Blood Fury and Love

Draco relaxed at the promise of Sanity and gently kissed Asher before leaving, Gabe tensing, ready for pain but not afraid, looking startled by the hug before wrapping his arms tightly around his friend. “Kaleo is a sick bastard.” he muttered softly. “i'm sorry Asher... but not all of your family is gone, you know that right? You still have me, and Harry. Tom and Lucius, the brothers, Snape, Narcissa. And Draco will never leave you.” he promised rubbing Asher's back. “you will never be without family, so long as you have me and Draco, and neither of us are going to die so easily.” he promised smiling a little. “i promise. We'll get Kaleo, make sure he's punished for the heartbreak he's caused... ok?”
Asher sighed quietly, hugging him tighter, "okay."He muttered smiling as he nuzzled the vampire's neck, nibbling at his skin, more to tease then any real interest in having sex with him."You smell good."He muttered, closing his eyes. Relaxing even more. Realizing that gabriel was right, that even without his blood family, the ones around him had become as close as family, closer then anyone else in his life.
Gabe smiled a little as he held the other tightly, shivering as he felt the fangs nipping at his skin. For Vampires it was a very sensual, loving thing to bite one another, feeding from another vampire was reserved only for those who where deeply in love, or in trust with each other, and was usually reserved for privacy. For a moment, Gabe almost wished Asher would bite him, reaffirm their family bonds, and the romantic feelings between the two, but then remembered his boys and felt guilty. “do you need to hurt something yet?” he asked softly, offering up himself to take the pain in case Asher was still pissed off. “you know, Draco amazes me.” he admitted softly. “Harry was afraid of you just now, Snape, all those students, even me.” he admitted. “afraid you would attack, or hurt, or kill and yet... Draco walked right up to you, not a speck of fear in him... it amazes me how good he is with all of good he is for you... I almost think he understands vampire nature better than we do.”
Asher laughed quietly when he felt the man shivering in his arms, feeling the want through their bond. Though he didn't use it often, he could feel gabriel tied to him."He amazes me to. And I think he does."He laughed quietly, "Though draco knows he's the only person I'd kill myself before I hurt. He was worried....and he is good for me."he muttered smiling widely, talking as he shifted his hold on gabriel, gently pulling him clsoer, scraping his fangs over the other's skin again before he bit down. Feeling slightly guilty, but like gabriel, he needed to reaffirm their bond, to make sure he still had his family.
Gabe smiled a little as he nuzzled Asher. “your good for him too.” he admitted smiling a little. “he's not so anal these days, and certainly not so controlling.” he tensed when he felt Asher gripping him, holding him closer so he couldn't move, moaning eagerly as he felt the others fangs sinking into his skin, groaning as their bonds, Maker to created, lover to lover, brother to brother, flared into life, as strong as the first years in which Gabe had been created, trembling in Asher's arms as he closed his eyes, submitting to his older, his elder, his creator, mouth open, and head tilted out of the way. Even with his boys, Asher was still the only person he would trust in this sort of situation, because right then, Gabe would do anything that Asher ordered him to do, would listen to his master, his better as if he was a mindless slave. And even better, with the bite, their bond flared to the point where they could feel each others emotions, and monitor each other once more. “Master.” Gabe moaned, showing his submission, and willingness to comply to the one who had bitten him, resting in Asher's arms, ready to do whatever Asher wanted him to do.
Asher smiled a little as he raised his head, blinking slowly, lost in the feelings that he was getting from the other vampire. Shuddering a little as he stepped back,gently stroking his hair."Stay with me today."He said, knowing he needed the grounding, and trusting gabriel to keep him from hurting anyone. Running his fingers through his own hair he smirked, sighing satedly as he studied the other. Knowing that for the foreseeable future that this would be good for them both, to be able to feel each other this much. running his tonge over his fangs he smirked, ruffling the younger vampire's hair like he had when he was younger."you better believe I'm your master,brat."He teased heading for the door. For the moment, his anger and pain forgotten as he basked in the feelings gabriel was lending him.
Gabe swayed for a half a second, muddled and confused before he snorted a little and followed the other, snapping quickly back to himself as Asher released him. “damn, I forgot how good it feels to be able to tell what your thinking.” he admitted sighing a little. “i never realized that I was missing you so much, I think we should be more careful about how lax our Bond gets.” he decided smiling a little. “but I get to bite you next ti...” Harry slammed into them, panting hard. “i felt something weird! It was.. it was a good weird but it was weird! What happened!?” he demanded looking from one to the other, Gabe chuckling a little as he glanced at Asher. “i think we freaked out my son, I forgot he'd be able to feel that.” “WHAT DID YOU DO!?” Harry demanded Gabe chuckling. “calm down, Asher and I just reaffirmed out bond. You know how you can feel me and when I'm hurt, and how I can calm you down? Well Asher and i's Bond started to fade and we strengthened it, that's all.” Harry paused, considering that then. “oh, alright.” he stated walking away, calm now that he understood what was happening. Gabe had to snicker at that.
Asher snickered watching the young vampire, following after him, shifting to wrap a arm around gabriel's waist, more because he wanted to cuddle then any real need to touch him.Wanting his blond."Should I be worried?Draco might find this disturbing..."He fretted, actually worrying about it enough that gabriel could feel it. Amused at harry's worry, but fretting about Draco. Though he agreed with gabriel, they'd let it weaken to much, they needed to be in contact, more now then ever. headnig for his rooms, assuming the blond and everyone else had gone back there.
Gabe chuckled a little as he cuddled with Asher gently. “Asher, Draco understands everything you do.” he stated simply chuckling a little as Draco appeared, looking worried as he wrapped his arms around Asher, snuggling into him, worried that the other was still upset. “are you ok now?” he asked softly, glancing at Gabe's neck, a flicker of amusement lifting his lips. “i thought vampires couldn't feed from one another.” “he didn't feed, he just bit me.” Gabe explained chuckling a little. “we had to reaffirm our bond.” “bond?” Draco asked looking confused before shrugging and snuggling into Asher. “as long as Asher feels better.” Draco didn't really care what it took, he wouldn't even have minded if Asher had fucked Gabe. He would have been a little jealous, but he would have understood.
Asher smiled pressing a kiss to draco's head, resting his cheek against his hair as he looked over at gabe."He's being amazingly understanding.... why do I have the feeling he'd say the smae if you announced I had screwed you?"He asked gentle fingers tickling his lover, needing the lightheartedness of hearing his lover laugh."And I do.Feel better that is.'He said leaning back a little to look down at draco.
Gabe chuckled a little and shrugged. “to Draco, your happiness is the only thing that matters. If you needed to rape me to feel better, I'm sure he would have understood.” he stated simply. They both knew that if Asher had fucked Gabe in that sort of mood, it would have been rape, not sex. Draco opened his mouth to say something and was cut off by the tickling, loud giggles falling from his lips as he squirmed, trying to wriggle his way free. “no fair! No tickling!” Draco whined, smiling a little as he snuggled Asher. “i was wondering.” he admitted. “if Asher where to bite Harry, would you two form a bond?” “yes.” Gabe admitted. “it wouldn't be as strong as what Asher and I have, because Asher is the one who created me, but Harry would still be able to sense Asher's emotions and help keep him grounded. Though it's not recommended.” “why not?” “it's a very emotional thing, Asher and I can do it because, as before, he is my maker, but Asher and Harry do not know each other well enough, or have strong enough emotions to hold a bond, it could make them sick. That's why only family and lovers bite each other, to keep pre existing bonds strong.” Draco pondered that and nodded. “makes sense.” he decided, smiling a little.
Asher smirked pinning the blond against him, before picking him up, cuddling his lover close as he headed for their rooms."I'll just have to keep biting you then."He smiled nuzzling his neck,"After all, you dont mind me hurting you."He smirked a little, his heart hurting a little at the truth in gabe's words. Knowing hard he touched gabe like that, it would have been rape, and he might not have recovered from hurting him like that. Smiling as he scraped his fangs over draco's neck he smirked slowly."Good thing I'm already emotional over you isn't it?"He teased before thinking about it. Shuddering slightly."If I bonded with harry, I'd get tom to, and that, is just waaaayy to much darkness to consider. His insanity might rub off."
Draco giggled a little and nodded, leaning his head out of the way so Asher could bite if he wanted to, closing his eyes in eager anticipation, licking his lips. “yes.” Draco whispered, smirking a little. “besides Harry's not THAT dark.” no but Shadow was. He was flipping insane sometimes. “Drago wanted to talk to you.” he admitted softly. “and I think Dumbledore will too once he learns you just tortured Snape in front of everyone.” “we'll claim that Asher forgot his strength.” Gabe stated calmly. “and Severus is old, I can ask him to claim that he wasn't as used to the pain. It's been a while since he was tortured by anyone, combining the two would make the whole thing seam an unfortunate accident.” Draco nodded. “alright then.” he purred smiling a little.
Asher whined quietly, biting Draco gently before setting him on his feet, pushing open their door."Well, I'll go talk to Drago.He'll be more enjoyable then Dumbledore."he said amused as he rubbed his face, heading for the spare bedroom where he could still smell fenrir. Knocking lightly on the door before walking in smirking a little at the sight of the two curled up together."Well.I was told you wished to speak to me."He said clearing his throat a little studying the man. Worried about how to tell him what kaleo did, worried about what would come to it when he realized just how bad kaleo was.
Drago looked up at Asher and nodded to Fenrir who sighed but got up, heading out the door, hesitating at Asher before gently gripping his shoulder. “i am sorry for your loss.” he muttered softly, actually meaning it as he turned and left completely, Drago watching Asher, hesitating. “i... I wanted to talk..” he admitted, biting his lip hard. “i..i wanted.. to know about the real Kaleo.. so wont hurt so much... but I..i don't want you to push yourself...” he explained, watching Asher with heartbroken eyes. “it's hard for see a blood thirsty man...when he was so kind to me..”
Asher nodded slightly, rossing the room, taking the spot where fenrir had been his heart hurting. It was so hard to see drago upset, not only because he liked the boy, but because he looked so much like draco. reaching for gabriel to give him the emotional steadiness to talk he smiled slightly before sighing,shifting to wrap his arms around the boy, stroking his hair slightly."Kaleo...he is kind. Which makes the bloodthirsty bastard even mowrse. Even as a human he was a demanding lover, demanding that he was the only thing I paid attention to....kind of like draco,though draco lets me concentrate on what I want to do to."He sighed quietly."I thought I was in love with him, that I wanted to spend eternity with him....I realize now, I was lonely. Even with Gabriel, I was lonely.Only after the change, did I realize just how possessive Kaleo could be, and the change made it worse. Which made me guilty, so not only have I been avoiding killing him because its my fault, but because I once liked him enough to change him...guilt does that. And now its my fault that he killed the mother and child..I'll..."he sighed trailing off. He'd never forgive himself for costing the girl and her babe their lives, not when he should have killed kaleo years ago when he first realized how insane he'd become.
Gabe offered Asher all the emotional support he needed without even really being aware of it, giving Asher all the calm he needed to get through talking to Drago. The blond boy leaned into Kaleo, accepting the silent comfort as he closed his eyes and listened. “he would get annoyed if I paid more attention to someone else...” he admitted softly. “that's why I left Stain and keep Kaleo happy...” he smiled a little. “no, Draco I possessive because he's afraid your going to leave, Kaleo is possessive because your what he wants...” he looked up at Asher. “it's not your fault he killed those people Asher.” he stated, eyes sad. “you are not the one who killed them.” he looked away and a tear slid down his cheek. “he had me kill people... I was good at it.. I didn't question if they where good or bad... he was using me and I was too stupid to realize it.” he sighed a little. “thank you.. I understand him now.” he stated calmly. “i'd like to sleep now.” he admitted, laying his head on the pillow, sounding blank as he contemplated, and pondered the new information. “Asher... you won't leave Draco will you?” he asked suddenly, staring at him. “Draco needs you...just as much as you need him.” he stated calmly. “promise me you won't try to leave Draco.”
"I wont."Asher smiled softly as he got up,gently brushing a kiss to the man's head as he closed his eyes."Now sleep. Rest."He muttered glad to have just a touch of vampire magic left, letting the sleep spell knock the boy the rest of the way out. smiling as he left drago to his peaceful dreams, before going into the living room to see draco, his heart hurting a little at the idea of not being with draco. And hurting because he really did blame himself, whatever drago said,he'd never be able to convince him otherwise. Smmiling as he saw his blond, brightening."Come here."He growled needing a hug.
Drago sighed softly as he dropped off to sleep obediently, resting easily on the bed, Fenrir moving into the room as soon as Asher left it, snuggling with his bonded as Draco smiled turning to face Asher before grimacing at the order. “i can't.” he complained turning to glare at Harry who was snickering violently. “Harry decided to explain what Super Glue was by showing me.” he glared harder at Harry, who was practically doubled over with laughter. “i sat down, and all of a sudden I couldn't get back up.” he growled a little. “and the usual unsticking charms, have no effect.” Gabe snickered as he pressed a hand to his mouth, trying not to laugh outright at the others plight. “so until Harry supplies me with the secrete of removing Superglue, I'm stuck.” “you need Fingernail Polish remover.” Harry stated, well aware that Asher was probably not in a mood to be fucked with. “i need WHAT!?” Draco demanded, looking down at his fingernails. “fingernail remover!?” “no, fingernail POLISH, remover.” Harry corrected flinging a bottle of it to Draco. “just soak your ass, wait a few moments and you'll be free.” “and it won't hurt my nails?” “no girly boy, your nails will be fine.” “someday, I am going to kill you.” Draco complained as he obediently started to soak his pants with the polish remover. “i think Gabe would have issues with that, and Tom too.” Harry teased still snickering.
"AT the moment though, I wont. And that's all that matters potter."Asher growled as he waited for the fingernail polish remover to work. Ron snorted laughing, having arrived just in time to witness the blond's sticking to the seat, snickered. There was few things in the world as entertaining as watching Draco Malfoy get pranked."Well, at least you'll know better then to ask what glue of any kind is anymore." Asher laughed quietly, shaking his head before tugging the blond into his arms, nuzzling his neck."You okay?"He muttered worriedly, almost as if he was worried the glue or the remover would harm him Which he was. He didn't spend enough time in the muggle world to know if the things could cause harm, and he liked draco's ass to muh not to be worried.
Harry chuckled a little and shook his head as Asher fussed, Draco scowling. “i'm not hurt.” he promised kissing Asher's forehead. “annoyed, but not hurt.” he promised snuggling into Asher with a small grin. “Harry is still planning that stupid party too.” he warned, Harry leaning over to Ron. “i was thinking a silver and gold pattern? Both slytherin and Gryffindor what do you think? A little green and red for accents?” “and now he's ignoring me.” Draco complained scowling a little as Harry pondered the party, Gabe chuckling a little as he shook his head. “i think it's cute, I don't think he's ever been able to have a party all his own.” he admitted his head tilted. “come to think of it, I don't think he's ever even had a birthday party... let him have his fun.” Draco sulked but didn't disagree, pouting a little. “fine.” he stated grinning a little as he watched Harry excited brag about the dinner menu he had planned for the party.
Asher grinned watching the group as they sorted out what the party needed. Small things yes, but it reminded him why he was fighting, to protect this kidn of innocence, this kind of happiness. Grinning wider he settled on the couh to watch.

On the day of the party asher whined quietly as he looked down at the dark leather pants and deep red dress shirt, with gold trimming around the sleeves. Giving Draco a look as he flicked his golden hair over his shoulder."Explain to me again why I have to dress in gryffindor colors?You get slytherin."He sulked a little, looking at himself in the mirror, not about to admit after whining for the last week about the colors, they admittedly looked good. Having bitched at tom when the man had sent them to him, the heir of slytherin's twisted sense of humor there.
Draco chuckled in his emerald and silver robes, looking amused as he tilted his head. “you look best in Gryffendor colors.” he admitted smirking as he kissed him, nuzzling him happily as he watched the others in the living area get ready for the party. Blaise and Theo already immaculately dressed as Harry arrived, dressed in green and gold with Hermione and Ron in tow, both of them dressed in Gold and red. Gabe chuckling, dressed in Red and Silver, as he caught Drago who was running around like a madman, dressed in white robes, making him look like some sort of demented Angel. Tsuru was dressed in an elegant Kimono, and so was Stain, both of them looking elegantly beautiful.

“are we all ready?” Harry asked, grinning as he examined the group, checking to make sure that everyone was there before nodding to Gabe, who opened a massive portal of shadows, large enough for them all to pass through, stepping into the Riddle Manor the ballroom shining with Gryffindor and slytherin colors, balloons and streamers, and fairy lights and soft gems shined from every pillar and every wall. Food was everywhere, cake and meat and cheese and soup, puddings and casseroles and every dessert you could ever think of. Soft shining glitter fell slowly from the ceiling to land in hair and clothing, making them all glitter gorgeously, but not a spec fell into food or drink. “you did a remarkable job Harry.” Tsuru stated, looking around, enjoying the view as Harry chuckled and vanished, in search of Tom as Blaise drew Gabe away for conversation. The Lestrange twins in charge of the music boxes and what harry called a CD Player.
Asher grinned a little as he looked around, smiling softly as he drew his blond into his arms, kissing his head a little as he drew him into the first few steps of a ballroom dance."May I have this dance my lord?"he asked bowing slightly. The gold strands of his hair looking elegant and glittery in the glitter that was falling. Ron laughed softly as he slipped a arm through theo's looking amused."See, you dont have to be in slytherin to make a really good party."He teased.

tom smiled a little as he finished his tie smirking because he knew asher was probably throwing fits over his clothes. Turning his head a little he grinned wider as he saw his boy."You look amaing."He smiled slightly crossing the room to wrap his arms around him, looking dashing in his green and silver clothes.
Draco laughed as he kissed Asher, dancing along the floor with his lover, his platinum hair glittering with the sparkling dust falling from the air, making him, and Drago, look like statues made of marble and diamond. Drago was dancing with Fenrir off in the corner, both of them laughing as they proceeded to neck hidden in their corner Draco rolling his eyes. “honestly.” Theo chuckled as he smiled at Ron and nodded. “true, but then, I think Harry's more slytherin than he is Gryffindor half the time.” he admitted. “Harry is almost the perfect combination of all three houses, have you ever noticed that?” he asked with a small grin. “would you care to dance?” he asked his head tilted a little. “i promise not to step on your toes.”

Harry grinned as he wrapped his arms tightly around Tom and kissed him intently. “damn I missed you.” he whined, smiling as he snuggled into the other. “i've been trying to get hurt all week, so I could come visit you again, but they still have all the windows boarded up.” he sulked a little. “not that it matters because the sun doesn't bother me anymore.” he complained grinning a little as he nibbled at Tom's neck. “it's a good thing I'm staying the night hmm?”
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