Blood Fury and Love

Draco smiled as he leaned into Asher, sighing softly as he nodded. "yes, much better." he murmured with a chuckle. "it's a good thing Dumbledore already knows about us being a couple." he teased smiling. "i can claim i switched sides." he decided. "Dumbledore would love to get his hands on a proper spy, since he can't be sure of Sev's intentions." Harry nodded. "Gabe and Asher and i should leave now." Harry decided. "go to the Vampire realms, i should have memories of the place before we leave to Dumbledore. we can claim i was sleeping most of the time, it's only been a week or so since Gabe found me right?." "Dumbledore and them don't know anything about vampirism." Gabe agreed. "he'll have to beleive whatever we tell him, because the only thing wizards really have on us is myth, lies, and whatever we decide to tell him." "i think Tsuru should deliver Drago, after we take Harry to Dumbledore." Stain decided pondering. "i can explain that one of Harry's benefactors and guardians is the Historian, which is true. that way with everything happening separately, but all at the same time Dumbledore won't be able to nit pic all that much." "you know that's actually a good idea!" Rudolphus stated looking startled, Stain snorting. "i might be an ass but i'm not an idiot."
"Thats debateable."Asher stated snickering before stepping back, kissing Draco lightly. Tilting his head before looking at gabriel."Would draco surive going with us?"He said whining a little, disliking the idea of being seperated for even a moment. Rabastan snickered shaking his head."Whatever are you going to do while he's in class?You can barely stand to be away for a few minutes."He teased the elder vampire, amused asher was so possessive.
Draco chuckled and shook his head. "i can't go with you, i'm going with my Father." he admitted kissing Asher. "it will only be for a little bit, i promise." he murmured softly, nuzzling the other. "just be patient and know that i will never let anyone touch what belonged to you." he promised smiling at Asher. "after all, we wouldn't want you getting jealous would we?"

Harry rolled his eyes and sulked at Gabe. "i'm bored, can we go now?" he demanded pouting at his father, Gabriel snorting a little as Tsuru snickered and shook his head. "Stain, go with Harry. your going to be his Guardian while i cannot be there, take good care of him." "... i will." Stain promised sighing a little. out of everyone Harry was the only person Stain liked aside from Tsuru.
Asher pouted before nodding."Fine.Ill see you in a bit then."He smiled, resting a hand on stain's arm,twitching a little at the contact."Well,lets go then."He said smirking a little at gabriel before taking the shadow step through to the vampire realm,sighing softly.It felt good to be home, even though he noramlly prefered hte human one.

Lucius smirked a little,glad to see his son taking a intreest."Lets go then."He said before looking at tom."Go on.Kiss him and then go work on paperwork."He said amused at the man's emotions,though it was nice to see him upset over something like this. Tom pouted a little, stealing a kiss, pressing a kiss to the young vampire's head."Be careful."
Stain grimaced at the others touch and then blinked at the Vampire realms, a small smile fluttering his lips. "you know...three hundred years into the past...and this place still looks exactly the same." he admitted. "it's always so pretty... and so depressing." there was a bit of a depressing air around the place, that looked like a mix of forest and white marble. the paths through the forest where white marble, but the tree's dictated where the paths went. but mostly it was the various vampires that milled about as if they weren't sure what to do. living for so long often made a person very bored, which led to a rather depressing air when they all got together. "you know." he stated glancing at Asher. "your still alive in three hundred years. i met you." he paused. "you where an ass then too, but your one of the reasons i was able to escape.... well... the first time anyway." he admitted heading down the path. "you made sure that no vampire, halfling, thirdling...any vampire never got caught and sold." he smirked a little. "but i wasn't supposed to tell you that." he admitted winking at Asher. "so don't tell Tsuru"

Harry smiled at Tom and then scowled when all he got was a kiss to his head, grabbing him and pulling him down for a lips on lips kiss, gentle. and then he released Tom and let Shadow out, the more violent of the two leaping onto Tom, knocking him to the Ground as he kissed him hard, thrusting his tongue into the other man's mouth to get one last taste before he got up, satisfied and headed back over to Gabe. "ok. we can go now." he decided Gabe laughing as he nodded to Lucius. "go and speak to Dumbledore. tell him you found Harry with us and that we are bringing him. he'll probably assume we contacted you or something, make up an excuse." he stated waving his hand. "Harry your going to have to act..." "confused and upset i know..."
Asher snickered a little,"okay."He sighed softly, wrinkling his nose."I've been a ass for centuries,I'll be a ass until I die."He smirked a little looking around as he headed into Gabriel's home, looking slightly amused,but also restraining himself from asking whwat he wanted to. stain was just to much temptation.

Tom yelped as he sat up on his elbows, sighing softly as he watached the two."Go.I have things tot do."He whined hating this. Lucius swallowed his laughter nodding as he looked at both tom and gabriel."I'll let dumbledore now that you want to bring him home."He said resting a hand on draco's arm before apparating to hogwarts.Sighing softly as he looked up at the school.It was going to be a long day he suspected.
Stain smirked a little as he settled himself into a chair, watching Asher with an almost Smug look on his face. "it must kill you." he muttered. "that i know what will be, in three hundred years. that i know what kind of person your going to be, who's going to be dead and who'll be alive." he sighed a little and shook his head, looking out the window. "i really shouldn't be telling you any of this, but i might as well, considering i let Tsuru bring me back to change things, or try to anyway... cus, see in three hundred years from isn't Tsuru who saves me from that hell... it's Harry who buys me, saves me.... is kind to me.." he paused his face growing sad. "Harry who Loves me..." he muttered shaking his head. "and in three hundred years, it's i...who kills harry..."

Shadow smirked a little as he grabbed Gabe's arm. "come on! i want to see this place! i've never known anyone who has ever been there!" even Draco hadn't been allowed. too many newborn vampires running around there to allow someone as tasty as draco there. "is it pretty? so i have to share a room with someone? because i already share a body with someone, i really don't want to share a room too."

Draco smirked a little as he nodded to Tom as Lucius apparated them away, sighing a little. "ok. so i figure." Draco admitted looking at his father. "that since Asher is my lover, it's through him that we found out that Harry is still alive, and it will be because of him that i defected from the Dark Lord." he smirked. "that sounds like something i'd do don't you think? Asher can later on admit to Dumbledore to be using me for my influence over you and some key members of society it will also help explain why i'm being nice to Harry, because Asher told me to."
Asher sighed softly looking at stain, as much as he didn't want to feel bad for him, he did in that moment."Like you said, you're already changing things.What happened then,could be changed now."He said running his fingers through his hair, looking at him."And yes it is killing me,and no you can't tell me the quesion I want a answer to. Because if I know what he chooses, I might change things between us now. And I wont do that."He said studying the other looking up when Harry and Gabe came in, laughing softly."No. We wont make you share a room."

Lucius looked thoughtfully before nodding."Yes, it does sound like what you'd do. Choosing love and sanity over the apparently insane dark lord."He said thoughtfully. Despite the man not being nearly as insane as dumbledore made everyone believe, his rumored insanity had its moments of usefullness. Heading up the steps to the school he paused as they stepped inside,before heading up to the headmaster's office.Looking at draco he smiled in pride for his son's plotting, "Ready?"He muttered as he forced the gargoyle to let them in.
Stain snorted a little and then GLARED at Asher. "don't you DARE pity me." he hissed nails digging into the soft wood of the chair. "i am not telling you all of this for some stupid reason as that, i am telling you so that you can HELP me!" he hissed shaking his head. "yes the future is changed a little bit but if that fucking Dumbledore wins this war, despite the peace between Vampires and werewolves, then the same thing will happen anyway. Slavery, the hiding of Vampires, the rule of werewolves...and Harry's death.... that's the ONLY reason why Tsuru has taken a chance for the first time in all of history and taken someone back in the time stream to change things... because for the first time in his life he saw, and he felt that it had to be changed." he sighed a little and shook his head as he watched the other two come in, scowling a little at Gabe, annoyed and heartbroken that Harry could be freinds with so many people, and not him.

"oh good." Shadow chirped smirking a little as he looked at Asher and Stain. "you two not killed each other yet? i'm amazed... what where you two talking about in here hmm? you have suspicious looks on your face." "we where discussing the future." Stain admitted with a careless yawn. "i was telling him how he's a jackass even three hundred years from now. did you know that he walked right past me in the slave market!? looked at me just long enough to decide i wasn't worth saving and then freed everyone else!?" well not everyone else but still! "jackass." Harry just laughed a little. "are you sure you didn't try to bite him when he tried to unlock your cage?" Gabe asked lifting an eyebrow when Stain went bright red and mumbled. so stain HAD tried to bite Asher!

Draco nodded and straightened himself up and held himself tall and proud as any Malfoy should as they headed up the spiral staircase, stepping off at the top he headed into the headmasters office and sat down, examining the old headmaster but saying nothing other than 'good morning sir'. this was his fathers show, for now.
Asher gave stain a look sighing softly."Of course he tried to bite me. He tried killing me when he first met me."He said wrinkling his nose before settling in his seat more brushing his hair out of his face. Feeling the absence of his blond like a hole in the chest. Draco was always there these was hurtful to be without him. "I do have some self control shadow, I can manage not to kill someone."He smirked a little before looking at Gabe, raising a eyebrow."Are you trying to make me seem like one of the good guys?"

Dumbledore looking at the two, raising a eyebrow."Lords Malfoy, whatever can I do for you?" Lucius bit the inside of his cheek to keep from sneering at the old man, sighing softly."I have brought news of young Harry. My son, as you may know, has fallen in love with the vampire lord Asher. Through him, he's discovered that the vampire marquis Gabriel has taken the boy into his home until he recovers." He tilted his head, "Draco. You would be better to explain seeing as you've seen the potter boy recently."He said gesturing draco to talk.
Stain just glared at Asher and gave him the finger as Shadow laughed and shook his head. "now Stain, your supposed to be my protector remember? you have to smiiiile!" "fuck off Potter." Stain ordered sulking as Shadow scowled at Stain. "that is NOT a smile! and if you cuss like that in front of me again your going to get your balls strung up!" Stain grimaced, but the ghost of a smile flickered across his lips as he shook his head a little. "of course i'm making you look like a good guy." Gabe teased smirking at Asher. "it's how i get my jollies, aside from kicking your ass anyway."

Draco nodded. "Lord Asher came to me." he explained shrugging his shoulder. "told me that Harry had been dumped in the woods, that his family had done it." he admitted. "i saw him, he was covered in blood, and so damn pale... his lips where even blue!" he shuddered a little. "i never realized that Harry's home life was that bad." he shook his head. "the only way that Gabriel could save Harry was to turn him into a Vampire." he sighed a little. "Harry's still very confused, and he needs to feed a lot." he admitted. "Harry has a 'guardian' of sorts, some sort of Pixie that he's been feeding off of when Gabe or Asher can't be there." he admitted blinking at Dumbledore. "Harry let himself be changed, hoping that it would give him the power he needs to beat Voldemort." he admitted. "Gabriel and Asher are joining Harry's side of the war, and i am too..." he pouted. "Asher said i had to be nice to Harry too, but once you get to know him he's really not all that bad." he admitted sighing a little. "of course, he's a little confused as to who he is so that might be why." he shook his head. "anyway Gabriel and Asher are bringing him here, they don't trust Fudge." he admitted. "we where all hoping you might be able to let Harry still attend school, seeing as how you once let Lupin attend."
Asher made a face at him, "Gabriel Alexander, if THAT is how you're getting your jollies, your boys are doing something wrong."He stated before sighing looking at the other two."Now, stain, a smile please. you tried to bite me, you can at least smile."He teased.

Dumbledore looked amazed, then calculating then pleased. Nodding slightly as he looked at the youngest blond. It would be nice to have a spy who's father was a death eater. Espicially this father. Though he didn't think lucius would let that much slip, but alas, they could benefit from this."I will let him attend. But we must be careful to make sure he is fed when he needs it, and not lose control."He said looking thoughtful and calculating, much to lucius's disgust. "Now. Draco, we must be going.Gabriel and Asher wanted to give you instructions on how to help harry before they brought him here."He said standing, wanting to get out of hte headmaster's company soon.
Gabe laughed and shook his head as Stain scowled a little, glaring at Asher as if the man was hell on earth. maybe in three hundred years that was true, god only knew. "i don't smile for no one." he growled shaking his head Shadow huffing as he scowled at Stain. "well fine then, be a bitch." Stain smirked a little. "only if i can be YOUR bitch." Shadow paused, looking startled and then confused, as if he wasn't sure if Stain had meant what he'd said of if he was just being his usual bitchy was hard to tell. "Tsuru says that Draco is going to come here, that he'll bring Draco personally." Stain suddenly stated, closing his eyes as he listened to the Time traveler.

Draco nodded. "that is why Stain is going to be by Harry's side." Draco explained. "Stain can recover from a feeding fast enough that even though Harry needs to feed..." he paused, calculating in his head. "four or five times a day he can supply all of the blood for the meals.' Draco admitted nodding a little as he watched Dumbledore, offering the man a smile. "Gabriel and Asher will probably drop by often to make sure Harry's not going berserk. Gabe has a constant emotional link to Harry as well, and can be here in an instant if Harry get's too upset." he blinked at his father and then nodded. "yes your right." he agreed leaping to his feet. "and i wanted to kiss Asher goodbye too." he admitted his face falling into a wistful expression. "i really wish he could come to school with me..." he muttered softly, looking like a lovestruck kid. but then, that was sort of the point.
sher man a face sighing softly raising a eyebrow as he looked at the youngest vampire. Slightly curious to see if he'd really think about doing someone other then tom. Tom who'd be so jealous...hmm.. "good.I want my boy."He said grouchy at not being able to see him.

Dumbledore nodded, smiling a little."He would be able to come and go as he pleased, if he wanted to."He said plotting. Not only to keep an eye on harry, but so that dumbledore would know what was going on with the malfoy heir and the vampires. Lucius nodded,"We will return soon."he stated before walking out of the office, feeling the need to shower...and see naricssa and severus. He felt grimy just being in the room with dumbledore.
Harry shook his head finally then. "sorry Stain, i only fuck Tom." Shadow decided Stain snorting a little but nodding. "i know." Stain stated smirking a little, but Asher would notice the pain in Stain's eyes. it must have been painful to see the man you loved, with another, specially knowing that he had once had harry, or he would.

Draco brightened eagerly. "really!?" he asked excitedly. "alright! this is gonna be awesome!" he purred following his father out making a face once they where out of eyesight, sighing softly once they where out of earshot. "that was unpleasant." he admitted shaking his head as Tsuru appeared next to Lucius and Draco, offering them a smile. 'i will be taking you to your residents." he stated simply. "Gabriel is expecting you by now." he gently took Lucius's shoulder and Draco's wrist and a step through took Lucius to Snape and Narcissa, and then Draco to Gabriel and Harry, stain and Asher. "good evening Gentlemen. are we ready?" 'Asher!' Draco chirped leaping onto the other. 'we just got Dumbledore's permission for you to check up on Harry wheneeeeever you want." he teased smirking a little.
Asher sighed softly, pressing a kiss to draco's head as he wrapped his arms around the other. Having caught stain's look,and understood where it came from.but...his friend was happy, and despite knowing harry wouldn't stay with tom forever,and he wouldn't choose to be a vampire, it hurt to think of any of his current family dying."Oh. So you think you'll need checked on a lot do you?"He teased tuckng him tighter against him, truly disliking the idea of being away from him.
Draco smirked. "oh yes! all the time, lots." Draco purred grinning. "maybe Harry might even have a mental breakdown at some point so you and Gabe have to come and stay for a few weeks, or maybe even just you." he teased wiggling his eyebrows. "your always saying i look sexy in my school outfit." he teased Shadow laughing. "i'll see what we can do." shadow teased winking at him before he seamed to huddle in on himself, lip trembling as he assumed his 'the world is out to get me' pose. "i will take Harry." Gabe stated Tsuru nodding. "take Stain with you don't forget, he will be Harry's source of food for the next... however long this takes. once he tells Dumbledore about me i will take Drago to Harry in the boys wolf form." Gabe nodded and grabbed Stain as well pulling the man to his feet, Stain grimacing but sighing a little and shaking his head a little as Harry smirked at him. Gabe vanished into shadows and appearing in front of Dumbledore, Harry whimpering as he clung to Gabe, pretending to be timid and terrified still. "good evening Headmaster." Gabriel stated calmly. "i am Gabriel Bloodhaven, Lord marquis of the Vampires, it is a pleasure to meet you."

"i hope their going to be alright." Draco muttered softly shaking his head a little as he nuzzled Asher glancing at Tsuru who vanished once more to fetch Drago, Draco sighing a little. "Damn... i wanted his advice on something." Draco muttered softly shaking his head a little looking up at Asher. "i should go back to the school since Gabe took Harry... it would be expected that you take me straight to my dorms i should think."
Dumbledore looked up smiling a little as he stood bowing slightly, gesturing for them to lay down before sitting himself."Lord Gabriel, I hope that you are doign well.How is harry?Harry?"He asked softly studying the boy,seemingly worried about him.

Asher smirked wrapping his arms around him snuggly, shadow walking into the dorm room, raising a eyebrow as he looked at draco."What did you want to ask him?"He asked pouting a little cause draco hadn't asked him first.
Gabriel nodded his head and gently maneuvered Harry into a chair, murmuring something softly to him, the boy nodding. "Harry won't respond for a moment or two." Gabriel explained gently stroking Harry's hair. "this is the first time he's woken since his transformation, he's still a little confused." Gabriel explained. "he's still getting over how well he can see of all things." Gabriel admitted looking amused. "most newborns go through this. he's mostly under control so long as he gets the meals he needs." Gabriel stated indicating Stain. "which is what he is for, so Harry doesn't accidentally bite a student."

Draco smiled a little and shook his head. "it's nothing." he admitted kissing Asher. "i can't tell you, because it's about you." he teased winking at Asher playfully. "want to see my bed?" he asked smirking a little. "since the Dorm is empty right now?"
Dumbledore nodded thoughtfully."Yes,that would be bad and I would like harry to finish schoolif he could."He said looking thoughtful."Will he be able to attend class like this though?Would it not be better to wait till it passes?"He asked curious. Having never met a newborn it was a interesting moment.

Asher smirled a little."But draco!I wanna know."He pouted before nodding."Of course I want to see your bed,which is going to be our bed when I can manage it."He smirked a little.
Gabriel shook his head. "for now he will need to rest and feed, in a few hours, to a few days he will adjust to the changes and be just as new. i'm taking Harry's personality into account here, most newborns it is a few days to a month to adjust to the changes." he admitted Harry blinking at his hand, flexing his fingers, staring at it as he had when he'd actually first been changed, Gabriel chuckling a little as he stroked Harry's forehead. "as it is i will be by very often to check on my son." he explained, pretending not to realize that Dumbledore was not already aware that Gabriel had adopted Harry.

Draco giggled a little and nibbled on Asher's neck, nodding as he led the way up the stairs and into the dorm, smirking a little. "this one's mine." he admitted flopping onto the bed and striking a sexy pose, his shirt riding up to reveal the flat belly, his long legs showing perfectly against the leather pants. "mmm well if it's going to be our bed, shouldn't you come over here and claim it?"
Dumbledore pretended to look startled, before nodding slightly."You and asher are welcome to come and go as you please.I just ask that you do not interrupt classes to much.The kids have a hard enough time concentrating as it is."He said.

Asher smirked a little walking over,swallowing hard at the sight. Laying down with him he pressed a kiss to the other's stomach,hands closing over his hips to hold him still."I should."He agreed looking up at him.marveling a little at the sight of him, even if his heart ached. The idea of harry dead, scared him.Scared him because of his blond, the man who was so frail and small looking. He just wanted to protect him, wrap him up in bubble wrap and refuse to let him out of this room.And for a moment, the thought showed on his face before it faded.Smirking he tugged the other's shirt off,working his way up the other's chest in kisses
Gabe smiled and Stain suddenly perked up, his head tilted before he smiled a little. "Headmaster... a man is coming soon. a man who has taken great interest in Harry Potter." he explained staring at Dumbledore. "The Historian." someone of Dumbledore's intelligent would know exactly who Stain was talking about. Tsuru had taken on many names, and many shapes, but Dumbledore would know exactly who Stain was talking about. "he is bringing Harry a gift. once that should also help the passing of time through school." Harry blinked, looking over at Stain. "" Harry asked, looking sluggish and confused. "who is...historian?" he turned and blinked at the headmaster. "..sir?"

Draco sighed softly at the kiss to his belly, smiling at Asher with his head tilted, blinking at the expression on Asher's face. "...Asher?...are you alright?...whats wrong?" he asked softly, getly stroking the others face, frowning a little before smiling as he helped Asher strip off his own shirt. "sometimes, you confuse me." Draco admitted kissing Asher. "but i think, that's half the fun." he purred moving into the kisses with an eager little giggle.
Dumbledore almost gaped at the idea before nodding."The...hisotrian would be welcome to visit to."He said, for once looking almost cowed at the idea of the ancient being being present at teh school.Before smiling at harry."He goes by many names,but he is the chronicluar of history, he knows what happens throughout time for the world."He said looking thoughtful as he thought over what it could mean that the historian was taking a intrest when he was usually not interfering in time.

Asher laughed softly moving up, laying downon him as he nibbling on the other's neck."Just thinking about how I want you forever."he smiled playful hands stroking pale skin,gently rocking his hips into the others.
Harry smiled at Dumbledore, looking almost relieved. "it's so good to see you." he whispered softly. "my family...they tried to kill me.. i think.. i think someone did something to them sir.. i..i don't know if i've ever seen that look in uncle Vernon's eyes before." he admitted swallowing thickly as he shuddered violently, recoiling in on himself. "Dudley ran away... Vernon was hitting him too so he ran away... we have to find him!" he pleaded softly with Dumbledore, Stain gently setting a hand on Harry's shoulder as a voice spoke behind them. "Dudley Dursley has already been located Mister Potter, and is safe in your Grimmauld Place." it was Tsuru, standing without warning behind Harry and Stain, the giant white wolf Drago next to him, sitting as calmly as ever. "wh..who are you!?" Harry demanded, practically falling out of his chair, whipping his wand out, Stain smiling as he reached up for a kiss. "this, is The Historian, he goes by Tsuru in this time."

Draco giggled a little and nodded. "mmm i want you too. forever." he moaned softly squirming against him, rolling his hips into his lovers. "please, don't tease, i need you. you can tease me later."
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