Blood Fury and Love

Harry snorted a little. “yes, he'll kill her, and also get kicked out of Hogwarts for it, and that would make Draco VERY unhappy.” he pointed out. “and we ALL know what happens when Draco is unhappy.” “he makes sure everyone ELSE is unhappy too.” Theo groaned, rolling his eyes. “god he's a dramatic little shit some days.” Harry had to laugh at that and shake his head. “then it's agreed, it's better if WE handle it.” “so, what do we do then?” Blaise asked, clearly not happy with Harry calling the shots, but not saying anything. “well, we do what slytherins do best.” Harry stated with a shrug of his shoulder, both slytherins lifting their eyebrows. “we threaten, and then we wait for her to screw up and punish her accordingly.” they stared at him and then. “ do you know how slytherins think?” “easy, I was supposed to be in slytherin, but pansy ass ha... I mean, pansy ass Draco chased me off.” he wasn't ready to let anyone else know that he had two personalities.

Draco hesitated a moment and then. “well, a few people might try something, but I doubt it will be an attack. They will most likely try to make one of us fall in love with the other.” he admitted laughing a little. “love potions and the like. But I make it a practice to check my food before I eat and I don't eat anything anyone gives me so I'm usually pretty safe. And love potions don't work on vampires... I think, so we should be fine. Save for a lot of annoying flirting that is.”
Ron smiled a little, amused at the young vampire's joke, before laughing. watching the two slytherins. His curiousity getting to him even as he sighed."Draco is still a pansy."He snorted laughing. Hermione rolled her eyes at the two men's words. Really, the two had to much fun making fun of pansy's name.And draco."And I don't think we'll have to worry about anyone but her.Only Pansy's obsessed enough to consider taking on asher over Draco."

"They don't. And considering I mix any actual food I eat or drink with your blood, it'd negate anything in it."He said blushing ever so slightly. Sounding scholarly and teacherly, even when he was trying not to blush over admitting that it was being really in love with his chosen that protected him from anyone else.
Theo snorted but Blaise scowled a little. “Draco is not a pansy.” the black man growled before shaking his head and scowling at Theo. “you shouldn't be laughing either!” “oh don't go all sensitive Blaise, Draco would be laughing too if he was here.” Theo stated with a roll of his eyes, coughing a little into his hand, Blaise looking a little concerned before examining Harry. “you look different.” he admitted frowning a little as Harry blinked at them. “different? Oh right! That's because I'm a vampire now.” both slytherins stared at him, wide eyed. “yeah, and shacking it up with the dark lord.” now their jaws dropped. “oh, and Asher? Yeah he's kind o like my uncle. My Father is Gabriel Bloodhaven, the Vampire Lord Marquis.” he admitted looking wickedly amused as both slytherins eyes began to twitch. “oh! And even better, turns out I'm a pureblooded wizard, even if I wasn't a vampire!” Blaise looked about ready to call Harry a liar, and Theo just sat there in shock. Harry snickered and turned to ron, looking wickedly amused. “this is fun.”

Draco smiled happily as he snuggled tightly into Asher, looking peaceful and happy, kissing his neck and tugging on his hair. “i think I felt a disturbance in the force.” he admitted. “if I know my friends, and I know them. I thin Theo Blaise Harry, Ron and Hermione are all talking about us right now.” he smirked at Asher. “want to meet Blaise and Theo?”
Ron laughed gnodding as he looked at the two pureblooded wizards, smirking a little"They look about ready to collapse into fits.Is this were we tell them Draco's called little pretty, and asher has a fascination with his father?"he said,"Oh!And lets see...Draco's sorta related to Harry's dog."He added. Hermione snickered laughing as she raised a eyebrow."Where's drago anyways?"

Asher nodded wrinkling his nose."Just because I have lng hair doesn't mean you should pull it."He whined getting up and dressed, making sure to look his absolutely devastatingly beautiful self."Come on little pretty. I want to meet these interesting friends of yours."He said smiling as the man dressed, heading for the door. Content to take his time getting to the room of requirement, having a feeling thats were everyone was meeting
Theo started to snicker and Blaise;s eye twitched a little. “your....your fucking my lord!?” he demanded. “they call him Little pretty..... oh my god.. I need to go lay down.” he complained shaking his head as Harry paused. “Draco and Asher are coming. The door popped open and Drago skipped inside, smirking a little. “my! A party without me?” he complained pouting a little as he flopped into Ron's lap. “my! Aren't YOU cute!” “Drago get off of him before I take you in to get neutered.” Drago paled and leaped off of Ron like he was on fire AND covered in disease. “i'll be a good boy.” Drago whined, Harry rolling his eyes as he smirked at the baffled Theo and Blaise who look like they'd been shot in the stomach.

“oh, everyone, i'd like you to meet Drago, Draco's long lost twin brother.” “his WHAT!?” Theo demanded, amazed beyond belief Drago smirking as he wiggled his fingers at everyone. “no need to look so horrified.” Drago complained pouting a little turning as the door opened and Asher and Draco walked in, Blaise's eye still twitching and Theo finally dissolving into full blown laughter. Hey, they all dealt with stress in different ways, Blaise had a meltdown and Theo laughed his ass off. “i see you have already scarred my friends. Thanks potter, thanks for that.” Draco complained scowling a little as Harry smirked. “my pleasure.”
Hermione and ron were dissolving into laughter, looking so amused at the idea of what was going on.Oh the poor slytherins. Sitting up on his elbows ron raised a eyebrow looking at draco,then asher, then drago."does it ever get confusing?" Asher scowled a litle as he shoved drago out of the seat he was in flinging himself into it pulling draco down into his lap,looking content despite the disquiet that tugged at him. There was something about this place that just wasn't doing anything for his good mood. As if hogwarts itself was causing a bad mood for the vampire.

"Potter, we all know what you do for pleasure, and this isn't close to it. Go write a letter and stop terrifying the slytherins."Asher grumbled ignoring the snickers he got from the gryffindors. Knowing he was behaving badly, but he couldn't stop. That and meeting blaise and theo made him nervous, which in turn, made a bad mood for him.
Draco snickered as Drago immediately began to whine that Asher was mean, Harry rolling his eyes as he smacked Drago over the nose with a rolled up newspaper. “no, bad boy, no whining, you hurt my ears.” he complained, Blaise's eye still twitching as Theo began to laugh even harder and shake his head before he calmed and stood, bowing slightly to Asher. “it is an honor to meet you my lord. Draco has been bragging about you for months now, you seamed so perfect I was beginning to think he'd made you up.” “HEY!” Draco complained, scowling at Theo who snickered a little as he shrugged. “well can you blame me? Handsome, romantic, strong, possessive, playful, kind. The way you went on and on I was thinking you'd fallen in love with one of those hunkey men from your muggle romance books again.” Draco went bright red. “I NEVER DID!” “oh Charlston!” Blaise crooned. “oh Charles please!” “s..shut up Blaise!! was ONE time!” “you mean ONE time where you FORGOT to put up the silencing spells?” Draco sputtered in horror as Drago and Harry started laughing their asses off. “you are ALL on my list!” Draco cried out on rage, making everyone laugh even harder. “what list!?” Theo demanded, smirking a little. “the list that I am now making!'s... it's a list of people for Asher to torment!”
The threat would have worked better, had Asher not joined in the outrageous laughter filling the room. Gasping as he clapped his hands to the blond's waist, he growled softly."ohhh I think I'm jealous of this book."He said, blushing ever so slightly, because even when he teased about it, he couldn't help the twang of jealously through his nerves. After all, he couldn't compete with a book character, even if Draco thought he was perfect. Before sighing, smiling as he settled his pretty tighter against him he laughed."I am perfect aren't I?"He preened a little, to hide how his ego had faltered for a moment. Ron snickered lifting his head to look at the man,"I think it takes centuries of being told so to get that arrogant." Asher smirked."It's a good thing malfoy's like arrogance in people then isn't it?"
Draco was blushing furiously as well. “well you shouldn't be! It was a stupid crush!” he complained hiding his face in Asher's chest. “your more perfect that Charlston ever was. Specially in the end. He left his lover to protect him, but your too possessive to EVER leave me.” he admitted smiling a little. “your always the best person.” he chirped happily kissing Asher's neck, Draco, Drago, and Theo all letting out gushy mushy 'aaaws' intending to piss Draco off again. “besides he IS perfect.” Harry decided shaking his head. “perfect for Draco anyway, they can go off and be dysfunctional together.” “...Potter... I know where you sleep.” Draco warned, his eyes narrowed. “and I CAN make sure you can't be fucking your lover for a good LONG while.” he growled Blaise grimacing as he cupped his own balls, remembering when Draco had told HIM that. “ANYWAY!” Harry stated loudly to cut off the new discussion. “i am throwing a party!” he chirped happily. “it's going to be a big party and only people I or Draco invite can come, to protect our privacy. Can't have someone coming only to spill the fact that I'm a mini dark lord myself to Dumbledore.” Blaise and Theo rolled their eyes but they had to admit that Harry had a good point.
Asher smirked, pressing a kiss to Drao's head, uddling him closer. Knowing he was dysfunctional, after coming home to a world burning, and everything in his life in ruins, it really was amusing he was as sane as he was. Pouting a little at harry."Awww harry, I thought you liked me. Not inviting me to the party isn't nice. I WANT dumbledick wetting his pants in fear. I'm telling tom you wont let me tell him." Ron laughed shaking his head, laughing harder at the heartbroken look on the vampire's face. "Asher, you get off on the fact that harry's gone dark and you're one of the few that know it. Shut up about wanting to tell everyone, you know its not true. Until you can make the perfect showy announcement, you wont do it."Ron snickered, amused as both vampire and hermione stared at him slightly slack jawed.
Draco chuckled a little and smiled a little as he snuggled into his lover before turning to gape at Ron along with Theo, Blaise, and Harry, all of them looking stunned as Drago laughed loudly at the statement Harry smirking a little. “we have to make sure Dumbledore's stuck in Checkmate before we tell him Asher, but when the time comes I promise you can be the one to tell.” he teased snickering a little. “still, it's very amusing that Ron knows you so well already.” he teased Draco rolling his eyes. “please, he's just like me basically. For as long as his family has hated mine he MUST know something about the way we act.” he stated rolling his eyes Harry snickering again as Drago drew something on a spare bit of parchment. “anyway, I was thinking of inviting Tom and the others to this little party, so we might be having it at Draco's house instead of at the castle. How many people can sneak out whenever they want?” every slytherin in the room gave him looks, wondering if he was stupid or not and Harry smirked as he looked at Ron and Hermione. “how about you guys? I can loan you my marauders map and invisibility cloak if you need it?”
"That would be best. Easier to sneak out if we had that."Asher looked even more amused, shaking his head as he looked at harry.'Oh, paddiwan, "yes,yes the vampire had watched star wars,"you have so much to learn.I ould just shadow walk the bunch of you out of the castle. Despite dumbledork's policies on banning me from going anywhere, I would truly like to see him try and make me stay put."He scowled a little, rubbing his eyes.Despising the idea of being stuck in one place, but having put up with the headmaster's demands that he didn't leave the castle, as if the headmaster was worried about the vampire lord's loyalty, which everyone knew was only to draco and harry, and gabriel. Wondering if dumbledore was trying to make him stay put to see if he'd be swayed into helping the headmaster.
Harry lifted an eyebrow at Asher, looking seriously amused as Drago started to laugh a little. “Star Wars? Really?” he demanded snickering a little as Theo, Blaise and Draco looked confused. “it's a muggle thing.” Harry explained smiling a little. “remind me to show you people a TV one of these days.” “a what?” Theo asked looking curious, Blaise scoffing a little. “it's probably stupid, muggle things always are...” “he offense to Hermione.” Theo stated glaring at his very rude best friend who scoffed again and sulked, clearly not happy about interacting with mudbloods and blood traitors. “alright it's settled then.” Harry stated clapping his hands. “we will have the Party at Draco's house, we'll invite Gabriel and Tsuru and Stain too.” he decided smiling a little. “i bet you'd love Tsuru Hermy, he's the Grand Librarian, some people call him the Historian.” he knew she would know that name if nothing else, with all the reading she did, it was actually a Historian, by the name of Braxon who helped the Hogwarts founders build Hogwarts, again Tsuru, which was why he had been able to apear directly into Dumbledore's office without even bothering with the time space thing.

“shall we set it for this weekend? I can ask Gabe to set everything up.” “you mean the Vampire High Lord Marquis Gabriel Bloodhaven!?” Blaise demanded, his eyes wide. “you can't just tell someone that important to set up a party!” “sure I can in fact.” he paused and then smirked. “i did. He thinks it's a great idea, he's got the Lestrange brothers going out to by streamers.” Theo laughed, but Blaise's eye twitched. “...streamers? The Vampire High Lord Marquise... is buying....streamers...” Blaise was clearly having trouble adjusting to all of this and Draco chuckled a little. “Blaise, you need to calm down, no one gives a shit about blood status anymore.” he stated rolling his eyes. “get with the times.” “... I need a drink, a nice stiff drink..” he muttered standing up and staggering out the door, Harry chuckling a little. “poor bloke, I think he's in shock.”
"Probably."Asher snickered quietly, as hermione looked slightly shell shocked at Blaise's words. And harry's. Not sure what to think of the slytherin, before perking up at the idea of meeting the historian."That would be amazing!Oh harry, you meet the most interesting person." "We should tell her he's dating someone. After all, she's liable to fall in love."Asher said smirkng laughing softly as he recalled blaise's reaction to being told about streamers. Oh he and gabriel were so going to screw with the boy's mind. After all, between him and gabriel they made up the powers in the vampire world, so them doing something outrageously stupid would be amusing. Ron was right, he enjoyed screwing with people. Ron laughed a little at the idea of hermione falling in love, looking at Draco,raising a eyebrow before he looked at theo, looking curious. Nearly dying of curiousity because he wanted to know who the blond was setting him up with.
Draco smirked at Ron his head tilted as he watched the other. “oh, Ron before I forget I set up your date, it's tonight.” “what!?” Harry demanded, shocked. “there's no time to get him ready!” he complained Draco chuckling a little. “sure he does, you have two hours to get him ready.” Theo lifted an eyebrow, looking amused as Harry glared at Draco. “i will have him in our personal rooms in two hours, which is NOT enough time!” he growled before vanishing up the stairs, Draco snickering a little as he winked at Hermione. “this is very amusing to me.” he admitted hopping to his feet. “if you'll excuse me, I have to prepare the blind date as well.” “i'll help.” Theo offered looking very amused. “i want to see who you set up with that poor guy.” “mmm I think you'll find it very entertaining Theo.” Draco admitted with a chuckle as he led the way downstairs, leaving Hermione with a giant white wolf who was blinking at her. Being that Asher had no doubt followed Draco, Asher would no doubt start laughing his ass when he realized who Draco had set up with Ron.

Two hours later, Harry had Ron in a muggle suit, his hair done up with carefully applied gels, Harry really was very good at making other people look their very best, and he was looking his best too. Draco showed up out of nowhere and smiled at Rom, looking him over. “very well done potter!” Draco stated, clearly approving. “come on Weasley, can't keep your date waiting. I kicked everyone out of the room of requirement, your date is waiting there for you, I set up a nice romantic dinner for you.” he smirked at Ron. “nervous?” he asked his head tilted. “you should be.” he teased laughing as he swung the room door open and shoved him in, laughing as the door closed, trapping Ron in the room guessed it, Theo. Who looked about ready to start laughing. “shall we murder Draco separately or together?” he asked his head tilted. “do me a favor? Untie my hands.” he asked hopefully. “Draco seamed to think I was going to chicken out. Stupid blonds.” he whined sighing a little. “Asher still hasn't stopped laughing...”
Ron laughed quietly as he loked at the other man, walking over and quickly untying his hands, loking amused."I think Draco has to much time on his hands.You'd think he'd have better things to do then paly matchmaker."he said blushing ever so slightly as he moved to sit down at the table, laughing quietly. raising a eyebrow after a moment."Are you really surprised Asher hasn't stopped laughing?The man finds mortals amusing toys.Well, except Draco. Which is mildly disturbing."He said with a slight shuddered, so not ready to think about the blond's sex life.

Asher meanwhile, snickered quietly as he curled up on the couch his legs hanging over the couch arm, arm hanging off the edge of the couch to pet the wolf laying next to him, raising a eyebrow. After all, if draco could play matchmaker, he should be able to to. And he knew just the perfect person for Drago....speaking of people for drago, Asher whimpered quietly as pain spiked through his system, nearly falling over the wolf in his anxiousness to get up."I got to go.I'll be right back."He said kissing Draco hard as the man cooked dinner, not waiting for a answer as he shadow walked to Gabriel's side, ignoring the fact that the marquis and the twins were in the middle of sex. waiting to for his arrival to be noticed.
Theo snorted as he shook his head a little. “i didn't realize until Draco started ordering me to change that I was your blind date.” he admitted rubbing his wrist a little. “i think I died a little as I realized how easily he manipulated us both.” he shook his head, smiling a little at Ron. “can't say I blame Asher though, no one can treat Draco like a toy, not even the people that hate him.” he admitted rolling his eyes. “he has WAY too much charisma and self confidence.” he admitted sighing a little as he willed the room to provide the food that Draco had supplied it. “still, I wouldn't mind having a date with you, you ARE dashingly handsome.” he admitted offering Ron a sly smile. “and I hear that no one can beat you at chess, care for a game after dinner?”

Draco blinked when he was suddenly abandoned, Harry looking baffled and Drago looking up from where he'd been chewing on a dog bone, his white fur sopping wet from a impromptu bath from one of the teachers. It took Gabe several seconds to realize that Asher was there, and he paused, balls deep in Rabastan, Rudolphus pausing, having been sliding his hand along Rabastan's cock, to make the cock ring strapped around Rabastan's cock all the more torturous. “...Asher? What is it? Has Harry been hurt again?” Gabe asked, not liking the look on his friends face.
Ron looked startled, before smiling shyly, nodding a little."a chess game would be great."He smiled, starting to eat."And you're dashingly handsome yourself."He grinned before laughing."Draco manipulates everyone easily, don't feel to bad. Him and asher fit well that way, they both enjoy the power games."He snickered a little as he ate. Relaxing, and for once not overly nervous. Figuring Draco wouldn't had set him up with his friend had they not been well matched.

"No. Not harry."Asher shuddered a little, swallowing hard, as he looked at the twins, amused as rabastian whined pitifully. "Kaleo's...killing things."He shuddered a little, a faraway look on his face. For once, seeing the feelings, not getting pictures, kaleo was keeping him away, but letting him know that whoever he was hurting, asher would care a great deal about."Everyone's here right?"he asked, pain in his voice, needing to know everyone he really really cared about was here, or at the school.
Theo laughed a little and nodded. “i'm glad to see Draco smile like that.” he admitted. “Harry too for that matter, neither of them have had much to be happy about the last few years.” he admitted shaking his head a little as he nibbled on a piece of fruit, pondering something as he examined Ron. “Harry doesn't know does he? About your sexual preferences?” he asked, wondering why the red head hadn't told him when the Golden Boy was gay too. “is there any reason why?”

Gabe tensed and quietly muttered to his boys that he would be right back getting to his feet and heading out, looking around. “everyone is here.” he promised. “Tom is upstairs sulking, the twins are...well you saw that, Lucius and Narcissa are in the bedroom reading, Tsuru and Stain are at the school as are all of the children.” he hesitated. “whoever he's killing, it isn't someone from this group, what about anyone from home? Maybe from Egypt?” he asked nervously. “do you want me to send the word to look for him?” he asked his head tilted, in most cases, Gabe was the one who made the decision on what to do and how to control the vampires, but when it came to Kaleo, it was a personal matter, and he let Asher make the calls.
Ron shrugged a little, looking slightly amused as he nibbled on a breadstick."No, he doesn't know. And well, not really. It's just...every time I go to tell him, things seem to keep going to hell for him. So I figured, why bother him with it?"He said shrugging a little, "And well, now we've not really had time to talk.And I'd like a private moment to tell him, so if he IS pissed at me for not saying anything earlier, he can yell all he wants."He said, missing the time he could talk to his friend alone.

Asher's head snapped up from where he'd been staring at the floor at the mention of egypt. Fear and anger tighteing his stomach. He knew where he was. And damned if he wasn't going to feed the man his heart. There were few lines that were just not crossed, and destroying the last of his bloodline, was one of them."N-no.I'll go.I'll..."he stuttered to a stop, for a moment looking like a lost child."let harry know to tell Draco I'll be back soon."He said quietly, stepping away from the man, taking the step between here and there. Standing outside the villa for a few long moments, knowing even as he stood there, that there was nothing alive in there, nearly choking on the tears and hot egyptian air. And so....he headed inside to take care of the body of a girl who was erriely like his mother.
Theo nodded looking as if he was contemplating something. “well he's not stressed out now.” he pointed out. “why don't you just tell him that you need to talk?” he suggested. “i doubt he'll yell at you about something so...simple.” he hesitated at the word to use and smiled at Ron. “i might not know Harry personally all that well, but everyone knows he forgives too fast for his own good.” he admitted taking a sip of his drink. “i mean, he's already chummy with Draco for Merlin's sakes! And they've been trying to kill each other from day one!” he admitted snickering a little. “it WAS amusing to listen to Draco bitch about him though, it's amazingly easy to mock Draco behind his back.” he admitted with a wicked grin on his lips. “do something to his hair though and your cursed faster than you can say 'it wasn't me.” he grinned at Ron a little and hook his head again. “seriously though, you know Harry better than anyone, do you think he would be mad if Hermione suddenly told him she was gay?”

Harry was sitting in the room with Draco, Drago, Hermione, Stain and Tsuru, the Ancient Librarian already amusing Hermione with some books from his vast library, promising to take her there for a few weeks after graduation at Harry's request and the promise that she was very responsible and wouldn't use the knowledge for world domination. Drago was reading over her shoulder, making a comment now and again that was surprisingly intelligent, causing Draco to stare at his oddball goody, childish brother with astonishment every time it happened, which would make Stain snicker as he read a book of his own. Harry jerked without warning as Gabe spoke to him, sending his chess game with Draco to the floor, Harry's eyes wide as he rubbed his temple. “somethings wrong...” Harry muttered. “Gabe is really upset... said that Asher was going to be gone for a while.” he scowled a little, licking his lips as Draco instantly became worried. “did he say why Asher was going to be gone?” “.... Kaleo...” Harry muttered softly, biting his lip hard glancing at Drago who went tense, his eyes filled with pain as he swallowed hard and then looked away. “...Kaleo...” the wolf muttered softly before he sighed and turned, moving into his bedroom and crawling under the covers to hide from the world, Tsuru following him, to try and comfort his poor distraught child.
"no, I really don't think he would."He said tilting his head a little as he complated it, sighing quietly as he finished his food. "Why don't we walk upstairs....Harry's probably with draco and asher, and I'll eb able to grab him for a talk, and you'll have draco to talk to."he said, looking slightly nervous but mostly relaxed as he stood, bending down to kiss theo's cheek lighty as he straightened again."Such good advice. and I so want to see you put a bug in draco's hair.He'll flip."

Asher swallowed hard as he sighed, looking around the villa as he rubbed his eyes as he did. Refusing to let the tears burning the back of his throat fall. This was...this was just bad. Swallowing hard he shook his head, knowing he should pull away from Draco. End things before he got Draco killed for the crime of loving him. Running his fingers through his hair he sighed quietly before shadow walking back to his bedroom, collapsing onto the bed with a whine, quiet and soft, ignoring the people he could hear out in the living room. He didn't want to talk to any of them yet, not even draco. Who's heart he was going to be breaking, but it was easier to hurt him then to be responsible for his'd take all of Draco's words and suaveness to convince him to not turn away.
do you want me to play kaleo or are you going to do that?)

Theo chuckled and blushed faintly at the kiss to his cheek as he stood up. “yes I think that would be a good idea.” he agreed glancing at the food and grimacing a little. “Draco is going to be annoyed that we didn't finish the food.” he stated, pondering the meal before shrugging. “oh well.” he smiled at Ron as they headed down the hallway. “you know, I really like you Ron. Do you suppose we could go on another date?” he asked hopefully, his head tilted. “maybe on Friday?” he asked, conveniently ignoring the bug comment. Draco wouldn't just kill him, he'd gut Theo for that, and then feed him to Asher. The two boys walked into the room, and Theo took one look at Draco's pale face and instantly knew something was wrong. “..Dray? Whats happened?” Theo asked, frowning a little as Draco shook his head. “i don't know... Asher left... Harry said Keleo was around.. Draco ran into the bedroom...and Asher isn't back yet...” Theo glanced at Ron and then moved over to Draco, pulling the blond into a hug, comforting the pale boy, who was terrified that Kaleo had gotten his hands on Asher. Harry was fidgeting, glancing at the bedroom door and obviously resisting the urge to tell Draco that Asher was back. “Ron? Are you back from your date already?” Harry asked, startled. “....did you puke on her?” he teased, trying to lighten the mood, clearly worried about Gabe and Asher and Drago and Draco.
lol I got it.)

Ron laughed quietly, shaking his head, eyes darting to where theo was holding the blond, swallowing hard. Shoving away the need to talk to harry about his love life for the moment. There were bigger problems at the moment."No, no puking. And...I need to talk to you. Later."He said blushing softly, ignoring hermione's look. Knowing he should have told harry earlier, like hermione had said, but things like this keep coming up. Frowning slightly as he wthed harry glance at the bedroom, before looking at Draco. Raising a eyebrow he tilted his head slightly, before deciding to take a risk. Let asherkill him later for doing it."Theo, Draco'd probably feel better with a calming drought and some rest. Why don't you go lay him down, and me and harry'll run downstairs to get a potion from Snape?"He said looking at the pale boy. His heart aching at Draco's obvious distress
Theo glanced at Ron and nodded, yanking Draco carefully to his feet and carefully bullying him intot he bedroom, pausing when he saw Asher, Draco gasping and rushing over to the Vampire, leaping onto him and snuggling him tightly. “i was worried!” the blond admitted. “Harry said... that Kaleo... and Drago went all pale... and Gabe and Harry was worried... I thought he did something to you.” he admitted, clinging to Asher. “i'm so glad your ok.. I don't know if I could survive without you.” he admitted, trembling against Asher, Theo nodding tot he vampire before leaving the two alone.

Harry looked a little puzzled but got to his feet, feeling worried as well as he followed Ron out of the room. “we should get a potion for poor Drago too...” he muttered softly. “Kaleo was his lover.” he admitted. “turns out the sick bastard was using him...” he sighed a little and shook his head glancing at Ron. “are you alright Ron? Your acting kind of jumpy? Your not still afraid of Sev are you? He's a kitten I swear.” Harry stated smirking a little. “hmm, I should call him that to his face sometime.”
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