Blood Fury and Love

Asher winced as he looke at the other's demand,"To eager to walk into the great hall when they hadn't covered the windows.Thankfully stain took the edge off at least till we ot here."he said wincing as tom curled up, in pain and shivering cold at the blood loss. curling up against harry as he nuzzled him.
Harry released Tom as soon as he felt the nuzzle, panting softly as he seamed to realize what had happened. "t..tom?" he asked, whimpering softly as he snuggled into the other. "i'm sorry...i hurt you...are you alright?" he asked softly wrapping his arms tightly around the other. "shh Harry." Gabe whispered, gently stroking Harry's back. "Tom will be alright." he promised glancing at Asher. "you where right to bring him here." he promised smiling at Asher. "i'm glad that you where with him." he admitted shaking his head. "i need to move my location closer to the castle." he grumbled softly. "this shouldn't have happened at all, not without me realizing it." he admitted ordering a house elf to fetch a blood replenishing potion. "perhaps that Shrieking Shack? i could use a place like that anyway."
Asher grinned, perking up."that would be perfect.Even when I do have to leave the castle, cause I am sure even if dumbledore wants information, he's going to try to seperate harry from me. But even when I do leave, at least I'll have somewhere closeby to stay."he said hating the idea of going to far away. At least at the shack he was close enough to be found quickly if he was needed. Tom whined a little nuzzling harry cuddling closer."Cold."He muttered."Not hurt, cold."
Gabe smirked a little and nodded. "i'll have it bought right away." he decided looking at Tom and sighing as he dragged the covers over the two, sighing a little. "i forgot how sensitive a newborn can be to pain." he admitted softly. "i should have stressed the importance of having the windows covered immediately." he muttered softly, feeling guilty as Harry practically covered tom with his own, now over warm body, hoping to help the other warm up faster as Gabe accepted a blood replenishing potion from a house elf. "Tom, drink this, it will help you with the effects of blood-loss...namely the cold." he promised smiling at Harry, who looked so guilty. "i'm so sorry Tom..."
Tom smirked a little, sipping the potion, kissing his lover's head as he looked at Gabe."But I like the guilt ridden harry.He's so cuddly." Asher snickered shaking his head."He cuddles you anyways moron. Guilty or not. And in this case, its mostly our fault for not remembering."
Harry chuckled a little, snuggling Tom even more, practically smothering him with it as he nuzzled his nose against the others neck and kissing it all over, Gabe making a face before shaking his head a little. "Harry...we can't stay for long, you realize this?" "i know, that's why i'm gettign in all the snuggles i can now." he admitted softly. "so i can always remember Tom's smell and feel no matter how many hours or days we're apart." he decided, quite certain he was going to sneak out on the weekends to come see his lover. no matter what anyone said.
Tom laughed wrapping his arms around the other, kissing his head."Love, I wont let you forget me."He grinned already seeing what the other was thinking. And whole heartedly approving of getting the man to visit him. Asher snickered shaking his head amused,"You're going to smother him to death."he teased looking at the two.
Harry giggled a little. "i would NEVER forget you." he teased smiling. "but if i start to miss you then i can remember very clearly the way you smell and feel." he admitted snuggling him even more. "besides you can't smother a dark lord to death! it's just not possible!" he complained to Asher, sulking a little as Gabe snickered. "as i recall, aren't you the only person who can kill tom?" "well, yes actually." Harry asked looking startled. "oh my god i COULD snuggle him to death!" Harry wailed, looking utterly horrified by the idea.
Asher snickered,"You could."He teased getting a glare from tom for his efforts."potter, stop being a worry wart."Tom stated letting him snuggle, kissing him hard."Smothering me to death isn't possible.I'll blast your ass before I let that happen."He stated stroking the other's hair.
Harry pouted at tom and then laughed at the others remark, going back to snuggling him to almost death instead, beaming happily. "mmm, but i'm GOOD at being a worry wart." he pointed out yawning a little, Gabriel chuckling a little. "come on Harry, we have to go before you fall asleep." he ordered softly, stroking the boys face gently. "i'll make sure that the proper precautions are set up this time." he promised, Harry pouting but slipping out of bed, giving Tom one last kiss. "i'll see you soon." Harry promised softly.
Tom nodded slightly, smiling."Bye."he said struggling not to cling to the other."Damn.Its like saying goodbye to draco."asher looked amuse before shadowwalking back to their rooms looking around for draco and stain, wanting to make sure the pixie was okay."Stain?"He muttered walking towards the bed he was on.
Stain was sleeping peacefully, his color had returned from the frightening Blue it had been, Madam pomfry shaking her head as she fed the poor pixie blood replenisher intravenously. "don't you wake him!" she snapped glaring at Asher. "i only just got him calmed down to sleep! the damn boy is immune to both calming and sleeping potions!" she complained sighing a little as Draco snickered a little, shaking his head as he looked at Harry, who was looking incredibly guilty again. "it's not your fault Harry." Draco promised gently setting a hand on Harry's shoulder, Drago looking up from his spot on the bed wagging his tail to show Harry that everything was alright.
Asher bared his teeth in a snarl, looking at the nurse. He despised nurses. Looking at draco he snarled softly."Tell her not to order me about like a well heeled dog."He growled before moving to draco's bed sitting down."No one but gabriel gets to demand that I do something."
Pomfry glared back and smacked him over the head with a rolled up newspaper. "no i don't care WHO you are or WHAT you are either for that matter!" she snapped glaring at him, prodding him in the chest with a newspaper. "if i tell you to hush so a patient who hasn't slept in three days can sleep you had better well listen!" she ordered scowling at him. "i will not let anyone or anything risk the health of my patients, no matter how ignorant, stubborn, or block headed they might be!" Harry snickered a little as she went back to her job, changing out the potion bags. "it's better to just listen to her Asher. she's old, and she ALWAYS gets her way."
Asher growled a little watching the other vampire before glaring at the nurse."I've seen medicine grow from being a leech on the skin t what it is today, I take no ones orders."He whined wrapping his arms around draco."But I WILL listen because the pixie annoys me."
Madam Ponfry raised en eyebrow and smacked him over the head with the newspaper again. "behave! and YOU!" she growled at Drago who whimpered. "piss in this room again and i'll have you neutered!" she growled, the massive dog slinking away to hide under one of the beds, Harry snickering a little, laughing at the others misfortune, shaking his head a little as Stain groaned, his eyes fluttering open. "uuuh...thirsty." he groaned blinking blearily at Asher and groaning again. "fuck...i died and now i'm being punished by a demented vampire." Harry burst into outright laughter at that.
"Hey!"Asher whined a little."I'm to pretty to be in hell, which is where you'd be if you were in hell. Now drink what the kind nurse is giving you."He said smirking a little as he settled back against the bed, breathing a sigh of relief to see the man okay. Having been worried...not that hed' ever admit to that
Stain groaned a little and shook his head. "that isn't a nurse." he complained. "she's a demon...a horrible demon..." "hush and drink." she ordered pressing a bottle to his mouth, making him swallow it all while Harry watched, guilt written across his face. "stain i...i'm so sorry..." he muttered, shaking his head. "i..i didn't mean to..i...i.." "stop it..." Stain ordered blinking at Harry. "i knew what i was signing up for when i offered you my neck... it's not like i almost died or anything. there's no point in worrying yourself sick, or feeling guilty when i'm just fine." "but!" "no buts Harry, all i suffered was a little blood-loss. i gave myself to you because your worth giving it to." he stated calmly. "i gave you my blood because your worth protecting." he smiled. "i saved you, because i wanted to, and for no other reason. how is it fair for me to do all these things for you, only to have you feel guilty about them later?...that makes me upset too you know." "i...oh...sorry.." Harry muttered, staring at Stain in astonishment.
Asher snorted a little, feeling amused. And about to draw attention away from the other man, and how he was feeling."Damn Stain, you sounded better then tom did. All he did was whine about being cold and wanting cuddles."He smirked running his fingers through his hair. Not about to let harry find out him and stain had been together later. So...if he had to be a ass, he would be.
Harry blinked, looking astonished before glaring at Asher. "i took a lot of blood from him AND he's human! leave Tom alone!" Harry ordered, sulking a little as Stain chuckled. "anyway we're all almost better." he stated calmly. "now if only i could get this demon off my ass so i could go back tot he dungeons to sleep." he complained sulking a little, Draco blinking. " are in the dungeons." "...i am? shit... now she's never gonna leave me alone." he whined Harry laughing a little.
Asher smirked looking at the pixie, "I could always feed on her, take her back to the hospital wing."He offered helpfully, grinning. Glad that the younger vampire was distracted by him being mean to tom.
Draco snarled a little, looking jealous. "don't you DARE." he hissed possessively Madam Pomfry chuckling a little. "you would find my blood to be very...distasteful." she teased smirking a little as she shook her head, smacking Stain on the forehead. "alright, you can get up now, but no feeding Harry unto Tomorrow at the earliest." "i can feed from Drago if i really get too thirsty tomorrow." Harry promised, Drago barking from under the bed in affirmation Harry chuckling a little as Stain made his escape into the bowels of the dungeons.
Asher snickered wrapping his arms around draco, nuzzling his neck."hmm maybe I would like a tast.e"he smirked, moving away from him. More because draco got so very dominating and possessive when he teased him.And wondering just how far draco would would make him regret teasing him.
Draco growled, his eyes narrowing as he reached up and grabbed the others hair tightly, immediately dragging the other out of the room, Harry snickering a little. "you'd think Asher would learn." he muttered smiling a little as he shook his head, heading off to go back to sleep. Draco on the other hand dragged Asher into a classroom, long abandoned and slammed the door shut throwing Asher onto the ground. "you know, if you want me to own your ass, then you could just say so."
Asher gasped out a laugh as he hit the floor, catching himself as he turned to look at the other throough his hair, smirking a little.""And who says iwanted you to top?"He teased smirking up at him him, even though he didnt say not to top.
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