Blood Fury and Love

Asher tensed a little, swallowing hard as he hesitantly wrapped his arms around draco, for once, looking actually nervous about his lover's acceptance. sighing softly he pressed a kiss to draco's head, closing his eyes, blood tears still silently sliding down his face."No...not me."He muttered softly."The last of my bloodline...Kaleo's destroyed the last."He said trembling a little."Draco...I can't...stay with you."He said, pain ripping his heart apart at the idea of giving up his chosen, but knowing it needed to be done, to protect him.

Ron laughed."Oh he's a kitten all right, for a tiger maybe."He snickered before looking at his friend shoving his hands in his pockets, looking nervous."Oh know we really haven't had that much time to talk...and well, its not something to just blurt out and.."He stopped, taking a deep breath when he realized he was rambling."I'm gay. My date was with theo tonight."He said blushing slightly, looking nervously at the other, waiting to see his reaton.
Draco snarled violently and wrapped his arms tightly around Asher, holding him tight. “your leaving me over my goddamn dead body.” he hissed, looking angry for once, and terrified. “i wont let you leave me! I need you! You have to stay I love you!” Draco had dsaid it..he had said he loved Asher. He'd practically screamed it. “i can't live without you please Asher don't leave ,e! Not for some stupid reason of trying to protect me.” he pleaded, clinging to the other tightly. “your my life Asher, my light in a world that threatens to swallow me into darkness. Your the only reason why I'm happy...” he looked up at the other, tears clinging to his lashes. “your my life...”

Harry paused and turned to stare at Ron his head tilted a little as if he hadn't realized what the other had said. “but I thought.... hermione?... I didn't...” he scowled a little. “damn! My gaydar is broken!” he complained shaking his head before smiling at Ron. “why tell me now?” he paused. “...never mind that was a really stupid question.” he muttered shaking his head before smirking at Ron. “Theo IS cute.” he agreed. “are you going to go out with him again?” he asked his head tilted. “Draco said that Theo is sick a lot...” now Harry was rambling. “he wouldn't say why, but Theo does kind of look sickly doesn't he?” Harry grimaced. “not to say he isn't pretty or anything, I bet he's real nice...” he paused suddenly and silver streaks appeared in his eyes as Shadow came out, snickering a little. “don't mind him Red.” Shadow stated simply. “he was damn certain you where in love with the bushy one.” he stated with a small yawn. “he's a bit shocked.”
Asher looked startled, wincing as the blond yelled in his sensitive ears. Pain in his eyes as he swallowed hard, gently reaching out to touch his hair, looking startled. He knew the blond loved him, and yet, it was so rare that either of them actually said it."Draco...I can't."He said swallowing hard."Kaleo will kill you."He said tears filling his eyes at the idea of his love being gone. That couldn't be. He wouldn't be what got his lover killed. Swallowing hard as he wrapped his arms around him, pulling him tighter against him as he trembled, crying harder.

Ron laughed harder at the man's reaction as they got nearer the dungoens."I can tell.And I DO love her, its just....she's squishy."He said wrinkling his nose a little before laughing."And she's not...overly interested in relationships. More in love with books actually."He said looking amused, "Is harry still rambling?"He said looking at the vampire, raising a eyebrow as he knocked on severus's door, waiting for a answer.
Draco broke down, bursting into sobs as he clung to Asher. “i would rather die, than live without you.” he admitted. “please, Asher don't make me live without you. Kaleo can't get to me here in the school, not with you and Tsuru and Harry and Stain and Drago... he can't get to me.” he gripped the other tight. “please don't ask me to let go of the only thing that I truly love.”

he laughed a little and shook his head. “yeah, still rambling.” he admitted with a smirk as he glanced at Snape when the man yanked the door open. “What!?” he demanded glaring at the two gryffindors. “i have no time for foolishness what do you want!?” “calming droughts, Draco, Asher, and Drago.” Shadow stated calmly. “Stain sent us to get them.” Sev snarled, pretending hatred towards the two of them and shoved the required potions into his hands, Shadow stalking away with vials in hand, Sev snickering under his breath as he slammed the door closed Shadow snickering a little as well. “someone really needs to get laid.”
Asher looked torn before nodding, brushing his lips over the blond's hair,holding him tighter."Okay love.I wont let you go."He said burying his face against the other's neck, trembling ever so slightly.really, really registering that he was totally without family for the first time in his life.

Ron laughed nodding."He does."He said amused at the professors attitude, assuming that the man had to go without sex for a whole school year.That would make anyone be in a foul mood. walking back into the suite he sighed, holding out a hand."You go give one to the scary vampire, I get drago."He said heading into the second bedroom,"Drago?"the red head said softly."Drago I have something for you."He said quietly, approaching the bed, sitting down next to theo as he muttered comforting things at the blond.
Draco sniffled and snuggled tighter into Asher, gripping him tightly. “please don't leave me...” he whispered, so lost in terror he hadn't yet realized that Asher had agreed to stay, Harry carefully slipping into the room and handing Asher a potion silently, motioning to Draco, not wanting to alert the crying blond to his presence. Draco would be mortified if someone other than Asher saw him crying.

Drgo shifted on the bed and blinked at Ron, Theo rubbing the boys back as Tsuru stood a vigil over his son next tot he bed, looking worried. “i don't want it.” Drago complained turning his face back towards the pillow. “i just wanna lay here and be a puppet like everyone seams to think I am.” “oh don't be ridiculous your not a puppet.” Theo stated rolling his eyes. “so one person used you, so one person is a complete jackass who deserves to be flung into the pits of the deepest Volcano on earth. “these days or in history?” Tsuru asked making Drago chuckle a little and shake his head. “i just don't understand...” he complained softly. “Kaleo was so nice to me... he took care of me... how could he be trying to kill my only family?”
Asher smiled slightly at Harry, absently stroking draco's hair s he shifted tilting his head towards the door, wanting the younger vampire away before Draco realized he was there. Gently shifting the blond,"I'm not going anywhere love, now be a good boy and drink your potion."he said urging the boy to drink the potion he was holding.

Ron sighed"Because he cares more for himself, then he does anyone else."He said sitting on the edge of the bed next to theo, trying to get the blond to drink the potion. Trying to figure out how to make him feel better. Then decided if he was anything like draco, maybe pissing him off would do it."So, are you going to lay in here like a lazy mouse and let asher deal with this alone or are you going to be the proud and haughty heir of malfoy that you are?Come on, just think. Draco'll throw a fit if you outshine him for the day."He urged, amused slightly. Knowing if anyone could understand how asher was feeling about kaleo, it'd be drago.
Harry nodded and vanished, Draco sniffling again as he shook his head. “no, it's gonna make me sleep and then your going to leave me...” he protested, but drank it when Asher pushed it to his lips. He swallowed it down and swiftly fell asleep, gripping Asher's shirt tightly, so he couldn't get away.

Drago scowled at Ron and without warning shoved him off the bed, kicked Theo to the floor, and hid under the blankets, Theo grimacing as he rubbed his ass. “somehow I don't think Malfoy Pride means much to Drago.” he admitted looking rather amused. “maybe we better get stain in here...” “we could send him to Fenrir...” Tsuru decided. “he has bonded with my son, he might have the comfort Drago needs.” Tsuru decided gathering Drago up in the blankets. “tell Harry where I've gone, he'll tell Draco when he wakes up.” Tsuru stated simply before vanishing without a sound or a warning. He was just gone. “why are blonds so emotional?” Theo asked looking amused before coughing into his hand, grimacing as he rubbed his chest, which was bruised violently from the little kick that Drago had offered him. Even Draco wouldn't have been bruised from that, yet Theo, if he had lifted his shirt, looked like he'd been kicked by a hippagryph.
Asher smiled slightly, cuddling his blond, holding him close and going to sleep.

"Oh I don't think its blonds, I think it's malfoys."Ron said amused looking at theo worriedly as he helped the boy up,stduying him."You okay?"He asked, remembering what Harry had said about him being sickly. Not remembering exactly what draco had said was wrong, but concern showing on his face for his date. "Come on.we'll go lay down, there's a spare bedroom in here, and Hermy's already claimed the couch. So, we'll get the bed.I think we all need some sleep."He said rambling a little bit in his worry over the other man and everyone.
Theo smiled a little and pressed something into Ron's hands. Another calming drought. “calm down Ron.” he ordered, calmly ignoring his own pain as if it didn't even exist. Draco had never actually said what was wrong with Theo, as it was Theo's story to tell, he smiled and shook his head, pushing Ron calmly to the spare bedroom, and laying him out on the bed. “sleep Ron, and try not to worry so much about everyone.” he ordered, stroking Ron's forehead and kissing the hairline before heading for the door, intending to send Hermione to bed in the gryffindor common room and claiming the couch for his own.
Ron pouted a little as being told to sleep, smiling softly as he cuddled down into bed sighing as the calming potion put him to sleep. Hermione smiled looking up at theo as she kissed his cheek and left, letting him have the couch.

In the morning Asher sighed quietly, rubbing his eyes as he studied the blond currently trying to choke the life out of him with his hug. He assumed it was a good thing he didn't have to breath. scowling slightly as he looked towards the door, wrinkling his nose at the hair ruffling scent of wolf. Whining softly as he nuzzled draco."love, wake up."He growled needing to get up and figure out if it was fenrir or another werewolf in his rooms.Disliking having a werewolf in his personal space
Draco whined a little as he was woken but released Asher obediently, too tired to remember Asher wanting to leave as he yawned and rubbed his eyes, sitting up as he blinked a little, sluggish and sleepy as the smell of blood permeated the air as well, human blood...Theo's blood. When Asher made his way out into the living area however he would see Fenrir, Drago next to him, pressing a towel to Theo's nose as it bled freely, Theo looking annoyed and amused at the same time. “seriously, there's no need to be worried, I get them all the time...” Theo complained as he watched Drago hand Fenrir a new towel, Fenrir tossing the blood soaked towel onto a pile slowly growing. This bloody nose was flowing free and fast, and it appeared to have been going on for some time. “it won't stop!” Fenrir complained, looking worried, Theo rolling his eyes. “well humans bleed easily.” “not that easily!” Drago complained, scowling a little.
Asher looked concerned, wrinkling his nose as his stomach growled at the scent of blood."Oh move you two."He growled wavng the werewolf and his mate away, picking up a clean towel from the pile and rubbing it across his mouth, spitting discreetly in it before holding it out to theo."Press that on there. The vampire venom not only acts as a pleasure source, but as a conglant. It'll stop the bleeding."he said looking slightly amused before lening back to look at Draco."Go into my room, I have a blood replinishing potion in my nightstand."
Draco chuckled as everyone fussed over Theo, the boy rolling his eyes again as he pressed the spit coated cloth to his nose. “it's not like I don't know what to do you know.” he complained sulking as his nosebleed slowly stopped. Draco handed Theo the blood replenishing potion and shook his head. “you guys need to calm down, theo knows what he's doing.” draco stated simply, smirking at the sickly boy who rolled his eyes. “i hate to imagine what they would have done if i'd coughed it up instead.” “your not coughing it up are you?” Draco asked, looking concerned, but not worried, relaxing when Theo shook his head. “no, not yet.” he stated calmly, taking a sip of the replenishing potion before setting it down. “can I go back to my breakfast now?” Theo complained, scowling a little as he looked at his now cold bowl of porridge.
asher snickered, rolling his eyes as he moved away from the man, warming his porridge back up as he raised the bowl and handed it back."Now eat. You'll feel better."He said tilting his head before looking at draco."I wasn't freaking out. It was those two."He whined looking at his lover, wrinkling his nose as ron walked out, red hair sticking up every which way."What are you all fussing over now?"Ron said sleepily rubbing his eyes as he looked at the two, tilting his head a little as he studied the scene in front of him.
Theo sighed a little. “everyone's freaking out because I had a bloody nose.” he complained rolling his eyes. “it wasn't even that bad.” he complained taking a bite of his meal before looking Ron over, grinning lecherously. “my god you look appetizing” he teased his head tilted a little sliding the bloody towels under the couch he was sitting on so that Ron wouldn't see them. “i smell blood.” Harry stated, sounding sleepy...and hungry, sniffing at the air and licking his lips Draco grimacing. “Harry when was the last time you fed?” “... dunno.” he stated his eyes fixing on Theo, who had a small trickle of blood slipping out of his nose again, Harry swallowing thickly. “when I saw Tom...” he stated, theo wiping the blood away and looking at Harry before paling as he realized that Harry wanted a meal out of him. “er.... should I be worried?” “no, we just need to get stain.” “i don't want stain...he tastes funny...” “i resent that.” Stain complained sleepily as he grabbed Harry by the hair and dragged him off to the bedroom, Theo sighing a little looking relieved. “well that was only a lot awkward...” he mumbled wiping the blood away from his nose again.
"Stain, you're a pain in the ass. Of course you taste funny!"Asher yelled after the two, having a feeling he tasted funny just because it wasn't tom. Making a noise in the back of his throat as his stomach growled again going about making breakfast for everyone, for once ignoring his own needs seeing as he was feeling a little sick, he wasn't sure if he'd keep the blood down even if he fed. Glancing at Tsuru,"You need to update that bloodline chart you have going on.Egypt's bloodline is gone."He said blandly shuddering a little, but not responding to the pain otherwise as he looked at the food he was cooking. Looking a little spacy before his head came up."Good dammit, I have to get to class."He cursed heading for the door, nearly jogging to get away. Not wanting to give Draco the chance to question him over how he was feeling.

Ron frowned watching the vampire go, before looking at Draco then theo. Sitting down next to him as he finished the eggs asher had been making. Splitting them off into a few plates, starting to eat his own."How are you feeling?"He asked looking at him concerned. Feeling a little uneasy seeing everyone so freaked.
Theo snorted a little, looking amused as he shook his head a little. “i'm fine Ron, honest. I get bloody noses all the time.” he promised shaking his head again. “how am I going to convince all of you that I'm fine?” he demanded lifting an eyebrow as stain and Harry came back out, Stain with a line of blood running down his neck, and Harry wiping his mouth. “sorry about that Theo.” Harry stated calmly. “i wasn't aware I was that hungry..” he paused when he saw Asher vanishing and Tsuru looking horrified. “... I..must go.” he stated, the only warning anyone had before he vanished, Drago looking startled and Draco looking upset as he sighed a little and closed his eyes as Drago and Draco accepted their share of the eggs. “i have a very bad feeling about this...” Harry muttered, Draco shaking his head and Drago poking at his eggs, no longer hungry as he realized what Kaleo had done. “me too,.” Drago admitted with a whisper as he shifted back into wolf form so he wouldn't have to talk to anyone, curling up on the couch next to Fenrir as Harry sighed a little. “we all have classes... we should go...”
Ron nodded, "It's a good thing we all have defense first. At least Draco'll see asher."He muttered softly, looking around as he headed for the door. Suddenly very afraid on how badly the vampire was going to break over the loss of his heir. hoping that the girls and guys hitting on draco or himself would get asher feelign even more defensive then he already was. Hermioen smiled slightly as she saw them all coming down the stairs, running the last few steps to catch up to them, before calming down, looking at their faces."What happened?"she said sounding slightly distraught as she realized something had happened since she'd left the night before.
Harry nodded a little as he followed Draco out the door, glancing at Fenrir and Drago. “:stay in this room and don't leave.” he ordered, glaring at the werewolf who smirked a little. “i know.” he stated calmly. “i'll go to Malfoy manor as soon as Drago calms down properly and I'll go by flu. We can claim Draco used it or something.” he stated calmly, Harry nodding as he turned and joined the others on the way to the Potions classroom, Snape snarling at him as he followed them, offering Harry a wink as he joined Asher at the front of the room, having agreed to be a victim of the Crucio for the vampire, so that the students could learn how to block it. You couldn't block it while you where under, but there where ways to block it from another person, saving the victim from pain. “we'll explain later.” Harry promised to Hermione as Theo coughed a little and sat next to Ron, Draco next to Blaise, Harry sulking but sitting next to Hermione as he feigned a glare at Snape who glared back at them all, crossing his arms as he glared around the room, scowling harder at Draco who smiled sweetly at his godfather.
Asher growled softly, ignoring the looks he was getting from everyone for once his golden hair in disarray, the strands curling around his face as he looked at the potions master then his class. "The curcio is unable to be blocked or shaken once you're under, but as your potions master has consented to demostrate it can be bloked."He said not even giving a friendly warning before he blasted the potions master with the curse ignoring the shocked gasps from around the room. For the moment his temper was riding that fine edge that it rarely did, making him cruel and ambilivant to the mental scarring he might be giving his students. needing to get his anger out at kaleo out, so he turned it on snape. Who'd know perfectly well something was wrong, because it was a well known fact among the dark sect Asher rarely gave in to physical torture and when he did, something usually drove him to it.
Snape dropped like a stone, arching off the ground as he clenched his teeth together violently to keep from screaming. Draco gasping as he watched his Godfather being tortured, his eyes widening as Theo leaped to his feet. “stop it! That's enough!” he ordered, flicking his wand as he cut the stream of pain away from Snape who panted hard, getting slowly to his feet. “shit... I'm too old for this.” he groaned setting a hand to his head, Theo staring at Asher with furious eyes, clearly wondering if Asher was capable of doing that to Draco, the blond yanking his sickly friend back into his seat, glancing at Asher, worry in his eyes, but astonishingly, no fear. “Professor?...are you alright?” he asked softly, stepping up to the front, setting his hand on Asher's arm before Snape turned to the class. “Class dismissed, get out!” he ordered, sounding furious, everyone vanished in an instant leaving only Harry and Theo in the room, trying to protect Snape and Draco should they need it.
Asher growled quietly as draco touched him, but not hurting the man for doing it.not so far gone that he'd attack draco." dont think I am..."he said swallowing hard. Despite draco not being in danger, the vampire so wanted to hurt someone. Trembling a little as he realized harry was still in the room,"....get gabriel here."He said swallowing hard, looking at harry before going back to staring at Draco.Because draco really was the only thing that was keeping him from hurting someone.'Then get out of here."He said feeling all over the place. Needing the temptation away from him needing everyone but draco away from him. Calming as he realized that he hadn't frightened draco. That despite draco worrying about him he wasn't frightened.
Snape was still trembling from the pain and Harry was looking rather intimidated by Asher as he nodded, summoned his Patriarch and vanished out the door, Snape following slowly, his old body stiff and sore from the pain. Draco kept his eyes on Asher though, worried for his lover, gently stroking his cheek and hair in an effort to calm his lover down as Gabriel arrived in the room, stepping through the shadows. “Asher? Harry said that your upset...” Gabe stated gently, willing to do something for his friend that would horrify anyone else. He would take Asher's rage, he would take the pain that his maker decided to dish out, let himself bleed, and scream, and hurt for his oldest friend. Gabe was willing to be tortured to calm Asher down. “Draco, you should leave.” Gabe stated calmly. “would you put up a silencing spell before you leave?” Draco nodded and put up a silencing spell around the room, so that Gabe's screams wouldn't be heard by the rest of the castle, but didn't leave, waiting for Asher to tell him to, not certain he wanted to leave Gabe in his lovers power.
Asher growled quietly when he realized draco had stayed."Go.I'm sane, I wont kill him."He reassured the blond, though he was pretty sure it wasn't all that reassuring. Rubbing a hand over his face as he looked at the other vampire, waiting until Draco was gone to walk over, wrapping his arms around Gabriel, burying his face against his neck.Swinging to fast between anger to depression to figure out how to act."My family's gone."He muttered breaking under the pain.
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