Blood Fury and Love

Stain rolled his eyes, looking amused. "Draco doesn't know that me and Harry are going to be a couple.' he pointed out. "in fact in his blond little head the world is right and peaceful." he smirked at Asher. "if your going to lie, at least do it right." he stated shaking his head as he got to his feet. "i'm going to go to the kitchens." he stated with a sniff as he walked away. "if Harry needs to feed send him after me, but he should be fine for a few hours yet."
"Annoying pixie."Asher muttered before heading back into the dorm room, sitting down on the edge of the bed and bending to kiss Draco's softly, nudging him awake."Love, time to get up love."he said running his fingers through the other's hair.
Draco whined, a sound that was repeated by both Drago and Harry, all three of them stirring, Harry rolling over, Drago flopping onto his back, both going back to sleep while Draco whined again. "but it's so early." Draco protested. "an i'm TIRED." he stomach growled, making him sigh and slowly sit up, rubbing his eyes. "s it time for class?" Draco asked, looking confused as he blinked at all the empty beds. "oh yeah...other student's aren't here yet..."
"They will be in a few hours."Asher smiled kissing him again."And I wanted some time to be with you before I had to go."He said wrapping his arms around the other's waist, nuzzling his neck,sighing. Dislikng the idea of leaving draco here without him to protect him.
Draco frowned a little, looking very displeased at the idea of Asher having to leave. "you can't stay a little while?" he asked hopefully. "just a little while? just a week?" he asked hopefully, glancing over at Harry. "you could say that Harry is emotionally unstable and that you have to stay to keep him balanced!"
Asher bit his lip as he looked at the other, looking torn before sighing."I dont want to go either.Fine.I'll stay. I guess I can make up something tht harry needs me for."He smiled slightly.
Harry snored lightly on the bed next to theirs, sleeping as peacefully as he ever did, Drago whining in his sleep as his paws started working, Draco chuckling a little as he shook his head. "sometimes i think my brother is more at home as a wolf than he is as a human." he admitted leaning into Asher. "i love you." he murmured, smiling softly. "come on, i'm hungry. lets get some breakfast."
"In a minute.They'll hurt us if we dont wake them up."He smirked amused at the idea before walking over,running a hand down Drago's side."Come on puppy, time to get up.I have some kibble for you. Maybe even some rabbit."He grinned.
Drago groaned as he slowly woke up, blinking at Asher before biting the others hand, not hard enough to draw blood but certainly enough to cause a good sharp pain, Draco laughing a little as Drago hopped off the bed, shook himself out and strutted out of the room to find something to piss on, preferably in front of Minerva or Filch.

Harry giggled a little and shook his head. "now that wasn't nice." he teased yawning a little. "don't pick on my familiar Asher or i'll kick your ass." he teased smiling sleepily. "man, i can't wait to see everyone again." he admitted sighing a little. "i hope they don't hate me for choosing this..." he admitted running a hand through his hair. "becoming a vampire... i wonder how many people will be afraid of me?"
Asher snickered shaking his hand out."Well, if they're afraid of YOU, they're going to be terrified of ME."He snickered getting dressed. "But we'll see how everyone is. I'd be more worried about how people are going to tke you being friends with little pretty, rather then being a vampire."
Harry sighed a little and nodded. "well that part is easy." he admitted smirking a little. "i'll just explain that Draco was the one who helped nurse me back to health, and that between you and me he decided to abandon his father and join us. everyone already suspects that Lucius is an abusive father, we'll just add a little more meat to the rumors. Lucy won't mind...much."
Asher snorted, "Pretty'll mind.But it wont be you he punishes for coming up with a new way to torture him."He whined walking out, wrapping his arms around draco as he did."Now little pretty, have you been abused in some way?Do you need me to nurse you?"He teased
Harry snorted a little. "he wouldn't dare try to punish me." Harry stated simply sniffing as Draco snorted, looking amused. "i'll say psychological and emotional abuse. you know, locking me in dark closets and shit." Draco decided smirking a little. "mother never talks to me and father only has negative and degrading things to say to me. no one would think i was lying, i'm anal enough about being perfect for it to be true." Draco admitted Harry nodding. "it sounds good to me, of course you still love them so you rarely tell anyone, because you don't want them to get in trouble." Harry continued Draco snickering. "you know, we don't even need Gabe and Tom and Tsuru to plan! we're so smart we figure everything out on our own!" Harry had to laugh at that as Draco smirked at Asher. "oh yes, i definitely need a good nursing, but food first, i'm starving."
Asher snickered nodding."Of course I'll feed you love."He said as they walked up the stairs."Though, I dare you to tell gabe,tom,and tsurur you dont need them."He snickered kissing draco's head as they walked into the great hall,heading for the slytherin table with grin.
Draco laughed a little and nodded as Harry followed, avoiding the sunlight that slanted in through the windows, looking bright and chipper as Drago followed them, tail high and head up as he stalked the halls behind Harry, pausing occasionally to pee on one of the walls, waiting for someone to realize that he was marking the castle as his own, Harry smirking as the horrified shriek of Professor Mcgonagal filled the air. "mister potter! restrain your animal! he's peeing on everything!" Harry feigned surprise. "oh, i'm sorry ma'am." he stated looking timid and scared, making Minerva freeze. "he won't do it again i swear! right boy!?" Harry demanded to Drago who sighed and hung his head, shaking it to promise that 'he wouldn't do it again.' Minerva didn't even seam to notice, she was too shocked by Harry's timidness.
Asher gently rested a hand on the younger vampire's shoulder, looking at the professor angrily."Now, professor, I would kindly like you to not upset my charge.Even if his beast has no manners and continues to pee on things."Asher said reasonably."As I do not like being bitten by anyone but draco, I would prefer you do not upset a unstable vampire."He said mentally smirking to himself. Okay, maybe he was going to enjoy screwing with people more then he thought he would.
Minerva swallowed thickly "i apologize, i didn't mean to frighten you Mister Potter." she promised Drago growling as he stood in-between her and Harry, baring his long fangs at her, making her wince. "Drago stop that!" Harry ordered almost breathlessly. "she didn't mean it. you just can't pee on the walls anymore ok?" Harry asked gently stroking the wolfs ears, Draco looking astonished. "you named him Drago?" "...he came with the name." Harry admitted smiling at Draco. "apparently, in the future, you where the one who gave him to me, and i named him after you as thanks." draco looked very pleased by this as Harry bowed slightly to Minerva. "i'll make sure Drago doesn't pee in the castle anymore..." he muttered almost shyly, Minerva gaping like a fish as Harry quickly fled down the hall to the kitchen, Drago following, Draco sighing as he looked at Minerva. "he'll be alright, don't worry. Asher and i will protect him." a fierce loyalty in draco that had always been there, now had a reason to shine through.
Asher snickered as he followed the man, running his fingers through his hair as he looked at draco."Given to you indeed.I think I like the idea of keeping drago as a pet.After all he tried to take draco."He said mostly to himself letting a hand stroke over the wolf's fur amused as he walked with them to the kitchen.
Harry snickered a little. "well i had to think of some reason to name him after Draco." Harry teased smirking a little. "i think it was a pretty damn good excuse." he admitted, Drago barking as he paused to piss on something else, Harry rolling his eyes. "Drago stop that!" he ordered sternly. "honestly!" Harry complained smirking a little. "save some piss for Dumbledore." Drago barked eagerly and wagged his tail in agreement as Harry snickered, Draco laughing a little as he shook his head. "Harry is having WAY too much fun with this." he complained as they all entered the great hall, Harry shrieking in pain and clapping his hands over his eyes as the bright sunlight hit him, two of the teachers gasping in horror, only halfway done with blacking out the windows. "mister potter!" "are you alright!?" "Harry!" Draco squealed grabbing the boy by the arms and yanking him out of the sunlit room. "harry are you ok!?" "hurts." Harry whimpered, cradling his burned face. "it hurts bad..." newborns where so sensitive to the sunlight, that they burned under it. not like fire burns, but sunburns, sometimes so bad the skin pealed and blistered, as Harry's was doing now. "shit, someone go get Stain!"
"Bloody hell."Asher cursed looking at draco."Stay here."He growled before shadow walking to where he felt stain, looking at the other man."Harry needs you."He gave as the only warning before grabbing his arm , and shadow walking back toharry's side, shoving the other man into the young vampire."Feed.It'll help with the pain."His worry making him even more demanding and annoying then usual.
the teachers where blacking out the windows as quickly as the could, letting in only enough sunlight for the people to see and lighting candles to brighten it up a little more, Harry whimpering as he latched onto Stain's neck, the poor Pixie squealing in pain as the painful venom entered his bloodstream instead of the pleasurable, Harry too out of it to realize which Venom Glanse he was using, simply clinging to the Pixie who shuddered and jerked against the pain, Harry holding him still as his face slowly lost the blisters and blood and returned to it's usual pallor, Stain panting in pain and bloodloss as he tried to get Harry to release him. "harry you need to stop now! you can't take that much from him...harry stop!" Draco ordered, trying to get Harry to let Stain go, who was trembling violently.
Asher snarled softly, slapping enough power into his voice to be obeyed."Harry stop now."He growled before his fingers closed around the other's jaw."Sorry stain, this might hurt."He warned gently prying the boy's jaw down before as carefully as he could pulling his fangs out. For having to force him to let go, it wasnt' such a bad bit marks. "draco,we have to get them downstairs."He said biting his lip, trying to decide how to best get them all downstairs to the dungeons.
Harry winced, but obediently stopped swallowing, growling when Asher forced him to release Stain, snapping at the others fingers, only hunger in his eyes, the teachers looking horrified as they watched Harry advancing on Asher instead, eyes fixed on the man's neck, Draco backing away slowly and motioning for the teachers not to move, Harry would be attracted to movement. "e'll follow you, just go, i'll get Stain." Draco promised shaking his head. "this is the first Time Harry's touched sunlight, the blood in his system bust have already been burned out, and Stain's blood isn't enough. he might need Gabe's..." Draco had been with vampires long enough to know, that the only blood that would satisfy a damaged vampire was either huge quantities, or the blood of their maker and or lover. since tom couldn't be there, Gabe would have to come, unfortunately the castle was so far away from where Gabe was, there was a delay in the emotional transfer, Gabe probably didn't even know there was a problem yet.
Asher cursed softly as he started moving slowly."I'm going. Pretty'll know where we're at if you need us."He said, giving draco a backhadned hint on what he was about to do, before stepping forward, wrapping his arms around harry."Trust me."He muttered, shadow walking into tom's bedroom, wincing at the sleeping man."Tom." "Wha...?" "Harry needs you."Asher growled before letting the young vampire go and pounce on his lover, knowing he'd need the few minutes to get gabe there in case they needed him.Gabriel!Come to riddle manor.He snarled the command, despite being second in command, he was older, and he expected to be obeyed in some things.
Harry hissed softly, as he watched Asher take a step towards him, the two teachers rushing over now that all the windows where blacked out, but Harry and Asher had already vanished, Harry straining to reach Asher's neck, panting when he caught sight of Tom, pouncing on the other, striking before anyone could even have stopped him and taking long drags of blood, the pleasure Glans in effect again, but harry was too thirty to care, dragging in mouthful after mouthful with a needy speed, freezing when Gabriel appeared, the head Vampire immediately pushing Harry into a calmer state of mind. "somethings happened already!?" he demanded looking shocked. "my god! he's in agony! what happened?!"
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