Blood Fury and Love

"Tsuru, welcome to hogwarts.'Dumbledore smiled at the elder man, before raising a eyebrow as stain kissed him before looking at the wolf."Is this the gift you mentioned before stain?"He asked looking at the wolf curiously. It was bigger then any he'd seen before, and he was wondering just what it was doing here.

Asher laughed softly holding him down against the bed before laughing, giving in as he tugged both their pants off, and after a quiet lubing spell, slid into him with a sigh.It perfect, so close to heaven to be within his blond.Smirking as he lowered his head, sinking his fangs into the other's neck, sucking slowly as he stroked his cock.
Tsuru smiled as he patted the Wolf's head. "this, in the future, is Harry's Familiar." Harry's breath hitched as he heard that, staring at the Wolf as he dropped to his knees and stared at it, a bright smile breaking across his face as the wolf ran it's tongue along Harry's face, wrapping his arms tightly around the Wolf happily, Tsuru chuckling. "Stain, why don't you go and get Harry settled hmm?" "yes, alright." Stain agreed smiling a little. "i do beleive the dungeons for now? the brightness of the gryffindor dorms could do Harry harm right now, he's still too young to handle full on sunlight." Gabriel explained Tsuru nodding. "see that it's done Stain, i trust you recall the surroundings well enough?" "yes, come on Harry, bring your puppy, you need to feed soon." Stain admitted harry setting a hand to his throat. "i am thirsty.." he admitted softly looking at Dumbledore, looking for permission to leave.

Draco moaned eagerly smirking a little as he was slid into, arching against his lover. "mm fuck yesss, oh Asher i love it when you fill me." he moaned panting eagerly as he drove his hips back into the other, wanting it fast and hard.
Dumbledore nodded waving them out, smiling slightly."Go. I had your things moved from the dorms down to the dungeons, and put you in the dorms with Draco."He said looking slightly amused, having known the bright dorms of gryffindor could harm him.Smiling as the three left he looked at Tsuru smiling slightly."Thank you for taking care of him. I have been worried while he was gone."

Asher growled softly fucking him just how he knew draco wanted it, biting down harder before raising his head, licking blood off his lips, before kissing him eagerly."You taste wonderful love."He purred smirking.
Harry nodded a little as Stain led Harry down to the dungeons, Tsuru chuckling a little. "i have done nothing." Tsuru stated. "all of this, was meant to be. in all times, and in all places, this is the course of action that will save us all." he stated calmly. "in the first time, since time began, i find myself meddling with the time stream, using Stain, Gabriel, and even yourself to alter the outcome of the fates." Tsuru explained, running a hand through his hair. "it was Gabriel who found Harry, and offered him life." Tsuru explained, Gabe already having left with Harry. "it was Gabriel who cared for the boy, and offered Harry a means to win the war that ravishes this time." Tsuru stared at Dumbledore for a long moment and then. "you too, are a key, to changing the future." Tsuru was basically saying that Dumbledore, Gabriel and Harry where all pawns in Tsuru's 'game'. how would Dumbledore take that?

Draco moaned eagerly, arching more as he wriggled and wormed, panting hard. "yes, yes yes Asher! oooh fuck yes!" he arched again, spilling his seed across the bed, trembling with an eager glee, wanting to feel asher release inside of him. "oooh yesss."
Dumbledore looked slightly....annoyed that he was anyone's pawn, but for the moment, because of who this man was. He overlooked it. Smiling slightly he nodded."Sometimes we are all pawns to be played."He said thoughtfully before studying the man."I assume you will not tell me more of how to change things?"He asked.

sher moaned coming as he grinned down at the other panting as he smiled."such a eager little slut."He teased stealing a kiss, barely raising his head as he turned to look at the door as he started to swing open."You might not want to come in here for a minute."He said smirking cause he knew it was gabriel on the other side of the door, feeling the man like gabe could feel harry.There were benefits to being the vampire who changed him.
Tsuru paused as he stared at Dumbledore then. "Harry's survival in the coming war is key." he explained. "the key to making you great." he smirked at Dumbledore. "you calm, happy facade does not fool one such as i Albus Dumbledore." he stated calmly. "it annoys you to no end that i am involved in all of this, and moving you as you move everyone around you." he eyes narrowed, a smirk playing his lips. "but you will deal with it. because with i moving the pieces, you will certainly reach your goal. because you in charge, is far better, than what happens when Harry dies to kill you." he paused watching the other's reaction to this. "do as i say, Albus Dumbldore, and all your dreams will come to truth, for i am here to make sure that you become the ruler of this miserable time, and that Harry becomes your dutiful servant." Tsuru smirked a little at the other. "with Gabe, and myself on your side, the only people Harry trusts aside from yourself, he will be easy to manipulate." Tsuru promised.

Draco mewled, panting eagerly as he squirmed and wormed and wriggled, clinging to the bedsheets. "ah, aaha yeess..." he froze when the door started to open, and swallowed hard as he heard a snicker and the click of the door closing again, Draco groaning like the eager little slut he was. "please, Ash... don't stop!" Draco pleaded panting hard. "please!"
Dumbledore looked startled at the words before nodding, a true smile twisting his lips as he studied the historian. Loking surprised at the idea of harry trying to kill him, before he relaxed."Good...thats good."He said already thinking over what to say to the young vampire. Studying Tsuru he stood sighing."I am retiring for the night. It has been a busy few weeks. I trust that you will be visiting often?"

Asher smirked as he fucked the other, leaning down to nibble at his neck,"Not...going to..."He panted, sighing as he clung to the man, groaning as he came, fingers gripping the blond's hips bruisingly hard.
Tsuru smiled a little at Dumbledore. "just be warned. if i tell you to leave Harry alone, it's to save both of your lives, and you should listen to me." he explained simply pausing a little. "oh and, NEVER offer to be a meal for Harry. that's how you accidentally become a vamp[ire." he stated simply, smirking a little. "it drives you mad before you even get around to try and take out Voldemort." he shrugged. "you regain your sanity later but by that time everything has already been done without you. so try not to let Harry bite you." he ordered, smirking as he blinked out of the room as if he had never been there.

"ah, yes! please!" Draco moaned leaning into the bruising fingers with eager little pants. "mmm fuck yeah, ooh god i love it when you fill me up." he purred smirking a little as he looked at Tsuru. "i love you."
Dumbledore looked thoughtful smilign as he retired to bed.

Asher smirked sighng as the blond's seed coated his hand, pulling out of him as he sank down onto the bed next to him,cuddling close as he drew the blanket up around them."Love you to."He muttered nuzzling him, smirking a little wider."...think we should let the others in?After all, harry is going to be living in here."
Draco smiled before he went bright red. "he's WHAT!?" he demanded his eyes wide as Gabe smirked as he walked in. "yes, yes he is."Gabe teased. "the bright sunlight in the Gryffindor dorms will hurt Harry so we all had him moved down here." "which is good." Harry continued. "i can collect my own little followers from all the houses now. the poor cursed gryffindor forced to live with snakes? everyone will flock to my side." he smirked as Drago bounded in, leaping onto his brother. "of course, you and i will be spreading rumors of Dumbledore sinking into madness and Tom becoming the better choice in all of this. right Harry?" "more or less." "you do realize their naked don't you Drago?" Drago paused then squealed, diving off the bed as if it was on fire.
Asher snickered amused as he settled the blanket around their waists, sitting up on his elbows to look at his lover's twin, looking mussed and cute."Drago, you're supposed to be observant. What kidn of assasin are you?"He teased shifting to look at Gabe."Are we staying here?"He asked, looking amused. Not wanting to leave yet.
Gabe smiled a little. "you will for now. i can't stay i'm too busy plotting." he teased chuckling a little as he shook his head. "you i might leave here for a week or two, just to help keep Harry calm. he has amazing self control but even i can't resist fresh spilled blood if someone get's hurt." Gabe admitted Harry nodding. "of course, i can always turn a loss of control into just another thing to pity me over." Harry admitted shrugging a little. "still it's something to try not to do." Harry agreed smiling as Draco yanked on his pants. "hey Stain, can i have a word with you?" Draco asked, Stain looking startled and then suspicious as he followed Draco out of the room. "...that's strange." Harry admitted blinking. "i think Draco's lecturing Stain about manners..."
Asher tilted his head laughing softly as he watched him to go."Well, if little pretty needs to rant, better him then me."He said amused looking at the other two vmpires before grinning."Gabe. You're leaving your young charge in my care?Aren't you afraid I'll corrupt him?"He said before thinking about it."Then again, tom'd probably injure me...."
Harry smirked and jabbed Gabe hard in the ribs when he frowned and tried to say something. "hush Gabe, no one wants to hear your old man jokes." Harry ordered Gabe scowling harder at Harry before sulking, Harry smirking a little as he beamed at Asher. "so are you going to propose to Draco anytime soon?" Harry demanded lifting an eyebrow at the corruption statement. "oh please, we ALL know the one getting corrupted here is YOU mister still naked in bed."
Asher smirked a little looking at himself."I grew up in Egypt, we went naked all the tiem."he smirked before looking startled glancing towards the door."Uh...well...I dont know...I...Gabe?"He whined looking at the other vampre, looking at the door again, looking for draco to save him.
Gabe smirked a little and shrugged, looking amused. "hey, i'm not the one in love with a kid." he teased as Draco came back in, looking both annoyed and contemplative as he blinked at Gabe. "no your just in bed with two men at the same time...perve." Draco teased smirking a little as Stain slink in shaking his head a little. "have fun stain?" Harry teased smirking a little as Stain scowled at him. "shut up Potter" Stain complained Harry snickering a little as he shook his head and took the bed with all of his things in front of it. "i miss Tom." Harry whined, sighing a little.
Asher snorted a little looking t the young vampire."To bad he cant come here.I think dumbledore has locked him out."he sighed looking thoughtful biting his lip."But I or Gabe could shadowwalk you over to visit once in awhile."He offered grinnng as he pulled draco back into bed. blushing slightly at harry's words. Draco wasn't a kid....well not a young one anyways.And feeling slightly embarssed about it he clung to his lover.
Harry chuckled a little and nodded. 'right." Harry teased smirking. "Asher's a pedophile. Gabe's a Mormon, and i'm a Grave digger." he was calling tom old? Draco had to start laughing, he just couldn't help it, it was funny. "Harry shut up already." Draco demanded smirking a little. "eat your dinner and go to bed." "i am thirsty." Harry agreed grabbing Stain before the man could protest and sinking his fangs into the others neck, Stain groaning loudly as he shuddered, mouth falling open as he panted. the poor man, fed on by a lover, who didn't know that they had once loved. Harry released Stain before it got too uncomfortable and licked his lips and then stain's neck free of blood, offering the man a small thanks before crawling into bed. "facing that man always exhausts me." harry sighed shaking his head. "damn Dumbledore..."
Asher laughed sfotly cuddling draco as he heard that."Well,he's old. Hopefully his meddling will kill him."He said sounding amused before yawning, whimpering softly as he nuzzled the blond in his arms."You're not so're young.But everyone's young compared to me.Even gabe.Its nto fair calling me a pedophile."He whined sleepily
Stain snorted a little and shook his head. "actually Harry turns him into a vampire." he admitted yawning a little. "by accident of course, Tsuru's already warned Dumbledore about letting Harry feed on him." "yuck! why would i EVER..." "got kidnapped." Stain stated with a shrug. "Dumbledore's men held you in a coffin for a month, by the time you got out you where so hungry it didn't matter who you grabbed." Harry had gone pale. "but we've already got that part figured out too, there's no worries now,Tsuru has everything under control." "i'm sure." Harry grumbled bitterly as he curled up on his bed, all alone, Stain swallowing thickly as he watched his once lover before sighing a little. "i'll be in the common room if anyone needs me." he decided heading out while Harry, and Drago, fell asleep, Drago back in his wolf form and at the foot of Harry's bed.
Asher sighed softly looking t the boy, already thinkng bout how to get tom in for visit. Smiling as he settle in to sleep.

In the morning Asher grinned as he dressed, doing up his shirt before going out into the common room, looking down at stain before gently shaking his shoulder."Stain.We need to talk."He said worried about the other man.Even if he didnt like him, he cared enough for the man, and drago, to make sure he was okay.
Stain groaned and shook his head. "no talking." he whined. "sleeping." he complained almost like a small child even as he sat up and rubbed his eyes. "what do you want!?" he demanded, snapping instantly into his usual grouch mode scowling at Asher looking around as he realized it was early enough that no one else was awake. "has something happened?" he demanded, worry flooding his eyes, thinking something had happened so Harry or even worse, Drago.
"No."Ashre reassured, crouching down, sitting on his heels as he studied the other."But I watched you. When he fed...Stain can you do this?"He studied the man, worry showing on his face."If you can't, there are others that I can get. Others that would be wiling to ffeed him without the emotional stress of being in love with him."He said softly.
Stain sighed a little and shook his head. "i'm love with this Harry." he stated calmly. "this Harry is...strange, almost...kind." he admitted his eyes sad. "this is not MY Harry... i can wait for him, for the day when he becomes mine." he admitted. "i can do this, because i have to make sure that Harry becomes who he was meant to become." he admitted looking at Asher. "besides, i love Tsuru too, and for now. that's enough for me... yes, it hurts that Harry doesn't, and can't know what will happen between hurts that he doesn't care for me as he will but...i know that someday, he will. someday he will be mine again...and for me, that is enough, because for now, i have Tsuru." he smiled at Asher. "don't worry so much, you'll get wrinkles."
He snickered his face fading into smooth lines."ha.As if I'd ever worry bout you jackass."He smiled a little."I just came out here because draco wanted to make sure you were okay."He stated s he stood. Ha, poor delusional asher who thought he wasn't as big a softie as the world knew him to be."Besides, after 2000 years, I'm probably due for some wrinkles."
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