouldn't even have breathed without Blaise's orders to... he was going to use Draco to attack and kill me and Asher, because he knew that we wouldn't hurt Draco...” Lucius swallowed thickly. “he was going to kill me and Asher for Kaleo, so that Kaleo and Dumbledore could take care of Harry.” Gabe and harry glanced at each other then. “they where going to turn Draco into a living puppet to kill everyone in this room.”
Tom's eyes turned dark as he stared hard at the floor swallowing hard. " least we wont have to wonder about blaise coming back. Asher's goign to feed him his heart."He said, grim humor in the words because it was the only thing to keep him from raging at the idea of someone killing everyone in this room, the only people he really cared about. "So. who gets to tell Asher?"He said,looking at them all Knowing whoever it was, was going to suffer some pain when the vampire broke his careful control.

Severus gently squeezing lucius's shoulder pressing a kiss to his lover's head, even as he wrapped his arms around narcissa."Come. You two need to sleep."He said, knowing they'd want to see draco, and knowing just as equally well that Asher wouldn't allow it until he was sure he could trust them all, that someone else they trusted wouldn't betray them.
Gabe nodded. “i'll be telling Asher.” he explained swallowing thickly, Drago sitting in Fenrir's lap, his face so pale he looked dead as he stared, but you could practically see his thinking gears turning. “Harry, go sleep.” Gabe ordered, Harry nodding as he got to his feet and dragged Tom off. to sleep, yawning a little as he rubbed his eyes, Gabe swallowing thickly as he steeled himself and knocked on Asher's door before stepping inside. “Asher, I found somethings out.” he explained gently setting on the bed away from Draco as he explained what Blaise had been planning. Explaining that Blaise had been going to use Draco to kill them, and explaining that they had left Blaise mostly unharmed in the jail for Asher to have. Waiting for the pain when Asher's control slipped and snapped.
Asher closed his eyes, shuddering a little as he pulled his lover closer to him, breathing deeply as he forced himself calm. Actually....scarily calm considering how out of control he'd been a hour ago."Kill him."He said before shifting, resting his head on draco's shoulder,gently stroking the man's side.Closing his eyes, intent on his lover. As if Blaise didn't if nothing mattered to him anymore. And in those moments, nothing did. Not until he figured out how hurt draco was, he wouldn't care for anything but his chosen. The cold and calm hiding just how mentally fragile he really was, though he knew gabriel wouldn't be leaving him alone anytime soon.
Gabe nodded relaxing as he realized Asher was mostly in control of himself. “he had a message for you, from Kaleo.” he whispered softly. “none of us have read it.”he admitted softly handing over a small letter that was lightly stained with blood. “Draco should wake up soon.” he promised, tensing when he heard Draco groan softly. “call if you need me.” he ordered gently kissing Asher's forehead as Draco shifted, whimpering lightly as his eyes fluttered open. “my neck hurts...” he whimpered softly. “my ass hurts...” he whimpered. “where's Asher.... I want Asher....” he pleaded, feeling along the bed for him, his eyes still closed, not realizing that his lover was behind him, not in front of him. “please... I want Asher...”
Asher growled quietly pressing a kiss to the back of his neck."Draco, I swear you annoying brat, if you disappear on me again, I'm tying you to the bed and never leaving."He said resting a arm around the blond's waist, shifting his hold so he could read the letter out of the blond's sight. Despite the semi angry words, he relaxed so much at the sound of draco talking.Pressing a kiss to his shoulder he sighed, absently trailing a hand down his side, trying to calm his blond.
Draco flinched violently at the sound of the growl and the kiss to his neck, and relaxed when he heard Asher's voice. “he grabbed me... he.. I couldn't...struggle.” he whispered, tears in his voice. “couldn't scream... couldn't...couldn't call to you... it was...just him.” he whispered, carefully rolling over so he could bury his face into Asher's chest. “please... please don't leave me I didn't mean to be unfaithful... I didn't mean to let him take me..i..i'm not a whore I swear! I....i'm not a v..vampire slut.” he protested, voicing a few of the things that Blaise had said, breaking into sobs again, certain that Asher wouldn't want him anymore now that he was dirty, sullied, tainted by another.
Asher froze,even his breathing stilling as his control snapped on his temper, snapping at Blaise's voiced words, reaching out for gabriel and stealing the man's icy calm, forcing himself not to lash out. Not yet anyways."Love, if I didn't leave you when you dragged Drago into my life, I can deal with this."He said pressing a kiss to the boy's head, gently stroking his back."Though I might have to kill blaise myself now."He said bemused to himself, sighing quietly. Wanting blood for injuring his blond like this. Though who he really wanted was dumbledore and kaleo, tied up and waiting for ihs pleasure. And it would be a pleasure killing them.
Draco snuffled lightly, relaxing when Asher kissed his forehead and pressed a kiss to his forehead, sniffling a little as he pressed himself into his lover, sighing a little. “will you?” he asked hopefully. “kill Blaise I mean?...i... I don't want him to c...come back.” he admitted softly. “he was going to turn me into a vampire... he was going to make me a slave...” he whispered softly. “i..i thought he was my friend... I knew him since I was a baby... we used to sleep in the same crib....” Draco was clearly wondering just who else would turn on him, would hurt him. Theo? Harry? His father? He never thought Asher might hurt him though, he trusted Asher too completely to think the other capable of hurting him.
"Don't worry. I will."He said gently stroking the other's hair,"Blaise was twisted himself, by kaleo no one else would be weak enough to fall for his lies."He said shifting,realizing he was still holding the letter from kaleo. Opening it slowly he frowned, as he started to read, worried about what the insane vampire could have commited to paper. Frowning as he read the ranting, and the raves. Wondering just how insane the man was."Kaleo sends his well wishes, and hopes that I do so enjoy my pet now."He muttered to himself, thumb stroking over the soft vellum,trying to find a connection to kaleo, trying to take that half step between them. WAnting to destroy the vampire so badly he nearly vibrated with the need.
Draco hesitantly nodded, relaxing in Asher's arms, sighing softly as he kissed the others neck, slipping off into a light doze, too scared to actually sleep, but resting lightly in Asher's arms as Drago gently knocked on the door and stepped inside, fidgeting lightly as he looked at Draco, terrible guilt written on his face. He had helped Kaleo do this, so he was going to help fix it. “i know where Kaleo is.” he whispered softly. “or where he was anyway.” he admitted swallowing thickly. “he, the last time I saw him he was in Serpis Manor.” Serpis!? That was...Harry's bloodline, what was Kaleo doing in a place that would belong to Harry one day? If the boy didn't already own it anyway. “i just..thought you might like to know that.” Drago admitted swallowing thickly. “and...that im sorry... I. I should have realized... I knew Blaise had been talking to Kaleo I...i just... I forgot.” he admitted looking even more ashamed. “i was...foolish, I should have known better.” it was almost as if Drago was looking for punishment, looking to be yelled at, beaten and abused, hurt for letting this happen to his brother.
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