Blood Fury and Love

Asher pouted a little as he read, smirking slightly as he looked over at the two."You're not in bed with me."He smirked a little."Come along you two, we have classes to get to."He smirked starting to dress. Braiding his hair back from his face he tied it off as he walked over to kiss draco,"Love, I'm teaching here now."He said amused to not ease them into the news, enjoying shocking people.
Harry rolled his eyes and sighed as he sat up, rubbing his eyes a little. "i took the time to explain to the slytherins what was happening, Drago helped to, i guess they thought he was you." he snickered a little and shook his head, Draco snorting a little as he pinched Asher hard. "you left me tied up till DAWN!" he complained sulking at him. "if Harry hadn't untied me i'd still be tied up! that was MEAN Asher!" he whined pouting at the other. "you could have at least teased me a little." he paused at the news his eyes wide Harry gaping then. "we're all doomed." harry complained shaking his head as he headed out the door, properly dressed in an instant.
"hey!I've been alive for two thousand years.I'm perfectly capable of teaching some snot nosed kids something."Asher whined before looking at draco, poking him in the side.'Serves you right for spelling me."He said smugly smirking as he kissed him, heading up to the great all."And everyone's going to be so confused with drago...poor slytherin."He said amused
Harry snickered a little and stroked Drago's head, silver tail wagging eagerly at all of the mind tricks he could pull with everyone, Draco scowling. "you LET me spell you. we BOTH know that spell wouldn't have worked if you hadn't let it!" he complained pouting as he smirked at his lover. "please, you just wanna see them lust after you and then piss their pants when they realize how scary you actually are." Harry teased smirking as he settled into his spot next to hermione, yanking Draco down with him. "heal Blondie heal, hump your master later." he paused and smirked. "and preferably not in class." "shut up harry!"
"I AM beautiful and a thign to lust over, and I am NOT scary."Asher said ebfore brushing past them all.Hermione raised a eyebrow, glancing at asher as he headed to the teacher's table before smirking at draco."Is there something you want to tell us?" Ron smirked."Are you making him attend classes with you?I dont think he needs them, unless he's as dumb as he is pretty....wait thats you."He grinned teasing him.
Draco stared at Ron for a long moment after his comment and Harry dissolved into silent giggles. "Ron... i'm not the one who has Hermione doing my homework." Draco stated simply lifting a silver eyebrow. "i think you've taken too many bludgers to the head." and with that he ate his breakfast, Harry laughing almost silently into his arms. not about what Draco had said, but because his best freinds where going to be horribly shocked when they realized Asher was the new DA teacher, the other one having been called back home to take care of his sick wife. "besides Asher is thousands of years old, he's anything but stupid.' he smirked. "specially in bed."
Ron blushed a little laughing a little raising a eyebrow."Wait, are you telling me I'm pretty malfoy?" Hermione snickered looking at draco, smackign him on the arm."Be kind to him.It's not his fault he's dumb."she said before loking at harry, raising a eyebrow."HArry, what in the world are you laughing at so hard?"
Draco snorted a little. "nah ron. too many freckles." he teased winking at him. "besides the red hair is slightly off putting." he admitted with a snicker. "though you do have pretty eyes." he leaned forward, examining them. "very pretty eyes. hmmm their just the kind of shade that one of my freinds love." he smirked a little. "i think i might set you two uo on a blind date." he decided nodding, Harry only giggling harder. "Draco you can't set Ron up on a blind date! he'll get so nervous that they won't like him or that he'll make a fool of himself that he really will make a fool of himself! i've seen it happen! poor Padma." he teased smirking a little. "she just didn't know what hit her."
Ron blushed looking at the two."IT wasn't that bad!" hermione snickered nodding as she looked over at him."Yes it was that bad.You ran her over."She giggled before looking at harry again."You're avoiding the question.What are you laughing about?"she asked having a feeling the man knew something he wasn't tell.
Harry smiled a little. "oh, nothing." he teased snickering again. "you'll find out later." he promised grinning as Draco snickered a little and shook his head. "oh come on Ron, you know me well enough that i wouldn't set up one of MY freinds with you, unless i was certain that you would imporve their quality of life correct?" ir was a well known fact that Draco was very, very protective over the few freinds he had. Blaise, Theodore, Millicent, and now Harry where feircly protected and mothered. Draco truly wouldn't have set Ron up with one of his freinds, unless Draco was certain that Ron would be good for them and that it would work out. "so, how about it? shall i set you up on a blind Date or should i just knock you over the head and tie you to h...their bed?"

"h?" Harry asked looking puzzled. "Draco...who are you talking about i don't know anyone who's name starts with an H except Hermione and i don't think she likes Ron that way." " don't know them Harry." Draco lied effortlessly. "their home-schooled." "oh." Harry accepted the lie easily and grinned at Ron. "you should take the oppertunity. Draco is an excellent matchmaker, he won't set you up with someone that you can't stand or won't get along with." Draco smirked a little. "well thank you harry i'm glad you approve." "...well of course i approve you ARE the one who set me up with MY boyfreind." he pointed out smirking a little. "though Shadow is a little annoyed that he can't screw everyone now."
Ron blushed before laughin softly.Thinking about it. EVERYONE knew how draco felt about his friends, so to be set up with one of them...well he wasn't about to turn it down. Smiling slightly he nodded."I'll take you up on that."He said before smirking at harry, laughing."No, shadow's upset Tom wouldn't share well." Hermione laughed quietly as she nodded."Yes, I'm sure Tom would have a issue, even if it was shadow having sex. His tolerance for other people has been proven to be extremely low."
Draco smirked a little and nodded as he nibbled on his food looking around the room as if he was worried about someone overhearing them. "Thomas has had his heart broken a fair few times." Draco lied, well aware that there where ears listening. "the few lovers he';s had cheated on him, it's left him incredibly jealous over other people." Harry looked startled, he hadn't known that about his lover, and Draco smiled. "he's not so bad with you, i think because he knows you would never purposely cheat on him, your far too virtuous and noble." Draco teased smirking as Harry went bright red. "Shut up Draco." Harry whined, sulking a little. "see if i ever go 'Super Hero' for YOU ever again..."
Ron snickered a little,"But harry, you can't help it. You LOVE being the super hero."He said before smiling a little as dumbledore stood."Loks like he has something to say..."H esaid looking amused. Dumbledore smiled waving the others to silence.

"We have had a unfortunate time finding a defense teacher, and yet, we have found the person we needed this week. Asher St. Clair has come forward to put his name in and is willing to stay the year, and never have I had a more fitting teacher put his name forward."

Asher smirked stnading tilting his head,"Thank you for welcoming me sir."He said the slight accent coming through."But when I tell him he hates flatterers,.He says he does, being then most flattered."He smirked before sitting down, smirking as ravenclaw and Hermione cracked up.

"Just...just how old is Asher Draco?"Hermione said through her giggles, amused at the put on accent the man had used.Wondering why he'd chosen that play, of all things, to make sure dumbledore knew he didn't appericiate the false flattery. After all, there were more plays then Julius Caesar
Harry snickered a little. "i only love being the superhero for the powers." he chirped happily pretending an air of self importance blinking as Dumbledore stood. "stuffy old windbag." he grumbled, well aware that Hermione would scowl at him if he didn't pay attention, watching the Headmaster with a small yawn before sulking as he realized Asher was being introduced. "dammit, i wanted to watch your faces when you walked into the classroom and Asher started yelling at you." he whined sulking a little. "he ruined all my fun." he complained looking confused when Draco started to snicker.

“what? Why is everyone laughing!?” Harry demanded scowling a little, only making Draco laugh harder, even many of the Slytherin's where laughing, witty enough to understand the wordplay even if the didn't know who wrote it Harry scowling a little as he focused on Gabriel. “he's about four hundred years old.” he explained smirking a little. “Ha, Draco your dating an OLD guy.” he teased Draco rolling his eyes. “yes Harry we've already established that he's old. Besides Thomas is old too.” “not as old as Asher is.” no doubt Dumbledore would think they where talking about another Vampire. “something tells me that Asher should be teaching History, not DA.” but to his amazement, Stain leaned over to Dumbledore and whispered something in the old man's ear, a smirk on his lips. He was putting his name in to teach History, after all Bins was starting to get many of his facts wrong, and students where getting confused. It was time for a new teacher. Who better than the assistant of the Great Librarian himself?
hermione giggled a little laughing as she watched her friends,grinning a little."At least someone on staff is old enough,and brave enough to insult Dumbledore....even if he's not aware of it." Ron snickered watching the table before looking at draco."I think I'll enjoy having him as a teacher. He seems to know what he's doing.And he knows how to make everyone like him."he said wisely, looking around the room to see the students talking excited. well, one thing could be for sure, asher st. clair knew exactly what he was doing.

Asher leaned back in his seat as Dumbeldore nodded bemusedly, smirking as the vampire punched hte pixie in the arm."Brat. Go away. I don't want you teaching my pretty.You'll teach him bad htings just to annoy me."He whined ignoring the laughter and snorts he was getting from the staff for acting 4 years old instead of 400. Stain just brought it out in him.He oculdnt help it.
Harry laughed a little and shook his head., "Stain would insult the man to his face point blank if he felt like it." he stated calmly watching the man his head tilted. "it's strange really." he admitted. "i feel as if i know him..." he shook his head a little and grinned. "Asher is a very friendly person, when he's not pissed off." Draco nodded. "he can be infuriating though." he admitted amused as he shook his head. "but for the first time i think i might actually enjoy classes." he admitted smirking a little. "Me and Snape already decided to keep up our 'we hate each other' ploy going, just for fun. and to screw with the headmaster." Harry still didn't much care for the potions master, but that was starting to dwindle down a little as the potions master became friendlier to Harry.

Stain snorted and glared at Asher. "hush you! i know better than to botch a history lesson! these children might actually LEARN something! i sat in on one of that old ghosts lessons and it was TERRIBLE! he got Gordin the Grand mixed up with Gretchen the Gassy, and Haddle the horrid with Higgle the happy! and i'm not even going to get started on his LACK of knowledge on ANYTHING that isn't goblin related!!! i bet you ten galleons that most of those students couldn't even tell me what a cold drake is! let alone it's significance in wizarding history! not to mention the war against Grindelwald, or the Great War of East and West!" even some of the teachers looked a little baffled. "my point has been made! besides, i wouldn't touch Draco with a ten foot pole, he needs WAY too much maintenance." he teased smirking a little as he shook his head. "besides Tsuru is very possessive."
Hermione laughed softly nodding a little."Well, at least thatt will be entertaining. You and snape agreeing on something." Ron grinned shaking his head as he started to eat, looking amused as he looked at his best friend."Well, anyone's better then Lockhart or the others, even Draco's chew toy." "Well, in all fairness I think draco's asher's chew toy, not the other way around."

Asher smirked slightly, tilting his head."You only know those things cause tsuru's owning your ass on a regular basis. And good. I like my little pretty, even if he is high maintance."He said with a yawn before getting up."And since all youv'e had your dinner, I'm going to go get mine."He said amused as he headed towards draco, looking way to pleased with himself for anyone's good.
Harry snorted a little. "i know right? it's terribly shocking. the bastard even apologized to me!" harry complained scowling a little. "honestly i don't know if i can ever truly forgive him, but, if he's willing to give it a try then so am i...i guess." he smirked a little and nodded. "in any case you would be right, Draco is Asher's chew toy, and Draco loves it." Draco smirked and licked his lips. "hell yeah i do, speaking of chew toys, i think it's time for Asher's dinner." he admitted watching the vampire come closer. "later." he chirped, pleased with himself as he met Asher halfway and offered him a kiss before dragging him out of the Great Hall, eager for his fuck time, several of the Slytherin's looking utterly shocked at Draco's openly pleased look. most of the women in the student population where looking very upset as they realized Asher was gay AND taken, a painful blow. most of the gay men where pondering ways to steal Asher from Draco, not that it would ever work, and Harry just snickered. "so Ron, i get to help you pick out your clothes for your date right?" Harry asked with a small smirk, his head tilted. Harry planned on putting Ron in a pair of Dragon hide pants and a nice Silk shirt, maybe fix the red heads hair a little and the other was going to be too handsome to resist...hopefully.
Ron nodded blushing slightly, smiling as he looked at him."Of course. Better then hermione. She nags."He yelped as the girl elbowed him in the chest, smiling slightly."Just teasing." Hermione rolled her eyes amused."The girls are upset."She muttered looking around them,"Not only is the hot teacher taken and gay, so is draco."

Asher smiled resting a arm around draco's waist, lowering his head to nuzzle the other's neck."You've just upset all of my female students love."He teased, directing them towards his bedroom suites.After all, that was the best thing he'd harassed the headmaster into giving him. Not only was harry moving into one of the bedroom so he could 'keep a eye' on him, draco was to.And dumbledore was desperate enough to take it.
Harry laughed a little and shook his head as he looked over the various upset faces. “some of the guys are too.” he admitted his eyes focusing on Blaise and Theodore, the two of them looking rather pleased about Draco's happiness. “you know, we should have a party.” Harry decided. “our friends, the ones we can trust completely, and Draco's friends. So we can all get to know each other.” Harry just wanted a chance to get drunk no doubt, but it was still a pretty good idea.

Draco snickered a little and glanced around. “mmm and some of the male population too, but the only people who matter are pleased, look.” he indicated theo and Blaise, both of whom winked at him. Theo and Blaise where Draco's best friends, they had grown up together and they had some very interesting adventures together. Adventures that Draco always shared with Asher, who knew that Draco loved Blaise and Theo as much as he loved his mother and father. They where as close to him as blood brothers, so it meant a lot to the blond that they approved of Asher. “where are we going anyway?” Draco asked curiously, looking puzzled as they did not immediately head for the slytherin dungeons, but to the teachers rooms. “your room?”
Hermione laughed a little,"You just want to get drunk."She teased. "Of course he does. But it doesn't mean that it's not a good idea."Ron teased as he turned to see who harry was looking at, laughing a little."oh yea. I'm sure draco'd want them to meet Asher."He said amused. Hermione nodded looking thoughtful."We could have it in the room of requirement, and ask it to make sure no one but the ones that come in with us, are allowed in."She said.

Asher smirked tilting his head towards the two slytherins, golden hair sliding over his shoulder at the moment. Glad to see that the two were happy for draco. After having heard so much about them he hadn't been sure if theo and blaise would approve of the malfoy heir with a vampire."Of course my rooms."His smirked widened as he puushed open the door to his suite."Harry's and Drago's staying with us to."He said amused jerking his thumb towards the second and third bedroom, "I figured we could all use some privacy."He said heading for the main bedroom, pulling the blond with him, kkissing him hard."Now. Are you really interested in our rooming accomodations?"He asked lowering his lips to the other's neck, sinking his fangs into the blond's neck with a sigh
Harry snickered a little and smirked a little, licking his lips a little. “of course I want to get drunk.” he teased shaking his head a little. “i'm not sure if I can anymore.” he admitted. “but I intend on trying.” he admitted with a small snicker, shaking his head a little. “Blaise looks a little annoyed now.” in fact he did, he was glaring at Pansy with every force he could muster as she wailed about how Draco COULDN'T be gay because he was HERS and that he was POSSESSED or BE-SPELLED and that they HAD to save him! It was Theo however who told her to shut up and stood up, heading over to Harry Ron and Hermione, offering the three friends a wink, Blaise now glaring at Theo for ruining his chance to tell the girl to stuff it, following his friend, glancing at Harry and twitching his head in a subtle indication to follow. Harry smirked and glanced at his friends. “come on, lets go meet them now.” he decided getting to his feet and following Blaise and Theo out of the Great Hall.

Draco chuckled a little and nodded. “we could definitely use some privacy. Specially if Harry needs to go visit his lover again.” he admitted. “i have no doubt in my mind that Harry is going to get in trouble again,. He just can't help himself.” he admitted gasping, and then moaning as he felt the fangs sliding into his neck. “oh god yes Asher.” he moaned, immediately forgetting about everything else, and enjoying the feeding, and hopefully the sex afterwords.
hermione and ron smiled a little as they followed harry out of the room. The red head snickering a little as he looked at the slytherin,"No chance of Parkinson letting this go easily?"He asked having seen where the man's annoyance had been directed. hermione sighed, shaking her head amused as they headed upstairs to the room of requirement, raising a eyebrow as the door shut behind them, frowning slightly."Should we tell asher and draco?"she asked, tilting her head, having a feeling the two would feel left out, but then again, they had left otgether, so whatever they got up to... the thought made her blush a little.

Afterwards asher grinned a little as he laid down on the bed next to his lover, pantnig slightly as he licked sweat slick skin."As good as always."he teased pulling his sated lover closer."of course, another good thing to privacy is that you can be as loud as you want."He said laughing.
Theo and Blaise both groaned at the idea of Pansy being that kind and they both shook their heads. Side to side Theo and Blaise looked very strange standing against one another. Blaise was dark skinned, as tall as Gabriel and as big as a bear, he was so good at magic Harry even once feared him. In comparison was Theo, who had missed half of last year due to illnesses, he was pale in a sickly sort of way, with light bags under his eyes and a slender, skinny physique that made him appear weak and even feminine. They where both very beautiful in a way, and for Ron, one of these men Draco was going to set him up with, but which one? “Parkinson is obsessed and insane.” Blaise finally stated. “the chances of her letting go of a TOY she thinks is hers is a hell of a struggle. No, she's going to be a problem.” Blaise admitted sighing a little. “she attacked me once you know.” he indicated his vast amounts of muscles. “bare handed, tried to claw my eyes out because I told her that Draco was gay.” that, was just crazy. “so we have to deal with Parkinson.” Harry stated simply, examining his fingernails. “it's as simple as that, we'll chase her off, Asher will kill her.” Theo looked amused. “can't we let Asher handle her then?”

Draco chuckled and nodded, snuggling into him happily and nodded. “mmm yeah I like that.” he admitted licking his lips nuzzling her neck. “you know, I think i'd be as loud as I wanted even if we where in the crowded dorm.” he admitted with a small snicker. “i AM Draco Malfoy. I'm as good as a prince. I d o as I please.”
Ron grinned at the idea of letting Asher handle things."He'll kill her slowly. Painfully. Do we really want to listen to her whine that long?"Ron said snickering a little as he studied the two closest of draco's friends, smiling a little as he did. Wondering which Draco was thinking about setting him up with. Hermione laughed shaking her head at the idea of pansy's insanity. The girl really needed help if she was that far gone. "Draco's not a toy. espicially when he's been the chosen of a vampire lord as old as Asher."She said looking thoughtful. as if she was enjoying the thought of pansy and asher arguing it out over the blond.

Asher smiled as he closed his eyes, a idle hand sliding up and down the other's back, pressing a kiss to his head."Ah well princling, should I be worried about getting attacked?"He asked amused, having seen pansy's reaction to him leaving the room with draco. And wondering just how much on guard he needed to be.
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