Blood Fury and Love

Draco smirked and set his foot on the others shoulder, pinning his lover tot eh ground with a small growl. "shut up." he ordered smirking as he flicked his wand, stripping Asher of his clothes. "i think it's time i taught you a lesson." he decided licking his lips a little. "yes, i'm going to teach you how to ASK for me to fuck you." he smirked a little. "make you my good boy." he teased, looking him over before letting him up,. "bend over the table." he ordered, indicating one of the dusty tables.
Asher smirked, slowly pushing to his feet before looking at Draco, raising a eyebrow."No."He said rocking back on his heels, crossing his arms. Smirking as he studied his lover, cocking his head to the side."I dont ask for anything.Except for YOU to bend over the table."He grinned.
Draco smirked a little and raised his wand his head tilted a little. "let's see if this works." he purred, giving his wand a flick. "Imperio." he growled softly, amused, because he was pretty sure it wouldn't work, but Asher might be willing to play along, if Draco was lucky, if not, well Draco was just going to have to make him bend over the damn table.
asher swallowed hard when he felt the spell hold him resisting for a moment before he let it settle on him, smiling slightly as he listened to the instructions, bending over the table."Now wht master?"He muttered glancing over his shoulder at him.
Draco looked startled as he felt the spell take hold, blinking a little as he hesitated, unsure if it was ok to continue on before smirking as he advanced on Asher, gripping the others wrists and dragging them tot he top of the table, sticking them there with a sticking spell chuckling a little. "did you let the spell take hold on you Asher my love?" he asked lifting an eyebrow at the other. "don't lie now." he ordered, pressing his will on Asher, making him tell the truth, unless of course Asher resisted, Draco's mind was definitely not stronger than Asher's. or he was pretty sure anyway.
Asher resisted for the moment, before giving in.There was something giving into the other.To not be in control and let Draco take care of him.He could break it, but for the moment he was enjoying the feeling off loss of control.having to be in control of himself all the time it felt nice to not be."Of course love, you wanted to play.I'm here to indulge your every whim."
Draco relaxed completely at Asher's response smirking a little as he ran his fingers along the others ass. "kinky." he teased chuckling a little as he gave the others ass a good firm smack. "you like it when i control you don't you? when you can't even struggle." he smirked, biting at Asher's ear. "when you have to do everything i say." he hissed smirking a little as he ran his hand up the others back and tangling his fingers into the others hair. "what should i have you do?" he mused, unsticking the others wrists. "aaah i know, i want you to suck on my balls." he ordered, tangling his fingers into Asher's hair and forcing him to his knee's. "go on, lick them all over, give em a good sucking."
Asher growled softly as he sank to his knees, resting his hands on the other's hips to hold him still,smirking as he did as he was told, smirking as he looked up at him, sucking hard as he due the other's ball into his mouth,fangs scrapping over the sensitive skin."Yes,I enjoy it."He purred softly as he answered the man's question,drawing back to look up at him.
Draco smirked as he watched, his eyes gleaming silver as he watched his lover do as he was told, panting softly as he moaned, arching slightly against the mouth on his balls shivering at the fangs on his flesh. "oooh fuck yeah." he groaned, smirking down at his lover. "now suck me off." he ordered softly, panting eagerly. "i wanna see your lips stretched across my cock."
Asher purred softly, shifting as he wrapped his lips around the other's cock. Smirking s her sealed his lips around the other's cock, slding his mouth down over him,fangs scraping over the other's sensitive cock, purring around him. Having every intent of driving him insane.
he gasped, arching against him, smirking a little. "oooh fuck yeah i love it, love your mouth around my dick." he moaned, flicking his wand at the other, Asher's ass suddenly lubed up with slick oil. "lay on your back." he ordered panting hard. "i want to see you prepare yourself. i wanna see those long fingers of yours fucking your own tight little hole."
Asher raised a eyebrow as he pulled away, laying back on the table, shifting, resting his hips on the edge as he pulled his legs up, spreading his legs as he trailed a hand down, fondling himself for a moment before sliding long tampered fingers into himself with a moan, letting his head fall back on the table with a moan.
Draco moaned eagerly as he watched the other, panting eagerly at having such power over his lover. he was never the one in charge, so this was a rare treat for Draco, one he was sure wouldn't be repeated anytime soon. "mm fuck yeah, that's hot. just finger fuck your tight little hole, such a good boy." he groaned, stroking himself as he watched his lover. "go on and stroke yourself too, show me how you masturbate, show me how you get off."
Asher flashed him a smirk, shifting a little, sliding a hand down his cock,gently cupping himself as he took his time masterbating, matching draco stroke for stroke, touching himself at the same pace draco was touching himself,stroking his fingers against his prostate. Squirming and panting as he closed his eyes, eyes wide with lust as he shuddered."Dray..."He muttered closing his eyes.
Draco moaned eagerly, squirming, bucking into his own hand as he licked his lips. "yes." he hissed smirking. "yes, cum for me." he growled watching Asher with heated, molten eyes as he licked his lips. "i wanna see you shoot your load all over the place." he hissed shivering as he forced himself to stop stroking himself. he wanted to be able to fuck Asher for a good long time after the man came. he would need every orgasm he had for when he was buried in the vampires ass.
sher moaned whimpering softly his his body went taunt, boy straining towards orgasm as he came, pleasure snapping the spell even though he wasnt about to change their positions.He was enjoying himself to much. moaning as thick hot seed covered his hand he moaned, legs falling limply to the side, looking content and amazing in his pleasure looking at the other through crystal blue eyes."Dray...fuck me..."he muttered.
Draco smirked a little as he watched the other Cum, moaning eagerly as he watched his normally composed Vampire lover cumming on command and begging to be fucked. "on the table." he ordered panting eagerly. "bend over the table." he ordered licking his lips as he waited for his lover to do as told as he continued to stroke himself slowly, smearing oil all over his cock.
Asher smirked a little, shifting to lay on his stomach,raising his ass a little smriking at him over his shoulder, looking well pleased and content."Think youre up for it little pretty?"He teased pulling him over for a kiss.
Draco smirked as he watched the other. "broke free of my spell have you?" he teased, running his fingers along the others ass, moaning softly. "mmm but i know it can stick now, sometimes." he smirked. "i fully intend on using it again." he teased, slipping into Asher with one, quick thrust, groaning as he paused. "mmm fuck yeah your a tight little Vampire." he teased smirking as he thrust again. "you like it when i shove my dick in you don't you? you like it when i own your ass."
Asher moaned shifting back against him,smirking a little."Little pretty, I do.But YOU enjoy it so much more when I own yours."He purred, tightening his body around the other's cock, squirming a little as draco thrust into him, moaning and whimpering.
he smirked a little and nodded. "this is true." he agreed before gripping the others hips, moaning as he started to thrust properly into Asher, panting hard as he held back his orgasm to the point where it was almost painful, to see how many times he could make his lover Cum, making sure to drag as much of his cock against Asher's prostate as he could. he moaned when he finally allowed himself to cum, tossing his head back as he trembled, filling Asher gleefully with a smirk. "so...shall i..keep going?" Draco demanded through heavy pants.
Asher whimpered as he came again, resting his cheek on the rough table, glancing over his shoulder at the other."Please" He whimpered a little dragging him down for a kiss. Having every intention of getting the blond back...when he could walk again.Or move.Or do anything at all.
Draco smirked a little and slipped out of the other, panting softly as he stroked the others cock teasingly. "mmm you want rest?" he teased smirking a little. "well alright." he purred. "if you really need it." he flicked his wand at the other cleaning poor Asher up so he wouldn't have to take a shower, even banishing the cum from inside of him, using his wand to dress him as well, snickering a little. "poor baby, so tired." he teased kissing the other gently. "want help getting back to the room? i don't think the other students are here yet."
Asher groaned as he pushed up off the table,wrapping a arm around him to lean against the blond, stealing a kiss."Going back would be nice."He smiled as he headed out of the room with the other, heading for the dorms, as he nuzzled the other."I'm going to get you back."He whined biting his lip lightly.
he chuckled a little as he nuzzled Asher. "oh you liked it and you know it." he taunted, walking into the common room smirking at Harry and Drago, both who where smirking as they watched the two, snickering a little as Stain wiggled his eyebrows at Asher. "my, you look tired." the annoying Pixie commented. "what in the world where you doing?"
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