Blood Fury and Love

Asher glared at him through gold eyelashes, blinking at the pixie."Getting my ass impedio'd."He whined."I have more enemies then I thought."He said leaning heavier on draco as if he was hurting. Amused and wondering if he could wind up the pixie like he could gabe. If he'd walked in like this on Gabe, gabe would have already been babying him
the pixie looked shocked and then horrified that the other had been hurt, on his feet before he could stop himself. "who did it?" he demanded his eyes narrowed Dangerously, Harry snorting a little. "i thought you hated him?" "i do, but Drago likes him and he'd be upset if Asher got hurt. so i'm gonna go kick someone's ass for it!" Stain admitted crossing his arms scowling a little as Harry lifted an eyebrow. "your pretty protective for being all hating." "i don't hate everyone...i don't hate Drago...or Tsuru..."
Asher snickered a little leaning against draco,nuzzling his lover's neck smirking slightly at the pixie."I'm not hurt.Tired.Getting laid while under is a new experience."He said laughing a little, gently restng a hand on stain's arm."I'm fine.I need to sleep.And feed.And punish little pretty."He whined
Stain blinked, looking startled before he glared at Asher. "jackass." he growled huffing before he sat back down scowling a little as Draco snickered and led Asher up to the bed nuzzling him suckling on his neck smirking a little. "you can try love, you can try." he teased nuzzling him pausing when Harry stood up, his head tilted. "the other students are here.." he muttered, sounding almost nervous. "i'll tell the others that your not feeling well." Stain stated to Draco and Asher. "that should get them to leave you alone for a little while at least."
Asher blinked sleepily smiling a little."For a little while.We'll be up after awhile."He grinned, amused at having gotten the pixie to relax. Smirking as he nuzzled draco's neck,biting down gently, "Go away. I dont want a audience."he whined raising a eyebrow before smiling."be careful harry.Call if you need something."
Harry swallowed hard and nodded as he followed Stain up tot he Great hall where most of the school was gathering, all of them pausing when they noticed the strange blacked out windows, and empty spaces at the Head, not empty spaces, added places. one for Stain, and two for Gabriel and Asher. everyone turned to stare at Harry when he came in, Harry freezing instantly at seeing the many eyes, watching him. some worried, some accusing. Drago growled, positioning himself in front of harry who swallowed hard. "it's ok boy.." Harry whispered, stroking Drago's thick fur. "it's ok."
"Harry?"Hermione said quietly as she walked in behind them, looking worried for her friend. Despite being a little naive, and being to willing to rely on others, she cared deeply for the friend that was like a brother. Ron smiled a little walking around to smile at harry." are you?"He said trying to be normal, wanting to not make harry feel to weird.
Harry hesitated, staring at the,. "i'm..i'm alright." he finally muttered. "they moved me into the slytherin dorms." he admitted watching the two. "so they wouldn't have to black out the windows in the gryffindor dorms...i'm...not sure where i'm supposed to sit..." he admitted softly, fidgeting like some poor abused child. a victim. everyone staring, wide eyed at Harry's shy, submissive attitude, many of them feeling very afraid as they realized that something had broken the boy who lived. "did Dumbledore...tell you what happened?" Harry doubted it, but there was a chance.
Hermione shook her head as she looked at him,still looking concerned."No.but since you're living with slytherin, we'll sit with you there."She offered, and with a gryffindor's reckless bravery, she took Draco's normal seat at the table. Ron laughed softly looking at harry."After that brave display ,we better follow if we dont want yelled at."He said with a gentle smile following hermione, looking at the wolf."Beautiful wolf by the way."
Harry blinked and then smiled. "thanks..hermione." he muttered softly, sitting down next to her so that Ron could also sit next to her, stroking Drago's fur. "he's my familiar... a strange man brought him to me." he admitted calmly, looking at Hermione and Ron. "i can tell you later, if you want? explain everything.." out of all of his freinds, he was certain Rom and Hermione would be the most easy to convince about Dumbledore's insanity. specially if he could get them to meet Tom. "oh! you guys saw Dudley didn't you?" he asked hopefully. "was he alright? Vernon went after him for helping me." he admitted. "they told me that he was at Headquarters." he admitted swallowing hard. "how is he?" he was doing a lot better, he'd lost a lot of weight, and was even comfortable around magic now. Avery, pretending to be a spy for Dumbledore, was spending a great deal of time with Dudley, teaching him muggle self defense.
Hermione smiled nodding."He's doing fine.A-avery is teaching him self defense."she said, looking slightly supiscious, as if she didn't trust everything the death eater did, even though he was a 'spy.' She smiled a little."We'll talk later."she tilted her head as she started to eat.""and whats this I hear about malfoy switching sides?An dating...asher?Ash.Something?"Ron asked mangling the vampire's name a bit, smiling. Curious because even if not many students had been back when asher'd walked downstairs, it'd been enough to start rumors of the beautiful man among them, and having heard about the switching sides and relationship while at headquarters himself, he knew who it had to be.
Harry brightened at Asher's name. "Asher!" he chirped nodding. "yes! he's a wonderful man!" he stated brightly. "he's one of the ones who...saved me..him and my father Gabriel." he beamed at them. "i suppose you don't know, i've been adopted! i never have to go back to the Dursley's again!" pretending that he didn't know. that he didn't realize that they where dead. "i hope Dudley doesn't go back, they'll be really mad at him for sure..." he smiled as Draco walked into the room. "Draco helped me a lot too...he's the one that patched me up, after they found me. he's really been very helpful. between me and Asher...he decided to abandon his father and join me instead." he admitted waving Draco over who hesitated at the sight of Ron and Hermione, hesitating even more as he eyed the rest of the table, Harry pausing as he realized Draco wouldn't be welcome there, until they explained everything. "oh, that's right... let's go sit at the gryffindor table instead." Harry decided, Drago barking excitedly as he leaped onto Draco, who squealed in a manner he would later deny, and tried to shove Drago off, who was licking his face all over. "get OFF me you insane creature!"
Asher smirked as he rubbed his hand against his mouth to hide his smirk."But love, it serves you right. Come on drago, lick him ALL over."He smirked patting the wolfs head as he past the youngesters, heading for his seat at the head table. Hermione stared, pausing before she laughed sitting down at the gryffindor table, "He is very pretty. Almost as pretty as malfoy."She said with a soft laugh, trying to make draco feel welcome among them. Not wanting to make harry's new friend feel unwelcome, despite their pasts. Ron laughed a little."Ferret's not pretty."He protested sitting next to her.
Draco growled as he glared at Asher. "your just BEGGING for it aren't you?" he demanded as he managed to shove Drago off of him. "sicko." he teased kissing Asher's cheek before sitting right next to harry, sneering at Ron. "i am SO pretty." he puffed himself up. "i'm prettier than any woman i know." "and you bitch like one too." Stain stated calmly, Draco sputtering as the pixie headed up to the head table, Harry laughing at Draco's misfortune Draco hopping up in-between Ron and hermione, wolfing down on Draco's plate making Harry shriek. "no! Drago bad boy! not on the table! oh my god Ron i'm sorry!" he squealed when Drago licked Ron's face, leaving bits of slobber and food as Harry managed to drag Drago under the table and away from his friend, Draco laughing at Ron, much less 'evil' to his tone and much more honest amusement.
Ron stared wiping his face off, looking disgusted."Harry, I think you're wolf just ruined dinner."He pouted laughing softly as he reached down to feed drago a piece of steak. Hermione snickered shaking her head."You'd have to work harder to destroy dinner for you ron."she smiled looking at stain."I'm hermione, and that's ron.What's your name?"
Harry blinked and then giggled a little smiling at Ron, Draco chuckling as he handed Ron one of the serving platters. "here, eat off that, it should be big enough." he teased smirking a little as he looked back at Stain who glared at Hermione and Ron before huffing and stalking off. "oh, that's Stain, don't mind him he's an ass to everyone." "he's not mean to me..." Harry pointed out, lookign a little baffled by that. "i wonder why? do you think because Tsuru told him to?" "i don't know, future people give me a headache." Draco complained sighing a little. "your not getting thirsty are you? you know Asher worries about that." "no, i'm alright Draco, i promise. i had enough this morning." "good." Draco decided nodding a little, wondering how long it would take Hermione and Ron to realize that Harry wasn't eating.
Hermione frowned at the young vampire, before her eyes went to the head table. Turning over the questions in her mind, before frowning harder at harry."Harry is there...something you want to tell us?" Ron started looking up from his food to pin harry with a look before looking at the plate of food that wasn't touched in front of him."Later. Tell us later."
Harry swallowed hard and nodded. "yeah... there is has to wait...not many ears." he muttered softly, Draco looking concerned. "i think that room...requirement?" "the room of requirement...we'll all meet there ok?" "do you want me to bring Asher?" ", he's grouchy, he might make it all worse." Harry pointed out Draco looking insulted. "he is not grumpy! Stain, Stain is grumpy, Asher is just aloof." he complained with a sniff. "besides he's a great fuck." he teased making Harry laugh and nod. "so you say, all the time." he teased grinning a little as he stroked Drago's head, sighing a little.
Both ron and hermione's jaws dropped as they stared at the malfoy heir before turning to look at the headtable, both blushing a little when asher raised his glass in a salute before going back to his conversation with snape. Ron swallowed hard, already having a idea of what needed to be said."Well...besides draco's outstanding opinion of him, he looks like a man who'd carry a grudge, and be annoyed you didn't include him."He said wisely."Oh do shut up ron you know you just want to meet him."Hermione grinned smirking at her gay friend. Not that anyone else had figured it out yet, but ron was so gay.
Draco glared at Ron and pointed at him. "you stay away from my lover." he growled jealously before pausing and groaning. "but your right, he'd be pissed...he's already upset with me." "it's your own fault you put him under the imperio just to get a blow job." "hey!.... it wasn't JUST to get a blow job!" Harry snickered a little and shook his head. "now that's just sad Draco. alright we'll bring him too." Harry agreed smiling a little as he watched Ron his head tilted. "why do you want to meet him anyway?" he asked looking confused. "and i'm amazed you accepted Draco so easily..usually you raise up a big stink..." "he probably saw how..." Draco hesitated and Harry sighed. "broken?" ".. i wasn't gonna say it..." "but everyone can see it Dray...i'm broken..." "and we're all piecing you back together. it will be alright." he promised gently patting Harry's shoulder, Harry nodding. "i miss him..." "i know...but you can sneak out on the weekends." "..yeah, that's true. i wish he could come to the castle though, like Asher and stain."
Hermione raised a eyebrow."Gabriel?But if asher can come here, surely gabriel could?"She asked misunderstanding who they were talking about before stopping, trying not to think about draco and blow jobs."No. Wait. We'll go up to the room or requirement now, and get food there. That way we can talk freely."She smiled saving a blushing ron from having to answer as she stood up, heading for the door with ron tagging along.
Harry shook his head. "no...not Gabriel. Gabriel is the one who saved me and adopted me." he explained getting to his feet, Draco snorting at Harry's stupidity as he sighed a little glancing at Asher and motioning with his head for the vampire to joint them when he could get away. it wasn't as if Asher needed to eat. once Harry Drago and Draco where in the room of requirement a house elf appeared with food for all of them, and a bowl of blood for Harry who smiled and thanked the little creature, glad that the blood looked like nothing more than a bowl of tomato soup, a garnished tomato and a sprig of some green thing in the middle and everything. "to explain, i have to start at the beginning." Harry admitted, pausing a moment, hesitating. "i...was home. my uncle was furious, i can't remember why, i think because Dudley had snuck me some food. he slapped Dudley a few times, and then sent him to his room, and he started beating me... he grabbed a knife, and stabbed me, i don't know how many times, i wasn't really conscious." he admitted swallowing hard. "they put me in the trunk of their car, and abandoned me in the woods to bleed to death." he closed his eyes and drained his 'soup in one go, licking his lips as Draco nibbled on a piece of chicken as harry went on to explain about Gabriel, that he was a vampire. and then kept going, explaining about killing pittigrew, how he fell in love with Tom Riddle, how there had been a potion and then about his split personality. he continued on, explaining about Drago, who changed back into human form and smirked at Ron. explained about Tsuru and Stain, and finally explained that he was out to kill Dumbleodre. finally stopping as he stared at his freinds, waiting for a reaction.
For once, it was hermione who had the violent reaction.Leaping up from her seat she paced like a caged animal cursing and snarling about everything, mostly vernon and dumbledore, yelping as she walked into a soli chest, eyes going wdie as he looked up at asher. Asher whined a little looking over at Draco."She's touching me.Make her move."He demanded, though he didnt move to make her get away from him.
Harry chuckled a little relaxing as he watched Hermione. "would you like to meet him?" he asked his head tilted. "my other personality i mean...who i would have bee, if Dumbledore hadn't fucked everything up?" "er...Harry i think Shadow might freak her out a little." "but...he promises to behave!" Harry protested Draco snorting. "harry Shadow couldn't behave if his life depended on it. hey Asher! come sit!" Draco ordered reaching for his lover. "ignore her, she's upset...and on our side." he glanced at Ron. "i haven't heard anything from you though."
Ron stared, still looking shell shocked,"That...that bastard.I'm going to kill him!"He snarled before looking at harry."And I'm curious. I want to meet shadow." "Me to."Hermione said as she crossed the room with asher, smiling slightly as she sat back down next to ron, smirking a little as the vampire pulled draco out of his seat before settling the blond in his lap."Now, why are we even considering shadow behaving?Its not possible."
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